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Posts: 39,260
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Aug 3 2022 05:35pm
The Final Month

A court has struck down San Francisco’s law allowing non-citizens to vote. Voting, the judge explained, is a right reserved for U.S. citizens. It’s amazing this needed to be said.

Hopefully this glimmer of sanity is an auspicious sign, as much will be decided this month. The Legislature has 1,250 bills to deal with before adjourning on August 30. It will be my final month at the State Capitol.

Two terrible bills have already passed to start the month: one would open legal drug injection centers in our cities. The other aims to remove parents from school board meetings for voicing dissent.

While we’ve killed the very worst of the radical COVID bills, several await final votes:

SB 866: eliminates parental consent for 15-year-olds to get the vaccine

SB 1479: turns schools into state-run COVID testing agencies

AB 1797: reduces privacy for the Immunization Record Database

AB 2098: punishes doctors for sharing COVID "misinformation"

SB 1018: furthers censorship of health information on social media

Meanwhile, the spread of California’s insanity to Washington continues. The so-called "Inflation Reduction Act" will actually increase inflation, and Congress is trying to raise taxes during a recession – as Biden comically denies it’s a recession at all.

Stopping the spread of California insanity will be the topic of my speech at CPAC this Saturday. In short: California is not a "model for the nation." It is a warning to the nation.

Kevin Kiley
California Legislator
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Aug 4 2022 07:05pm
this dude is like newsome who also spends alot of time out of state even though we (in califorina) are still in a super duper scariest pandemic the world has ever seen
Here's all the proof in the world that Justin Trudeau is a carbon hypocrite. 🔥
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Aug 6 2022 02:08pm
MY CPAC Speech

Today I had the chance to speak from the main stage at CPAC in Dallas, Texas. The title of my address was "A Warning to the Nation." You can watch and read the full speech here. Below are a few excerpts.


Good morning. I am one of 19 Republicans in the California State Assembly. Democrats control three-quarters of the Legislature. They hold every statewide office.

For years, this Supermajority caused California to decline – until our current Governor took office and brought that decline to a total freefall.

For the first time in history, more people are now moving out of our state than moving in. U-Haul has literally run out of trucks.


Gavin Newsom’s California is not a model for the nation. It is a warning to the nation.

It is a warning that the same political playbook that’s ruining the greatest state in the country now threatens to ruin the greatest country in the world.

I am running for the United States Congress because we simply cannot let that happen. And we certainly can’t let it happen at the hands of Gavin Newsom himself.


My friends, we have a very different model for the nation. Our model for the nation is the one that created this nation – one with freedom at its foundation.

Educational freedom, economic freedom, medical freedom, religious freedom.

This is the model for an overwhelming Republican victory in the midterm elections.

In just three months we can put the brakes on Biden’s train wreck of an Administration. We can remove the Speaker’s gavel from Pelosi’s hands for good. We can realign American politics for a generation to come.

And we can turn the page on this dark era of government control by lighting a new spark of liberty.

Kevin Kiley
California Legislator
Posts: 39,260
Joined: Sep 5 2016
Gold: 0.69
Aug 9 2022 05:21pm
Investigate Biden

Before getting to what happened yesterday, let’s take a closer look at the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act" that just passed the Senate. For one thing, economists agree it will actually increase inflation.

Then there’s the provision that calls for 87,000 new IRS agents. It reminds me of how Newsom spent $21 million on new staff to audit small businesses during the lockdowns, over my vehement objections. There is simply no shame.

It was against the backdrop of this plan to vastly expand the apparatus of citizen harassment that we learned of the Biden Justice Department’s unprecedented raid on the residence of a President and political opponent.

This chilling abuse of power was even denounced by Newsom’s former competitor for the title of America’s worst Governor. Andrew Cuomo demanded the DOJ "immediately explain the reason for its raid," calling it a "political tactic."

I join the GOP Leader’s pledge: When Republicans take back the House, we will conduct immediate oversight of this department, follow the facts, and leave no stone unturned. That’s why it’s so important we win this race and reclaim the Majority.

Meanwhile, in response to my CPAC speech, the Sacramento Bee is out with an editorial headlined: "California Carnage: Why does Assemblyman Kevin Kiley hate his own state?"

