Good afternoon everyone,
It's been just over half a year since we've shared what is new with d2jsp. Over the past months we've made significant changes to our community to improve user experience through new and updated features. Additionally there were two large Ladder Slasher updates. We have also had quite a few other changes, some of which include fourteen staff promotions, five new trusted tagged members and four new forums.
For those of you who haven't seen it yet, in previous updates we have added the ability to
increase your pm box size,
lengthen edit times on posts,
increase the number of pictures added per post,
automatically upload pictures to your posts and
increased the number of topics you can track. In addition we have added the ability to get your d2jsp account
Verified . If this is something you would be interested in you can find all the details
With the announcement of
Diablo 2: Resurrected we have added a new discussion forum:
Diablo 2: ResurrectedIf you have any new and fresh ideas you'd like to see in our community please share them with us by
making a suggestion! Quite a few of the newly implemented ideas are user submitted, and we very much appreciate the time and effort you put into sharing them with us.
Here is a full list of the changes and updates applied since August 1st 2020:
Public Changes [August 1 2020 - February 19 2021]:- Staff promotion: icecool Trade Assistant -> Junior Moderator (Aug 1 2020)
- Fixed an avatar sizing issue in user profiles (Aug 1 2020)
- Changed user profiles to change view modes at a more appropriate minimum width display (Aug 1 2020)
- The Register link is now bold (Aug 1 2020)
- Removed inline nowrap css from main index subforums and moved to a class (Aug 1 2020)
- Staff promotion: EErock Trade Assistant -> Trade Moderator (Aug 3 2020)
- Fixed a bug in the chat client that did not allow you to save your notification sound settings (Aug 4 2020)
- Updated subforums display to have preset widths to mimic columns at sizes where it fits (Aug 4 2020)
- Updated news box colors to be the same as posts on (Aug 4 2020)
- Cleaned up header bar for guests by removing the unnecessary "Hello, Guest" (Aug 4 2020)
- Removed an old informational note on the Guild Ranks page that is no longer applicable (Aug 4 2020)
- Removed non-functional Mark All Forums Read link from main index (Aug 4 2020)
- Updated news box colors to be the same as posts on (Aug 5 2020)
- Completely redesigned and improved the Report Post feature (Aug 5 2020)
- Staff that can moderate a forum is now listed on the Report Post page if applicable if you need additional assistance from staff on a specific forum (Aug 5 2020)
- Post already reported error message given proper display formatting (Aug 5 2020)
- Added comma formatting to the number of topics listed at the bottom of a forum (Aug 6 2020)
- Renamed the D2 trade subforums for better consistency (Aug 6 2020)
- Added the Category a forum is in to the breadcrumbs when viewing a topic (Aug 6 2020)
- Renamed the International Forums Category to International (Aug 6 2020)
- Renamed the d2jsp Donor Forum to Donor Forum. For those of you who don't currently have access please see the information here. (Aug 6 2020)
- Small visual improvements to the friends list displayed in your own profile (Aug 6 2020)
- Services are not applicable and can no longer be posted to the Low Level Dueling (LLD) Diablo II Trading forum (Aug 7 2020)
- User profiles on mobile now show User Stats under the User Controls section, rather than having to scroll to nearly the bottom of the page (Aug 7 2020)
- User Stats section in profiles now uses zebra stripe coloring for the table (Aug 7 2020)
- Moved more display markup on the main forum index page to css (Aug 8 2020)
- Ladder Slasher: Pick reset the ladder in softcore season 27. Season 28 has now begun! (Aug 8 2020)
- User Recent Posts: Increased max-height of each post, and set a max-width for images and videos to properly fit the width of the screen viewing (Aug 8 2020)
- User Recent Posts: Made each result always use the normal post background color rather than alternating (Aug 8 2020)
- Fixed some text wrapping issues on mobile in the forum topic list view (Aug 8 2020)
