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Dec 27 2021 11:39pm
Had a dream where I was at a really busy bathroom (a stadium maybe?) in one of the stalls. It was a unisex bathroom, so there were both men and women in there, which was weird to me.

I was in the stall taking a shit. I was pushing really hard but nothing was coming out. I knew that I had a line in front of the stall because you can see through the crack between the door and the lock panel. There was a gross overweight white trash lady standing impatiently right on the other side of the door, which made me feel pressured to hurry up and finish.

I dropped two tiny pieces of shit about the size of a thumbnail, which made a dainty little water drop sound. Then I wiped (which was completely unnecessary), flushed, and left.

I felt like I had wasted everybody's time and let everyone down because, after taking forever, all I could muster were two tiny pieces of shit. I think the lady on the other side of the stall probably heard the little splash and thought to herself "that's all?" after taking forever; I felt like she was mad at me, but I didn't have the courage to look her in the eye because she was bigger than me and angry-looking.

This post was edited by Terps on Dec 27 2021 11:41pm
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Jan 5 2022 11:21pm
Had a dream where I was feeling really overwhelmed at home. I don't remember specifically what was going on... I think maybe I was being hunted by someone (like in CoD:WZ).

At any rate, things came to a head when my dog Barney (who has been dead for many years now, and who was a very non-violent dog) attacked my cat DeeDee. Barney was just standing around, wagging his tail as if he didn't do anything wrong, meanwhile DeeDee was in bad shape, unable to move and badly wounded, her body disfigured with broken bones. I was distracted because I was in the middle of brushing my teeth, so I did the best I could to assess DeeDee and at least get her to temporary safety. I figured I'd deal with the dog later.

Amid this overwhelming sense of urgency, I had to take a shit. My attention was very preoccupied, so I wanted to shit really quickly. I sat down on the toilet and shit, hurriedly. I thought I was done so I started to get up, but then I realized there was more and sat back down... only I didn't sit down nearly in time and got some really soft wet shit on the toilet seat, which I sat down upon. This threw a wrench into everything that was going on because now, in addition to everything else, I had to take a shower because now I was all shitty. (I feel like it happens to me quite often where I rush things, fuck up, and then cost myself more time, so this was probably an anxiety dream.)

I was impatiently shitting: getting up, trying to multitask, realizing that shit is still coming out, sitting back down. Eventually, when I sat back down, my balls splashed down into the toilet water. This was because the toilet was overflowing to the brim because it was clogged (I didn't flush though, so that's why it caught me by surprise). I checked underneath to see what was going on and saw the cloudy water with clumps of shit swirling around as if it had just been flushed but was clogged. This made me feel frustrated and disgusted because now I also had this foul, shitty toilet water on my balls, in addition to literal shit caked onto my ass from the toilet seat.

I do not remember how the dream ended.

This post was edited by Terps on Jan 5 2022 11:22pm
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Jan 11 2022 02:20am
Had a dream where I had a lesion on my face, like around my jaw. It was a fresh wound (like an open pimple or ingrown hair) that just couldn't seem to heal. I inspected it closely, and then I noticed the lesion, though reasonably small in diameter, was deep, like a tunnel. I also noticed a piece of string coming out of the lesion. I went to pull on the string, and when I did, my lower eyelid twitched. I tried to pull the string harder, but I knew that if I did then the string would break. So I would try pulling the string a little bit, it would come out maybe a centimeter, I'd have to let go, and then the string would recede back up into the wound/tunnel beneath my skin—my lower eyelid twitching all the while.

After some time I realized that the string was attached to an insect of some kind. It had burrowed into my face and made a nest beneath my eyeball, and the twitching my my lower eyelid was the insect scurrying around.

I knew I had to go to the hospital, but idk if I actually got medical attention before the dream eneded.


Had a dream that doesn't make much logical sense, but I'll describe it anyway.

So I was back in HS. There was a field trip, only the destination was kids' houses. So the school bus took me and a few other kids to my house, and I guess part of the assignment was that I had to show them around.

While the class was at my house, the sirens for Peach Bottom Nuclear Plant started going off, and a cloud of radiation darkened the sky. By rule, the public school system was now closed early due to emergency, and the bus couldn't take anyone home, so it just left empty.

