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Poll > Biden's Presidency: Expectations Poll
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Jun 21 2021 03:29pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Jun 21 2021 04:18pm)
Democrats in non-competitive district being reelected carries little to no info on the popularity of M4A, whether they support or oppose it. The argument is crap if we take out the second part and it only consists of the first part.

I already addressed these points. To recap: yes, I admit that the support for a $15 minimum wage in Florida is a strong point in favor of your thesis of widespread support for certain(!) liberal economic policies. At the same time, it is an argument against your thesis that only conservative voters are prone to populism, propaganda and voting against their own interest.

We'll keep disagreeing whether a +11 net approval for Obamacare (at just 43% approve, and with a very high share of 'do not knows') in Kentucky qualifies as "polling insanely well//incredibly high" or not.

It really isn't. They voted for Trump and the polling and interviews with Cuban Americans demonstrate that his propaganda of "Biden is a communist" worked.

Conservative voters like populism, generally liberal policies, but are sensitive to propaganda that leads them to associate specific policies with "communism". If you poll The Affordable Care Act as Obamacare its support among Republicans drops massively. That alone is a pretty big point in favor of it. Less conservative voters will vote for populist candidates but they are largely starved for choice. Biden doesn't support populist policies although he does occasionally give them lip service.
Posts: 39,292
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Jun 21 2021 03:38pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Jun 21 2021 01:36pm)
For someone who loves to accuse others of sheepishly falling for right-wing propaganda, you are remarkably willing to regurgitate your own side's propaganda. ^_^

Entirely accurate.


Shut down the pipeline
Gas prices spiking
Biden’s son confirmed to be a racist PoS
World leaders laughing at Biden for forgetting shit
Has to use note cards when talking to foreign leaders
Only allowed to call on pre-selected reporters at news conferences

So, about what I expected.

However, with that being said, there hasn’t been any major screwups or anything yet. So there’s that. I don’t really care for the guy nor his policies, but I welcome the return to relative normalcy.
Posts: 51,494
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Jun 21 2021 04:09pm
Quote (NetflixAdaptationWidow @ 21 Jun 2021 23:29)
It really isn't. They voted for Trump and the polling and interviews with Cuban Americans demonstrate that his propaganda of "Biden is a communist" worked.

To be fair, Trump really cratered in Miami-Dade in 2016, presumably because of focus on anti-hispanic themes. In 2020, when he stopped talking non-stop about Mexican rapists and building a wall, his standing with Cubans rebounded.

The "Democrats = socialism" ads surely did their job too. I wouldnt call it pure propaganda though. Leading up to the 2020 election, you literally had the government shutting down businesses, telling people how to behave and whom to meet in their private life. You had civil unrest caused by groups saying things like "we are trained marxists" and "yes, we mean literally abolish the police" who were emphatically supported by the Democratic party. And you had an increasingly public and influential strain within the Democratic party who are self-avowed socialists. Of course it's ridiculous to claim that the Biden/Harris ticket, the epitome of "corporate Democrats", will lead the country into socialism, but there was more than just a grain of truth to these ads.

Conservative voters like populism, generally liberal policies, but are sensitive to propaganda that leads them to associate specific policies with "communism". If you poll The Affordable Care Act as Obamacare its support among Republicans drops massively. That alone is a pretty big point in favor of it. Less conservative voters will vote for populist candidates but they are largely starved for choice. Biden doesn't support populist policies although he does occasionally give them lip service.

Conservative voters very often like moderately liberal economic policies. Unfortunately, the Democrats are zooming left and going too far in their proposals to still appeal to these kinds of voters. Most Americans are open to better healthcare. But if you insist on abolishing all private insurance and forcing everyone, including the big big majority of Americans who do have healthcare insurance, to give up their current coverage and trust a government-run alternative, that's just a bridge too far.

This post was edited by Black XistenZ on Jun 21 2021 04:09pm
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