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Oct 30 2012 05:10pm
Updated Wolf Barb Guide

Table of Contents

● Introduction

● Stats and skills

● Equipment

Main gear(Typical Pubs)
Druid setups
Barbarian setups
Sorceress setups
Necromancer setups
Assassin setups
Amazon setups
Paladin setups

●Dueling strategy
Pvp tactics
- Druid
- Barbarian
- Sorceress
- Necromancer
- Assassin
- Amazon
- Paladin

●My Character



Introduction :Hey all, I couldn't help but notice their was not any ( and only 1 ) up-to-date Wolf Barb guide. And as this is still one of the funnest characters I play on, I thought you might enjoy this too. Any questions post here or PM me and I will try to help.

Why Wolf Barb you say ? :

Why not? No one likes being slapped around by a Wolf Barb with their 8k FG characters ! With mass resistances, frw, max block, max DR, and griefs awsome damage, who wouldn't like this character? This Build can be relatively cheap to more expensive if you can afford the perfect charms. This Character reaches ALL required break points with ANY given set up.
So you read my guide and say "wtf why no Pheonix?!? It adds so much dmg !!" , well the answer is : No, Pheonix has CTC (% to cast) Fire Storm, which will interrupt your attack and cause more harm than any good.


Stats And Skills / Other

Some abbreviationsthat may be used in this guide :

FRW - Faster Run/Walk
AR - Attack rating
CBF - Cannot be frozen
DMG - Damage
Sorb - Absorb
Dr - Damage reduction
BO - Battle Orders
MB - Max Block
BP - Bone Prison
Sc - Small charm
ETH - ethereal
C/t - Character / Tree screen.
BM - Bad Manner
GM - Good Manner
Str - Strength
Dex - Dexterity
Vita - Vitality

Stats :

Str - Enought to hold all gear given any set up ( may need a token or two when preparing for this)
Dex - Enough for Max Block ( I have 237 here, enough for MB with Jmod, if you dont have Jmods use do the basic enough for MB with Storm shield )
Vita - All the rest
Energy - ? no


There is 2 Options here.
#1 Is if you wish to be more caster based
#2 Is if you wish to be more melee based
#3 Meet some where in the middle if you prefer it?

Sword Mastery - 20
Increase Speed - 20
Natural Resistances - 20
Battle Orders - 20
Increase Stamina - 1
Iron Skin - 1
Howl - 1
Shout - 1
Battle Command - 1
Whirl Wind - 1
Pole Arm Mastery - Rest ( for Eth Tomb reaver set up )

Sword Mastery - 20
Increase Speed - 1
Natural Resistances - 1
Battle Orders - 20
Increase Stamina - 1
Iron Skin - 20
Howl - 1
Shout - 20
Battle Command - 1
Whirl Wind - 1
Pole Arm Mastery - Rest ( for Eth Tomb reaver set up )

If you don't wonna use Tomb reaver at all, put rest of skill points into Shout

Break Points :

Fcr :
Not needed, you don't teleport or cast anything accept BO

Fhr :
48 Fhr bp on all set ups

Ias :
Grief pb - 35 + Ias (5 Fpa)
E Tomb - 85 + Ias (6 Fpa)

Beak Point Chart - http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=31572190

Ias Calculator http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=60602572&f=87



Main Gear

Helm - Wolf Howl * The Key to this build !! ( 7 FHR / STR / DEX / RES jewl )
Weapon - Grief Phase Blade
Gloves - 10 Cb / Stat / Life Gloves
Belt - 15 DR / 40 Life Dungos
Boots - Gore Riders ( Upgraded )
Shield - Storm Shield ( I use a ED/AR/Res jewl )
Armor -Fortitude ( Fort Of Chains if you can afford this )
Ring 1 -Raven Frost 20/250
Ring 2 - Ar / Dex / Life / Res Rare Ring
Amulet - High Lords ( 08 Highlords if you can afford this )

2x Heart of the Oak ( I tested this with the typical cta/hoto, but hoto/hoto gives more life )

Stashed Gear : ( Your going to want all / most of this )

Optional :

