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Oct 30 2014 01:46pm
Player VS Monster Sub-Forum Rules & Resources


-Important Rules-
--Diablo 2 Walkthroughs of History--
---Ladder Runewords in Single Player Guide---
---Diablo 2 Old Patches - Blizzard FTP---

Important Rules

Quote (d2jsp Official Site Rules and Policies)
No piracy, copyright infringement, or plagiarism.
No binaries, hacks, bots, exploits, or third party modifications of any game or program.
No advertising or linking to any external site that has not otherwise been expressly authorized. This includes mislabeled or deceptive links (including tools to shorten or obfuscate a link).
No encouraging, helping, or facilitating of others to violate site rules or policies.

These can be found here: https://forums.d2jsp.org/info.php?p=9

Diablo 2 Walkthroughs Of History

    1. The walkthrough must be legit. If there is reasonable evidence of significant cheating during the walkthrough, it will not be added.
    2. The walkthrough must make it to at least Hell mode.
    3. The walkthrough should have at least 100 posts of contribution to ensure its validity, and to be entertaining and informational to those looking back at it.
    4. The walkthrough must be one of history. Either the last post was over 20 days ago, or the character walkthrough has been completed.
    5. If you have a recommendation to be added to the list, please private message Textbook the link to the walkthrough.

Javazon - Theology = Completed
Phys/hybrid Bowa - ixwichs = Completed + Dclone
Javazon - Ebola Girl - darrajuju = Completed + D Clone
Javazon - pickady = Completed
Bowazon - FantaExotic = Completed
StrafeZon - nataure = Hell Palace Cellar
Lightning Javazon - miniflight = Hell Throne of Destruction
Javazon - Perlee = Completed
Fury/FA Zon - Airwaves = Completed
Bowazon - sebhehe = Completed
Titan Fend/plague Javazon - haloneya = Act 5 Pindleskin
Venomzon - Nazgul. = Completed
Bowzon - plop067 = Up to Act 2 Hell
StrafeZon - Titorod = Hell Pit
Bowazon - PikaBhew = Hell Act 3

Trapsin - King_Atrhur = Died hell ancients
Blade Fury Sin - p0002q = Completed
Trapsin - chips456 = Completed
LightDancer - Airwaves = Completed
Trapper/Firecaster - ZloR = Diablo + Dclone
HybridSin - Alone = Completed
Titan Kickersin - haloneya = Completed
Trapsin - buniac(thebot) = Hell Ancients
Kick/Trap sin - TheBe = ???
MA/Trap Riftsin - pickady = Up to Act 3 Hell

Summon/Bone Necro - chips456 = Completed
Titan Melee Necro - haloneya = Completed
SummonNecro - Zigiran = Completed
Mage/Summon Necro - ZloR = ???
Poison Nova Necro - sebhehe = Hell Catacombs 4
Poison Nova Necro - sebhehe = Completed

Frenzy Barb - AnTWooD = Completed + Dclone
Zerker Barb - pickady = Completed
Frenzy Barb - sebhehe = Completed
MeleeBarb - Jimbo92 = Completed + Ubers + Dclone
Titan BerserkerBarb - haloneya = Completed
ConcBarb - GriffithSenpai = Hell Chaos Sanctuary
Singerbarb - nataure = Completed
Thrower Barb - SpAz. = Completed
FrenzyBarb - Titorod = Completed + Ubers + Dclone

Hammerdin - PikaBhew = Completed + DClone
Fana Zealer -ixwichs1 = Compelted + Ubers + Dclone
Titan Smiter - Haloneya = Completed
Hammerdin - sebhehe = Completed
Hammerdin - sebhehe = Hell Dark Wood
Titan Zealot - haloneya = Hell Sewers
Hammerdin - FantaExotic = Completed up to Ancients (Level 99 project)
Hammerdin - DManZ = Completed + Ubers + Dclone
DefensiveDin - nataure = Hell Act 1 Cloister
Zealot - Jimbo92 = Completed + Ubers + DClone