- Removed an errant error message on a user's View Recent Posts (Aug 9 2020)
- Renamed and reodered WoW trading subforums (Aug 10 2020)
- Renamed Diablo III Trading Market subforums for better consistency (Aug 10 2020)
- Guild owners and active members with Accept Member rights* will now receive guild join request notifications (*limited to top 10 eligible members) (Aug 10 2020)
- There is now a flood control on attempting to join multiple or a single guilds to prevent spam (Aug 10 2020)
- Made some change email address errors and warnings more clear (Aug 10 2020)
- Fixed the background gradient displaying incorrectly on the Dark Chrome style (Aug 10 2020)
- Did some code cleanup on the IRC server (Aug 11 2020)
Topic and guild topic post perm links are now actual links instead of a prompt popup with the link inside that you copy (Aug 11 2020)
- Removed "perm link" from images in image gallery and posts in post preview (Aug 11 2020)
- Clicking topic and guild topic post # links will now open a share dialog when clicked on a mobile device (Aug 11 2020)
- https is now required for all links/images in posts, signatures, profiles, and avatars (Aug 12 2020)
- Fixed a bug where the editor was still converting links to http instead of https (Aug 12 2020)
- Updated quick gold send popup dialog with visual improvements (Aug 12 2020)
- Staff promotion: Ricci Trade Assistant -> Junior Moderator (Aug 12 2020)
- Staff promotion: Markos. Members++ -> Trade Assistant (Aug 12 2020)
- Updated numerous locations that still used http for links instead of https (Aug 13 2020)
- Live Streams: Fixed a bug where the cost for adding the live chat was not displaying properly (Aug 13 2020)
- Corrected the invalid image extension error to be more accurate (Aug 13 2020)
- Updated all links within the Ladder Slasher guides to https (Aug 13 2020)
- User ^ Mentions are limited to 10 per post which matches how many are notified behind the scenes (Aug 13 2020)
- Updated guild pages to use a cached js file instead of inline js (Aug 13 2020)
- Pending members page now uses actual zebra striping on the list (Aug 13 2020)
- Updated user profiles to use new js files (Aug 13 2020)
- Fixed an issue where error messages were not displaying when managing games in your user profile (Aug 13 2020)
- Updated the preview post page to use new js files (Aug 13 2020)
- Quick Gold Send icons now appear in preview post previous posts (Aug 13 2020)
- Updated the private message pages to use the new js files (Aug 13 2020)
- Change Guild Avatar now uses real time previewing for any changes made (Aug 14 2020)
- Updated all Guild Avatars to use and require https (Aug 14 2020)
- Fixed an error page linking to an old css file (Aug 14 2020)
- Cleared all tinypic avatars (Aug 15 2020)
- Removed PM -> Address Book. This is an almost completely unused feature per usage logs. (Aug 15 2020)
- Display notifications above the breadcrumbs will now animate into view when the main document loads, not when all the images finish loading (Aug 15 2020)
- Updated Avatar maximum description to remove px size restrictions since this is enforced by css and not applicable (Aug 15 2020)
- Added a deprecation message to the contact list (Aug 15 2020)
- https is now required for guild charters/avatars/background css images (Aug 16 2020)
- Removed tinypic guild avatars and backgrounds (Aug 16 2020)
- Deleting all messages from multiple folders now works properly (Aug 17 2020)
- When viewing a forum topic list, names will now truncate with an ellipsis (Aug 17 2020)
- Ladder Slasher: Disable Item Compare setting now loads the saved setting (Aug 17 2020)
- Posts/Views are now centered when viewing a forum topic list (Aug 17 2020)
- Updated Photo Gallery to use new js files (Aug 18 2020)
- It is now possible to quick send forum gold in the Photo Gallery when viewing an image (Aug 18 2020)
- Subforum names are now highlighted when viewing a Forum (Aug 18 2020)
- Removed the "red" color from the event text on and made the online count bold (Aug 19 2020)
- New Feature: Image Uploading as announced here: - You can now upload images directly into a post by a few different methods. Using one of these methods will automatically upload your image to and paste the link into your post: (Aug 20 2020)
