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Jan 30 2023 09:13pm
Quote (TiStuff @ Jan 31 2023 01:12pm)
you missed it
While the banana plant is colloquially called a banana tree,it's actually an herb distantly related to ginger, since the plant has a succulent tree stem, instead of a wood one. The yellow thing you peel and eat is, in fact, a fruit because it contains the seeds of the plant.Jan 24, 2016
8 things you didn't know about bananas - PBS
its classified as an herb because of its "succulent tree stem" not because a banana is a herb............a banana is a fruit and thats according to the article

you fail to understand how classification works. If the ancient hebrews classified something as a tree its a tree in their culture.
classification is a system of communication. so people involved can attempt to get on the same page when discussing things.

how can you be effective at arguing political things yet so dense when it comes to scripture? its like your light bulb gets flicked off.

I can't believe you are still dancing around banana. It was classified as a herb deal with it. Playing with words to try and twist it is what liars do. In ancient times the peasants could of called a a flower a tree, illiterate people call a tomato a vegetable it doesn't matter. This is supposed to be coming from God who created everything as you fanatically claim and he doesn't understand the difference. You are denser then a brick for believing this nonsense.
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Jan 31 2023 01:43am
Quote (addone @ Jan 30 2023 07:13pm)
I can't believe you are still dancing around banana. It was classified as a herb deal with it. Playing with words to try and twist it is what liars do. In ancient times the peasants could of called a a flower a tree, illiterate people call a tomato a vegetable it doesn't matter. This is supposed to be coming from God who created everything as you fanatically claim and he doesn't understand the difference. You are denser then a brick for believing this nonsense.

go back and read it again. its the banana plant itself thats classified as an herb "since the plant has a succulent tree stem". now stop twisting things.
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Jan 31 2023 02:05am
Quote (addone @ Jan 31 2023 04:13am)
I can't believe you are still dancing around banana. It was classified as a herb deal with it. Playing with words to try and twist it is what liars do. In ancient times the peasants could of called a a flower a tree, illiterate people call a tomato a vegetable it doesn't matter. This is supposed to be coming from God who created everything as you fanatically claim and he doesn't understand the difference. You are denser then a brick for believing this nonsense.

We are in 2023 and these kind of people still exists lmao

hi Tistuff
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Jan 31 2023 03:57am
Quote (addone @ Jan 30 2023 08:56am)
Just because they can't explain it yet doesn't mean one needs to invent children's bed time stories to explain life. Just because I don't understand how a rocket engine works doesn't mean I have to create an imaginary guy in the clouds that waves a magic wand. Like a humble and intelligent person I shut up and put aside the unknown. I can study further and wait for that knowledge to develop, there is no need to jump to theorycrafting ideas and call them truths.
It took us thousands of years to explain to the idiot's that the earth is round. Where you can literally for a $500k go out to space and look at it with your own two eyes.

Stop with the bible nonsense people. It's a copium idea that was designed to keep barbarians and mongoloid peasants in line, it was useful but it's way outdated. Time to update your historical larping mindset to this century thanks.

Alright, you tell me how outdated this particular passage is? Go.

Colossians 3:18-25.

Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.

Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.

Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.

Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.

Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism.
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Jan 31 2023 05:13am
Quote (TiStuff @ Jan 31 2023 08:43pm)
go back and read it again. its the banana plant itself thats classified as an herb "since the plant has a succulent tree stem". now stop twisting things.

Ah we are making progress we established that banana plant is an herb good for you to finally catching up. Now you are telling us why it's an herb good boy it's important to know why certain things are called what they are.
I mean sure you can explore banana plants further study them, the anatomy the function, which part is edible, where its grown etc but do that in your own time. Isnt it great to find factually correct information for a change instead of an old book written by iron age plebs?

Quote (Melatonina @ Jan 31 2023 09:05pm)
We are in 2023 and these kind of people still exists lmao

hi Tistuff

Well in TiStuff defence he probably wasn't exposed to science, technology or much of current understanding of the world. He has just learned that banana plant is an herb. It's hard work trying to expose this knowledge to those who have been brainwashed for so long. Not long ago the church and their brainwashed NPCs burned people at a pyre for questioning their beliefs about how the earth rotated around the sun. I am sure he will come around eventually

This post was edited by addone on Jan 31 2023 05:16am
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Jan 31 2023 05:17am
Quote (addone @ Jan 31 2023 03:13am)
Ah we are making progress we established that banana plant is an herb good for you to finally catching up. Now you are telling us why it's an herb good boy it's important to know why certain things are called what they are.
I mean sure you can explore banana plants further study them, the anatomy the function, which part is edible, where its grown etc but do that in your own time. Isnt it great to find factually correct information for a change instead of an old book written by iron age plebs?