Cold Sorc - Masekmeister = Completed
Nova/Hydra - Belarathon = Completed
Fire/Orb > Lightning Sorc -ixwichs1 = Completed + Ubers + Dclone
Light/Cold Sorc - Airwaves = Completed
Staff Sorc - Camowlin = Completed
Titan Enchant Sorc - haloneya = Completed
FO/Enchant/ES Sorc - sebhehe = Completed
DefensiveSorc - nataure = Hell Tower Cellar 5
HydraSorc - skatemona = Completed
Cold Sorc - buniac(thebot) = Completed
HydraSorc - tehtwitchy = Hell Nith
Melee Sorc - zoff = ???
Fire/Cold - DManZ = Hell Ancients
ES/Nova Sorc - B3rt = Completed

Mauler Druid - Itsjustpain2 = Completed
Summon/Bear Druid - 15bucks = Completed
Summon/Fireclaw - Belarathon = Completed
Fire Druid - xr6 = Completed
Fireclaw Druid - stevewonder = Completed
Wind Druid - sebhehe = Completed
Shaman Druid - Alone = Completed
FireClaw Bear - Flame-Masta = Act 3 Hell
FrozenDruid - nataure = Hell Jail
Titan Fury Druid - VTMatt4960 = Completed

Sword WW Barb - Dario = Completed
Orb/Wall Sorc - cross69 = Completed
Hammerdin - pwb3 = Currently playing (Hell)
Hammerdin - Pazar = Completed

Farmathon - Hosted by sebhehe
The Perfect Elite Hunt - Hosted by D2Jomblified
Player Vs Monster W.T Challenge - Hosted by Textbook


This post was edited by Textbook on Mar 15 2024 01:26pm
Senior Moderator
Posts: 34,892
Joined: Jul 12 2008
Gold: 15,385.00
Trader: Trusted
Oct 30 2014 01:47pm

This post was edited by Textbook on Nov 12 2018 01:56am
Senior Moderator
Posts: 34,892
Joined: Jul 12 2008
Gold: 15,385.00
Trader: Trusted
May 29 2017 09:43am
How to Enable Ladder Runewords in Single Player

Credit for this guide belongs to:
Topic: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=71259284Guide: Ladder Runewords For Single Player[/URL]
Creator: http://forums.d2jsp.org/user.php?i=706001EreKaiser[/URL]

1) Copy the code snippet below and save the file as runes.txt

2) Place it in the "Diablo II\data\global\excel" folder so that it looks something like this: Diablo II\data\global\excel\Runes.txt (note: you will need to create these folders)

3) Add -direct -txt to the shortcut command-line so that it looks something like this: "C:\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -direct -txt

4) Try out the runeword to see if it works. If it didn't work, close the game using the Task Manager... do NOT exit the game normally or it will save the lost runes.