I wouldn’t expect the Bee to grasp that I love our state but hate that it’s being ruined by corrupt politicians. And now, the same thing is happening to our country. I’m running for Congress because we cannot let that happen.

Kevin Kiley
California Legislator
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Gold: 0.69
Aug 12 2022 11:00pm
Bowing to Reality

In light of the CDC’s updated COVID guidance, I’m calling on every California school district that still has a mask mandate to end it immediately.

By the CDC’s own terms, there is also zero justification for any school or college to exclude or segregate based on vaccination status. This retrograde era of discrimination must end.

Specifically, the new guidelines “no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status” and also recognize natural immunity. It's taken years, but the agency has finally bowed to reality.

This comes as the OC Board of Education’s lawsuit to end the State of Emergency is moving forward with new co-plaintiffs, including Rocklin Unified. Yesterday the Judge said: “I don’t know what science the Governor is relying on. Maybe we will find that out in this case.”

Meanwhile, it’s been less than a week since my "Warning to the Nation" speech at CPAC, and the Sacramento Bee has had an absolute conniption, publishing five separate items about the speech. It appears we are over the target.

The Bee’s headlines include: “Kevin Kiley says California sucks. How about we rent him a U-Haul so he can move to Texas?” and “California carnage: Why does Assemblyman Kevin Kiley hate his own state?”

In truth, our movement is one of citizens who love this state and country. What we hate is that they’re being ruined by corrupt politicians. And what our opponents can’t stand is that we’re fighting – and winning.

Kevin Kiley
California Legislator
Posts: 39,260
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Gold: 0.69
Aug 15 2022 10:39pm
The End of Mandates

Today, I sent an official letter to the Chancellors of the UC, CSU, and Community College systems demanding an end to vaccine and booster mandates. You can see the letter at this link. Here’s the gist of it:

Our institutions of higher learning should be places that are open, inclusive, and non-discriminatory. They should also be guided by facts, knowledge, and critical thought.

I ask you to consider whether the continuation of COVID-19 vaccination and booster requirements at your institutions is consistent with these principles. If the answer were not already clear, a recent update to the CDC’s guidelines has removed all doubt.

Specifically, an August 11 release titled “Summary of Guidance for Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19” states that “CDC’s COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status."

There is a word for a policy of exclusion that lacks a rational basis: discrimination. And it should not go on at our institutions of higher learning for another day. I request that you rescind all COVID-19 vaccination requirements immediately.

California universities have been among the worst offenders in the COVID insanity. In early 2021 we caught one literally imprisoning students, even banning “solo outdoor exercise.” Things eased up a bit after I got the Chancellor on the phone and sent a letter to every campus.

My last day as a California Legislator is December 4, and I’m going to fight to root out as much insanity as possible. My goal by the time I leave office: the end of all mandates. After that, if elected to Congress, our goals will be even bigger.

Kevin Kiley
California Legislator
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Gold: 0.69
Aug 19 2022 08:24pm
The School Board Takeover

A staggering 50,000 kids were absent on the first day of school for Los Angeles Unified. I’m sure the relentless mandates, shutdowns, testing, and other insanity have nothing to do with that.

The good news is things are about to change. An army of pro-parent, pro-student candidates is poised to take over dozens of school boards across California.

Starting Monday, I'll be releasing my initial endorsements for local races. In the coming weeks, I’ll be featuring candidates throughout the state. If you are a school board candidate, you can request an endorsement here.

What’s incredibly exciting is that so many leaders of parent groups are stepping up to run, such as Jonathan Zachreson with Reopen California Schools; Julie Hamill with the Alliance of LA County Parents; Scott Davison with Students First California; and Kira Davis with RedState.

The coming political earthquake has already shaken up one district, with voters in San Francisco – America’s most liberal city – overwhelmingly ousting three members of their school board. Even the New York Times ran a story headlined “How Some Parents Changed Their Politics in the Pandemic.”

Newly reconstituted boards will give parents the leading voice in district policy. They'll return schools to being educational institutions rather than arms of the public health bureaucracy. They’ll keep radical, inappropriate, indoctrinating curricula out of our classrooms.

And they’ll be the foundation for the renaissance of sanity our state and country need.

Kevin Kiley
California Legislator
Posts: 39,260
Joined: Sep 5 2016
Gold: 0.69
Aug 22 2022 07:25pm
The California Reshuffle

LA Public Health is offering free COVID tests for pets, and the New York Times is encouraging masks to stop monkeypox. They just can’t let go.