This actually wasn't a huge problem for me, since I was already home, but I did leave my car at Tech, so I needed a ride there to get it back.

As it happened, Zach, Chris, and Brandon were already parked at my house for some reason. I actually had no engagement with them prior to this point in the dream despite them being at my house the whole time, so they were already there on their own business, I guess.

Zach had a really nice brand new 2022 Camaro.

Brandon had his same old Mustang, but it was two-tone painted white and blue metallic. The paint was looking kind of rough though because it was clearly poorly done and a few years old. Plus he put on this really ugly front fascia kit that was blocky-looking. I was surprised by how it looked and used my genuine surprise to feign like I was impressed by how it looked, but it actually looked like shit. I kept that to myself though so as not to hurt his feelings.

Chris had a resto-modded Triumph Spitfire. It was actually pretty sick looking: had custom fender flares in the back to house some wide rims, custom interior, engine swap to a 350 with custom drivetrain and diff.

I asked them if any of them could drive me to Tech so I could get my car. Zach immediately got in his car and was like "I gotta go" without saying goodbye or anything. Brandon made up some excuse about how he had to help his dad. Chris, on the other hand, was eager to show me his Triumph.

I got in the car with Chris. Chris explained that this wasn't actually his car, it was his uncle's, so he had to be really careful not to damage it. He followed that up by immediately flooring it out of my driveway. He went out of control and wound up on the other side of the street across from my driveway. Luckily there was just gravel there, so the car was unharmed, but it was a good warning for Chris to be more careful.

"Woah, are you okay?" I asked. I didn't want to insult him by explaining how easy it is to spin out a RWD car with no traction control and way too much horsepower, but he clearly didn't know how to drive this thing. Plus it was a stick-shift, which he struggled with on top of everything else (probably had a really stiff stage 3 clutch too).

Chris downplayed it, saying like "Yeah, yeah, I got it." He put it back into gear and then merged with traffic (other side of the road) without looking whatsoever, flooring it. I could see that a car in the near lane was going to hit us, but I couldn't even say anything in time. The oncoming car clipped the Triumph in the rear, causing us to spin out violently. There was serious damage to the car; it was not driveable.

After the dust settled, Chris was disappointed, hands on his head, like "oh man," but honestly, considering what had just happened, he was under-reacting. His first thought was: "how am I going to fix this in time so my uncle doesn't find out?"

I don't know how the dream ended, but I suspect Chris had to face the music and be honest about the accident.
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Feb 27 2022 10:14pm
Had a dream where I went on vacation to Greece.

I got to see the beautiful ocean and beaches. I also participated in helping to construct a tower of some kind, comparable to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. However, there was a moment where everybody was depending on me to hold balance of the tower by holding a rope, but the tower was too heavy and got away from me. It crashed to the ground and was ruined.

I stayed at a hotel, which was owned by my boss at work (cool guy). The hotel was avant garde, in that it took the concept of the wall-less, open office theme and applied it to sleeping/living arrangements. I was not happy with this idea, but all other hotels were full-up.

My boss showed me to my "room." I passed by other patrons along the way, who were in their own living areas, which were basically just cheap Ikea fake-leather couches or chairs, all located within one single main room. My living area wasn't any different. Also for some reason my mom was now with me, and she got her own place to sleep.

The next morning, it was revealed that someone broke into the hotel over the night. People were robbed. I was shot in the head and killed, as it turned out. My mom was shot too, but it wasn't a life-threatening wound.

The rest of the dream was spent spectating things as a ghost. I remember one of the first thoughts was "fuck, I never did notarize my will."

It was frustrating to spectate as a ghost because all you can do it watch; you can't affect the real world. So I had to watch my mom struggle to do basic things to handle the estate. I wanted to help her do things correctly, like fill out forms and paperwork, but I could only watch as she did it wrong.

Near the end of the dream, it was revealed that my dad was revived. The used some kind of scientific procedure to revive him and cure the cancer that killed him. My mom was thrilled about this, of course, but she also asked about me. The doctor said that my wounds were really serious. They'd keep trying and let her know a week later if it worked or not. This made me kind of pissed off and anxious (plus my dad is literally ashes now so wtf, how can they revive him but not me?). All I could do was wait in frustration for a week to pass by. Honestly it sounded like the doctor was pretty pessimistic; he just didn't want to tell my mom I was probably gone for good.

