Hello everyone,
Rather than post updates monthly, we decided to spread them out a bit. People were getting "update list fatigue", and ended up not even reading the updates as a result due to them being posted too frequently. We will try and find a happy medium between too frequent and infrequent for future updates.
That said, it has been a while since the last update, so here are (most) of the updates that have occurred since the last post:
Public Changes [Nov 1 2018- Sep 30 2019]:- Added a new forum named Nintendo Switch - D3 Trading in the Diablo III Trading Market forums (Nov 5 2018)
- Ladder Slasher: Fixed a bug where group heal abilities would prematurely stop if one group member had full life, not healing the rest, and still take away the ability charge (Nov 5 2018)
- Updated button spacing on the Star Upgrades - Donate For Me Tool (Nov 5 2018)
- Staff retirement: Bodierox Trade Moderator -> Retired Moderator (Nov 6 2018)
- Staff promotion: OverDoSex Members++ -> Trade Assistant (Nov 7 2018)
- Ladder Slasher: Fixed a bug where the Mirror Maze dopplegangers were copying equipment/proficiencies in the wrong direction (Nov 9 2018)
- Ladder Slasher: Rebuilt and fixed some missing/improper player ladder entries (Nov 10 2018)
- Staff retirement: Chetwynd Junior Moderator -> Retired Moderator (Nov 11 2018)
- Staff retirement: Cho. Moderator -> Retired Moderator (Nov 15 2018)
- Staff promotion: Holy-Martyr Members++ -> Junior Moderator (Nov 15 2018)
- New Trusted Member: Moojilsuh (Nov 16 2018)
- Staff promotion: Arkhen Trade Moderator -> Moderator (Nov 17 2018)
- Removed now defunct Add Trade Tracker Info link/page from own trade topics (Nov 21 2018)
- Updated some code for the IRC server to hopefully prevent a rare crash bug (Nov 22 2018)
- Added a new type of notification for Guild Polls. When you purchase, edit, then check the enable checkbox and save your Poll, it will now notify all members that have access to the poll. This allows guild polls to be useful as a means of contacting your entire guild at once (Nov 26 2018)
- Once you enable a Guild Poll, you can no longer disable and re-enabled it (Nov 26 2018)
- Added a push notification option for Guild Polls (Nov 26 2018)
- For clarity and ease of use, added an option of All Guild Members to Guild Polls (Nov 26 2018)
- The default voting right for new Guild Polls is now All Guild Members instead of your current rank (Nov 26 2018)
- Archived posts in the Softcore - USWEST Ladder Trading, Softcore - USEAST Ladder Trading and Softcore - EUROPE Ladder Trading forums for Diablo II Season 23 (Dec 07 2018)
- Archived posts in the Softcore Delve Trading and Hardcore Delve Trading forums in preparation for the new Path of Exile Betrayal league (Dec 07 2018)
- Renamed the Delve Path of Exile trading forums to Betrayal for the new Path of Exile Betrayal league (Dec 07 2018)
- Ladder Slasher: Updated Fishing description to remove old outdated/unimplemented text regarding being able to catch things other than fish (Dec 13 2018)
- Increased maximum profile media slots from 7 to 10 (Dec 14 2018)
- Added new forum: VGO (Dec 16 2018)
- Added new forum: Fallout Series (Dec 16 2018)
- Staff promotion: Herolinda Trade Assistant -> Trade Moderator (Dec 21 2018)
- Closed and archived posts in the Softcore - Americas Season Trading and Softcore - Europe Season Trading forums in preparation for Season 16 (Jan 7 2019)
- Staff promotion: Chetwynd Retired Moderator -> Junior Moderator (Jan 10 2019)
- New Trusted Member: ium (Jan 28 2019)
- Staff retirement: 71_Demon Members++ -> Member (Jan 30 2019)
- Staff promotion: Cho. Retired Moderator -> Moderator (Feb 4 2019)
- Staff promotion: beacon Retired Moderator -> Junior Moderator (Feb 7 2019)
- Staff promotion: Moojilsuh Members++ -> Trade Assistant (Feb 9 2019)
- Staff retirement: Jubeii52 Trade Assistant -> Member (Feb 14 2019)
