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May 21 2022 06:14am
I’m from Europe, from our media perspective George Floyd was a criminal with precedent felonies and he was trying to use a fake banknote in a store, then he refused to get into the police car so he was restrained

Is that what really happened?

Asking from Europe
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May 21 2022 06:19am
Sixty iterations off the central finite curve.
There is a world where no white oppression exists.
Come home to the impossible flavor of your own completion.
Come home to Africa.

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May 21 2022 07:23am
Quote (SanduLungu @ May 20 2022 05:21pm)
the truth.

also kek at everyone's tears, mmm, yummy.

And why is it so important to you that it's THIS truth? Would you be equally excited to share this news if their findings were different?
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May 21 2022 07:52am
Quote (thebigwhitetrader @ May 21 2022 05:14am)
I’m from Europe, from our media perspective George Floyd was a criminal with precedent felonies and he was trying to use a fake banknote in a store, then he refused to get into the police car so he was restrained

Is that what really happened?

Asking from Europe

ya except i donrt know about not getting into the car.
you can search youtube "george floyed arrest"
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May 21 2022 10:12am
Quote (Goomshill @ May 21 2022 04:26am)
Kneeling on the upper back is a restraint specifically trained because its less likely to impair breathing or injure the suspect. Putting weight on the chest has led to deaths caused by restraints before. But no method would change the fact George Floyd spent a lifetime earing pork chops and had a 90% blocked right coronal artery and congestive heart failure

So people who eat pork chops should be killed by the cops. As a vegan, I agree.
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May 21 2022 10:28am
Quote (inkanddagger @ May 21 2022 09:12am)
So people who eat pork chops should be killed by the cops. As a vegan, I agree.

he's not happy that a court found the cop to be guilty. Because he thinks everyone is biased except himself ofc. and he has magic insight that nobody else can figure out.
Even though refusing medical aid would get you manslaughter at minimum.
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May 21 2022 10:34am
Quote (theCrossbones @ May 21 2022 11:28am)
he's not happy that a court found the cop to be guilty. Because he thinks everyone is biased except himself ofc. and he has magic insight that nobody else can figure out.
Even though refusing medical aid would get you manslaughter at minimum.

Manslaughter for refusing medical aid? Well glad we can just make up laws where they don't exist. Usually the way the law works is that you have to write a law first, then apply it to people. But as per Shaw v DPP under the King's Law, you can circumvent ex post facto law by simply convicting people of laws that don't exist, thus not needing to apply them retroactively, because retroactive law implies a law exist. Clever bit of reasoning by the barristers in that one.

But yes, everyone else is biased, and I have the magical insight of common sense, basic reasoning and not participating in lynch mobs.
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May 21 2022 10:37am
Quote (Goomshill @ May 21 2022 09:34am)
Manslaughter for refusing medical aid? Well glad we can just make up laws where they don't exist. Usually the way the law works is that you have to write a law first, then apply it to people. But as per Shaw v DPP under the King's Law, you can circumvent ex post facto law by simply convicting people of laws that don't exist, thus not needing to apply them retroactively, because retroactive law implies a law exist. Clever bit of reasoning by the barristers in that one.

But yes, everyone else is biased, and I have the magical insight of common sense, basic reasoning and not participating in lynch mobs.

so.. as a law enforcement officer you can just sit and watch someone die because you don't like their ___________
or you can accelerate it with your knee I guess and all ok with you why? because he used drugs, and was black.
and in cuffs so he offered ZERO threat. Or was he going to attack cops and do damage while having a cardiac event. Been over this before, its really hard to be having a heart attack AND attacking/threating 3 cops at the same time.
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May 21 2022 10:43am
Quote (theCrossbones @ May 21 2022 09:37am)
so.. as a law enforcement officer you can just sit and watch someone die because you don't like their ___________
or you can accelerate it with your knee I guess and all ok with you why? because he used drugs, and was black.
and in cuffs so he offered ZERO threat. Or was he going to attack cops and do damage while having a cardiac event. Been over this before, its really hard to be having a heart attack AND attacking/threating 3 cops at the same time.

Bro, a drug addict who eats pork. The Constitution says to kill them in the streets Their rights are alienable.
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May 21 2022 10:55am
Quote (theCrossbones @ May 21 2022 11:37am)
so.. as a law enforcement officer you can just sit and watch someone die because you don't like their ___________

You could, up until we decided to conjure up a law judicially that never existed legislatively. Anyone could just sit and watch.
Some states have good samaritan laws on the books, others don't. Minnesota doesn't and didn't. But that doesn't stop creative prosecutors from making shit up
If you think every state should give you the seinfeld finale treatment, petition your legislators to create such laws

or you can accelerate it with your knee I guess and all ok with you why? because he used drugs, and was black.
and in cuffs so he offered ZERO threat. Or was he going to attack cops and do damage while having a cardiac event. Been over this before, its really hard to be having a heart attack AND attacking/threating 3 cops at the same time.

They spent 10 minutes trying to get him into a vehicle while he resisted while acting erratically. They gave him every chance to comply, then within a minute of him entering clear medical distress, they had EMTs en route and upgraded to an emergency call. He was restrained because he had already been resisting them while obviously on drugs. He was dying of heart failure because he had been resisting them while on drugs. Of all the extraordinarily severe heart disease, the fact his coronary artery was 90% blocked was enough he could have dropped dead any time walking down the street let alone exerting himself. 30% is mild heart disease, 50% is moderate and needs treatment, 70-75% is severe and needs surgery. 90% is basically playing russian roulette every day. You can be a 17 year old kid who appears completely healthy, doing sports, living a normal life, oops you had 90% blocked artery and died of a heart attack while driving;
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