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Feb 5 2024 10:44am
Quote (YeeHaw @ Feb 6 2024 12:41am)
To be fair it was France Spain England and the Netherlands as well. I’m not even going to touch the “mass slaughtered” nonsense…

Wouldnt call that nonsense…rather disrespectful to the millions killed. Quote from Wikipedia:

The population of Indigenous Americans is estimated to have decreased from approximately 145 million to around 7-15 million between the late 15th and late 17th centuries, representing a decline of around 90-95%.[59]

Mistreatment and killing of Native Americans continued for centuries, in every area of the Americas, including the areas that would become Canada, the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Chile. In the United States, some scholars (examples listed below) state that the American Indian Wars and the doctrine of manifest destiny contributed to the genocide, with one major event cited being the Trail of Tears.

That’s going off topic a little, but if you search taiwans history, that’s basically what happened. The party that lost took their army to Taiwan, and killed/oppressed the natives, and that’s how modern Taiwan came to be

This post was edited by imshenny on Feb 5 2024 10:47am
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Feb 5 2024 11:15am
Quote (imshenny @ 5 Feb 2024 07:16)
- historically it has always been part of China
- two parties within China had a difference and one took over an island, doesn’t make it a new country
- Taiwan is universally recognised as a region in China, just like Barcelona is well recognised as a region in Spain

What's your take on if a hot war developed in the South China Sea if the Western powers would actually expend massive resources to support an island like Taiwan when you already have powers like Japan/South Korea/Philippines right there in the Pacific Ocean region.

When I see places like Taiwan/Israel and other proxies of Western powers I just can totally envision the "West" pulling all forces and leaving them to fend for themselves. As soon as the United States find it's become strategically less viable or too much of a cost just let em die.

I don't know why people think the United States is going to follow the same path of action it did in previous conflicts?

What's stopping America or China from becoming "isolationist states" in the next world conflict. Which countries are going to perish and devolve into chaos first when the SHTF?

Which countries if they really shut their boarders would cause damage to the world in ways unforeseeable. US and China.

Why would US/China/Russia even get in a WW3 scenario when it's the NWO and International bodies that want to STILL control them and pit them against each other?

Putin and Xi Xin Ping have already severed their ties with those "elitist powers". So the Rothschilds basically thought they could always control countries and pit them off against each other but they can't anymore.

That's why Russia and China are being "punished" by the NWO but it doesn't work because they never truly swore allegiance in the first place and pushing them into forming something like BRICS(independent system outside Rothschild central banks) was just a devastating blow for a "One world currency" / "One world government".

These are just opinions I have and speculations I'm not a geopolitician or military scientist so I'd appreciate if people correct me where I'm wrong.
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Feb 5 2024 11:24am
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Feb 5 2024 12:15pm)
What's your take on if a hot war developed in the South China Sea if the Western powers would actually expend massive resources to support an island like Taiwan when you already have powers like Japan/South Korea/Philippines right there in the Pacific Ocean region..

This is why the AukUs sub program was such a big deal. America realized a long time ago that in order for Taiwan to survive, the regional powers around China would have to be well armed. This is why Japan's rearming at a breakneck pace. There has to be enough pressure from SEA countries to stop China aswell, whether they can will remain a mystery.

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Feb 5 2024 11:32am
Quote (zorzin @ 5 Feb 2024 11:24)
This is why the AukUs sub program was such a big deal. America realized a long time ago that in order for Taiwan to survive, the regional powers around China would have to be well armed. This is why Japan's rearming at a breakneck pace. There has to be enough pressure from SEA countries to stop China aswell, whether they can will remain a mystery.


Thanks for sharing this map very interesting! :thumbsup:

It seems rather common sense when you look at this map that what you just said is the scenario playing out.

I've watched the videos out of China showing how they would attack Taiwan and the idea that we could "save it" just doesn't make strategic sense.

If you've ever played the game "Risk" you don't put a cannon on a spot like Taiwan you put a single troop and know it's gone. You put horses/cannon on exactly where they are shown on this map :rofl:


This post was edited by SwamiVivekananda on Feb 5 2024 11:33am
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Feb 5 2024 12:07pm
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Feb 5 2024 12:32pm)
Thanks for sharing this map very interesting! :thumbsup:

It seems rather common sense when you look at this map that what you just said is the scenario playing out.

I've watched the videos out of China showing how they would attack Taiwan and the idea that we could "save it" just doesn't make strategic sense.

If you've ever played the game "Risk" you don't put a cannon on a spot like Taiwan you put a single troop and know it's gone. You put horses/cannon on exactly where they are shown on this map :rofl:


Haha touche! The ability of us saving Taiwan completely relies on china's motives. If China invades with the intent to limit casualties and preserve civilian infrastructure (tsmc) then there is a small chance that Taiwan can get enough birds/missles into the air to thwart a Chinese invasion. However if China goes full glass mode, the best Taiwan can hope for is taking as many Chinese down with them. Surprise is the big factor here; being able to mass troops/landing craft in the south is easily spotted. China needs the states to be distracted, I don't believe they'll attack otherwise.
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Feb 5 2024 12:22pm
Quote (zorzin @ 5 Feb 2024 12:07)
Haha touche! The ability of us saving Taiwan completely relies on china's motives. If China invades with the intent to limit casualties and preserve civilian infrastructure (tsmc) then there is a small chance that Taiwan can get enough birds/missles into the air to thwart a Chinese invasion. However if China goes full glass mode, the best Taiwan can hope for is taking as many Chinese down with them. Surprise is the big factor here; being able to mass troops/landing craft in the south is easily spotted. China needs the states to be distracted, I don't believe they'll attack otherwise.

In the video of their invasion of Taiwan it plays out multiple scenarios but in almost all of them they take Taiwan and stop there and fortify the fuck out of Taiwan. They don't start attacking further into the Pacific region.

In all scenarios they basically launch a full scale attack.

Probably not the same but sort of looks like when Russia took Crimea where they sort of get what they want and knew they could and our content with that despite people arguing Russia is going to take Western Europe or China is going to take all of southeast asia as far as Australia. Doesn't make sense when they can already project their power on an international/worldwide scale.
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Feb 5 2024 01:18pm
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Feb 5 2024 01:22pm)
In the video of their invasion of Taiwan it plays out multiple scenarios but in almost all of them they take Taiwan

The flip side of that coin is that if the 7th fleet was nearby it would be like shooting fish in a barrel in regards to china's attempt at an amphibious invasion of Taiwan. China can't guarantee air superiority and it doesnt have enough mobile aa batteries to protect that tiny little gap separating tw and China. I'm not saying China can't but I'm definitely saying that the mobilization required to do so would be spotted a million miles away.
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Feb 5 2024 02:03pm
Quote (imshenny @ Feb 5 2024 02:04pm)
1. taiwan doesnt have the weapon systems to hit that far, even if it does, theres tonne of missle defense systems by the coast to easily shoot it down
2. 3 gorges is a gravity dam, those damns are typically designed to withstand nuclear blasts...

They absolutely do have the weapon systems to hit that far. Its literally Taiwan's best self deterrent against China.
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Feb 5 2024 02:24pm
Indonesia and Papua are basically owned by China already

it's only a matter of time until they bring Taiwan into the fold
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Feb 5 2024 04:20pm
are you that poorly paid ccp supporter i saw in Toronto, posting signs in freezing cold weather about the tianamen square massacre being a hoax?
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