- Archived posts in the Softcore Betrayal Trading and Hardcore Betrayal Trading forums in preparation for the new Path of Exile Synthesis league (Mar 07 2019)
- Renamed the Betrayal Path of Exile trading forums to Synthesis for the new Path of Exile Synthesis league (Mar 07 2019)
- Staff retirement: Xaysia Members++ -> Member (Mar 07 2019)
- Staff promotion: ~Devil~ Retired Moderator -> Members++ (Mar 20 2019)
- New Trusted Member: DoubleO2Shway) (Mar 21 2019)
- Staff retirement: hapycmpr Moderator -> Retired Moderator (Mar 25 2019)
- New Trusted Member: Shannon (Mar 25 2019)
- New Trusted Member: HIGHFIELD (Mar 25 2019)
- Added new forum: Playstation - PoE Trading (Mar 28 2018)
- Staff promotion: Culinary Member -> Members++ (Mar 31 2019)
- Staff promotion: Chetwynd Junior Moderator -> Moderator (Mar 31 2019)
- Staff promotion: Moojilsuh Trade Assistant -> Trade Moderator (Mar 31 2019)
- TiM reset the softcore ladder on Ladder Slasher. Welcome to softcore season 26! (Apr 13 2019)
- Renamed Diablo II trade archives for 2018 to be 2018+ (Apr 16 2019)
- Staff retirement: Paparick Members++ -> Retired Moderator (Apr 17 2019)
- Updated all internal links and images to use https on Ladder Slasher. You shouldn't see any insecure notices in the URL bar anymore (Apr 18 2019)
- New Trusted Member: CyrusTheGreat (Apr 18 2019)
- Ladder Slasher: Mobs can no longer spawn lower than the starting spawned level of the maze (Apr 18 2019)
- Ladder Slasher: Users can no longer play while under suspension (Apr 18 2019)
- Ladder Slasher: Reverted mob spawning level to be tied to the group leader (Apr 19 2019)
- Ladder Slasher: Fixed an issue where map drops might be incorrectly calculated based upon the difficulty of the catacomb explored (Apr 19 2019)
- Staff retirement: Kayak Trade Assistant -> Member (Apr 25 2019)
- Updated push notifications to work with Chrome v74 (Apr 26 2019)
- Staff promotion: ~Devil~ Members++ -> Trade Assistant (May 13 2019)
- Closed and archived posts in the Softcore - Americas Season Trading and Softcore - Europe Season Trading forums in preparation for Season 17 (May 16 2019)
- Archived posts in the Softcore Synthesis Trading and Hardcore Synthesis Trading forums in preparation for the new Path of Exile Legion league (Jun 6 2019)
- Renamed the Synthesis Path of Exile trading forums to Legion for the new Path of Exile Legion league (Jun 6 2019)
- New Trusted Member: OnlyJordan (Jun 11 2019)
- Staff promotion: Arkhen Moderator -> Senior Moderator (Jun 14 2019)
- Archived posts in the Softcore - USWEST Ladder Trading, Softcore - USEAST Ladder Trading and Softcore - EUROPE Ladder Trading forums for Diablo II Season 24 (Jun 14 2019)
- Staff promotion: Holy-Martyr Junior Moderator -> Moderator (Jun 23 2019)
- Staff promotion: SouthSide Member -> Members++ (Jun 23 2019)
- Staff promotion: Kafir Retired Moderator -> Junior Moderator (Jun 27 2019)
- Staff retirement: markro Senior Moderator -> Retired Moderator (Jun 29 2019)
- Added a new feature that will automatically update your timezone and DST settings as described here (Jul 4 2019)
- Staff retirement: Culinary Members++ -> Member (Jul 8 2019)
- Staff promotion: Panjer Retired Moderator -> Trade Moderator (Jul 11 2019)
- Staff retirement: goldbranch Senior Moderator -> Retired Moderator (Jul 12 2019)
- New Trusted Member: n1ghtm4r3 (Jul 13 2019)
- New Trusted Member: icecool (Jul 13 2019)
- Staff promotion: OverDoSex Trade Assistant -> Trade Moderator (Jul 14 2019)
- Staff promotion: OnlyJordan Member -> Members++ (Jul 25 2019)
- New Trusted Member: R0cktaze (Jul 31 2019)
- Added FT, ISO, Service, and Price Check tabs to the Fortnite forum (Aug 15 2019)
- Added two new World of Warcraft trading forums: Classic Trading - US Servers & Classic Trading - Europe Servers (Aug 15 2019)
- Closed and archived posts in the Softcore - Americas Season Trading and Softcore - Europe Season Trading forums in preparation for Season 18 (Aug 23 2019)