Name Rune Name complete server itype1 itype2 itype3 itype4 itype5 itype6 etype1 etype2 etype3 *runes Rune1 Rune2 Rune3 Rune4 Rune5 Rune6 T1Code1 T1Param1 T1Min1 T1Max1 T1Code2 T1Param2 T1Min2 T1Max2 T1Code3 T1Param3 T1Min3 T1Max3 T1Code4 T1Param4 T1Min4 T1Max4 T1Code5 T1Param5 T1Min5 T1Max5 T1Code6 T1Param6 T1Min6 T1Max6 T1Code7 T1Param7 T1Min7 T1Max7 eol
Runeword1 Ancient's Pledge 1 shld r08 r09 r07 res-cold 30 30 res-all 13 13 ac% 50 50 dmg-to-mana 10 10 0
Runeword6 Black 1 club hamm mace r10 r16 r04 crush 40 40 dmg% 120 120 swing2 15 15 red-mag 2 2 att 200 200 charged 74 12 4 0
Runeword44 Fury 1 mele r31 r25 r05 dmg% 209 209 swing2 40 40 noheal 1 1 openwounds 66 66 lifesteal 6 6 deadly 33 33 skill 147 5 5 0
Runeword54 Holy Thunder 1 scep r05 r08 r09 r07 dmg% 60 60 dmg-ltng 20 60 dmg-max 10 10 res-ltng 60 60 res-ltng-max 5 5 skill 118 3 3 charged 53 60 7 0
Runeword55 Honor 1 mele r11 r01 r06 r03 r12 dmg% 160 160 regen 10 10 allskills 1 1 att 200 200 deadly 25 25 str 10 10 0
Runeword65 King's Grace 1 swor scep r11 r08 r10 dmg% 100 100 att 150 150 dmg-demon 100 100 dmg-undead 50 50 att-demon 100 100 att-undead 100 100 0
Runeword72 Leaf 1 staf r03 r08 fireskill 3 3 ac/lvl 16 16 res-cold 33 33 skill 41 3 3 skill 36 3 3 skill 37 3 3 0
Runeword74 Lionheart 1 tors r15 r17 r19 str 15 15 vit 20 20 dex 15 15 dmg% 20 20 hp 50 50 res-all 30 30 0
Runeword75 Lore 1 helm r09 r12 enr 10 10 allskills 1 1 light 2 2 mana-kill 2 2 0
Runeword81 Malice 1 mele r06 r01 r05 openwounds 100 100 dmg-ac -100 -100 noheal 1 1 dmg% 33 33 light -1 -1 regen -5 -5 0
Runeword82 Melody 1 miss r13 r18 r04 dmg% 50 50 skilltab 0 3 3 skill 9 3 3 skill 13 3 3 skill 17 3 3 dmg-undead 300 300 0
Runeword83 Memory 1 staf r17 r16 r12 r05 mana% 20 20 red-mag 7 7 ac% 50 50 cast2 33 33 sor 3 3 skill 58 3 3 skill 42 2 2 0
Runeword88 Nadir 1 helm r04 r03 ac% 50 50 ac 10 10 light -3 -3 charged 264 9 13 gold% -33 -33 str 5 5 0
Runeword116 Radiance 1 helm r04 r12 r06 light 5 5 enr 10 10 vit 10 10 red-mag 3 3 mana 33 33 ac% 75 75 0
Runeword120 Rhyme 1 shld r13 r05 block2 20 20 block 20 20 res-all 25 25 nofreeze 1 1 gold% 50 50 mag% 25 25 0
Runeword126 Silence 1 weap r14 r02 r15 r24 r03 r26 manasteal 4 4 stupidity 33 33 dmg% 200 200 swing2 20 20 res-all 75 75 allskills 2 2 balance2 20 20 0
Runeword128 Smoke 1 tors r04 r17 ac-miss 250 250 ac% 75 75 res-all 50 50 balance2 20 20 light -1 -1 charged 72 18 6 0
Runeword133 Stealth 1 tors r07 r05 red-mag 3 3 dex 6 6 stam 15 15 move2 25 25 cast2 25 25 balance2 25 25 0
Runeword134 Steel 1 swor axe mace r03 r01 swing2 25 25 dmg-min 3 3 dmg-max 3 3 openwounds 50 50 dmg% 20 20 0
Runeword139 Strength 1 mele r11 r03 str 20 20 dmg% 35 35 vit 10 10 crush 25 25 0
Runeword154 Venom 1 weap r07 r14 r23 dmg-pois 175 312 312 ignore-ac 1 1 charged 83 27 15 charged 92 11 13 manasteal 7 7 0
Runeword160 Wealth 1 tors r20 r18 r03 gold% 250 250 mag% 100 100 0
Runeword162 White 1 wand r14 r16 skilltab 7 3 3 red-mag 4 4 cast2 20 20 mana 13 13 skill 68 3 3 skill 84 2 2 skill 69 4 4 0
