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Aug 10 2018 06:40pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 9 2018 11:20pm)
I know that it is hard for you to accept that slavery takes different forms in this day and age. So you get offended. I do not feel embarrassed for I am not ashamed of the Gospel.

You want to go down that path? Then let's do it. The Bible does not specifically condemn the practice of slavery, it gives instructions on how slaves should be treated (Deuteronomy 15:12-15; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 4:1). It does not outlaw slavery altogether. However, slavery in biblical times is very different from slavery that was practiced in the past few centuries in many parts of the world. The difference is that slavery was not based exclusively on race. Slavery was based more on economics; a matter of social status. People sold themselves into slaves when they could not pay their debts or provide for their families. Some people chose to be slaves to have their needs provided.

Slavery of the past few centuries was often based exclusively on skin color. The Bible does condemn race-based slavery as it teaches that all men are created by God and made in His image (Genesis 1:27). The Bible allowed for economic-based slavery and regulated it. The key issue is that slavery in The Bible in no way resembles racial slavery in the past few centuries. The Bible does condemn the practice of "man-stealing". This is what happened in Africa in the 16th to 19th centuries. Africans were rounded up, sold to be slaves and were brought to the New World to work on plantations and farms. This is abhorrent to God. The penalty for such crime is death (Exodus 21:16). Similarly, the New Testament, slave-traders are listed among those who are ungodly and sinful (1 Timothy 1:8-10).

Another key point is the purpose of The Bible, to point to the way of salvation and not to reform society. The Bible approaches issues from the inside out. If a person experiences the love, mercy, and grace of God by receiving His salvation, God will reform his soul, changing the way he thinks and acts. A person who has experienced God’s gift of salvation and freedom from the slavery of sin, as God reforms his soul, will realize that enslaving another human being is wrong. He will see, with Paul, that a slave can be “a brother in the Lord” (Philemon 1:16). A person who has truly experienced God’s grace will in turn be gracious towards others. That would be the Bible’s prescription for ending slavery.

You evidently are ashamed of it, since you're being purposefully misleading about it. Not nearly as subtly as you might think, I might add.

'the bible does not specifically condemn the practice of slavery...it does not outlaw slavery altogether'... there's no question of the bible condemning or outlawing slavery, the bible quite clearly condones slavery, there's no need to pussyfoot around this fact, we've all read the bible...

What difference does it make if the slavery in the bible was not based on race? Slavery and sexual slavery during times of war (as is encouraged in the bible) is just as reprehensible to us today, no? Not to mention you've contradicted the scripture you posted in your previous reply - the israelites were exempt from slavery, so it was absolutely racial.

I, along with most people (and I suspect you too, underneath all the denial), am capable of empathy, and recognise that any form of slavery is wrong.

Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 9 2018 11:20pm)
as God reforms his soul, will realize that enslaving another human being is wrong. A person who has truly experienced God’s grace will in turn be gracious towards others. That would be the Bible’s prescription for ending slavery.

Wtf? The bible has no prescription for ending slavery...are you pulling this interpretation out of your ass? Why would your god make people think that slavery is wrong, when he specifically encourages it?

This post was edited by GetOnYourKnees on Aug 10 2018 06:40pm
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Aug 10 2018 06:43pm
Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Aug 10 2018 06:40pm)
You evidently are ashamed of it, since you're being purposefully misleading about it. Not nearly as subtly as you might think, I might add.

'the bible does not specifically condemn the practice of slavery...it does not outlaw slavery altogether'... there's no question of the bible condemning or outlawing slavery, the bible quite clearly condones slavery, there's no need to pussyfoot around this fact, we've all read the bible...

What difference does it make if the slavery in the bible was not based on race? Slavery and sexual slavery during times of war (as is encouraged in the bible) is just as reprehensible to us today, no? Not to mention you've contradicted the scripture you posted in your previous reply - the israelites were exempt from slavery, so it was absolutely racial.

I, along with most people (and I suspect you too, underneath all the denial), am capable of empathy, and recognise that any form of slavery is wrong.


Wtf? The bible has no prescription for ending slavery...are you pulling this interpretation out of your ass? Why would your god make people think that slavery is wrong, when he specifically encourages it?

In fact Jesus says that even if your master does not let you go when he should that you should submit to your master because you are helping a Christian do his work.
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Aug 10 2018 06:59pm
Quote (Thor123422 @ Aug 11 2018 01:43am)
In fact Jesus says that even if your master does not let you go when he should that you should submit to your master because you are helping a Christian do his work.

:rofl: luckily for jesus, there have always been people dumb enough (I'm looking at you, CPK) to fall for that shit
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Aug 10 2018 11:14pm
Just for anybody wondering, if you google Matt Dillahunty he was a previous minister-in-training who has researched this specific issue in depth before his deconversion. The bible does not tell you slavery is bad, it was not indentured servitude, the rule about getting let go after seven years is only for Hebrews, and you can trick your slave into voluntarily staying YOUR PROPERTY if you give him a wife and children since they have to stay if he decides to leave.

