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Dec 26 2010 11:13pm
Oh my, you're a beast there. You'll laugh at my situation xD.

16 Years old
Kinda skinny with fat

Goal : Lose the fat I have and gain some muscles (not OP muscles, cuz I wanna keep the size/shape but get more strenght)

Now I've been doing crutches and push ups on a daily basis just before supper in order to consume protein right away. I'm not really planning to go to the gym with all those fancy machines.
As for crunches, I can do like 150+ now (it's been improving), but not my habs lol. As if the fat is preventing me. So my first question would be : Should I concentrate on aerobic workouts to lose the fat first and then gain muscles? Or can I turn fat into muscles ._.

Also, like I've stated, I've been doing push ups too but... I can't get past 40 it's been fucking 3 months. What's wrong? Not enough protein? I'm pretty sure I consume enough and I even wonder if sometimes I don't eat too much and am scared of gaining fat.

Should I change my habits? Suggestions on what to do?
Should I alter 1 day crunches/push and the other day cardio?

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Dec 27 2010 10:07am
I've gathered the general consensus that I have to eat around 700-800 more calories than I burn in a day, and that I should aim for a 30/40/30 ratio of calories from protein/carbs/fat. In order to gain significant muscle, I must maintain a consistent meal plan that reaches these goals daily, along with 3-4 intense 1-hour workouts a week. After 3-4 months, I should then enter a cutting phase where I aim to maintain this muscle while burning off excess fat. Am I on the right track? Also, any pointers as to which foods I should be eating and which ones to avoid while bulking would be helpful.

This post was edited by Zellers on Dec 27 2010 10:07am
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Dec 28 2010 12:20am
Quote (luca007 @ Dec 22 2010 12:41am)
Hey, my question is bout breaking growth barriers and dieting for when you get back

I don't get the muscle burn that I used to get when I started working out anymore, and I think I hit a barrier in terms of gains. I use proper breathing, form, and try to have rest periods 60 seconds or less. I try to do 4 sets for each exercise with weight increases 25-40% each set ( varies for each exercise) and going back to the weight I used on set 1 for the fourth set (ex. bench press, 120, 180, 230, 120 )  I do about 4-6 exercises for each muscle and I work out 1 muscle per day ( with the exception of  adding triceps to chest days and add abs to 3-4 muscle days per week). I'm 150lb and been having trouble getting weight for a long time. I have to following food for most of the days: cereal /w milk, coffee /w carrot muffin before workout (sometimes 2 eggs with oatmeal or buckwheat)  after workout 2 chicken breasts with rice or /w buckwheat /w flax seed oil or 6 eggs with rice or /w buckwheat /w flax seed oil.  shake  before bed.


Hey there. The problem is you are stagnant in your workouts and diet routine. You need to constantly shake things up and try new things. I alternate workout routines every 2-4 months depending on how I feel. On average, I recommend people to change routines every 3 months. In addition, as far as diet goes - you also need to alternate foods and try different approaches (high cal loading days vs lower cal maintenance days vs keto vs dirty bulk etc etc etc)

So to help you, check out these posts - read up thoroughly, and try a NEW approach.

5x5 plan

Hypertrophy Plan

Cutting Workout Routine

Bulking Diet, workout, and supplement guide

Macro Guide

Supplement Guide

Creatine Dosing

Bodyweight exercises

Abs Workout Routine

Compilation 1

Compilation 2

Compilation 3

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Dec 28 2010 12:21am
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Dec 22 2010 01:18am)
Hey Raynor, thanks for all the advice and help you've given this community. Personally, thanks for your motivation you've given me to restart working out.
And of course a very merry Christmas to you as well!

You are very welcome. I'm glad I can help people out to the best of my ability when I have spare time to do so.

Merry Christmas to you as well - keep up the good work.
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Dec 28 2010 12:22am
Quote (JAYZONE @ Dec 22 2010 09:45am)
Hello i'm trying to gain weight and i'm having a hard time due to school and everything
and also because i get caught up with many things that i forget to eat.
anyways i'm an ectomorph and i'm trying to gain weigh/muscle
currently 128 and goal is 150-160 of healthy weight
what wouldbe a good workout plan to work it & time?
also i'm trying to avoid EVERYDAY workout because im very busy on most days.
This is my new years resolution - hopefully it'll stick
assuming i have 30$/week of budget

This is my current @ flexed

Hey there.