- Click the Image+ icon to select a valid image
- Drag and drop a valid image onto the post editor box
- Paste an image from the Clipboard onto the editor box
- Staff retirement: Textbook Moderator -> Retired Moderator (Aug 20 2020)
- Updated the verify page to add details about Image Uploading and other formatting tweaks (Aug 20 2020)
- Removed extraneous markup and includes on the Guild Pending Member page (Aug 21 2020)
- Removed the very outdated and non-functional Guild Topic Condensed View option (Aug 21 2020)
- Removed some extraneous markup from the Guild Topics page (Aug 22 2020)
- Made the Guild Topic add reply box 100% width like regular topic replies (Aug 22 2020)
- Rewrote, redesigned, cleaned up, and made the Guild Topic List mobile friendly (Aug 22 2020)
- Guild Topic Titles are now formatted by the same rules as regular topic titles (Aug 22 2020)
- Pin and Delete are now capitalized in Guild Topics to match other links/buttons (Aug 22 2020)
- Moved comments to the far right in the pending guild members table list (Aug 23 2020)
- Ladder Slasher event details now display in a vertical list (Aug 24 2020)
- Completely redesigned the pending guild members page (Aug 24 2020)
- Added a toast message instead of redirect when approving pending guild members (Aug 24 2020)
- Added a toast message for confirmation when rejecting a pending guild member (Aug 24 2020)
- Guild: Manage Pending Members now has a breadcrumb in the nav (Aug 24 2020)
- Ladder Slasher Item History page now has a better phrased error message when attempting to look up an item with no market history (Aug 25 2020)
- Ladder Slasher item names now link to the item history page when clicked (Aug 25 2020)
- Completely redesigned the Ladder Slasher Character, Market, and Item History pages to look like the game (Aug 25 2020)
- Fixed incorrect margins on Ladder Slasher Character page (Aug 25 2020)
- Ladder Slasher Character page now displays proficiencies like in game (Aug 26 2020)
- Ladder Slasher pages that show item(s) now display the in game image behind the item like in game (Character, Market, History) (Aug 26 2020)
- https is now required for all images in the Photo Gallery (Aug 26 2020)
- All photo gallery urls converted to https (Aug 26 2020)
- Enabled access to the new Image Uploading feature to those with Donor Forum access (Aug 26 2020)
- Removed another missed link to the deprecated and being removed Address Book (Aug 26 2020)
- Fixed some incorrect proficiency images showing on the Ladder Slasher Character page (Aug 26 2020)
- Fixed a bug in Settings -> Change Avatar that was adding an additional https and allowing saves with invalid images (Aug 27 2020)
- Change Avatar preview now properly resizes oversized images (Aug 27 2020)
- Fixed an issue that was not allowing avatars, profile pictures, etc to be unset to an empty value (Aug 28 2020)
- Change Guild Avatar preview now properly resizes oversized images (Aug 28 2020)
- Borders for all styles for buttons, inputs, textareas, etc are now set and match the selected board style (Aug 28 2020)
- Redesigned Account Recovery pages to be more clear and mobile friendly (Aug 29 2020)
- Images hosted on d2jsp linked within posts, sigs, profiles render properly again (Aug 30 2020)
- Error message(s) will now display properly if applicable when changing your Personal Picture in Settings (Aug 31 2020)
- Made some css optimizations to all board styles (Aug 31 2020)
- Updated all pager links to use the same variable (Sep 1 2020)
- Updated photo gallery new images code to better match edge case issues (Sep 1 2020)
- Updated guild avatar image preview code to use new parsing (Sep 2 2020)
- Password reset attempts on a validating account no longer stop with an error but redirect and resend the validation request email as applicable (Sep 3 2020)
- Fixed portal page to properly resize videos on mobile (Sep 3 2020)
- New Trusted Member: Boggy (Sep 3 2020)
- New Trusted Member: fzy (Sep 3 2020)
- Fully removed and retired old defunct Big Font board style (Sep 5 2020)
- Completely redesigned and revamped the suspension page to have more relevant information (Sep 7 2020)