Runeword170 Zephyr 1 miss r09 r05 move2 25 25 swing2 25 25 dmg% 33 33 att 66 66 gethit-skill 240 7 1 ac 25 25 0
Runeword14 Bound by Duty 1 tors DolUmBerIst r14 r22 r30 r24 res-all 50 50 ac% 70 70 dmg-demon 200 200 dmg-undead 100 100 lifesteal 8 8 allskills 2 2 str 20 20 0
Runeword9 Bramble 1 tors RalOhmSurEth r08 r27 r29 r05 balance2 50 50 ac 300 300 aura Thorns 15 21 heal-kill 13 13 extra-pois 25 50 res-pois 100 100 charged Spirit of Barbs 33 13 0
Runeword11 Breath of the Dying 1 weap VexHelElEldZodEth r26 r15 r01 r02 r33 r05 swing2 60 60 dmg-undead 125 125 lifesteal 12 15 noheal 1 1 kill-skill Poison Nova 50 20 dmg% 350 400 all-stats 30 30 0
Runeword13 Call to Arms 1 weap AmnRalMalIstOhm r11 r08 r23 r24 r27 swing2 40 40 dmg% 200 240 allskills 1 1 oskill Battle Command 2 6 oskill Battle Orders 1 6 oskill Battle Cry 1 4 regen 12 12 0
Runeword17 Crescent Moon 1 axe swor pole ShaelUmTir r13 r22 r03 pierce-ltng 35 35 ignore-ac 1 1 dmg% 180 220 abs-mag 9 11 charged Summon Spirit Wolf 30 18 hit-skill Static Field 7 13 hit-skill Chain Lightning 10 17 0
Runeword22 Delirium 1 helm LemIstIo r20 r24 r16 hit-skill Confuse 11 18 charged Attract 60 17 gethit-skill Terror 14 13 ac 261 261 gethit-skill Mind Blast 6 14 gethit-skill Delerium Change 1 50 allskills 2 2 0
Runeword26 Doomsayer 1 axe pole hamm HelOhmUmLoCham r15 r27 r22 r28 r32 dmg% 280 320 aura Holy Freeze 12 12 swing2 45 45 noheal 1 1 pierce-cold 40 60 allskills 2 2 hit-skill Volcano 5 18 0
Runeword33 Enigma 1 tors JahIthBer r31 r06 r30 ac 750 775 heal-kill 14 14 move2 45 45 str/lvl 6 allskills 2 2 mag%/lvl 8 oskill Teleport 1 1 0
Runeword137 Stone 1 tors ShaelUmPulLum r13 r22 r21 r17 ac% 220 260 charged Clay Golem 16 16 ac-miss 300 300 charged Molten Boulder 80 16 str 16 16 vit 16 16 balance2 40 40 0
Runeword36 Eternity 1 mele AmnBerIstSolSur r11 r30 r24 r12 r29 dmg% 260 310 indestruct 1 1 slow 33 33 charged Revive 88 8 regen 16 16 regen-mana 16 16 nofreeze 1 1 0
Runeword37 Exile's Path 1 pala VexOhmIstDol r26 r27 r24 r14 block2 30 30 freeze 1 1 ac% 220 260 aura Defiance 13 16 skilltab 10 2 2 hit-skill Life Tap 15 5 rep-dur 25 0
Runeword39 Famine 1 axe hamm FalOhmOrtJah r19 r27 r09 r31 dmg% 270 320 lifesteal 12 12 swing2 30 30 noheal 1 1 dmg-mag 180 200 dmg-elem 100 50 200 ethereal 1 1 0
Runeword48 Hand of Justice 1 weap SurChamAmnLo r29 r32 r11 r28 swing2 33 33 dmg% 280 330 aura Holy Fire 16 16 levelup-skill Blaze 100 36 death-skill Meteor 100 48 ignore-ac 1 1 pierce-fire 20 20 0
Runeword51 Heart of the Oak 1 staf mace KoVexPulThul r18 r26 r21 r10 cast2 40 40 charged Oak Sage 25 4 mana% 15 15 allskills 3 3 regen 20 20 res-all 30 40 charged Raven 60 14 0
Runeword66 Kingslayer 1 swor axe MalUmGulFal r23 r22 r25 r19 swing2 30 30 dmg% 230 270 reduce-ac 25 25 crush 33 33 openwounds 25 25 oskill Vengeance 1 1 gold% 40 40 0
