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Posts: 2,286
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Aug 15 2018 02:41pm
THE HEAVENS DECLARE: Human evolution: The evidence doesn't add up

Read more at https://www.wnd.com/2018/08/human-evolution-the-evidence-doesnt-add-up/#rqCfdBhxK1zlAsf7.99
Posts: 64,732
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Aug 15 2018 03:33pm
Quote (xfrodobagginsx @ Aug 15 2018 02:41pm)
THE HEAVENS DECLARE: Human evolution: The evidence doesn't add up

Read more at https://www.wnd.com/2018/08/human-evolution-the-evidence-doesnt-add-up/#rqCfdBhxK1zlAsf7.99

I always love how blatantly dishonest these things are, and how gullible your kind are for eating it up.
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Aug 15 2018 04:18pm
Quote (Thor123422 @ Aug 15 2018 04:59pm)
So then it's not always God doing it if it happens right after you pray for it.

So how do you know it was God answering your prayer.

God knew that by answering that prayer, that I would come to accept Jesus Christ as my LORD and Savior as I would give myself to him.

By praying that somebody dies, that doesn't bring glory to God so why would he answer that prayer?

The Bible says that above all else, His name will be glorified in all He does. The prayer that somebody dies or that your favorite sporting team wins comes from self interest and doesn't declare the glory of his name.

Psalm 29:2 - Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.
Psalm 115:1 - Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.
Exodus 20:7 - You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Aug 15 2018 09:33pm)
Feel free to think that, but everyone here knows you’re dodging.

And since you’re dodging, I can only assume that you are in favour economic slavery as it is prescribed in your bible. Not that I’m surprised, since I’ve also seen you condone genocide and infanticide on this thread, and you can’t get any less moral than that

Feel free to think that way and all the while your wife and kids are starving. We all know that you aren't interested in knowing because you are blind to the evidence put right in front of you. I told you the different types of slavery but you just won't listen. When you are not happy with the answer then your typical response is to say that I dodged, when I clearly answered your questions using references.

You also can't separate economic slavery from the Bible times from what slavery is like from a few decades ago. Then again, I'm not surprised at all. Typical atheists.
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Aug 15 2018 04:34pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 15 2018 04:18pm)
God knew that by answering that prayer, that I would come to accept Jesus Christ as my LORD and Savior as I would give myself to him.

By praying that somebody dies, that doesn't bring glory to God so why would he answer that prayer?

The Bible says that above all else, His name will be glorified in all He does. The prayer that somebody dies or that your favorite sporting team wins comes from self interest and doesn't declare the glory of his name.

Psalm 29:2 - Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.
Psalm 115:1 - Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.
Exodus 20:7 - You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

So then we are back to the original question.

How do you know it was God answering your prayer?
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Aug 15 2018 05:29pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 15 2018 11:18pm)
Feel free to think that way and all the while your wife and kids are starving. We all know that you aren't interested in knowing because you are blind to the evidence put right in front of you. I told you the different types of slavery but you just won't listen. When you are not happy with the answer then your typical response is to say that I dodged, when I clearly answered your questions using references.

You also can't separate economic slavery from the Bible times from what slavery is like from a few decades ago. Then again, I'm not surprised at all. Typical atheists.

I’m 23 mate, I don’t have a wife and kids.

Have we not just had an entire fucking discussion on economic slavery, the ‘softest’ type of slavery, and have I not explained why it is still not conducive to a moral system designed by an all-knowing and all-wise god?

I’ll ask again, do you think we should bring back the economic slavery you’ve described instead of the practices we have now to prevent poverty?
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Aug 15 2018 05:48pm

God isn’t all powerful enough to start humanity out with better system of organizing society than slavery. But he is powerful enough to snap his fingers and create stuff in exactly 7 24 hour days so that the idea of 1 day of creation being millions of years and evolution was his method of creation is ridiculous.

This post was edited by remco6 on Aug 15 2018 05:49pm
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Aug 15 2018 09:37pm
Quote (Thor123422 @ Aug 16 2018 08:34am)
So then we are back to the original question.

How do you know it was God answering your prayer?

I don't see any other explanation. How can you possibly call it a coincidence after being lost for such a long time and after praying, I immediately found my way back?

When I followed the world, it offered joy and happiness but delivered nothing but emptiness and sadness. Why would I go back to a place which almost cost me my life...twice?

