Player VS Monster Sub-Forum Rules & Resources
Index-Important Rules-
--Diablo 2 Walkthroughs of History--
---Ladder Runewords in Single Player Guide---
---Diablo 2 Old Patches - Blizzard FTP---Important RulesQuote (d2jsp Official Site Rules and Policies)
No piracy, copyright infringement, or plagiarism.
No binaries, hacks, bots, exploits, or third party modifications of any game or program.
No advertising or linking to any external site that has not otherwise been expressly authorized. This includes mislabeled or deceptive links (including tools to shorten or obfuscate a link).
No encouraging, helping, or facilitating of others to violate site rules or policies.
These can be found here: Diablo 2 Walkthroughs Of HistoryRules1. The walkthrough must be legit. If there is reasonable evidence of significant cheating during the walkthrough, it will not be added.
2. The walkthrough must make it to at least Hell mode.
3. The walkthrough should have at least 100 posts of contribution to ensure its validity, and to be entertaining and informational to those looking back at it.
4. The walkthrough must be one of history. Either the last post was over 20 days ago, or the character walkthrough has been completed.
5. If you have a recommendation to be added to the list, please private message Textbook the link to the walkthrough.
AmazonJavazon - Theology = Completed
Phys/hybrid Bowa - ixwichs = Completed + Dclone
Javazon - Ebola Girl - darrajuju = Completed + D Clone
Javazon - pickady = Completed
Bowazon - FantaExotic = Completed
StrafeZon - nataure = Hell Palace Cellar
Lightning Javazon - miniflight = Hell Throne of Destruction
Javazon - Perlee = Completed
Fury/FA Zon - Airwaves = Completed
Bowazon - sebhehe = Completed
Titan Fend/plague Javazon - haloneya = Act 5 Pindleskin
Venomzon - Nazgul. = Completed
Bowzon - plop067 = Up to Act 2 Hell
StrafeZon - Titorod = Hell Pit
Bowazon - PikaBhew = Hell Act 3
AssassinTrapsin - King_Atrhur = Died hell ancients
Blade Fury Sin - p0002q = Completed
Trapsin - chips456 = Completed
LightDancer - Airwaves = Completed
Trapper/Firecaster - ZloR = Diablo + Dclone
HybridSin - Alone = Completed
Titan Kickersin - haloneya = Completed
Trapsin - buniac(thebot) = Hell Ancients
Kick/Trap sin - TheBe = ???
MA/Trap Riftsin - pickady = Up to Act 3 Hell
NecromancerSummon/Bone Necro - chips456 = Completed
Titan Melee Necro - haloneya = Completed
SummonNecro - Zigiran = Completed
Mage/Summon Necro - ZloR = ???
Poison Nova Necro - sebhehe = Hell Catacombs 4
Poison Nova Necro - sebhehe = Completed
BarbarianFrenzy Barb - AnTWooD = Completed + Dclone
Zerker Barb - pickady = Completed
Frenzy Barb - sebhehe = Completed
MeleeBarb - Jimbo92 = Completed + Ubers + Dclone
Titan BerserkerBarb - haloneya = Completed
ConcBarb - GriffithSenpai = Hell Chaos Sanctuary
Singerbarb - nataure = Completed
Thrower Barb - SpAz. = Completed
FrenzyBarb - Titorod = Completed + Ubers + Dclone
PaladinHammerdin - PikaBhew = Completed + DClone
Fana Zealer -ixwichs1 = Compelted + Ubers + Dclone
Titan Smiter - Haloneya = Completed
Hammerdin - sebhehe = Completed
Hammerdin - sebhehe = Hell Dark Wood
Titan Zealot - haloneya = Hell Sewers
Hammerdin - FantaExotic = Completed up to Ancients (Level 99 project)
Hammerdin - DManZ = Completed + Ubers + Dclone
DefensiveDin - nataure = Hell Act 1 Cloister
Zealot - Jimbo92 = Completed + Ubers + DClone
SorceressCold Sorc - Masekmeister = Completed
Nova/Hydra - Belarathon = Completed
Fire/Orb > Lightning Sorc -ixwichs1 = Completed + Ubers + Dclone
Light/Cold Sorc - Airwaves = Completed
Staff Sorc - Camowlin = Completed
Titan Enchant Sorc - haloneya = Completed
FO/Enchant/ES Sorc - sebhehe = Completed
DefensiveSorc - nataure = Hell Tower Cellar 5
HydraSorc - skatemona = Completed
Cold Sorc - buniac(thebot) = Completed
HydraSorc - tehtwitchy = Hell Nith
Melee Sorc - zoff = ???
Fire/Cold - DManZ = Hell Ancients
ES/Nova Sorc - B3rt = Completed
DruidMauler Druid - Itsjustpain2 = Completed
Summon/Bear Druid - 15bucks = Completed
Summon/Fireclaw - Belarathon = Completed
Fire Druid - xr6 = Completed
Fireclaw Druid - stevewonder = Completed
Wind Druid - sebhehe = Completed
Shaman Druid - Alone = Completed
FireClaw Bear - Flame-Masta = Act 3 Hell
FrozenDruid - nataure = Hell Jail
Titan Fury Druid - VTMatt4960 = Completed
ClassicSword WW Barb - Dario = Completed
Orb/Wall Sorc - cross69 = Completed
Hammerdin - pwb3 = Currently playing (Hell)
Hammerdin - Pazar = Completed
ContestsFarmathon - Hosted by sebhehe
The Perfect Elite Hunt - Hosted by D2Jomblified
Player Vs Monster W.T Challenge - Hosted by Textbook
EventsThis post was edited by Textbook on Mar 15 2024 01:26pm