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Posts: 27,098
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Dec 28 2010 12:43am
I've been reading a bunch of the advice you have given, and I was hoping I could pm you a few questions but I have realized you have been keeping it full :p
let me know if you are able to help me through pm, and I would definitely be willing to send a solid donation for any help given, thanks!
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Dec 28 2010 12:47am
Quote (Alyon @ Dec 26 2010 11:33pm)
Hey Raynor!  Hope your holiday season is going great!  Few questions for ya :)
I'm 20 years old, 170 pounds, 6''0.  Used to run cross country and track in high school and i'm trying to train myself back into the running scene.  Problem is i've heard running will just eat away your muscles like crazy!
My goal is to 1)cut my abs into a six pack on a cutting routine while maintaining my upper body muscles. 2)increase my metabolism so that I once my body is in the shape I want it to be in I can keep it there as long as i'm still exercising moderately.

I noticed on your cutting plan you've given me it says to try to shoot for around 135-140 bpm during cardio.  I've been doing some close monitoring of my heart rate during cardio and i've noticed it my average pace it stays around 165-170bpm.  Is this going to take away from my upper body muscles but at the same time increase my metabolism and rate of fat burn following my exersize?  I'm really not familiar with what effect an hour of 170bpm cardio will have on my body versus an hour of 135bpm cardio.  I'm also hitting 135 bpm at a speed slightly faster than power walking.  So running around 135 is kind of annoying for me.  If 135bpm is the healthiest to cut/maintain at I think i'll stick with that but i was just wondering what the difference is really.  Thanks for helping so many people out on here man. 


Hey there.

In general, long distance cardio has a tendency to defeat muscle through catabolism. The body searches for fuel during a long run, and will generally favor breaking down muscles as well as fat in a normal glucose (carbohydrate) fueled environment.

To optimize cardio capacity as well as reduce muscle wasting, you can try to do sprints or HIIT training. HIIT training is where you basically walk for a few minutes, jog for a few minutes, and sprint about 30 seconds, and keep repeating the process for about 20-40 minutes. This keeps your heart rate pretty balanced because the MAJORITY of the time you are between 130-145. Above 145-150 and your body is now going to start a larger pattern of muscle wasting and catabolism.

I hope that answered your question...if you have any more on this topic (or any other topic) please post again! thanks =)
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Dec 28 2010 12:51am
Quote (Pakamon @ Dec 27 2010 01:13am)
Oh my, you're a beast there. You'll laugh at my situation xD.

16 Years old
Kinda skinny with fat

Goal : Lose the fat I have and gain some muscles (not OP muscles, cuz I wanna keep the size/shape but get more strenght)

Now I've been doing crutches and push ups on a daily basis just before supper in order to consume protein right away. I'm not really planning to go to the gym with all those fancy machines.
As for crunches, I can do like 150+ now (it's been improving), but not my habs lol. As if the fat is preventing me. So my first question would be : Should I concentrate on aerobic workouts to lose the fat first and then gain muscles? Or can I turn fat into muscles ._.

Also, like I've stated, I've been doing push ups too but... I can't get past 40 it's been fucking 3 months. What's wrong? Not enough protein? I'm pretty sure I consume enough and I even wonder if sometimes I don't eat too much and am scared of gaining fat.

Should I change my habits? Suggestions on what to do?
Should I alter 1 day crunches/push and the other day cardio?


hey there. I'll be glad to help. First of all, 6'0 135 is far from fat, I'm sure you just need to add some muscle - don't worry about fat loss right now.

In general you need to change up a few things. I highly recommend joining a gym, but because you said you will be doing only bodyweight exercises, lease see these posts:

Bulking Diet, workout, and supplement guide

Macro Guide

Creatine Dosing

Bodyweight exercises

I highly recommend the bulking diet + workout for your purposes.

However if you can't manage the workout...stick to the bulking diet with the bodyweight exercises and also take creatine + the other supplements mentioned for optimal gains.
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Dec 28 2010 12:55am
Hey raynor, ur back? :lol:

I was wondering if its ok to have 3 on whey protein shakes a day, as meals, i have 3 solid meals lately to go along with the shakes

theres hardly any food atm, I need to get a new job, so thats why im kinda living off of whey shakes atm

is that really bad? or fine for now? going shopping soon, its just temp =0
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Dec 28 2010 12:57am
Quote (Zellers @ Dec 27 2010 12:07pm)
I've gathered the general consensus that I have to eat around 700-800 more calories than I burn in a day, and that I should aim for a 30/40/30 ratio of calories from protein/carbs/fat. In order to gain significant muscle, I must maintain a consistent meal plan that reaches these goals daily, along with 3-4 intense 1-hour workouts a week. After 3-4 months, I should then enter a cutting phase where I aim to maintain this muscle while burning off excess fat. Am I on the right track? Also, any pointers as to which foods I should be eating and which ones to avoid while bulking would be helpful.