Hell yeah I'm accepting Jesus into my life. He is the one and only constant that has never, ever disappointed. Whenever I rely on Him, in the end it all works out.

Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Aug 16 2018 09:29am)
I’m 23 mate, I don’t have a wife and kids.

Have we not just had an entire fucking discussion on economic slavery, the ‘softest’ type of slavery, and have I not explained why it is still not conducive to a moral system designed by an all-knowing and all-wise god?

I’ll ask again, do you think we should bring back the economic slavery you’ve described instead of the practices we have now to prevent poverty?

We have no need to bring it back as it served its purpose way back when. In this day and age, we have Christians who are going out and helping the poor and needy. Are they not the ones who have been critical in helping setup the practices we have today?

Quote (remco6 @ Aug 16 2018 09:48am)
God isn’t all powerful enough to start humanity out with better system of organizing society than slavery. But he is powerful enough to snap his fingers and create stuff in exactly 7 24 hour days so that the idea of 1 day of creation being millions of years and evolution was his method of creation is ridiculous.

What was wrong with creation in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2?
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Aug 15 2018 09:45pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 15 2018 09:37pm)
I don't see any other explanation. How can you possibly call it a coincidence after being lost for such a long time and after praying, I immediately found my way back?

"I don't see any other explanation " is not evidence for the one you can see.

There are Hindus who see no other explanation but Vishnu, Muslims who see no other but Mohammed, etc.

Do you understand why what you said isn't convincing?
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Aug 16 2018 01:44am
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 16 2018 04:37am)
We have no need to bring it back as it served its purpose way back when. In this day and age, we have Christians who are going out and helping the poor and needy. Are they not the ones who have been critical in helping setup the practices we have today?

Yes or no: do you believe the socioeconomic systems we have in place today are more effective and/or morally superior to the ones detailed in your bible?
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Aug 16 2018 04:16am
Quote (Thor123422 @ Aug 16 2018 01:45pm)
"I don't see any other explanation " is not evidence for the one you can see.

There are Hindus who see no other explanation but Vishnu, Muslims who see no other but Mohammed, etc.

Do you understand why what you said isn't convincing?

There you go, you merely say that it is not evidence. Have you noticed that prayer actually works? Sure, you can call it a coincidence the first 10 times, 20 times or even 100 times. Yet there comes a point in time where the argument of coincidence sounds very weak.
Why does praying to God always work? Whenever I pray then God answers that prayer. It all only ever happens after prayer. I pray for God to give me strength and he does. I pray for God to help me through any situation that I'm in and he does.

What other possible explanation could there be why praying to God always works? Are you saying that praying means absolutely nothing?

You are a fool if you think there is no God.

Psalm 14:1
The fool says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile;
there is no one who does good.

Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Aug 16 2018 05:44pm)
Yes or no: do you believe the socioeconomic systems we have in place today are more effective and/or morally superior to the ones detailed in your bible?

Ofcourse not. The Bible is the word of God. I've seen first hand what the socioeconomic systems we have in place today are all about. Let's take the public health care scheme. I know somebody who had cancer and no public health care. When they went to get chemotherapy, they had to pay absolutely nothing. It was free. Now another person also had cancer as well as public health care. When they had to get their chemotherapy, they had to pay $50 per visit. I don't know about you but that seems quite unfair to me, having to pay the gap while also paying for public health care. It is actually cheaper to not have public health care and only pay the one visit every 6 or so months.

Do you trust your social consensus? Are your morals shaped by the culture around you? The problem with that is the social consensus is like shifting sand. The generation before and after us will have a different social consensus. When you turn to The Bible for morality, then you have a strong foundation for your source of morality. Everyone who hears the words of Jesus and does them is like a wise man who built His house on the rock. The rain fell, the floods came and the winds blew and beat on the house and yet, because it had a strong foundation, it did not fall.

I used to have society as my source for morals, then the storm came and destroyed the house. I had to start again but with a stronger foundation. I turned to God. Now I'm confident that the storm will not destroy the house. I cannot say the same for you when the storm comes.
What do you do when you are wronged? How often do you seek revenge? How often do you judge other people harshly and yet shift the blame when you, yourself are at fault? I've seen it my whole life. I honestly cannot fathom seeing life from your point of view.
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