Runeword95 Passion 1 weap DolOrtEldLem r14 r09 r02 r20 dmg% 160 210 oskill Zeal 1 1 att% 50 80 oskill Berserk 1 1 swing2 25 25 charged Heart of Wolverine 12 3 stupidity 10 10 0
Runeword45 Gloom 1 tors FalUmPul r19 r22 r21 ac% 170 230 res-all 30 30 gethit-skill Dim Vision 15 3 balance2 10 10 dmg-to-mana 5 5 light -3 -3 half-freeze 1 1 0
Runeword122 Sanctuary 1 shld KoKoMal r18 r18 r23 block 20 20 block2 20 20 ac% 130 160 ac-miss 250 250 res-all 50 70 balance2 20 20 charged Slow Missiles 60 12 0
Runeword16 Chaos 1 h2h FalOhmUm r19 r27 r22 demon-heal 15 15 dmg% 240 290 dmg-mag 216 471 oskill Whirlwind 1 1 swing2 35 35 hit-skill Frozen Orb 9 11 hit-skill Charged Bolt 11 9 0
Runeword4 The Beast 1 axe scep hamm r30 r03 r22 r23 r17 swing2 40 40 aura Fanaticism 9 9 dmg% 240 270 str 25 40 charged Summon Grizzly 5 13 oskill Wearbear 3 3 oskill Shape Shifting 3 3 0
Runeword123 Serendipity 0
Runeword124 Shadow 0
Runeword125 Shadow of Doubt 0
Runeword127 Siren's Song 0
Runeword129 Sorrow 0
Runeword130 Spirit 1 swor shld TalThulOrtAmn r07 r10 r09 r11 balance3 55 55 mana 89 112 ac-miss 250 250 vit 22 22 cast3 25 35 abs-mag 3 8 allskills 2 2 0
Runeword131 Splendor 1 shld r05 r17 light 3 3 gold% 50 50 mag% 20 20 ac% 60 100 block2 20 20 cast2 10 10 allskills 1 1 0
Runeword132 Starlight 0
Runeword135 Still Water 0
Runeword30 Duress 1 tors ShaelUmThul r13 r22 r10 dmg-cold 50 37 133 dmg% 10 20 ac% 150 200 balance2 20 20 openwounds 33 33 crush 15 15 stamdrain -20 -20 0
Runeword138 Storm 0
Runeword140 Tempest 0
Runeword141 Temptation 0
Runeword142 Terror 0
Runeword90 Nightfall 0
Runeword91 Oath 1 swor axe mace ShaelPulMalLum r13 r21 r23 r17 dmg% 210 340 swing1 30 30 hit-skill Bone Spirit 30 20 charged IronGolem 14 17 charged Heart of Wolverine 20 16 abs-mag 10 15 indestruct 1 1 0
Runeword92 Obedience 1 pole HelKoThulEthFal r15 r18 r10 r05 r19 dmg% 370 370 crush 40 40 kill-skill enchant 30 21 pierce-fire 25 25 ac 200 300 balance3 40 40 res-all 20 30 0
Runeword93 Oblivion 0
Runeword94 Obsession 0
Runeword49 Harmony 1 miss TirIthSolKo r03 r06 r12 r18 dmg% 200 275 dmg-elem 55 160 charged Revive 25 20 aura Vigor 10 10 oskill Valkyrie 2 6 regen-mana 20 20 light 2 2 0
Runeword50 Hatred 0
Runeword40 Flickering Flame 0
Runeword41 Fortitude 1 weap tors ElSolDolLo r01 r12 r14 r28 ac% 200 200 dmg% 300 300 cast3 25 25 gethit-skill Chilling Armor 20 15 dmg-to-mana 12 12 hp/lvl 8 12 res-all 25 30 0
Runeword42 Fortune's Favor 0
Runeword89 Nature's Kingdom 0
Runeword46 Glory 0
Runeword38 Faith 1 miss OhmJahLemEld r27 r31 r20 r02 dmg% 280 280 att% 300 300 dmg-fire 120 120 res-all 15 15 aura fanaticism 12 15 reanimate 1 10 10 allskills 1 2 0
Runeword43 Amity 0
Runeword2 Armageddon 0
Runeword3 Authority 0
Runeword5 Beauty 0
Runeword7 Blood helm 0
Runeword8 Bone 1 tors SolUmUm r12 r22 r22 hit-skill Bone Spear 15 10 gethit-skill Bone Armor 15 10 nec 2 2 mana 100 150 0
Runeword10 Brand 1 miss JahLoMalGul r31 r28 r23 r25 dmg% 260 340 dmg-demon 280 330 hit-skill Bone Spear 100 18 gethit-skill Amplify Damage 35 14 knock 1 1 noheal 1 1 explosivearrow 15 15 0
Runeword12 Broken Promise 0
Runeword15 Chance 0
Runeword136 Sting 0
Runeword18 Darkness 0
Runeword19 Daylight 0
Runeword20 Death 1 swor axe HelElVexOrtGul r15 r01 r26 r09 r25 dmg% 300 385 deadly/lvl 4 charged BloodGolem 15 22 att-skill Glacial Spike 25 18 death-skill Chain Lightning 100 44 crush 50 50 indestruct 1 1 0
Runeword21 Deception 0
Runeword23 Desire 0
Runeword24 Despair 0
Runeword32 Destiny's Daughter 0
Runeword25 Destruction 1 pole swor VexLoBerJahKo r26 r28 r30 r31 r18 dmg% 350 350 dmg-mag 100 180 hit-skill Molten Boulder 5 23 death-skill Meteor 100 45 att-skill Nova 15 22 hit-skill Volcano 23 12 noheal 1 1 0
Runeword27 Dragon 1 tors shld SurLoSol r29 r28 r12 ac 360 360 ac-miss 230 230 str/lvl 3 hit-skill Hydra 12 15 gethit-skill Venom 20 18 aura Holy Fire 14 14 all-stats 3 5 0
Runeword28 Dread 0
Runeword29 Dream 1 helm shld IoJahPul r16 r31 r21 ac 150 220 gethit-skill Confuse 10 15 mana/lvl 5 res-all 5 20 balance3 20 30 aura Holy Shock 15 15 mag% 12 25 0
Runeword56 Dweomer 0
Runeword31 Edge 1 miss TirTalAmn r03 r07 r11 dmg-demon 320 380 dmg-undead 280 280 swing2 35 35 noheal 1 1 aura Thorns 15 15 all-stats 5 10 cheap 15 15 0
Runeword34 Enlightenment 1 tors PulRalSur r21 r08 r12 hit-skill Fire Ball 5 15 gethit-skill Blaze 5 15 sor 2 2 oskill Warmth 1 1 0
Runeword35 Envy 0
Runeword52 Heaven's Will 0
Runeword53 Holy Tears 0
Runeword57 Humility 0
Runeword58 Hunger 0
Runeword59 Ice 1 miss AmnShaelJahLo r11 r13 r31 r28 dmg% 140 210 aura Holy Freeze 18 18 extra-cold 25 30 hit-skill Frost Nova 25 22 levelup-skill Blizzard 100 40 pierce-cold 20 20 gold%/lvl 25 0
Runeword60 Infinity 1 pole BerMalBerIst r30 r23 r30 r24 dmg% 255 325 move3 35 35 vit/lvl 4 aura Conviction 12 12 kill-skill Chain Lightning 50 20 pierce-ltng 45 55 charged Cyclone Armor 30 21 0
Runeword61 Innocence 0
Runeword62 Insight 1 pole staf RalTirTalSol r08 r03 r07 r12 dmg% 200 260 att% 180 250 mag% 23 23 oskill Critical Strike 1 6 cast2 35 35 aura Meditation 12 17 all-stats 5 5 0
Runeword63 Jealousy 0
Runeword64 Judgment 0
Runeword67 Knight's Vigil 0
Runeword69 Last Wish 1 swor hamm axe JahMalJahSurJahBer r31 r23 r31 r29 r31 r30 dmg% 330 375 att-skill Charged Bolt 20 20 hit-skill Life Tap 10 18 gethit-skill Fade 6 11 crush 40 50 mag%/lvl 4 aura Might 17 17 0
Runeword70 Law 0
Runeword71 Lawbringer 1 swor hamm scep AmnLemKo r11 r20 r18 dmg-cold 130 180 dmg-fire 150 210 aura Sanctuary 16 18 hit-skill Decrepify 20 15 ac-miss 200 250 rip 1 1 reduce-ac 50 50 0
Runeword73 Lightning 0
Runeword77 Loyalty 0
Runeword78 Lust 0
Runeword79 Madness 0
Runeword84 Mist 0
Runeword85 Morning Dew 0
Runeword86 Mystery 0
Runeword87 Myth 1 tors HelAmnNef r15 r11 r04 hit-skill Taunt 10 1 gethit-skill Howl 3 1 bar 2 2 regen 10 10 0
Runeword95 Patience 0
Runeword97 Pattern h2h r07 r09 r03 att% 10 10 dmg% 40 80 dmg-fire 12 32 res-all 15 15 str 6 6 dex 6 6 block2 30 30 0