Hey there. It really differs from person to person on what really works. You will have to make adjustments as you go along when you find things that are or arent working.

500-1000 calories per day over what you burn is needed for a good bulk - so 700-800 is acceptable. If you notice you are gaining too much fat, decrease it about 300 cal a day. If you are not gaining enough, increase another 300-400 cal a day.

for the ratio, the 40/40/20 is one of the most popular for bulking. There is also a good rule of thumb that says as long as you get 1.5-2g / lb of bodyweight worth of protein, the carbs and fat doesn't matter in RATIO figures as much as it does in just MINIMUM numbers...meaning if you require 300g of protein per day, you would need AT LEAST 300g carbs and 80g fats (2:1 ratio or better of unsat to sat fat). So technically if you got 300g protein, 500g carbs, and 100g fat, your ratio would be way off of 40/40/20 or even 30/40/30. However because you are hitting the protein balloon at the 300g mark, the fat and carbs must be a certain level or GREATER in order to bulk.

Lastly, the cutting phase usually happens after around 8 months of bulking. If you are not over 12-15% bf, a cutting phase is not yet necessary unless you are pre-contest. However, if you bulk properly, you will definitely be at 12-15% bf after 8 months.

here are some guides:

anabolic cutting diet

5x5 plan

Hypertrophy Plan

Cutting Workout Routine

Bulking Diet, workout, and supplement guide

Supplement Guide

Macro Guide
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Dec 28 2010 12:58am
Quote (JAKEFILE @ Dec 28 2010 02:43am)
I've been reading a  bunch of the advice you have given, and I was hoping I could pm you a few questions but I have realized you have been keeping it full :p
let me know if you are able to help me through pm, and I would definitely be willing to send a solid donation for any help given, thanks!

Hey there.

At this current time I do not have the ability to help anyone via PM.

I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I will let everyone know when I am able to start PMing once more.

For now, please try to post in the thread. If the questions are of a personal nature I will do my best to let you know when my PM box is ready.

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Dec 28 2010 12:59am
Quote (KramerFtw @ Dec 28 2010 02:55am)
Hey raynor, ur back?  :lol:

I was wondering if its ok to have 3 on whey protein shakes a day, as meals, i have 3 solid meals lately to go along with the shakes

theres hardly any food atm, I need to get a new job, so thats why im kinda living off of whey shakes atm

is that really bad? or fine for now? going shopping soon, its just temp =0

Hey there. Yes I'm back ;-)

3 meals + 3 shakes a day is fine. Most amatuer bodybuilders I know do the 3+3 plan.

However, with the ON shakes, you can prepare them with WHOLE MILK or 2% MILK if you are on a BULK for additional calories. If you are on a cut, then just mix them with water.
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Dec 28 2010 01:01am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Dec 28 2010 01:59am)
Hey there. Yes I'm back ;-)

3 meals + 3 shakes a day is fine. Most amatuer bodybuilders I know do the 3+3 plan.

However, with the ON shakes, you can prepare them with WHOLE MILK or 2% MILK if you are on a BULK for additional calories. If you are on a cut, then just mix them with water.

Yeah, im still on keto, i just add cream to them , to add to the fat count
Posts: 27,098
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Dec 28 2010 01:08am
I was wondering if I could get you to write up me a work out routine?
I have no experience, other then dry-land training I've done for hockey (which honestly isn't much)

I'm 18, 6'2, 170lbs (so obviously need to toss on some healthy weight)

I'm looking to gain some weight, and a tonne of muscle
I live in residence, which makes it very difficult for me to have a good diet (which I understand is very important while attempting to attain muscle)

let me know if you could write me up a solid work out routine, including what to do in the gym, diet, and supplements

I would definitely be willing to send a solid donation your way if you were able to find the time.

hope you had a happy holiday!
Posts: 3,111
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Dec 28 2010 02:35am
Thanks for the info ! I have a few more questions if you don't mind.

1.Is there any effective method of adding lean muscle (if i am trying to go up to a certain weight) without having go on a "eat anything and everything" plan for 8 months to gain 40 pounds + 10% bf and then go on a 4 month cutting plan?

2.Is it better to do every single rep/exercise until failure or 80-90% until failure in first 1-3 sets while adding weight, 100% failure on the last heaviest set ?

3. Is there an absolute hardcore exercise for the lower 2 abs, it seems that my 6 pack is developing fine, but almost no site of the lower 2 abs to get an 8 pack ( I did see your link about getting 6-8 pack abs)

4. Can I improve my plan in any way for maximum effectiveness? ( I try to completely destroy a muscle and give it 2 days recovery) day 1 : shoulders and abs (rear mid, front delts focusing heavily on front), day 2 : Legs , day 3: back and abs, day 4: chest and triceps , day 5 biceps and abs, day 6: rest, repeat


This post was edited by luca007 on Dec 28 2010 02:39am
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