- Archived posts in the Softcore Harvest Trading and Hardcore Harvest Trading forums in preparation for the new Path of Exile Heist league (Sep 17 2020)
- Ladder Slasher: Chestk reset the ladder in softcore season 28. Season 29 has now begun! (Sep 17 2020)
- Ladder Slasher: Increased Monster Difficulty events dialed back and capped at a much lower value (Sep 24 2020)
- Fixed a bug where editing your profile notes with a transparent background that matches the background of the editor caused the buttons to not be visible (Sep 26 2020)
- Ladder Slasher v1.31.0 Released! (Sep 28 2020)
- Applicable Profile Ladder Slasher character items now show with an Equipped label like in-game (Sep 28 2020)
- Staff retirement: Mina Junior Moderator -> Retired Moderator (Oct 1 2020)
- Staff retirement: Sullivan Moderator -> Retired Moderator (Oct 5 2020)
- Staff promotion: osseworst Trade Assistant -> Trade Moderator (Oct 5 2020)
- Staff promotion: Udsuna Member -> Members++ (Oct 8 2020)
- Staff promotion: Culinary Members++ -> Trade Assistant (Oct 8 2020)
- Staff promotion: Soroush Member -> Members++ (Oct 9 2020)
- Added the "Request a Mediator" button to the Queslar forum. (Oct 12 2020)
- Staff promotion: Boggy Member -> Members++ (Oct 14 2020)
- Ladder Slasher v1.32.0 Released! (Oct 19 2020)
- Fixed a bug in the Hourly Raffle Last 100 Winners page where the jackpot picked numbers were not displayed (Oct 27 2020)
- Hourly Raffle Last 100 Winners page now aligns picked ticket numbers better and more in line with the drawn winning numbers (Oct 27 2020)
- Settings -> Change Orb Settings updated to be more mobile friendly and minor UI updates (Oct 30 2020)
- Settings -> Change Star Settings updated to fix preview not being mobile friendly (Oct 30 2020)
- Settings -> Change Avatar updated to fix preview not being mobile friendly (Oct 30 2020)
- Added a new Diablo II Trading Grounds forum called Private Realms (Nov 4 2020)
- Added a new Diablo 2 Discussion forum called Mods & Private Realms (Nov 4 2020)
- New Trusted Member: ddevin (Nov 5 2020)
- New Trusted Member: Mezzer69 (Nov 5 2020)
- Archived posts in the Softcore - Americas Season Trading and Softcore - Europe Season Trading forums in preparation for Season 22 (Nov 9 2020)
- Updated the error page to use a more consistent top header (Nov 9 2020)
- Updated security code generator to use more legible and recognizable numeric symbols (Nov 13 2020)
- Updated various Ladder Slasher Help and Guides images in the Starting Out section. Thanks to Epiphany for help with this (Nov 19 2020)
- Updated the logo from .jpg to .svg on the Ladder Slasher portal (Nov 19 2020)
- Staff promotion: Markos. Trade Assistant -> Junior Moderator (Nov 19 2020)
- Staff retirement: Phyerox Trade Moderator -> Retired Moderator (Dec 3 2020)
- Fixed a crash bug in Ladder Slasher (Jan 5 2021)
- Added a new forum called Elethor (Jan 5 2021)
- Staff promotion: TiM Trade Assistant -> Junior Moderator (Jan 6 2021)
- Archived posts in the Softcore Heist Trading and Hardcore Heist Trading forums in preparation for the new Path of Exile Echoes of the Atlas league (Jan 14 2021)
- Staff promotion: Soroush Members++ -> Trade Assistant (Jan 19 2021)
- tor_zero reset the hardcore ladder on Ladder Slasher. Welcome to hardcore season 5! (Jan 20 2021)
- Staff promotion: Boggy Members++ -> Trade Assistant (Jan 20 2021)
- unknownX reset the softcore ladder on Ladder Slasher. Welcome to softcore season 30! (Jan 21 2021)
- New Trusted Member: staking (Jan 23 2021)
- Staff promotion: Josha Member -> Members++ (Jan 25 2021)
- Added a new forum called Investment & Finance (Jan 28 2021)
- Updated the system notification sent to users when topics posted in the wrong forum are moved to the correct forum (Feb 6 2021)
- Updated the system notification sent to users when trade topic types are switched to the correct type (Feb 7 2021)
- Added transaction filtering to gold logs, you can now filter by All, Sent+Received, Sent, Received, Store and Granted. (Granted only shows if you have purchased forum gold) (Feb 15 2021)
- Various gold log mobile improvements (Feb 15 2021)
- Added a new forum called Diablo 2: Resurrected (Feb 19 2021)
In case you missed the previous updates, you can read about them here: for reading and we look forward to what the future has to bring!