- Reinstated Ladder Slasher Bonus Events, when active they will display directly under the "Play Ladder Slasher" button (Aug 25 2019)
- Fixed an issue with the Contact feature for guests (Aug 26 2019)
- Added a confirmation popup when clicking "Add to Friend List" link in users profiles (Aug 26 2019)
- Add 1 minute flood control for friend add requests (Aug 26 2019)
- Added a new perk for recent customers and Verified users to allow more tracked topics as requested here (Aug 26 2019)
- Fixed a crash bug in the instant messenger (Aug 27 2019)
- New Trusted Member: Meridius (Sep 6 2019)
- Archived posts in the Softcore Legion Trading and Hardcore Legion Trading forums in preparation for the new Path of Exile Legion league (Sep 6 2019)
- Renamed the Legion Path of Exile trading forums to Blight for the new Path of Exile Blight league (Sep 6 2019)
- Staff retirement: RatM Members++ -> Member (Sep 8 2019)
- Simplified the registration form - removed Language, Re-enter Email, and Timezone information (Sep 9 2019)
- New Trusted Member: RiMs (Sep 9 2019)
- Staff promotion: Yakir Trade Assistant -> Trade Moderator (Sep 11 2019)
- Staff promotion: Culinary Member -> Members++ (Sep 11 2019)
- Staff promotion: ~Devil~ Trade Assistant -> Trade Moderator (Sep 12 2018)
- System updates and rewrites to handle and fix text search results in the trade forums not being updated frequently enough. They now should update "real time". (Sep 13 2019)
- Removed "Enable My Events Notification Sound Effect" option from the Instant Messenger. (Sep 14 2019)
- Added new Ladder Slasher event possibility: +Evil Well Longevity (Sep 16 2019)
- New Trusted Member: Garnier (Sep 16 2019)
- New Trusted Member: Lynerau (Sep 19 2019)
- Removed and edited some obsolete / commands from the Ladder Slasher documentation: https://ladderslasher.d2jsp.org/index.php?g=9 (Sep 20 2019)
- New Trusted Member: Candyzcanes (Sep 23 2019)
- Added ^USERNAME notification for posting. When used, it will send the user a notification they've been mentioned/quoted in that topic. If a username has any characters besides alphanumeric, you must quote it like so: ^"USER NAME" (Sep 26 2019)
- Using ^USERNAME now shows as "mentioned" instead of "quoted" to the user being notified. (Sep 27 2019)
- Supported characters without having to quote a user in a ^ mention are: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - ~ Everything else must be quoted, including spaces or periods. (Sep 27 2019)
- Ladder Slasher: Changed fishing rods to not break when you disconnect, but instead just abort the fishing (Sep 27 2019)
- Ladder Slasher: Changed fishing failure to decrease durability on a rod (if applicable), and break if durability is <= 0 (Sep 27 2019)
- Images in a new Private Message preview will no longer expand out of the viewable region, but resize to whatever the maximum screen width is (Sep 28 2019)
- Ladder Slasher: New Event possibility: More Enigmatic Emblems (Sep 28 2019)
- Updated the Editor to use vectors for the toolbar buttons, and some code cleanup (Sep 30 2019)
- Updated some CSS on the Guild Topics page for posting (Sep 30 2019)
- Updated the Editor popups to be positioned in a more friendly location for desktop and mobile (Sep 30 2019)
- Updated the Editor->Text->Colors to have two rows of options (Sep 30 2019)
- Updated the Editor->Text->Font list to have font families instead of specific fonts that aren't cross platform (Sep 30 2019)
- Staff promotion: R0cktaze Member -> Members++ (Sep 30 2019)
A few large projects have also been under design and development, as well as some big feature updates. Details are not ready to be released at this time, as some design details still need to be worked out. We hope to have more to share with you regarding these in the coming months.
Thanks everyone!
In case you missed the previous updates, you can read about them here: