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Cross Region Trading in Diablo 2: Resurrected
There are two ways to join other player's games in D2:R:

Method 1 - Joining from friends list

1) If you are in-game: Hit enter and open your friends list by clicking this icon:
- You can also browse your friends list from the lobby. Click on the same icon on the left side.

2) Click on " Add Friend " at the bottom.

3) Add the other person to your friend list by entering their battle tag. (example#1234)

4) You can now join their game from any region by right clicking on their name and selecting " Join Game ".

Method 2 - Changing your region

1) Close the game and open up the battle.net client.

2) Where you press " Play " you will see a small globe icon:

3) After clicking on this icon, you will get the option to change region (Americas -> Europe -> Asia)

4) Select the region and launch the game.

Note: If you are on a different region than the person who's game you are trying to join, you will receive this error:

Last Edited by njaguar
on Oct 16 2021 02:09pm  
Created by Kevin
on Sep 23 2021 05:52pm