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May 14 2018 02:08pm
Yes, okay, no offense, we dont need to fight over the biggest penis here as this is basically a game for old men anyway.

But I do have to say that you did it with a Necro-Summoner. Which is kind of expected ;) Do it with a bow-ama with white bow and we will see each other in 10 years ;)

Quote (KickassB1tch @ May 14 2018 08:04pm)
prices on HC stay high for longer.

but its more about the game play, contrary to what some think, it happens that you have to quit the game with only 40HP left, that's a hell of a rush on HC :D

even the bots complain about how boring SC PVM can be.

Thanks! Maybe I will indeed go EU HCL another time :) Woohooo, I am indeed in some hardcore mood.

This post was edited by Timophinchen on May 14 2018 02:09pm
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May 14 2018 02:15pm
Quote (KickassB1tch @ May 14 2018 02:30pm)
would you say that your naked playthrough was ?easy?

It was slow, but yes very easy.

Quote (Timophinchen @ May 14 2018 03:08pm)
Yes, okay, no offense, we dont need to fight over the biggest penis here as this is basically a game for old men anyway.

But I do have to say that you did it with a Necro-Summoner. Which is kind of expected ;) Do it with a bow-ama with white bow and we will see each other in 10 years ;)

The point is to not wear any gear.

Summons are far and away the best thing to do this challenge run with. The vast majority of my damage is from corpse explosion, could easily have only used my merc.
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May 14 2018 02:23pm
Yes yes, you are right, I think though it has to be clearly stated:

The game is not easy because a summoner can walk through naked. With CE or whatnot.

The game is as difficult as you want it to be. As I said, do a playthrough with a friend and both go bow amazons. I tried, and we gave up because at some point the game got too hard and slow, we would have needed to farm ALOT before hitting hell at all.

So you cant say the game is easy anyway, just because one explicit character can walk through it naked.

Or take a step back, I know there is probably some super-speed-runner who did Baal Hell with Bow-Amazon in under 6 hours, but still it is speedrunning. SNES Zelda LTTP one of the greatest games ever can be speedrun in 10 minutes I think. Is it easy? Far from it, it is one of the hardest games ever made.

And Diablo 2 is not difficult because it is easy to go through hell and kill baal. In HC the difficult part is often being patient when leveling up, taking care, expect the surprise and in the end get beat down by the muscle boys in WSK3 :D

This post was edited by Timophinchen on May 14 2018 02:28pm
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May 14 2018 02:27pm
Quote (Timophinchen @ May 14 2018 02:50pm)
I want to see naked Bowama no merc playthrough :O

Well ok, you are allowed to wear exactly 1 ring. And a Blue Bow level req 5.

Then how expensive was it?

If prices were indeed much higher at the start of ladder, I might very well consider playing HC.

I just came back to the game so I didnt witness the latest developments.

i sold the first 2x unid torch on east hc for 4k each
also sold 2x ptorches for 6k and 5k like 2 weeks in..

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May 14 2018 02:29pm
Quote (Timophinchen @ May 14 2018 03:23pm)
Yes yes, you are right, I think though it has to be clearly stated:

The game is not easy because a summoner can walk through naked. With CE or whatnot.

The game is as difficult as you want it to be. As I said, do a playthrough with a friend and both go bow amazons. I tried, and we gave up because at some point the game got too hard and slow, we would have needed to farm ALOT before hitting hell at all.

So you cant say the game is easy anyway, just because one explicit character can walk through it naked.

That's the thing though it's not just one explicit character that can do this game naked, it's several. Then once you add in the gear you can acquire from normal act 1 this goes from several builds to most builds in the game.
There was a thread a couple weeks ago discussing if the game is easy or not, and I think it boiled down to the game is easy, but it becomes very tedious and slow after sometime.

Either way I didn't intend to start a heated topic, someone challenged me to do something and I delivered because I knew it wouldn't take much time.
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May 14 2018 02:30pm
Quote (BlizzNorth @ May 11 2018 03:20am)
play softcore if you want to do duels and hardcore if pvm only

Hardcore has tons of duels???
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May 14 2018 02:30pm
"i sold the first 2x unid torch on east hc for 4k each
also sold 2x ptorches for 6k and 5k like 2 weeks in.."

Jesus, thats amazing. I want to take that profit too, really. Clearing torches in 2 weeks is doable (I think, I never was a speedy ladder player).

Well ok you were the first, so there is always some huge bonus to it, but still, amazing feat of yours and nice profit. If I could do something like that would be GREAT!

Unfortunately I cant nolife at the moment as I am in HUGE (positive) stress at the end of my studies. So I just need to squeeze Diablo 2 into it somehow. But I will try. In HC.

Either way I didn't intend to start a heated topic, someone challenged me to do something and I delivered because I knew it wouldn't take much time.

I can see your point, but would still argue, that much of "difficulty" is debatable :-) Alright.

This post was edited by Timophinchen on May 14 2018 02:31pm
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May 14 2018 02:39pm
for me the challenge is being one of the first to bring stuff poeple want to buy to market.
i dont think it's all that "hard" but i know that i'm better at it then alot of poeple, and lot of poeple are far better at it then i am. ( you cant argue it's easy to be the best at that... so for that aspect d2 is HARD )
and i think that for that aspect, SC might as well be called "easy mode" AKA " not really playing the real game mode"
and then after the ladder is old a bit, its fun to do weird challenges in SP. "nake necro walk" lol nice. GG

This post was edited by KickassB1tch on May 14 2018 02:43pm
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May 14 2018 03:10pm
Better question is Xpac or Classic. HCCL next season for me.
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May 14 2018 03:14pm
Quote (Seejay @ May 14 2018 03:30pm)
Hardcore has tons of duels???

A lot of duels on hc are won because your opponent doesn't know what build you are until you 1hit them
I used to stack holy shock on my summon necro and get free kills that way. It's also hard to know if your opponent is a mercdin or an hdin until you take a 7k damage hit to the face.

That's what I like about the best of 5 duels on sc. Your first duel you learn your opponent and the next 4 are adapting to their strategy. It feels like less luck is involved and it doesn't force me to spend hours pvming if I guess wrong on what kind of paladin it is.
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