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Jan 22 2022 03:03pm
Quote (excellence @ 22 Jan 2022 21:50)
biden lost in the primaries twice without getting a single delegate. was forced to drop out of his first attempt because he lied about how much he plagiarized throughout his education and govt taxpayer funded job.

all of a sudden he got more minority votes for President than Obama and Trump combined or something like that, per the media and whoever else

In the beginning of the 2020 primary, Biden was dead in the water. In New Hampshire, he finished 5th behind an 80-year old comrade, the Klob, pocahontas and a gay 30-something whose last name unironically starts with "butt". :rofl:

In politics, there's this metaphor that "in this race, party XYZ could nominate a broom and it would win". Essentially, Biden didn't gain traction until Clyburn and Obama rallied the troops behind the scenes and told the party "this guy is our broom".
And let's not forget that the only things Biden had going for him were the name recognition and fond memories from his time as Obama's VP. And he only got this gig in the first place because Obama in 08 was looking for the most inoffensive, milktoast old white dude he could find on Capitol Hill.

This post was edited by Black XistenZ on Jan 22 2022 03:05pm
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Jan 22 2022 03:11pm
Quote (Skinned @ 22 Jan 2022 15:57)
Yeah its crazy that Trump was that polarizing. It is like so many people having a loved one killed by a disease a sitting president encouraged the spread of affected the will of voters to such an extent they voted against him. He fucked up so bad he lost as an incumbent and there wasn't a third party challenge; that is unparalleled failure. You can beg the question, throw red herrings, and use any other fallacy you want but that doesn't change the fact that Giant Douche stomped the fuck out of Turd Sandwich in the election by a diverse group of people and LOST YUGE.

Every recount verified a Biden win and every instance of fraud discovered has been on behalf of Former President Donald Trump. It is like you guys are committing the crimes to prove they exist. Not a surprise that a bunch of criminals love a criminal so much. Gonna be fun seeing this guy sweat in court and completely throw his shitty kids under the bus.


not sure what you’re on about. more people died under the current administration from covid than the prior in about the same amount of time. this with 3x vaccines available (which the Trump administration helped facilitate and harris/biden tried to discredit before their release) and a much more deadly version of it going around in 2020.




a disease harris/biden said they would “shut down”

maybe every major news channel abstaining from having the covid death count in blood red size 324 font 24/7 is why people kinda haven’t done the math on this

This post was edited by excellence on Jan 22 2022 03:14pm
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Jan 22 2022 03:26pm
Quote (excellence @ 22 Jan 2022 22:11)


not sure what you’re on about. more people died under the current administration from covid than the prior in about the same amount of time. this with 3x vaccines available (which the Trump administration helped facilitate and harris/biden tried to discredit before their release) and a much more deadly version of it going around in 2020.




a disease harris/biden said they would “shut down”


maybe every major news channel abstaining from having the covid death count in blood red size 324 font 24/7 is why people kinda haven’t done the math on this

Covid surely hurt Trump in a multitude of ways and without it, he would still be president today. But when you actually look at his approval tracker ( https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/ ), what really did him in was the 'summer of BLM'. The George Floyd protests are what supercharged minority turnout and pushed squishy suburban swing voters who were on the fence into the Democratic camp. An important part of Trump's brand was always that he stood for a preservation of the racial status quo. When the liberal narrative that "there's droves of racist white cops roaming the streets of America, constantly looking for opportunities to murder black and brown people with impunity" prevailed, it made Trump toxic with the few swing voters he hadn't repelled yet.
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Jan 22 2022 04:03pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ 22 Jan 2022 16:26)
Covid surely hurt Trump in a multitude of ways and without it, he would still be president today. But when you actually look at his approval tracker ( https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/ ), what really did him in was the 'summer of BLM'. The George Floyd protests are what supercharged minority turnout and pushed squishy suburban swing voters who were on the fence into the Democratic camp. An important part of Trump's brand was always that he stood for a preservation of the racial status quo. When the liberal narrative that "there's droves of racist white cops roaming the streets of America, constantly looking for opportunities to murder black and brown people with impunity" prevailed, it made Trump toxic with the few swing voters he hadn't repelled yet.

oh i ageee Trump did not do what was the correct play with covid (encourage masks, sell trump 2020 and usa masks on his campaign website, let fauci and birx handle all press conferences for covid, and focus on raising relief funds by demanding congress to act right) and the racial tension compounded it because he was already a target for the left ok this

the fact the liberal narrative was “elect a crooked cop and a lifelong segregationist who was mentored by a kkk member” in response (and the suburban squishy dimwits fell for it) will never stop being hilariously ironic

look what 2021 got us. bunch of blm members/buden supporters sucker punching and taking out out elderly asian females and taking middle eastern grandpas for joyrides to their death

