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Posts: 45,997
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Jun 20 2020 12:47pm
Quote (excellence @ Jun 20 2020 01:42pm)
looks like a bunch of misogynistic bullies and wannabe thugs trying to cancel another woman. how horrible.

looks like a clear case of violating the recent Supreme Court decision protecting gay and lesbian people in the workplace too

1960s: being a lesbian in the workplace will get you discriminated against by misogynistic men who think you should be raped
1990s: being a lesbian in the workplace is actually pretty alright, vast majority of people are okay with that
2020s: being a lesbian in the workplace will get you discriminated against by misogynistic men who identify as women and think you should be raped


This post was edited by Goomshill on Jun 20 2020 12:47pm
Posts: 33,605
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Jun 20 2020 12:57pm
Quote (Goomshill @ Jun 20 2020 02:47pm)
1960s: being a lesbian in the workplace will get you discriminated against by misogynistic men who think you should be raped
1990s: being a lesbian in the workplace is actually pretty alright, vast majority of people are okay with that
2020s: being a lesbian in the workplace will get you discriminated against by misogynistic men who identify as women and think you should be raped


So... they were correct in the 1960's after all.
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Jun 20 2020 12:58pm
Quote (Goomshill @ Jun 20 2020 02:47pm)
1960s: being a lesbian in the workplace will get you discriminated against by misogynistic men who think you should be raped
1990s: being a lesbian in the workplace is actually pretty alright, vast majority of people are okay with that
2020s: being a lesbian in the workplace will get you discriminated against by misogynistic men who identify as women and think you should be raped


TERFs have an interesting idea in MtF transgenderism being another example of male privilege/men taking what they want, in this case, the feminine experience.
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Jun 20 2020 01:00pm
Quote (Skinned @ Jun 20 2020 01:58pm)
TERFs have an interesting idea in MtF transgenderism being another example of male privilege/men taking what they want, in this case, the feminine experience.

They can have the male experience if they want. It sucks, but they can have it.
Posts: 53,141
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Jun 20 2020 01:25pm
Quote (Goomshill @ 20 Jun 2020 14:47)
1960s: being a lesbian in the workplace will get you discriminated against by misogynistic men who think you should be raped
1990s: being a lesbian in the workplace is actually pretty alright, vast majority of people are okay with that
2020s: being a lesbian in the workplace will get you discriminated against by misogynistic men who identify as women and think you should be raped


it’s really horrible that people can bully women and lesbians like this. honestly you’d think society would have progressed but it seems like a group of misogynistic, homophobic privileged lefties are still not happy. and if you ask this group not to bully women and lesbians they call you a TERF :wacko:
Posts: 48,785
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Jun 20 2020 01:34pm
Quote (Skinned @ Jun 21 2020 04:58am)
TERFs have an interesting idea in MtF transgenderism being another example of male privilege/men taking what they want, in this case, the feminine experience.

I agree with it, a bunch of predominately white males have decided they now want to be woman and demand all woman accept that.
They literally feel entitled to a gender they were not born as and we have to immediately pander to them or be attacked, they can shove off.
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Jun 20 2020 02:13pm
Quote (Goomshill @ Jun 20 2020 08:33pm)
I can't remember, is this the thread where I was last following up on the "SJW's destroying MTG" storyline?
Well whatever

In the latest volley of SJW attacks, Wizards have finally pulled the trigger and fully banned Terese Nielsen from doing magic card art, including refusing to reprint any existing cards with her art on them.
She was the subject of SJW inquisitions over the last two years because she had liked tweets by Mike Cernovich and Infowars on twitter praising Trump. She never actually expressed her own political opinions or said anything controversial, and when the witchhunting started she put out a statement explicitly supporting gay rights / trans rights / etc and pointing out that she's been a life-long lesbian and the victim of bigotry in the regressive mormon family she grew up in that excommunicated and ostracized her for being gay;
despite saying she supported trans rights and unliking all political tweets, she was labeled a TERF simply for being an allegedly-conservative lesbian, and the usual tranny hate squad tried to destroy her career
Wizards at first responded by severing contracts with her and no longer commissioning new art, but then yesterday decided that wasn't enough and issued this damnatio memoriae

So let this be a lesson, in SJW circles if you even have a wisp of a hint of supporting Trump, even if you don't necessarily hold or express political opinions at any point, that's enough to raze your home to the ground and purge it with fire and salt

SJWs competing in terms of wokeness and trashing each other for under performing sounds like the logical next step. It's 2020 after all xD

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Jun 20 2020 02:19pm
So it turns out, The last of us 2 is one of the best games I've ever played.

Would probably put it number 5 after Red Dead Redemption, Chrono Trigger, Ocarina of time, Majoras Mask
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Jun 20 2020 02:27pm
Quote (dro94 @ Jun 21 2020 06:19am)
So it turns out, The last of us 2 is one of the best games I've ever played.

Would probably put it number 5 after Red Dead Redemption, Chrono Trigger, Ocarina of time, Majoras Mask

I doubt most reviewers played it.
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Jun 20 2020 02:35pm
Quote (dro94 @ Jun 20 2020 10:19pm)
So it turns out, The last of us 2 is one of the best games I've ever played.

Would probably put it number 5 after Red Dead Redemption, Chrono Trigger, Ocarina of time, Majoras Mask

Doesn't surprise me that woke people like woke stories. Love from Neil Cuckmann.

BTW, any self respecting major title lasts longer than this short amount of time. This game is done and dusted after one play through. I've seen bits of streams and player's reactions.

What does this game have in terms of longevity? It's an empty shell

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