It's a different system than American style slavery, but the fact is they are your property and you can beat them as long as they don't immediately die.
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Aug 10 2018 11:23pm
Quote (Thor123422 @ Aug 11 2018 01:14am)
Just for anybody wondering, if you google Matt Dillahunty he was a previous minister-in-training who has researched this specific issue in depth before his deconversion. The bible does not tell you slavery is bad, it was not indentured servitude, the rule about getting let go after seven years is only for Hebrews, and you can trick your slave into voluntarily staying YOUR PROPERTY if you give him a wife and children since they have to stay if he decides to leave.

It's a different system than American style slavery, but the fact is they are your property and you can beat them as long as they don't immediately die.

Slavery is still great

Just ask Democrats, they let mexicans into the country illegally to work on farms and other low standard of living junk
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Aug 10 2018 11:25pm
Quote (EndlessSky @ Aug 10 2018 11:23pm)
shitpost shitpost shitpost

Nobody cares about the stupid shit you say
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Aug 11 2018 03:16am
Quote (Thor123422 @ Aug 11 2018 08:12am)
I'm not claiming any knowledge about your situation. I'm asking how you know it was God.

Maybe it was, but you haven't given me a good reason why you think it was, so I may never know.

I asked God to help me out of a situation and he delivered, immediately afterwards.

Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Aug 11 2018 10:40am)
You evidently are ashamed of it, since you're being purposefully misleading about it. Not nearly as subtly as you might think, I might add.

'the bible does not specifically condemn the practice of slavery...it does not outlaw slavery altogether'... there's no question of the bible condemning or outlawing slavery, the bible quite clearly condones slavery, there's no need to pussyfoot around this fact, we've all read the bible...

What difference does it make if the slavery in the bible was not based on race? Slavery and sexual slavery during times of war (as is encouraged in the bible) is just as reprehensible to us today, no? Not to mention you've contradicted the scripture you posted in your previous reply - the israelites were exempt from slavery, so it was absolutely racial.

I, along with most people (and I suspect you too, underneath all the denial), am capable of empathy, and recognise that any form of slavery is wrong.


Wtf? The bible has no prescription for ending slavery...are you pulling this interpretation out of your ass? Why would your god make people think that slavery is wrong, when he specifically encourages it?

You do know that there is a reason I post my reference at the end right? What do you do if you can't provide for your family? You hire yourself out as a slave. That is what they did back then. All the things that we have now? They did not have anything to apply for back then. There was no such thing as working on the dole like we have nowadays. You must now provide a better alternative for somebody who cannot provide for their family, if they do not hire themselves out as a slave. What do they do? Please tell me your wonderful idea.

You also fail to realize that the kind of slavery we have nowadays is much different to the kind of slavery they had back then. There is economic slavery and there is race-based slavery. Race-based slavery, people were taken against their own will and beaten. This is the kind of slavery The Bible condemns, the kind of slavery we have in this day and age.

Again, do you not read where I get these references? I posted it at the bottom of the previous post. It is not my fault if you cannot read.

Quote (Thor123422 @ Aug 11 2018 10:43am)
In fact Jesus says that even if your master does not let you go when he should that you should submit to your master because you are helping a Christian do his work.

You say that without quoting the scripture? How typical.

Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Aug 11 2018 10:59am)
:rofl: luckily for jesus, there have always been people dumb enough (I'm looking at you, CPK) to fall for that shit

Yet I'm not the one who is going to Hell. On that day, you will find out just how wrong you truly are. You think about the here and now, expecting death to be 50 something years away. Yet I am well aware that death can take me at any moment. There is no guarantee that you or I will be alive next week at this time. What will you do then? Once you die then eternity is set. Nothing you thought about here will matter. You will end up being a name, just like Widowmaker. Spoken about for 3 months and then forgotten forever.
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Aug 11 2018 03:22am
you live a good life, and make choices that are with your heart, nothing too hard
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Aug 11 2018 03:28am
Quote (NinetyTwo @ 11 Aug 2018 12:22)
you live a good life, and make choices that are with your heart, nothing too hard

tell that to the priests that are locked in church, fast and can't marry
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Aug 11 2018 09:38am
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 11 2018 10:16am)
That is what they did back then. All the things that we have now? They did not have anything to apply for back then. There was no such thing as working on the dole like we have nowadays. You must now provide a better alternative for somebody who cannot provide for their family, if they do not hire themselves out as a slave. What do they do? Please tell.

We have better alternatives in modern times, no? Would you agree that the welfare state etc. is a better system than your so-called economic slavery? The corrorary to that is that society progresses when the teachings of your god are ignored, and the only way you can reconcile your belief that your bible is divinely inspired is to concede that you believe we should return to slavery.

That’s not even to mention slaves taken during times of war, how does that fit into your sense of morality?

Again, the slavery depicted in your bible is race-based, since it adopts sentiments of racial superiority - inherently immoral. All men are created equally, right? Except for the Israelites, they’re a bit higher up than everyone else.

Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 11 2018 10:16am)
You will end up being a name, just like Widowmaker. Spoken about for 3 months and then forgotten forever.

You do realise that not everyone is as narcissistic as you, right? I couldn’t care less that I will be forgotten, because I’ll have lived a fulfilled life for me. Even if I was self-centred enough to be troubled by that fact, it wouldn’t make something designed to make me feel better about it is actually true.

Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 11 2018 10:16am)
I asked God to help me out of a situation and he delivered, immediately afterwards.

What about all the times your requests of your god have been ignored - what did you take from those occasions?
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