Idk how the dream ended or if I was ever revived.


In another dream several weeks ago, I was being visited at home by a nurse. The nurse wanted to administer vaccines, but she didn't want to keep using the same injection site for all of them. So she started aiming for other areas: directly into my ear, into my eyeball (right through the pupil), other weird spots. I think she got away with the left ear because I wasn't expecting it, but once she went for the eye I was just like "wtf, get away from me" and fended her off. She was still pretty forceful. She also tried to get my other ear but I fought her off.

I had just received some irl vaccines a few days prior, so that's probably why I had this dream

This post was edited by Terps on Feb 27 2022 10:18pm
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Mar 27 2022 10:55pm
Had a dream where I brought a gun to school (HS). I hid it in my locker, which worked out fine. However, at around lunch time, the school was attacked by aliens/monsters (think: Covenant forces in Halo). I had to pull out my gun and start shooting aliens to protect my classmates and myself. I don't remember quite how it ended, but I do remember that I got in big trouble for bringing a gun to school (lengthy suspension at least).


Had a dream where I was in one of the shitty parts of Baltimore for some reason. I was playing catch in the street with some friends. Randomly, Albert Pujols walked up in full uniform and asked how we were all doing. It was cool seeing a famous athlete, but none of us really flipped out because we weren't huge Cardinals/Angels fans.

Later in the dream, I was back at home. The rhododendron on the corner of my house caught fire, and the rest of the house was going to catch fire if something didn't happen immediately to stop the spread. Again, Albert Pujols walked up just in time (no car or anything; he just walked in out of nowhere like he did before). I don't think he helped stop the fire from spreading because he couldn't, but he did offer to help out if he could, which made me respect him a little bit. Pujols tried to make some consoling comments or little jokes, but we all just stood outside in awkward silence and watched the fire spread for the most part.


Had a dream where a stray dog showed up and my family adopted it. We all shared a Hallmark family moment as we joyously accepted the dog into our home, complete with time-lapsed montage of growing pains and happy moments that took place over many days/weeks/months.

After the happy montage had passed and the flow of time was back to normal, I realized that my dad was alive in this dream, which meant that he must be an imposter. I angrily confronted him and accused him of being an imposter, ruining an otherwise happy dream.
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Apr 7 2022 12:44am
Had a dream where my cousin Nick visited with his wife and son to show my dad and I his RC airplane because my dad was interested in buying it. I was a kid again in the beginning of the dream.

It was a pretty decent size and went very fast. After showing my dad the basics of how to fly it, Nick gave the controller to my dad. My dad got it off the ground, but for some reason we chose an area with a lot of trees and power lines. The plane was way too fast and quick for my dad to control. Within a couple seconds he was already flying through leaves/branches and power lines. He actually flew it once through the power lines successfully, since the plane had enough momentum and mass to force the power lines to snap away, but the second time it happened the plane got stuck, and a flash of electricity went off. The plane fell to the ground in a nose-dive.

Miraculously, the plane was not all that damaged from the look of it. It just had some superficial scuffs/blemishes. However, my cousin picked it up and immediately concluded that it was broken. He said we'd have to pay for it as if it were new.

At this point Nick was getting really pushy and assertive (which he would never to to family lol). He was repeatedly saying we'd have to pay full price and asking "do you know how much that is?" It was pretty clear to me that he was trying to shake us down (or me at this point; my dad wasn't really there anymore) for more money than it was worth. He was probing to see if I was ignorant of its value so that he could make up some greater number. Nick's wife started joining in too, trying to hurry me into paying up now without doing any research.

Nick was further trying to rush me by saying he and his family had to go soon, so he needed me to pony up cash right now. He was looking for $1200. I knew it wasn't worth that much.

I was kind of overwhelmed at first by his assertiveness, but eventually I calmed myself, gathered my thoughts, and then agreed that I would pay what it was worth, but only after researching the price of it.

Nick calmed down and accepted this answer. He had to be happy because I was paying full retail for a used item.

After this, I said I had to go inside to research the price and get the cash. Nick, his wife, and his 7 or 8 y/o son came inside too. I noted that I could always pay him later, since Nick said he and his family had to go now, but it was pretty clear that was just a technique to pressure me, as suddenly he had time to stay while I got money.

