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Posts: 15,467
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Jun 20 2018 01:51pm
Quote (ampoo @ Jun 20 2018 12:47pm)
pretty much yeah

Not really though, he was unarmed and was not proven guilty of a crime yet. Whats the point of having laws if the cops are just going to kill people when they are fleeing?
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Jun 20 2018 01:53pm
Quote (Brian_D @ Jun 20 2018 01:42pm)
allegedly, yes

allegedly, the car matches the description, had bullet holes in the window, and 2 handguns were found inside the car. allegedly.

but since this isn't 8th grade biology there isn't a binary between fight and flight. if he had a handgun on him he could have easily reached back and popped off a few rounds. he was, afterall, clearly involved in a drive by shooting or in a car with people who were.

it's a shame he died, it's a shame he wasn't tasered as he tried to exit the car (once he's moving away that's no longer an option), and its REALLY a shame no body cams were there on the officers.

but in cases like this the kid should be nothing but a number to criminal justice reform advocates, elevating cases where the person was involved in incredibly violent crimes does a disservice to the movement. this kid's either a gang banger or runs with them. didnt deserve to die, as he was unarmed, but doesn't deserve martyrdom either. there has to be a middle ground. in this case let's do some training on running away potentially violent suspects.

but let me make my position VERY clear. if i was training officers, and they were on this scene, and that kid (running away) even half looked back, i'd suggest my officer put 1-2 rounds in him immediately. even the slightest turn back, which could easily be confused for checking if he's being chased. even one slight head turn and i'd justify killing him, tragedy that it is. no leg shots, no we'll get him next time, boom, 1-2 center mass. now if he just straight up runs 50-100 ft away without a glance back? hold onto his buddy and he'll squeel like a pig in the holding cell, you'll get him later that night once u get his home address from his homie.

Quote (balrog66 @ Jun 20 2018 01:50pm)
Afaik capital punishment requires due process but I'm just a Eurofag.

shooting someone with a bullet =/= capital punishment.

although the line becomes blurred when officers are instructed to aim center mass.

This post was edited by thesnipa on Jun 20 2018 01:54pm
Posts: 36,123
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Jun 20 2018 01:57pm
I believe it is legal for cops to shoot someone who is running away if they think he is going to harm others. It sucks that this happened but the shooting might have been justified. Someone fact check me though I’m not 100% sure on this.
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Jun 20 2018 01:58pm
Quote (balrog66 @ 20 Jun 2018 21:50)
Afaik capital punishment requires due process but I'm just a Eurofag.

this has nothing to do with capital punishment, you should look it up in a dictionary

every person should know by now how the poorly trained and overburdened american officers respond to a possible drive by shooter
nobody of us was there and how the flow of information was, but it could also have been an armed and out of control criminal on the run, ready to do anything
in that case and if someone gets harmed the same people will complain

that does not mean i fully approve of this, just to be clear

Quote (Brian_D @ 20 Jun 2018 21:51)
Not really though, he was unarmed and was not proven guilty of a crime yet. Whats the point of having laws if the cops are just going to kill people when they are fleeing?

with that logic they will have to let everybody go
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Jun 20 2018 01:59pm
Quote (Brian_D @ Jun 20 2018 01:42pm)
Oh, I forgot that you are guilty before your day in court.. Sorry.

Regardless, he was running away and unarmed.

The cops only had a split second when approaching a car they know is full of gunmen who had just been blasting away like a shooting gallery in an attempted murder just prior to the cops getting there. Now I'm sure you think you would have paused time with VATS and carefully examined whether the suspects bursting out of the car in a sudden move had guns on them or not and then thrown a ninja star to knock it out of their hands if they had it. But to a cop approaching obviously armed and trigger happy felons who just did a drive-by, its a no-brainer. Its one less 3 volley salute for a fallen officer.

This has to be the least iffy 'muh black unarmed teen' narrative attempt in a long while. These guys were in their vehicle riddled with bullet holes after doing a drive-by on another guy who returned fire just prior to being engaged by the cops. Getting taken alive in an active gunmen scenario is a luxury
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Jun 20 2018 02:00pm
he... what you call.. .deserved it...
Posts: 104,241
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Jun 20 2018 02:00pm
Quote (Brian_D @ Jun 20 2018 03:42pm)
allegedly, yes

I live 5 miles from that area. I guarantee, the kid(s) were at fault.
It's a bad area, drugs, crime etc.

P.S. Btw, if you get pulled over and run from the car... if the cop can't run faster than you, he IS gonna shoot.
Posts: 45,998
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Jun 20 2018 02:01pm
Quote (Mastersam93 @ Jun 20 2018 01:57pm)
I believe it is legal for cops to shoot someone who is running away if they think he is going to harm others. It sucks that this happened but the shooting might have been justified. Someone fact check me though I’m not 100% sure on this.

any fleeing felon from a drive-by shooting is going to immediately fall under 'probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others'
Posts: 15,467
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Jun 20 2018 02:01pm
Quote (Mastersam93 @ Jun 20 2018 12:57pm)
I believe it is legal for cops to shoot someone who is running away if they think he is going to harm others. It sucks that this happened but the shooting might have been justified. Someone fact check me though I’m not 100% sure on this.

Cops are paid to do a job, that job comes with danger. When someone is running away from you, you dont shoot them. You chase them. There are many variables to this given the prior circumstances of the stop but that doesnt allow them to kill someone when the person is 1. running away and 2. They dont know if he is armed or not so imo they have to chase the person until they know for sure they are armed and if that is the case and the person attempt to shoot at them, I am 100% okay with them killing the shit out of that person.
Posts: 90,738
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Jun 20 2018 02:05pm
Quote (Ghot @ Jun 20 2018 02:00pm)
I live 5 miles from that area. I guarantee, the kid(s) were at fault.
It's a bad area, drugs, crime etc.

P.S. Btw, if you get pulled over and run from the car... if the cop can't run faster than you, he IS gonna shoot.

lol man....... sometimes.

casual racism aside you can't shoot people fleeing a car on a normal traffic stop :bonk:


Quote (Brian_D @ Jun 20 2018 02:01pm)
Cops are paid to do a job, that job comes with danger. When someone is running away from you, you dont shoot them. You chase them. There are many variables to this given the prior circumstances of the stop but that doesnt allow them to kill someone when the person is 1. running away and 2. They dont know if he is armed or not so imo they have to chase the person until they know for sure they are armed and if that is the case and the person attempt to shoot at them, I am 100% okay with them killing the shit out of that person.

so you support the shooting of Tamir Rice?

This post was edited by thesnipa on Jun 20 2018 02:07pm
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