Please check these out:

5x5 plan

Hypertrophy Plan

$30 / 2 weeks food guide (for you, you have double the money in this guide, therefore you can add additional items you require as necessary)

Macro Guide

Bulking Diet, workout, and supplement guide

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Dec 28 2010 12:30am
Quote (iloveualot @ Dec 23 2010 11:51am)
i have a problem with smelly farts and i need you to share every cure you know how to deal with it cause it's getting annoying.. :( HELP

i drink only water like 5-6 liters a day

this is my diet at the moment:

meal 1 - 5 eggs fried on 1 tbsp of extra light olive oil, 150g oatmeal cooked with an apple and 300 ml 2.5% fat milk and cinnamon.

meal 2 - Post workout shake consisting of 50g whey, 50g oatmeal, 30g glucose sugar.

meal 3 - 150g whole grain bread, 100g 7% fat cottage cheese

meal 4 - 150g chicken breast fried on 1 tbsp of extra light olive oil, 100g brown rice, salad with 1 tbsp flaxseed oil.

meal 5 - 150g chicken breast fried on 1 tbsp of extra light olive oil, 100g buckwheat, salad with 1 tbsp flaxseed oil.

meal 6 - 180g 0.5% fat cottage cheese with almonds, cinnamon and blueberries.

you may have a sensitivity to certain proteins. Try to eliminate eggs and dairy from your diet for about 1 week and see if the condition improves.

here is an updated and suggested meal plan:

meal 1 - 6-8 oz grilled or pan fried steak, 150g oatmeal cooked with an apple and cinnamon.

meal 2 - Post workout shake consisting of 50g whey, 50g oatmeal, 30g glucose sugar.

meal 3 - 150g whole grain bread, 6-8 oz ground beef or turkey or fish w/ olive oil + veggies

meal 4 - 150g chicken breast fried on 1 tbsp of extra light olive oil, 100g brown rice, salad with 1 tbsp flaxseed oil.

meal 5 - 150g chicken breast fried on 1 tbsp of extra light olive oil, 100g buckwheat, salad with 1 tbsp flaxseed oil.

meal 6 - 4 oz of sliced chicken/turkey or 1 can of tuna w/ 2 tbsp mayo or 1 tbsp olive oil, side of any kind of berries.

if you still notice the issue after a week, write me back and we will address it accordingly.
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Dec 28 2010 12:32am
Quote (IDUTCIH @ Dec 23 2010 08:09pm)
I've been dieting for a while now and gotten huge fat loss. But mentally and physically I'm exhausted from dieting and I was wondering if it's possible to still cut weight/bf% with a regular food(wheat sandwhiches, chicken, beans, spaghetti,etc.etc.) By cutting down the calories but eating somewhat "Unhealthy" foods. And of course doing cardio + weight training.

And when you gain muscle mass does it have any effect on your metabolism?

Yes, you can definitely do that. However on the anabolic cutting diet you will NEVER feel that way because of the carb up days and cheat days that refuel you and keep you going strong!

check these posts out (especially the first one - anabolic cutting diet)

anabolic cutting diet

Compilation 1

Compilation 2

Compilation 3

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Dec 28 2010 12:37am
Quote (playboynicole @ Dec 24 2010 04:24am)
how long can someone go without eating food

i have plenty of tap water tho

The length at which the human body can go without food depends on many factors including your muscle mass, body fat percentage, basal metabolism, genetics, daily activity, sleep pattern, breathing rate, heart rate, presence of meditation, etc.

There are certain individuals (very inactive, morbidly obese, but young) that can go up to 30 weeks without food before dying.

There are other individuals (old, frail, sickly, and low body fat) that can go maybe 2-3 days without food before dying.

However, a good rule of thumb in the medical world is 4-6 weeks for an "average" person.

I would NEVER advise starvation in any case. It is one of the single most DAMAGING things to the human body.
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Dec 28 2010 12:40am
Quote (lepInTheHood @ Dec 24 2010 05:33pm)
Need exercises that improve grip and forearm strength.

rather than typing all of the exercises out and explaining all of them...here is a good place to start:


My person favorites are wrist curls with DBs (side, front, and rear), cable wrist curls with a e-z bar (front and back), DB twists (usually between sets), and then a nice circuit superset of front ez bar wrist curls, rear olympic wrist curls, side db wrist curls, and then reverse grip straight bar curls (close grip as well as reverse grip)

train them 2x per week if they are lagging behind with at least 20 sets just for them per workout with optimal pump and moderately heavy weight
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Dec 28 2010 12:41am
Quote (isaac_m @ Dec 24 2010 07:42pm)
bump and merry xmas

Quote (Mesonychid @ Dec 24 2010 07:54pm)
Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Merry Christmas to both of you!
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