Nick's son Vince had this toy helicopter, which was ~4 feet in diameter. Vince was trying to fly it in the kitchen. The helicopter was waay too big to fit. His parents didn't try to stop him, and by the time I realized that he was actually trying to fly it, it was too late for me to do anything; all I could do was take cover so that I didn't get chopped up by the giant propeller (definite CoD vibes here).

Unsurprisingly, Vince could not control the helicopter, so it was slicing into the drywall and absolutely destroying it in chunks. The blades kept turning, even chopping through wood. All I could do was take cover as it wreaked havoc on my house.

By the time the chaos had ended, the entire kitchen was destroyed. Drywall hung from the ceiling in chunks. Daylight bled through the cuts in the wall, which had gone through the wall completely. Entire beams in the roof above the ceiling were now completely chopped loose and doing nothing while other beams did all the work.

I was devastated. I was just about to have my home renovated, but now all of that is going to be delayed until this disaster is fixed.

Nick tried to place one of the roof beams into place with his hand, but it was clear even a slight breeze was going to make the roof collapse.

"Alright well I guess we'd better be going" said Nick.

I proclaimed that he was going to have to pay to fix this. He was like "oh yeah sure" in agreement, but I knew I couldn't trust him after his sales tactics. He was just placating me while rounding up his family into his car so he could leave ASAP.

(weird part about the above dream is both Nick and my dad died within the past 2 yrs, so strange my mind picked those two out. Anniversary for my dad dying is April 8, so maybe that's why it's on my mind)


I woke up after this to my alarm, but then I snoozed it and had the following dream:

I was obsequiously cleaning up my house because there was a Zoomer party with all these teenage kids drinking and wrecking the place. I even had on an apron and carried a duster while I cleaned, comedically beta.

Then, a commercial came on TV. They were selling some exercise program meant to develop your abs. The tagline had an aggressive, muscular black man asserting "built not bought" as he referenced his muscular physique. This random zoomer Chad then made eye-contact with me, lifted his shirt with one hand to show similar abs while holding a beer with the other hand, and then gestured with his beer-hand toward a pile of pretzels that someone had dumped on the floor and nodded for me to clean it up... which I did. The implication was that I, too, could have abs if I did things like clean up the pretzels.

This post was edited by Terps on Apr 7 2022 12:49am
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Apr 13 2022 08:38pm
Had a dream where it was present day, and there was this cool electronics store with a lot of modern and retro electronics. It kind of reminded me of the allure of Best Buy, Electronic Boutique, etc. as a kid in the 90s. The walls were crammed full of both modern and retro games, modern and retro electronics, CRT TVs and flat-screens, vintage game systems and modern that were for floor use.

One thing that stood out was that they had a real live Transformer from the 1980s cartoon. It was a real-life robot, but it was also a real-life Transformer (I guess Transformers were real in this world).

The Transformer was one of the smaller ones, like Bumblebee. He was there to greet people who entered the store. I went to interact with him, but something was off: it was like they had lobotomized him (or whatever the electronic equivalent of that is). He had been made docile and incapable of critical thinking. His electronic brains had been scrambled.

I pressed him on this, asking: Are you okay, what did they do to you, don't you remember what you used to be like (how you used to think), don't you miss your ability to think, do you need help?

Initially, he was still docile and simple-minded, but after persistent questioning, he seemed to realize and acknowledge that something was wrong with his mind. The store personnel tried to shoo me away from the Transformer, since he was getting upset. However, before they could make me leave, the Transformer grabbed me by the shoulders and pleaded for me to help him. He was crying and grabbing my shoulders like a crazy person. He fell into me and then to the ground, upset, sad, crying.

It actually startled me, and then I realized I was biting off more than I could chew here: I felt bad because they lobotomized this sentient being, but I was in no way capable of helping this creature. It left me sad and disappointed in myself, as well as sad for this poor Transformer.

The store personnel gathered up the Transformer and set him back upright into a greeting position, then they asked me to leave, which I did.
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May 2 2022 01:11pm
Had a dream where Brandon showed up to my house. He rode his motorcycle straight up my ramp and to the front door

He asked if I had lost my dog and needed help finding it. I said "no," since my dog was inside. Brandon had two other dogs with him, one of them a white/brown cocker spaniel, which looks nothing like my dog. I think he also had a golden retriever

He said "oh, okay" and then backed carefully down my ramp and rode off
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May 6 2022 11:28am
Had a dream where I was going to play D2R with the fellas. We were all going to make fresh characters and do a D2 walk. We set up a day/time to start.