Runeword98 Peace 1 tors ShaelThulAmn r13 r10 r11 hit-skill Valkyrie 2 15 gethit-skill Slow Missiles 4 5 ama 2 2 oskill Critical Strike 2 2 0
Runeword100 Penitence 0
Runeword101 Peril 0
Runeword102 Pestilence 0
Runeword103 Phoenix 1 weap shld VexVexLoJah r26 r26 r28 r31 dmg% 350 400 ac-miss 350 400 hit-skill Firestorm 40 22 levelup-skill Blaze 100 40 pierce-fire 28 28 aura Redemption 10 15 abs-fire 15 21 0
Runeword104 Piety 0
Runeword105 Pillar of Faith 0
Runeword106 Plague weap ChamFalUm r32 r19 r22 dmg-demon 260 380 gethit-skill Lower Resist 20 12 hit-skill Poison Nova 25 15 pierce-pois 23 23 deadly/lvl 3 aura Cleansing 13 17 allskills 1 2 0
Runeword107 Praise 0
Runeword108 Prayer 0
Runeword109 Pride 1 pole ChamSurIoLo r32 r29 r16 r28 dmg-dem/lvl 8 dmg-ltng 50 280 att% 260 300 aura Concentration 16 20 gethit-skill Fire Wall 25 17 regen 8 8 gold%/lvl 15 0
Runeword110 Principle 1 tors RalGulEld r08 r25 r02 hit-skill Holy Bolt 100 5 pal 2 2 hp 100 150 dmg-undead 50 50 0
Runeword111 Prowess in Battle 0
Runeword112 Prudence 1 tors r23 r03 ac% 140 170 red-mag 10 10 red-dmg 3 3 res-all 25 35 balance2 25 25 rep-dur 25 light 1 1 0
Runeword113 Punishment 0
Runeword114 Purity 0
Runeword115 Question 0
Runeword117 Rain 1 tors OrtMalIth r09 r23 r06 hit-skill Twister 5 15 gethit-skill Cyclone Armor 5 15 dru 2 2 mana 100 150 0
Runeword118 Reason 0
Runeword119 Red 0
Runeword121 Rift 1 pole scep HelKoLemGul r15 r18 r20 r25 dmg-mag 160 250 dmg-fire 60 180 dmg-to-mana 38 38 hit-skill Tornado 20 16 att-skill Frozen Orb 16 21 charged Iron Maiden 40 15 all-stats 5 10 0
Runeword76 The Lovers 0
Runeword143 Thirst 0
Runeword68 Thirst for Knowledge 0
Runeword144 Thought 0
Runeword145 Thunder 0
Runeword146 Time 0
Runeword147 Tradition 0
Runeword148 Treachery 1 tors ShaelThulLem r13 r10 r20 hit-skill Venom 25 15 gethit-skill Fade 5 15 ass 2 2 swing2 45 45 0
Runeword149 Trust 0
Runeword150 Truth 0
Runeword151 Unbending Will 0
Runeword152 Valor 0
Runeword153 Vengeance weap r06 r11 r01 0
Runeword155 Victory 0
Runeword156 Voice helm r03 r06 0
Runeword157 Void 0
Runeword158 War 0
Runeword159 Water 0
Runeword161 Whisper 0
Runeword47 Widowmaker 1 swor axe EthTirLoMalRal r05 r03 r28 r23 r08 dmg-dem/lvl 15 dmg 340 400 swing3 30 40 hit-skill Venom 35 15 pierce-pois 20 25 ignore-ac 1 1 heal-kill 10 15 0
Runeword163 Wind 1 mele r29 r01 dmg% 120 160 swing2 40 40 move2 20 20 reduce-ac 50 50 hit-skill 245 10 9 charged 240 127 13 balance2 15 15 0
Runeword164 Wings of Hope 0
Runeword99 Winter 1 swor mace LemKoElEld r20 r18 r01 r02 dmg-demon 220 350 dmg-undead 280 300 dmg-cold 100 220 pierce-cold 24 24 hit-skill Ice Blast 18 20 hit-skill Frozen Orb 15 13 nofreeze 1 1 0
Runeword165 Wisdom shld staf wand 0
Runeword166 Woe weap miss 0
Runeword167 Wonder wand r04 r12 r24 0
Runeword168 Wrath 1 miss PulLumBerMal r21 r17 r30 r23 dmg-demon 300 300 dmg-undead 250 300 dmg-ltng 41 240 dmg-mag 85 120 hit-skill Life Tap 5 10 hit-skill decrepify 30 1 nofreeze 1 1 0
Runeword169 Youth 0

