This guide is to help explain how to properly trade on d2jsp, and should help you to become a better trader. Before you trade, read the
Trade Rules. It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with them and follow them while trading, otherwise you may earn a bad reputation with the community, and your trade topic will be closed.
Some other important links to reference:
Make a new topic in the Trading GroundsYou will need to go to the subforum which corresponds to the realm you are trading on before you can make a new topic.
In your topic title, make sure you give the other traders a general idea of what you are looking for or trying to sell. A good example would be: "Looking For Stone Of Jordan".
In the main body of your post, you can go further into detail about your trade. For example, you could give a general price range you are looking for, or to list specific stats of the item.
As they start to notice your topic, people will start to posting offers. When you find one you like, you may confirm and continue to the trade.
Confirming the trade via Private MessageOnce you find someone with a deal you like, you should send them a PM to confirm the game where the trade will take place. Never post the game information in your trade topic!
Trading in-gameOnce you are both in the game, it's time to make the exchange. Because of the way the system is set up, you will have to take turns giving the other trader either your items or forum gold. If you are asked to give first, use your judgment - don't give your items or forum gold to someone first unless you absolutely trust them. Don't be fooled by what they might tell you to convince you to give first; if you don't feel comfortable with it, request a mediator!
You may not want a mediator, which is fine. We recommend it, but you are not required to. However, if you do not use a mediator, we strongly encourage you to take screenshots of everything. If you do get scammed, whether or not the scammer will get tagged depends on how much proof you can give to us.
That's it! If you follow this guide, you should have absolutely no problems trading. Have fun!
If you have any problems, you can post in General Help or PM a Trade Assistant or a Trade Moderator.