Well in TiStuff defence he probably wasn't exposed to science, technology or much of current understanding of the world. He has just learned that banana plant is an herb. It's hard work trying to expose this knowledge to those who have been brainwashed for so long. Not long ago the church and their brainwashed NPCs burned people at a pyre for questioning their beliefs about how the earth rotated around the sun. I am sure he will come around eventually

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Jan 31 2023 07:49am
Quote (addone @ Jan 31 2023 03:13am)
Ah we are making progress we established that banana plant is an herb good for you to finally catching up. Now you are telling us why it's an herb good boy it's important to know why certain things are called what they are.
I mean sure you can explore banana plants further study them, the anatomy the function, which part is edible, where its grown etc but do that in your own time. Isnt it great to find factually correct information for a change instead of an old book written by iron age plebs?

Well in TiStuff defence he probably wasn't exposed to science, technology or much of current understanding of the world. He has just learned that banana plant is an herb. It's hard work trying to expose this knowledge to those who have been brainwashed for so long. Not long ago the church and their brainwashed NPCs burned people at a pyre for questioning their beliefs about how the earth rotated around the sun. I am sure he will come around eventually

takes a special kind of delusion to believe because a banana plant is classified as a herb is a big scripture gotcha

catholic church did alot of creepy things you wont find in scripture and has nothing to do with me.

This post was edited by TiStuff on Jan 31 2023 07:56am
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Jan 31 2023 03:21pm
Quote (TiStuff @ Feb 1 2023 02:49am)
takes a special kind of delusion to believe because a banana plant is classified as a herb is a big scripture gotcha

catholic church did alot of creepy things you wont find in scripture and has nothing to do with me.

There so many of these that you tell yourself on the daily basis that it would be a much easier list the things that are verifiable and factually correct then to go through a huge list of nonsense the bible writers and the church would have you believe.
The world of the bible believers like you most definitely thought that the sun rotated around the earth. Then they burned people at a pyre because they didn't want to displease their God and bible teachings.
It took a long time and overwhelming evidence before the scripture NPCs finally had to revise their dumb views.
They started editing the bible changing words cutting out scripture entirely to twist their views like they were right all along. The entire scripture is being rewritten and edited and reinterpreted in different ways to the point where the original source material is different entirely.

The biblical story is a made up by man or those who claim to be inspired by God. It isn't gods writing like they would have you believe. Most of those people never met jesus yet they write about the man mostly through second hand stories.
It's like me writing about big foot based what someone has told me from a friend's cousins, mother in law's late grandfather. These people didn't have Google or video footage or even a printing press. It was all done in stories with limited undeveloped language. That's the truth of it
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Jan 31 2023 08:12pm
Quote (addone @ Jan 31 2023 01:21pm)
There so many of these that you tell yourself on the daily basis that it would be a much easier list the things that are verifiable and factually correct then to go through a huge list of nonsense the bible writers and the church would have you believe.
The world of the bible believers like you most definitely thought that the sun rotated around the earth. Then they burned people at a pyre because they didn't want to displease their God and bible teachings.
It took a long time and overwhelming evidence before the scripture NPCs finally had to revise their dumb views.
They started editing the bible changing words cutting out scripture entirely to twist their views like they were right all along. The entire scripture is being rewritten and edited and reinterpreted in different ways to the point where the original source material is different entirely.

The biblical story is a made up by man or those who claim to be inspired by God. It isn't gods writing like they would have you believe. Most of those people never met jesus yet they write about the man mostly through second hand stories.
It's like me writing about big foot based what someone has told me from a friend's cousins, mother in law's late grandfather. These people didn't have Google or video footage or even a printing press. It was all done in stories with limited undeveloped language. That's the truth of it

that would make them criminals and not followers of scripture. plenty of christians were burned at the stake for not bending knee to the "church". the rest you offer is mere assertion and will remain so until you can bring a reasoned argument with it. you saying "they did this and then they did that or other chit" just dont mean chit.
that we all know now that a banana tree is bigger than a mustard tree but its really a herb school.
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Jan 31 2023 09:43pm
Quote (TiStuff @ Feb 1 2023 03:12pm)
that would make them criminals and not followers of scripture. plenty of christians were burned at the stake for not bending knee to the "church". the rest you offer is mere assertion and will remain so until you can bring a reasoned argument with it. you saying "they did this and then they did that or other chit" just dont mean chit.
that we all know now that a banana tree is bigger than a mustard tree but its really a herb school.

Criminals lol way to put your comrades under the bus. The authority of the bible (pope's and arch bishops etc) were wrong? Geee what else have the bible worshippers been wrong about?

Mere assertions LOL you are the one to talk. Says the guy who believes in some writings who have no known authors, no original documents, no evidence other then magic man made it don't question anything we tell you texts.

It is a known fact the collection of books/writings are all second hand with no verifiable evidence other the so called authority of the church. I mean not long ago you had trouble with herbs. Why does your God have trouble with basic biology or was it some iron age rando who never set foot outside his village in middle East was merely trying to convince other idiots that he is smart. I bet if that guy had Google would of been a different story. Did you know that the entire bible is simply a select bunch of writings that was collected in one neat package to sell to the masses? Did you know there were many more of these writings that never made it into the book you worship. Things that are way out there and would certainly make the religious swindlers look even more dumber then they do today. How convinient.
Maybe you should try to study your fanatical beliefs and their origins. Maybe it ain't what you thought it is.
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