I showed up on time with my character.

Zach showed up on time with his character, but he said he had to go afk to attend to his kids. He never returned.

Brandon said he'd show up, but he flaked out completely.

Chris wasn't part of the dream, so I assume he opted out of the invite from the beginning.


Had a dream where all humans around the Earth were afflicted with some disease that made them infertile. I think there were other symptoms that made the quality of life for everyone low and not worth living (pain etc.).

Society had set up these facilities where people could commit euthanasia pretty easily and peacefully. You would wade into an indoor pond with pellucid green water, lily pads, cattails, small fish, frogs, and other peaceful elements of nature. Once you waded into the middle of the pool, you would close your eyes and submerse yourself completely. After a few seconds, you open your eyes. Your body is now small, the size of a minnow; you look around, suspended within the middle of the pool. You are not swimming; you are floating, suspended within the water like a fetus in a womb. The mood is peaceful and meditative.

While all of this was going on, in real life, the pond was being covered with something resembling a giant piece of saran wrap so that you'd suffocate/drown and be unable to escape the pond. But in your mind, everything was calm and peaceful.

I was submerged in the pool, but then I realized I didn't want to die; I wanted to see what life was like outside in the rest of the world. I think I woke up because I was about to die—or maybe I woke up because I actually did die in the dream. In any case, I thought to myself that this dream seemed really cool/interesting, so I forced myself back to sleep to continue this dream. Anyway, continuing with the dream, I poked holes in the saran wrap and emerged from the pond, gasping for air.

The rest of the world was like your usual dystopian setting: crumbling buildings and infrastructures, had to scavenge for food and items, the developed world was being reclaimed by nature. The one thing that really stood out though was that there were very few people. You would go days without seeing another person, even in developed areas. Like 99% of Earth's population had been wiped out, probably more than that even.

The government had convinced everyone that euthanasia was the correct course of action and popularized it among the population, so the ones who eschewed euthanasia for a life of survival were considered crazy and weird. This wasn't entirely true, as there were some friendly survivors just trying to get by peacefully, but there were also violent survivors who wanted to steal, threaten, hurt, rape, and kill people. I can't remember any specific incidents, but the main focus of the dream were my random solo encounters with good guys, bad guys, or various combinations of each.

This post was edited by Terps on May 6 2022 11:32am
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May 19 2022 11:19pm
Had a dream where, although it was meant to be real-life, the graphics, people, and setting were all from D2R. (I was obv playing lots of D2R at this time)

The setting took place in Harrogath. There was a multi-round cooking contest. There were maybe a dozen contestants, all in the image of D2R character sprites: amazon, sorc, necro, etc. I was a barbarian. The judges were various Act 5 NPCs, like Malah, Nihlathak, etc.

The contest had multiple rounds. The contestants would make a meal to fit the course, and then the judges would sample the dishes and give a rating. Then everyone would move on to the next course of the meal.

I went into it thinking I had no shot, but by the end of it, I realized I was in great shape to win it all.

The final course was dessert. I made some kind of chocolate fudge brownie sundae. The judges all liked it and gave it a good grade. Then, once it came time to tally up points, the judges realized that I, a nobody in the cooking world, was poised to win. The judges spoke amongst themselves for a bit, and then they announced someone else as the winner.

I approached the judge's table and confronted them about how the scoring system had me in first place. The head judge was the dude who explodes trying to stop Baal from entering the Worldstone Keep in the A5 intro movie. This pathetic loser explained that they actually liked some other person's meals better upon later reflection. I asked which meals they liked better—could they give some examples? The guy froze and scrambled to name a dish by this other person. Then, he named a dish, and I retorted that that was, in fact, a dish I had made.

After more conferencing, the judges realized that they had been exposed as corrupt or disingenuous, so they acquiesced and announced me the winner. I took my trophy and went home without any fanfare or speeches.


Had a dream where some middle-eastern guy whom I don't really remember from a job I had 15 years ago randomly walked up to my house and rang my doorbell. He wanted to see how I was doing with my career.