Eth Tomb Reaver - 2x 15/40's / Zod rune
3x Monarch / Jmod - 1x With 4x Perfect topaz , 1x With 4x Perfect Saphire , 1x With 4x Perfect Ruby
Demon Limb ( For Chant )
Dracul's Grasp
Raven 20/250
2x Wisp
2x Dwarf Star
Thunder Gods
Hot Spurs
Snow Clash
30 Frw / Tri Resistances boots
Doom Zerk


Barb Torch
1x 451 Poison Small charm
9x 5 Fhr / 5 Res Sc's
7x 3 Frw / 5 Res Sc's
20x 3 Max / 20 Ar / 20 Lifer Sc's

Other Weapon Options, As alot of people asked me to include this.

Gris Caddy - You can put 4x Shaels in this for 3FPA (120 IAS). Which is extremly fast, low end of dmg. Will put casters in FHR animation and could lead to a lot of damage in a very short amount of time.
You could also use 4x 15/40's for 4FPA (100 IAS ), not as fast, but more damage vs the 4x Shael's.
Eth Breath of the Dying Berserker axe - 60 Ias to 6 FPA . Same speed as Eth tomb, you can be mb with this weapon.
Eth Fools Weapon? I would go for a 40 IAS Phase blade if you wish to do this, for 5 Fpa. The fools would be nice for high defense chars (paladins), and 1-2x Lo runes for Deadly Strike.

I however don't use these weapons, but people asked me to give a brief description on them.

Vs Druid

For Windy Druid : All main gear. If Tap is GM use Dracul's grasp
For Shape Shift Druid : All main gear

Vs Barbarian

All main gear

Vs Sorceress

Fire Sorc - All main gear & put on Infernos
Light Sorc - All main gear & put on Thunder Gods
Cold Sorc - All main gear & put on 160 Cold res Shield ( + you raven already been worn )

Vs Necromancer

All main gear. Eth Tomb reaver if needed.

Vs Assassin

Light Trapper : All main gear & put on Thunder Gods
Fire Trapper : All main gear & put on Infernos
Ghost - All main gear & put on absorb for what ever traps they main from ( fire or light )

Vs Amazon

Bow Zon- All main gear
Jav Zon - All main gear & put on Thunder Gods

Vs Paladin

Hammer Din - All main gear. Might need Eth Tomb Reaver here also.
Smiter - All main gear
Foh - All main gear & put on Thunder Gods

For some situations (ex. BvB) you may want to use whirl wind, it is an option and keep it open.
Enigma is now listed. I would use this Vs casters, the frw is nice, life and Dr + str, when the damage bonus is not needed.

I do suggest having Demon Limb ( Enchant ) a extra amount of Sorb gear in stash and dracul's ( Life Tap ) , although not recommended to use because it is BM. But your a Wolf Barb in public duels, use where applicable. If your doing TvT or 1v1 stay GM.


Dueling strategy

Pvp tactics

Moral of the story, run around, attack. Use GM sorb if gm game, BM sorb if being BM'd. This may take some patience and getting used to.

- Druid
Medium / Hard
For windy druids, you have to click past wolves and on his name, when you catch him the first time feral rage is usually fast enough he gets FHR locked and dies. Tap is fun here, just rambo click him and his wolves, tap casts you heal as he dies. For Shape shift druids get your AR up there, kill his oak and win.

- Barbarian
Easy / Hard
For bvc's, bva's, bvb's your probably going to want to walk, shift/feral rage if they are staying close. Stack AR if he's using a shield. Do not chase if they are just going to WW for days.

- Sorceress
Easy / Medium
For all sorc's, get your gm stack / sorb up there, because you run so fast try and avoid getting hit ( easier than you think ) and chase them down, they eventually will mess up or wait till your close for accuracy but you will be right there to feral rage them and a easy kill, in non-block. MB sorc's might end up to be a head to head fight. they get cocky sometimes, you should win.

- Necromancer
For necro this is one of your toughest duels. Some necro's will just BP you, and just tele 2 screens away and spam bone spirits. Wait for them to come closer to you, and make your move.