Such nonstop nonsense has brought the California Exodus to a breaking point. New IRS data shows we just lost 260,000 taxpayers to other states, forfeiting twice as much revenue as any prior year. Clearly, this is not sustainable.

But the same report also revealed migration patterns within California. Just as people are leaving the Lockdown State of California for the Freedom States of Florida, Texas, and Idaho, they are also leaving California’s Lockdown Counties for its Freedom Counties.

Consider the Healthy Communities Counties. These are the counties that passed the Healthy Communities Resolution I wrote with James Gallagher in 2020. The Resolution was a statement of opposition to mandates and an assertion of local control.

Placer and El Dorado passed it first, followed by several North State counties, and eventually, 14 counties throughout California as far south as Orange. (See the Resolution and list of counties here)

According to the IRS data, almost every Healthy Communities County gained population, while hyper-lockdown counties like LA, SF, and Santa Clara hemorrhaged residents. This is truly a bellwether of change.

And one powerful change is imminent: the makeup of school boards. Today I announced my first set of endorsements. With so many pro-parent, pro-student candidates stepping up, we can set education in California on a whole new course.

Kevin Kiley
California Legislator
Posts: 39,260
Joined: Sep 5 2016
Gold: 0.69
Aug 25 2022 10:02pm
The Ghastly Remnants

Next Tuesday at midnight is the year’s legislative deadline. Any bill that hasn’t passed by then is dead, so the next few days are make-or-break for the ghastly "Vaccine Work Group" package.

For months we’ve spoken out and fought back. We’ve rallied and organized. We’ve marshalled evidence and appealed to reason. And we killed the worst bills: a K-12 child vaccine mandate, a universal workplace mandate, and a measure to coerce police into enforcing mandates.

A fourth bill in the worst-of-the-worst category remains stalled. SB 866 would remove parent consent for 15-year-olds to be vaccinated. I spent 19 minutes interrogating the bill’s author in committee and am ready to speak against it on the Assembly Floor.

Three other Work Group bills await a final vote: AB 2098 to go after physicians for COVID "misinformation," SB 1018 to enable more censorship on social media, and AB 1797 relating to the "immunization registry."

Unfortunately the COVID testing bill, which I spoke against, has already passed. But the fight isn't over. Newsom has until the end of September to sign or veto it. And while he can never be trusted to do the right thing, we can create pressure to force his hand.

That’s how we got him to withdraw his K-12 student mandate. That’s how we got him to end the school mask mandate. And just two days ago, that’s how we got him to veto a bill that would have opened legal drug "injection sites" in our cities.

We still have work to do. But this year at the State Capitol could have been a lot worse.

Kevin Kiley
California Legislator
Posts: 39,260
Joined: Sep 5 2016
Gold: 0.69
Aug 29 2022 05:20pm

Two Models for the Nation

Newsom has started a new video series attacking Republicans. He’s calling it, "Hypocrite or Fraud?"

This is the Governor who dined at the French Laundry while locking us down, sent his kids to in-person private school while closing public schools, and vacationed in Montana despite an official red state travel ban.

Newsom’s recent antics have gone from over-the-top to beyond-the-pale. After running delusional ads on Florida TV, he's giving $100,000 to the opponent of Ron DeSantis. He's sounding off daily on the Governor of Texas. He bizarrely picked a fight with Alabama’s Governor.

And last Friday he again called California a "model for the nation," this time on homelessness. Newsom has increased homelessness spending by a factor of 28 – now $14 billion – while the homeless population has ballooned. Yet he just blocked my proposal for a statewide homelessness spending audit once again.

Meanwhile, Californians are being told to shorten their showers, stop watering their lawns, turn off their lights, and shut down their AC. This is Newsom’s model for the nation.

We have a very different model for the nation. It’s the model that created this nation – one with freedom at its foundation. It’s the model by which dozens of pro-parent school board candidates swept to victory in Florida last week.

The choice between these two models – lockdowns, control, decay; or freedom, self-government, prosperity – is on the ballot this year. As Californians, we've experienced the worst of the first model. We have a unique role in making sure America chooses the second.

Kevin Kiley
California Legislator
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