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Dec 12 2019 02:00pm
Quote (thesnipa @ Dec 12 2019 02:56pm)
"She had no affect(sic)" - he said, after posting a screenshot of how many million google results she had.

And Google results mean diddly. Unless ofc, you're one of those people that lives and dies by what Google says.
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Dec 12 2019 02:02pm
Quote (Ghot @ Dec 12 2019 02:00pm)
And Google results mean diddly. Unless ofc, you're one of those people that lives and dies by what Google says.

which a lot of people are. thus, effect.

sorry old man, but in 2019 memes, social media buzz, google results, etc are how we gauge influence. thats why we call social media "stars" influencers.
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Dec 12 2019 02:07pm
Without memes, social media and buzz, Trump wouldnt have become president.

This post was edited by Black XistenZ on Dec 12 2019 02:07pm
Posts: 53,141
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Dec 12 2019 02:09pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ 12 Dec 2019 15:07)
Without memes, social media and buzz, Trump wouldnt have become president.

the media and democrats have told us that russia and nothing else got trump elected though

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Dec 12 2019 02:10pm
Quote (Ghot @ 12 Dec 2019 20:54)
C'mon bro. You give a bunch of high school kids ANY reason to skip school....they will. It could be anything. A protest that mice don't get enough cheese.

I AM impressed with that kid who "invented the first ocean plastic cleanup system". He DID accomplish something.

What's next for TIME magazine...the latest Kpop star?

how do you explain that those protests continued during the summer holidays then? seriously, that moronic boomer talking point was debunked about a million times, but you still keep regurgitating it like some braindead puppet to your corporate overlords, almost as if there was a propaganda channel owned by those corporations where you get your 'information' fr.... OOOOOHHHHHH, nvm...
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Dec 12 2019 02:32pm
Quote (fender @ Dec 12 2019 03:10pm)
how do you explain that those protests continued during the summer holidays then? seriously, that moronic boomer talking point was debunked about a million times, but you still keep regurgitating it like some braindead puppet to your corporate overlords, almost as if there was a propaganda channel owned by those corporations where you get your 'information' fr.... OOOOOHHHHHH, nvm...

The Climate Talks at the UN were in the END of September. I dunno about the EU but in the US they're all in school by the beginning of September.


Quote (thesnipa @ Dec 12 2019 03:02pm)
which a lot of people are. thus, effect.

sorry old man, but in 2019 memes, social media buzz, google results, etc are how we gauge influence. thats why we call social media "stars" influencers.

Gotta keep in mind that the older folk don't care one bit about what the "internet" says. To older folk the "internet" is just like the National Inquirer. My wife was raped by an alien.

This post was edited by Ghot on Dec 12 2019 02:35pm
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Dec 12 2019 02:39pm
Quote (Ghot @ Dec 12 2019 12:46pm)
Couple things...

1. You wanna make noise in the big boy's world, then you gotta take the response.
2. See the pic in post #1735.
3. IF Greta was all about climate change, she should have gone after India and China. AND her message should NOT have had an underlying socialist rant.
4. This girl accomplished absolutely nothing. She deserves no respect for being abused by her parents. A little sympathy, maybe.

None of your responses deals with the fact that the president of the united states has the mentality of a 12 year old spoiled boy. I find it odd that you are not capable of holding the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to a higher accountability.

Very, SAD!
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Dec 12 2019 02:41pm
Quote (Brian_D @ Dec 12 2019 12:39pm)
None of your responses deals with the fact that the president of the united states has the mentality of a 12 year old spoiled boy. I find it odd that you are not capable of holding the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to a higher accountability.

Very, SAD!

This is what happens when you're an atheist. Instead of worshiping God, you worship Trump. Right wing atheism is the most dangerous ideology in the country.
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Dec 12 2019 02:43pm
Quote (Ghot @ 12 Dec 2019 21:32)
The Climate Talks at the UN were in the END of September. I dunno about the EU but in the US they're all in school by the beginning of September.

i just told you about the EU, we had continuing protests throughout the whole summer holidays, comprehensively debunking your despicable 'they just wanted to skip school' talking point. maybe don't judge current generations by your boomer standards.

and while i agree with your apparent assumption that US kids might be a bit late to the party (also thanks to the same propaganda outlets that washed your old 'brain', and i use that word in its broadest sense here, so successfully), i expect those that realised the scope of this matter to be similarly principled and dedicated as their european brothers and sisters.

Posts: 104,257
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Dec 12 2019 03:09pm
Quote (fender @ Dec 12 2019 03:43pm)
i just told you about the EU, we had continuing protests throughout the whole summer holidays, comprehensively debunking your despicable 'they just wanted to skip school' talking point. maybe don't judge current generations by your boomer standards.

and while i agree with your apparent assumption that US kids might be a bit late to the party (also thanks to the same propaganda outlets that washed your old 'brain', and i use that word in its broadest sense here, so successfully), i expect those that realised the scope of this matter to be similarly principled and dedicated as their european brothers and sisters.

So says the country with the astronomic coal consumption?


Quote (Brian_D @ Dec 12 2019 03:39pm)
None of your responses deals with the fact that the president of the united states has the mentality of a 12 year old spoiled boy. I find it odd that you are not capable of holding the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to a higher accountability.

Very, SAD!

Silly me, I thought we were talking about climate girl.

This post was edited by Ghot on Dec 12 2019 03:22pm
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