- Assassin
Medium / Hard
For trap sins, fire or light use your gm sorb. Might need to wsg around and to get close to them, and just hold fury on their name. You will make it through traps and do serious dmg when you hit. For Ghost sins, use your gm sorb & 50 Dr. Do not chase them if their going to WW away for days, shift / fury may help if their offensive.

- Amazon
For Bow zons, 50 DR is a must. Hold onto their name, you will eventually catch them because they have to turn and try to hit you right? If their running in circles, wsg and try and get infront of them. For CS zons, use gm sorb and kill them, they have to stay close to you.

- Paladin
For hammer dins, stack your AR, and finding the dead spot in hammer field is the key. Tomb reaver is nice here with the amount of dmg you do, when you do it, it counts. For smiters, your toughest duel, stack AR, and your best bet if to get them to chase you, turn and hit once or twice. Repeat. Foh din, use gm sorb and chase them down. Foh dins are usually weak and lack DR.


My Character



So that my new UpDated Wolf Barb guide. If you like it, please let me know. And if you don't like it state why. Anything I forgot? Just mention it and I will add & Update again.
Have fun with it & Enjoy.

This post was edited by Mustang69 on Oct 30 2012 05:22pm
Posts: 29,619
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Oct 30 2012 05:19pm
very intrested build and nice guide :) only guestion is did you think any chance to mix sc:s / gc:s for max /ar / life to more dmg ? and is there too many sc:s :p 1 + 9 + 8 + 20 = 38 and then you cant use anni + torch at the same time.

This post was edited by soppamies on Oct 30 2012 05:25pm
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Oct 30 2012 05:23pm
Quote (soppamies @ Oct 30 2012 06:19pm)
very intrested build and nice guide :) only guestion is did you think any chance to mix sc:s / gc:s for max /ar / life for more dmg ? and is there too many sc:s :p 1 + 9 + 8 + 20 = 38 and then you cant use anni + torch at the same time.

lol, out of 2 topics no one noticed that. GG, fixed.
And mixing up gcs / scs, no not me. Grief hits very hard, im more concerend with having the most life possible.
And the AR i reach with my set ups is 'present-able' so i wasn't too concered with more ar.

This post was edited by Mustang69 on Oct 30 2012 05:25pm
Posts: 29,619
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Oct 30 2012 05:35pm
Quote (Mustang69 @ 31 Oct 2012 02:23)
lol, out of 2 topics no one noticed that. GG, fixed.
And mixing up gcs / scs, no not me. Grief  hits very hard, im more concerend with having the most life possible.
And the AR i reach with my set ups is 'present-able' so i wasn't too concered with more ar.

np :p aah oke :) i had wolf barb on hcl for pvm and it work's nice in there. maybe will try this when have time / fgs to make one :)
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Oct 30 2012 06:35pm
changelog since you last posted this guide?
Posts: 17,806
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Oct 30 2012 06:41pm
Quote (soppamies @ Oct 30 2012 06:35pm)
np :p aah oke :) i had wolf barb on hcl for pvm and it work's nice in there. maybe will try this when have time / fgs to make one :)

Do it
Quote (testic @ Oct 30 2012 07:35pm)
changelog since you last posted this guide?

Posts: 62,793
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Oct 31 2012 01:45am
Use cube bo.. You could reach more life.
6 bo helm + arach + 2x bks + 3 wc amu

Have u tried it?^^
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Oct 31 2012 02:25am
Covers most of the basics.

Minor typo here and there but nothing to worry about.

This post was edited by Djsem on Oct 31 2012 02:25am
Posts: 2,757
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Oct 31 2012 05:50am
much nicer :)
Posts: 17,806
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Oct 31 2012 06:08am
Quote (vargad @ Oct 31 2012 02:45am)
Use cube bo.. You could reach more life.
6 bo helm + arach + 2x bks + 3 wc amu

Have u tried it?^^

Its an option
Quote (Djsem @ Oct 31 2012 03:25am)
Covers most of the basics.

Minor typo here and there but nothing to worry about.

I agree with this yes. But there is none in stickies :P couple months ago i went through them looking for one of these guides. Didnt find one that really helped any, so i started playing around with the build my self and came up with this :)
Quote (DanteBlack @ Oct 31 2012 06:50am)
much nicer :)

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