The " -window" can be added after " -txt", it just executes the game in windowed mode, rather than maximized/fullscreen.[/I][/I]

This post was edited by Textbook on Jul 18 2023 02:42pm
Senior Moderator
Posts: 34,892
Joined: Jul 12 2008
Gold: 15,385.00
Trader: Trusted
Jun 12 2017 03:14pm
Diablo 2 Patches - From Blizzard FTP

To access/download old patches, you will need to go to the ftp part of blizzard site. This is useful when running an older version for a walk through, or for compatibility with some of the more popular add-ons.

After the last slash comes the patch you want to download. For example "D2Patch_113c.exe".

Below is a list of most of the patches with a link for you to download the patch directly from Blizzard. It is not recommended to download them anywhere else except directly from Blizzard.

1.01 : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_101.exe
1.03 : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_103.exe
1.04b : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_104b.exe
1.04c : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch104c.exe
1.05 : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_105.exe
1.05b : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_105b.exe
1.06 : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_106.exe
1.06b : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_106b.exe
1.07 : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_107.exe
1.08 : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_108.exe
1.09 : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_109.exe
1.09b : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_109b.exe
1.09d : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_109d.exe
1.10 : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_110.exe
1.10f : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_110f.exe
1.11 : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_111.exe
1.11b : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_111b.exe
1.12a : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_112a.exe
1.13c : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_113c.exe
1.13d : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_113d.exe
1.14a : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_114a.exe
1.14b : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_114b.exe
1.14c : http://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2/patches/PC/D2Patch_114c.exe

This post was edited by Textbook on Mar 24 2020 03:42pm
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