This post was edited by excellence on Jan 22 2022 04:06pm
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Jan 22 2022 07:19pm
Quote (Skinned @ Jan 22 2022 12:57pm)
Yeah its crazy that Trump was that polarizing. It is like so many people having a loved one killed by a disease a sitting president encouraged the spread of affected the will of voters to such an extent they voted against him. He fucked up so bad he lost as an incumbent and there wasn't a third party challenge; that is unparalleled failure. You can beg the question, throw red herrings, and use any other fallacy you want but that doesn't change the fact that Giant Douche stomped the fuck out of Turd Sandwich in the election by a diverse group of people and LOST YUGE.

Reported for disembodied head faggotry.

Every recount verified a Biden win and every instance of fraud discovered has been on behalf of Former President Donald Trump. It is like you guys are committing the crimes to prove they exist. Not a surprise that abunch of criminals love a criminal so much. Gonna be fun seeing this guy sweat in court and completely throw his shitty kids under the bus.


lol a recount by the same crooks that did the counting in secret. ya i remember it. a audit was requested. then the frauds would come back later n say duhh we did da recount magic biden still winner.
its fukn simple trump winning "closed polls"....................."polls open" magical biden winner. TDS gets u believing any thing.

bunch of criminals love a criminal so much BAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the wrap up smear people
Nancy Pelosi explains the wrap-up smear tactic to the press

" Gonna be fun seeing this guy sweat in court and completely throw his shitty kids under the bus."
(frauds get you so worked up about getting trump , we gonna get him this time ................
never in all history had anyone been played like the followers of the wrap up fraud people

This post was edited by TiStuff on Jan 22 2022 07:22pm
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Jan 23 2022 01:21pm
Quote (excellence @ Jan 22 2022 01:11pm)


not sure what you’re on about. more people died under the current administration from covid than the prior in about the same amount of time. this with 3x vaccines available (which the Trump administration helped facilitate and harris/biden tried to discredit before their release) and a much more deadly version of it going around in 2020.




a disease harris/biden said they would “shut down”


maybe every major news channel abstaining from having the covid death count in blood red size 324 font 24/7 is why people kinda haven’t done the math on this

Its almost like letting a virus sit around and fester for two whole years with nothing but complete inaction as a backstop was a bad thing.
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Jan 23 2022 01:47pm
Quote (Sh00p @ 23 Jan 2022 20:21)
Its almost like letting a virus sit around and fester for two whole years with nothing but complete inaction as a backstop was a bad thing.

What would you have done instead? Try to emulate the Chinese approach in a country with a rowdy, uncooperative population that is armed to the gills and a government that has far less surveillance and control measures at its disposal?
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Jan 23 2022 05:10pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ 23 Jan 2022 14:47)
What would you have done instead? Try to emulate the Chinese approach in a country with a rowdy, uncooperative population that is armed to the gills and a government that has far less surveillance and control measures at its disposal?

apparently the virus was around for “2 years” for 9 months in 2020. lol that user has some very fundamental issues affecting its brain
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Jan 23 2022 05:20pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Jan 23 2022 11:47am)
What would you have done instead? Try to emulate the Chinese approach in a country with a rowdy, uncooperative population that is armed to the gills and a government that has far less surveillance and control measures at its disposal?

Tanks and drones exist. Among technology the public doesnt have eyes on yet. Dont sit here and try to tell me billybob and stewie with thier paranoia toys could stop the US from doing anything it wants to do ok thats point one.

Point two: I wouldnt have done jack shit. It wasnt my fucking job to listen to what a swarm of advisors had to say on the matter and throw a dart at the board the moment I was the first person in the US to know a virus was on the way.
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Jan 23 2022 07:48pm
Quote (Sh00p @ Jan 23 2022 03:20pm)
Tanks and drones exist. Among technology the public doesnt have eyes on yet. Dont sit here and try to tell me billybob and stewie with thier paranoia toys could stop the US from doing anything it wants to do ok thats point one.

Point two: I wouldnt have done jack shit. It wasnt my fucking job to listen to what a swarm of advisors had to say on the matter and throw a dart at the board the moment I was the first person in the US to know a virus was on the way.

aunt hair do nancys advice was to party in china town and you where a racist if you didnt
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