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Aug 26 2009 10:31pm
Quote (DanDoing @ Wed, Aug 26 2009, 11:28pm)
I think the idea may produce some fruit.
I think the Sage should be a "True Healer" though no charms but the heals and only a sword, completely different than the current mage which can already solo pretty well.
We'll see what happens.

You mean like a....Guardian?
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Aug 26 2009 10:51pm
I totally think that it could work.

And the idea of caster classes who can't heal has potential in my opinion, with starting stats like those suggested.
On my caster samurai I barely ever heal at higher levels, and with a higher base intelligence I doubt I'd have to heal at all.

I can't decide if I like option 2 or 3 more though so I'm saving my vote for now...
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Aug 26 2009 11:23pm
i guess my question is, why are you trying to change things so much when you havent even played the current classes yet ?
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Aug 26 2009 11:25pm
Quote (NevV @ Wed, Aug 26 2009, 09:51pm)
I totally think that it could work.

And the idea of caster classes who can't heal has potential in my opinion, with starting stats like those suggested.
On my caster samurai I barely ever heal at higher levels, and with a higher base intelligence I doubt I'd have to heal at all.

I can't decide if I like option 2 or 3 more though so I'm saving my vote for now...

The reason you don't heal on caster samurai is because there's fuckall for mana. If you had 3 or 4 times the mana, which you definitely would with the extra starting int, you'd experience something far different. :)
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Aug 27 2009 12:26am
i nulled my vote because i didnt want to vote no on your idea because you obviously put a lot of thoughts into it.
but: the counterpart classes are a bit overpowered. you changed the starting stats and equipment in a way that nobody will play the old classes any more...
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Aug 27 2009 12:30am
[QUOTE=deanjones145,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 03:51pm]u sbhould set up a rogue forum
set a game up called slasher ladder!

interesting idea
u have placed alot of thought into it
but dont think it will be implemented[/QUOTE]

:lol: there is no way that I want to make a Counterpart jsp... thank you for the input though

[QUOTE=Brainwashed,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 03:58pm]very well thought out, but I'm not so sure if this should be implemented...not only would there be SC and HC, but also two new other cores (LS community isn't that big to support 4 different ones, IMO.

however I do like the idea of a "hidden class". Perhaps in later updates he would introduce a new character class (maybe based off member brainstorming/suggestions) that is hidden. Somewhere along the way we'll pass onto it and it would a surprise for the community. Haha, just seems like a neat idea...it would probably attract some new people LS...and probably get the current players the inscentive to keep slashin' ;)[/QUOTE]

Thank you for the supportive comments... I see that you look at different aspects as well... which is great...

[QUOTE=Moleman2468,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 03:58pm]None. What's the point of having a caster char that can't heal... That defeats 1/2 the purpose and makes them just as useless as alchys in catas....[/QUOTE]

Ahhh... why should casters be exempt to just HEAL?... the Sage is the Caster equivalent to a Melee Barb... but uses magic to kill

[QUOTE=jlhromeo,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 03:59pm]Lots of time/effort put into this, I think its a totally unique and revolutionary idea. Would love to see something of this implemented, even though it will get flak from 75% of the community I am sure.

Great job Rex![/QUOTE]

Thanks Jesse... hopefully... some can see past the faults and look at the pro's...

[QUOTE=InsaneBobb,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 04:08pm]Option 2 looks interesting. Pick your poison and run with it.

Some of these classes seem interesting. Don't like the idea of a mage that can't heal, but whatever.

For the record, I'd go with the classic classes, but the variety would make for an interesting run-through. :)[/QUOTE]

Great comments... as stated it would be your choice, which is what we want to acheive. The Sage/Mage thing... think of it as a Different Barb build

[QUOTE=vajjina,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 04:12pm]I think the third option would be a great add to the game... i mean it has developed majorly in recent months so why not keep it evolving.
I also think that the second option wouldn't be a bad add... that way kids who wanna keep it classic can, and kids who wanna enjoy the evolution of ladder slasher can as well.

Very interesting descriptions and classes too mate, good job imo :thumbsup:[/QUOTE]

Thank you ... very insightful comments... as for the options... it was NeVv & Jesse that gave me the ideas... otherwise I would have only stated Option 1... which would have ruined the thinking of this idea...

[QUOTE=J_B,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 04:15pm]these classes are basically the current ones but with a melee endgame, and some classes can use more weapon types[/QUOTE]

They are not called "Counterparts" for nothing... yes they are BASICALLY identical... except for some of the stats/item use... which I think gives versatility throughout... hopefully people can see this...

[QUOTE=rtcw14,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 04:21pm]Even though I doubt this will be implemented, the descriptions are great.

A lot of time was put into thinking about this.[/QUOTE]

Very nice comment, thank you... even if it does not get implemented... it could lead to something for the future... people are already commenting that since the transmuting changed, there are no real incentives, no easy way to make FG, and not many people sticking with LS... maybe... this could change things around... we will never know.

[QUOTE=DanDoing,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 04:28pm]I think the idea may produce some fruit.
I think the Sage should be a "True Healer" though no charms but the heals and only a sword, completely different than the current mage which can already solo pretty well.
We'll see what happens.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for nice feedback... as you know... Guardian is basically the Tank/Healer... so the Sage is similar Tank/Elemenalist... we have many Healers... in reality every character can heal...

[QUOTE=NevV,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 04:51pm]I totally think that it could work.