I gave him the usual courtesy you would give any neutral acquaintance: hi, hello, how are you, etc. He cut to the chase: he was very interested in helping me with career advice: resume building, interviewing skills, researching to know what you're worth, bargaining salary, other career advice. I'm pretty happy with where I'm at now career-wise, but I figured it wouldn't hurt me to hear him out, and it would be doing him a favor because he was eager to help.

He took me to a farm kind of on the way to the North Harford schools. We circled around a corn silo, and he taught me about agriculture. It turned out the farm was a secret government nuclear weapons research facility, and they needed a tech writer.

We spent at least an hour at the farm and then returned to my home. I remember thinking to myself that I was glad I took the time to hear this guy out. I learned a lot about managing my career and found a lucrative opportunity.

I was inside my front door, talking to the middle-eastern man while he was outside the door. I was trying to turn our conversation into a goodbye because I could tell he was they type who'd just keep on talking forever if you let him.

Before letting him go, I asked him if he was still keeping up with this guy Joe, who was one of my friends at the garage we used to work at. I hadn't heard from him since quitting that job.

The middle-eastern man responded, "As a matter of fact, Joe's right here!" Joe immediately jumped in front of the middle-eastern man from the right side of the doorway. He was all super happy and bouncing with excitement like someone with ADHD (in real life, this dude was super mellow and deadpan with his humor, so this was totally out of character). Joe had helium-filled balloons, party hats, those party horn things you blow into, confetti. He was extremely excited. It was cool to see Joe after so many years, but I wasn't ready for this level of excitement.

I retreated inside my house, since Joe had already moved past me and into the living room. I was trying politely to get him to leave, but he was too excited to pick up on social cues.

I looked out the window to see if the middle-eastern dude was still there—maybe he could help me gather Joe and get him to leave. The middle-eastern man was now wearing a blue fox costume with anime hair and eyes—one that was actually pretty well-made and very clean. He was with some fuchsia-colored female wearing a fox costume. His girlfriend leaned against the rail to my porch, and then he aggressively fingered his girlfriend's butthole right in front of me, making deliberate and sustained eye-contact with me as he did it. I was completely nonplussed and speechless. I couldn't believe or process what was happening.

Idk how the dream ended. I probably woke up because this was some pretty wild stuff.


Had a dream where I went to Zach and Rachel's house. I don't know what their house looks like, so instead my mind used my parents' house as it was circa 1993.

I had just woken up from a night of too much partying. Zach, Rachel, and other people present were hungry for breakfast. I mentioned jokingly that I had raw ingredients in my backpack, which I planned on using to make dinner the night before. I was going to make this recipe ( https://themodernproper.com/vegan-roasted-sweet-potato-salad ), so I had things like raw, diced sweet potato, taco seasoning, and avocados in my bookbag.

Rachel started going through my bookbag, saying "this is perfect!" I tried to stop her, but I was too polite to really do anything. Within seconds it seemed like, she was already sautéing the sweet potato, so it was pointless to try stopping her by that point anyway.

Meanwhile, Zach and Rachel had a cat that was giving birth. Zach told me to come check it out, since it's not every day you get to see a cat give birth. The cat extruded this long, narrow thing into my cupped hands. It looked a lot like a snake-like piece of shit because it was brown, crooked, and thicker in the middle while being pinched-off on the ends. But despite all this, it was a living, breathing creature with a face.

The creature was crying. It needed something, but I didn't know what. I was carrying it around the house in my cupped hands. I got the sense that this creature would fall apart if I didn't hold it delicately in my hands. (If you've ever seen the movie Eraserhead, it's a similar problem to the baby in that). I was wandering around, asking people present what I should do with the baby kitten. No one could give me an answer. I was getting kind of frantic because the creature kept crying, but I didn't know what to do with it, and frankly it was grossing me out to be holding such a slimy and disgusting creature. No one was any help though, not even Zach. I figured at least he'd know what to do with it, since it was his cat, but he offered no advice that I could recall. Utterly useless.

I think eventually I just placed the crying creature in a bowl that somewhat matched the contour of my hands and then placed it near the mother cat, hoping for the best.

This post was edited by Terps on May 19 2022 11:20pm
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