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Posts: 90,735
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Feb 12 2020 10:10am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Feb 11 2020 11:30pm)
Iirc, PaRD (and jsp as a whole) is almost exclusively white, male, 24-40 years old. And at least PaRD probably skews heavily toward people with a college-degree. So yeah, we're definitely not representative and form a bubble of our own.

That said, I dont underestimate the importance of the black vote in the Democratic primary - I just doubt that they will really stick with Biden in the face of disastrous results. It's not like Biden has decades-old, super-tight ties to the black community. Before he became Obama's VP, he actually had very few such ties. I also dont think that they will stick with him en masse since electability is an important factor for them, and Iowa and NH have really cast a big shadow of a doubt on Biden's case for electability.

Also, retaining his black support wouldnt help Biden much anyway if he continues to get wiped out among all other demographics.

just among near-daily post regulars i know of 2 asians, 2 people of indian (country) descent, 1 arab, and one frenchmen. which are just like normal white males but with quarter sized testicles and 3x the estrogen. that's not even counting the gays and nonbinary people, just race.

but yeah, im sure its still 75%+ straight white non-french males.
Posts: 53,141
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Feb 12 2020 10:49am
Quote (thesnipa @ 12 Feb 2020 11:10)
just among near-daily post regulars i know of 2 asians, 2 people of indian (country) descent, 1 arab, and one frenchmen. which are just like normal white males but with quarter sized testicles and 3x the estrogen. that's not even counting the gays and nonbinary people, just race.

but yeah, im sure its still 75%+ straight white non-french males.

i mean thats most video game forums in general, just counting the Americans. adding Europeans makes even more white, ironically.
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Feb 12 2020 11:07am
Quote (Skinned @ Feb 12 2020 05:38am)
Women have been met with a lot of hostility and misogyny here when they've came. We have had several female users. It's been awhile.

Well also the type of female that is on d2jsp and also wonders to pard is probably not representative of the average female

Whereas the males here are more or less representative of the average male since video games are pretty socially accepted among males. Exception being We lilely have a higher proportion with college degrees compared to the average male

Point being that the type of female that comes here might already be one that is more sensitive in comparison to the average female, and as Internet forums, go this is a pretty nontoxic forum tbh

This post was edited by Bazi on Feb 12 2020 11:09am
Posts: 66,191
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Feb 12 2020 11:15am
Quote (Goomshill @ 12 Feb 2020 15:09)
does not appear to be LARPfag, appears legit, as they actually posted pictures / more details to facebook page. Of course, its not exactly a very significant incident, but still



I don't understand why aren't you deporting then selling your trump supporters to China for organs extraction ? Should be the best deal ever.
Posts: 53,141
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Feb 12 2020 11:38am
Quote (Bazi @ 12 Feb 2020 12:07)
Well also the type of female that is on d2jsp and also wonders to pard is probably not representative of the average female

Whereas the males here are more or less representative of the average male since video games are pretty socially accepted among males. Exception being We lilely have a higher proportion with college degrees compared to the average male

Point being that the type of female that comes here might already be one that is more sensitive in comparison to the average female, and as Internet forums, go this is a pretty nontoxic forum tbh

yeah this place is a playground compared to most of the Internet
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Feb 12 2020 06:58pm

This explains everything.
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