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Poll > How To Get To Heaven When You Die
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Aug 11 2018 10:36am
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 11 2018 03:16am)
I asked God to help me out of a situation and he delivered, immediately afterwards

So if you pray for something and it happens immediately that means it's God? No matter what it is?
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Aug 12 2018 02:16pm
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Aug 13 2018 01:56am
Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Aug 12 2018 01:38am)
We have better alternatives in modern times, no? Would you agree that the welfare state etc. is a better system than your so-called economic slavery? The corrorary to that is that society progresses when the teachings of your god are ignored, and the only way you can reconcile your belief that your bible is divinely inspired is to concede that you believe we should return to slavery.

That’s not even to mention slaves taken during times of war, how does that fit into your sense of morality?

Again, the slavery depicted in your bible is race-based, since it adopts sentiments of racial superiority - inherently immoral. All men are created equally, right? Except for the Israelites, they’re a bit higher up than everyone else.

Yes but not back then. They didn't have the same luxury as we have today. Think about it, your wife and kids are hungry and nobody is going to give you any food or money for free. You may get a meal here and there if you beg but you cannot make that your full time job.

You need to put food on the table, you have mouths to feed. Why not sell yourself as a slave as there is no other alternative?

Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Aug 12 2018 01:38am)
You do realise that not everyone is as narcissistic as you, right? I couldn’t care less that I will be forgotten, because I’ll have lived a fulfilled life for me. Even if I was self-centred enough to be troubled by that fact, it wouldn’t make something designed to make me feel better about it is actually true.

You plan on dying with the most toys? You still die, even now I am preparing for what will happen during my funeral. I know what will happen and yet I won't be there to see it. I think about the bigger picture, obviously you don't.

Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Aug 12 2018 01:38am)
What about all the times your requests of your god have been ignored - what did you take from those occasions?

Like when? I never once asked God to take your life. Do you think that I would even consider lowering myself to that level?

Quote (Thor123422 @ Aug 12 2018 02:36am)
So if you pray for something and it happens immediately that means it's God? No matter what it is?

Yes, that's right! Also, consider prayer with action and faith with good works. What good is it if I ask God to give me strength to do something and then turn around and not do that thing?

What good is prayer if I ask God to help those in need after a natural disaster and yet I myself don't lend a helping hand? Do you think I just prayed for God to help me find my way out and then do nothing? I tell you no but by praying it showed that I was no longer relying on my own strength but leaning on God's strength.
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Aug 13 2018 02:02am
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 13 2018 01:56am)
Yes, that's right! Also, consider prayer with action and faith with good works. What good is it if I ask God to give me strength to do something and then turn around and not do that thing?

What good is prayer if I ask God to help those in need after a natural disaster and yet I myself don't lend a helping hand? Do you think I just prayed for God to help me find my way out and then do nothing? I tell you no but by praying it showed that I was no longer relying on my own strength but leaning on God's strength.

So then if I say "I pray to God you die tomorrow" and somebody dies (since this has almost certainly happened) that means God killed the person?

Or if I pray for somebody to lose all their money in a fire, and it happens, does that mean God set the fire?

This post was edited by Thor123422 on Aug 13 2018 02:03am
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Aug 13 2018 05:34pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 13 2018 08:56am)
Yes but not back then. They didn't have the same luxury as we have today. Think about it, your wife and kids are hungry and nobody is going to give you any food or money for free. You may get a meal here and there if you beg but you cannot make that your full time job.

You need to put food on the table, you have mouths to feed. Why not sell yourself as a slave as there is no other alternative?.

Your god specifically chose to dictate slavery as the economic system of choice. From this, you can draw one of two conclusions: either your god was not aware of how to implement a more moral and effective system of economic safeguard, such as we have today; or your god does not consider slavery immoral. The former suggests that your bible is not divinely inspired; the latter suggests that our sense of morality is not derived from your god. Of course, both are true.

Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 13 2018 08:56am)
I never once asked God to take your life. Do you think that I would even consider lowering myself to that level?

Not sure what you mean - when did I suggest that you had?

Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 13 2018 08:56am)
I know what will happen and yet I won't be there to see it. I think about the bigger picture, obviously you don't..

I think, and I'm sure I'm not alone, that you're naive, ignorant and fantastically arrogant

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Aug 14 2018 03:46pm
Quote (Thor123422 @ Aug 13 2018 06:02pm)
So then if I say "I pray to God you die tomorrow" and somebody dies (since this has almost certainly happened) that means God killed the person?

Or if I pray for somebody to lose all their money in a fire, and it happens, does that mean God set the fire?

Also bear in mind if it is God's will then it will be done. Besides, are you just praying without actioning it yourself?

Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Aug 14 2018 09:34am)
Your god specifically chose to dictate slavery as the economic system of choice. From this, you can draw one of two conclusions: either your god was not aware of how to implement a more moral and effective system of economic safeguard, such as we have today; or your god does not consider slavery immoral. The former suggests that your bible is not divinely inspired; the latter suggests that our sense of morality is not derived from your god. Of course, both are true.

Not sure what you mean - when did I suggest that you had?

I think, and I'm sure I'm not alone, that you're naive, ignorant and fantastically arrogant

Last I checked we chose to sever our connection with God when we chose to rebel against him. As a result we suffer the consequences of doing so. We now have conflict with one another, preventing us from reaching our full potential. Read the Genesis curse, the ground is cursed. When we work the ground then it will be hard. It is only natural that some people will not be able to cope.

When God created the world it was good. Then we rebelled. Can you believe that actions have consequences? Can you believe that there is such a thing as cause and effect?

When I pray for the sick I actually don't pray for miracle healing. When I pray for the poor and needy I don't pray for a miracle lottery win. I pray that they will be able to work through the situation at hand and that God is in control of all things. There is a reason that they were put in that situation in the first place.

When I pray for me when a situation is about to happen, I merely pray that whatever happens I know that God is in control and I will rely on his strength rather than my own. I also ask for the forgiveness of sins.

I think that your opinion holds no weight on me whatsoever. Besides, it is not me who you should be worrying about. You have to consider your own life and where you will end up when you die.
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Aug 14 2018 03:53pm

For real pard is a lost cause

Here and RL

Lol I'm so glad I gave up on both in my life
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Aug 14 2018 03:54pm
Quote (death_knight @ Aug 14 2018 03:53pm)
For real pard is a lost cause

Here and RL

Lol I'm so glad I gave up on both in my life

locked. lol.
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Aug 14 2018 03:55pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 14 2018 11:46pm)
Also bear in mind if it is God's will then it will be done. Besides, are you just praying without actioning it yourself?

Last I checked we chose to sever our connection with God when we chose to rebel against him. As a result we suffer the consequences of doing so. We now have conflict with one another, preventing us from reaching our full potential. Read the Genesis curse, the ground is cursed. When we work the ground then it will be hard. It is only natural that some people will not be able to cope.

When God created the world it was good. Then we rebelled. Can you believe that actions have consequences? Can you believe that there is such a thing as cause and effect?

When I pray for the sick I actually don't pray for miracle healing. When I pray for the poor and needy I don't pray for a miracle lottery win. I pray that they will be able to work through the situation at hand and that God is in control of all things. There is a reason that they were put in that situation in the first place.

When I pray for me when a situation is about to happen, I merely pray that whatever happens I know that God is in control and I will rely on his strength rather than my own. I also ask for the forgiveness of sins.

I think that your opinion holds no weight on me whatsoever. Besides, it is not me who you should be worrying about. You have to consider your own life and where you will end up when you die.

Prayer doubtless works, if one prays sincerely, from the depths of one's heart and soul, in humility, being aware that it's God's grace and nothing else, and if the prayer is in accordance with the moral laws of God, then that prayer will be answered in nine cases out of ten.

Don't bother arguing with these atheists, it's just sad that they do not believe. You can't make them believe. Even their unbelief might serve a function in this world.

I believe that the world is dying and we are like decaying cells, we do not really have free will but we were intended to have, and God is somehow trying to manage the world, without making too much of an influence on our free wills, and he in his wisdom makes as much as he can on our behalf to keep us alive, save us from suffering, while at the same time uphold his holy law.

But don't forget your humanity. Can you seriously not ask yourself the question why punishments must be so harsh? You are like a robot. You just reply "we sinned and sins got consequences, deal with it". It doesn't feel like you are saying it in truth from the bottom of your heart. It feels like you just repeat something you read from the Bible. Who can understand why death had to come into this world? Why was there an evil deceiving snake in the Garden of Eden? After all Eve did not even sin intentionally - she was fooled into it, yet she was punished severely, more severely than Adam. You come across as a little bit superior when you just claim to understand, even accept these things. Be a human and just admit that you do not understand. No one can. We must blindly believe that God is hundred percent good. That we cannot understand in this present world. It is impossible. Children starve and die. Children are kidnapped and tortured to death. It happens, every year, every day. Don't forget your humanity, I believe that God will see if that is sincere or not.

This post was edited by Tjo on Aug 14 2018 03:59pm
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Aug 14 2018 03:56pm
Quote (thesnipa @ 14 Aug 2018 15:54)
locked. lol.

You still don't see the fault in your signature yet you think you have valid opinion elsewhere

That's the lol
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