And the idea of caster classes who can't heal has potential in my opinion, with starting stats like those suggested.
On my caster samurai I barely ever heal at higher levels, and with a higher base intelligence I doubt I'd have to heal at all.

I can't decide if I like option 2 or 3 more though so I'm saving my vote for now...[/QUOTE]

Hi NeVv... thank you for the nice comments and also the idea of implementing options to choose from... and you are right... it is hard to choose.
I have actually thought of a 4th Option

Option 4. Feeder Classes stay as they are... when you successfully pass MQ with that feeder class... you also unlock its Counterpart and you can choose whether you want your unlocked character to be "Samurai" or "Ronin"...

This way... people might want to use different Feeder classes to UNLOCK the Counterpart Feeder classes

[QUOTE=TexanDiablo,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 05:23pm]i guess my question is, why are you trying to change things so much when you havent even played the current classes yet ?[/QUOTE]

Okay... I am not trying to CHANGE things so much... I have noticed from other posts the concerns about Ladder Slashing and its' current status.
Based on some of the things like:
1. Losing old players because of the change
2. Can not make fg like in the old days
3. Monk class is sad... change the placing before Paladin and have the 3 door option to pass, instead of the 4 door option
4. 1/720 chance to pass as an alchemist to reset ladder
5. What do we need to attract more people to Ladder Slasher
6. Hardcore is dying... only a few sturdy people play now... how do we keep this are going

The above reasons are only some of the things that I have noticed during my short time here... I have played HC... died.. and deleted one...
I am not asking to change things dramatically, I am only putting in my 2 cents worth that MAY help cover all those areas that were mentioned.

[QUOTE=InsaneBobb,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 05:25pm]The reason you don't heal on caster samurai is because there's fuckall for mana. If you had 3 or 4 times the mana, which you definitely would with the extra starting int, you'd experience something far different. :)[/QUOTE]

This is what I am hoping for... more versatility in some of the builds... nice spotting...

Thank you all for great comments... I love the discussions and hope that we can see more input by a great community...

[QUOTE=[fB],Thu, Aug 27 2009, 06:26pm]i nulled my vote because i didnt want to vote no on your idea because you obviously put a lot of thoughts into it.
but: the counterpart classes are a bit overpowered. you changed the starting stats and equipment in a way that nobody will play the old classes any more...[/QUOTE]

Thank you... I only changed some... they are not really overpowered... they are slightly different...
I moved like 5-10 points from one area and put it in other areas... some item changes that would appeal more to that build.

[QUOTE=Moleman2468,Thu, Aug 27 2009, 06:39pm]First of all, they are pointless in catacombs. Casting in catas in dumb (unless healing ofc). but with this you would not be able to heal so once your mana pool is gone you are only as good as the leechers....
Secondly, have you casted with a character with such a high mana pool at the ending levels? You will need to eventually heal or about 1/2 of your mana would be useless because you would have to go regen your health at high levels.
This also makes it impossible to make it a hybrid character which imo are the best types of characters in the game.[/QUOTE]

Die Hard Ladder Slashers will be 110% behind this comment... and I understand it fully...
Thing is... it brings out Versatility in builds... getting us to think OUTSIDE of the box...

I have seen 3 healers in a high end cata group... 2 x melee characters... what is the difference really.
2 melee damaging / 1x Caster damaging and 2 Healers... remember: it is a TEAM effort... not solo...

We need OUT of box thinking... versatility... something new...

This post was edited by izParagonzi on Aug 27 2009 12:49am
Posts: 26,553
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Aug 27 2009 12:39am
Ahhh... why should casters be exempt to just HEAL?... the Sage is the Caster equivalent to a Melee Barb... but uses magic to kill

First of all, they are pointless in catacombs. Casting in catas in dumb (unless healing ofc). but with this you would not be able to heal so once your mana pool is gone you are only as good as the leechers....
Secondly, have you casted with a character with such a high mana pool at the ending levels? You will need to eventually heal or about 1/2 of your mana would be useless because you would have to go regen your health at high levels.
This also makes it impossible to make it a hybrid character which imo are the best types of characters in the game.

Don't get me wrong. I like the idea of letting people chose between a few different classes as they progress but I think some things need to be tweaked.

This post was edited by Moleman2468 on Aug 27 2009 12:48am
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Aug 27 2009 01:05am
Quote (Moleman2468 @ Wed, Aug 26 2009, 11:39pm)
First of all, they are pointless in catacombs. Casting in catas in dumb (unless healing ofc). but with this you would not be able to heal so once your mana pool is gone you are only as good as the leechers....
Secondly, have you casted with a character with such a high mana pool at the ending levels? You will need to eventually heal or about 1/2 of your mana would be useless because you would have to go regen your health at high levels.
This also makes it impossible to make it a hybrid character which imo are the best types of characters in the game.

Don't get me wrong. I like the idea of letting people chose between a few different classes as they progress but I think some things need to be tweaked.

Fishing anyone?

This would actually make Life fish far more useful. The way it is now, in cata, if the cata's worth shit, there's a healer, and you only want/need mana fish. If it's solo casting you're after, you need mana fish. This way, life fish would be a key part of your average run. Or comfreys.

Just a thought. :)
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Aug 27 2009 02:29am
Nice idea

I like it , but not all

only would like the third option

Voted 3 :)
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Aug 27 2009 02:40am
Interesting idea.

At least Mercs would be an interesting implementation.
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