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Posts: 14,294
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Aug 4 2012 10:32am
Gl getting 'elos'
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Aug 4 2012 10:40am
Quote (Cirno @ Aug 4 2012 09:30am)
I love Teemu top, but I have a beef with doran+wriggles.

If you're going offtank, you'll want to choose either dorans or wriggle's.

Triple doran is 30 damage, 9% life steal, 240 HP, 1425 gold.
Wriggle is 15(?) damage, 23 armor, 10% lifesteal, and ward city, 1600 gold.

Personally, I hate wriggle, due to the timing at which you get it (mushroom wards), and the fact it's less efficacious than three doran blades on the whole.  However, people a lot better than me still build it, so it can't be bad.

Wriggle double doran (2550 gold) is great for harass and sustain, but does not compare to  phage double doran (2275 gold)/movequick when it comes time to help your jungler secure a gank, or if you start roaming.

Even if I didn't hate wriggle, I'd have skipped it that game, due to their team comp.  Ditching armor in favor of Magic Res would have been good in teamfights (singed, luxlazor, Fizz).  Teemo likes both Wit's End and Hexdrinker/Maw.

Cho is particularly hard to push out of lane, since a healthy portion of Teemo's damage is residual, and Cho heals it off like nothing, so I'd have just farmed against him until I couldn't farm anymore, then roam like a boss with phage/FM

wriggles is mostly to push since its hard to gank a teemo(shrooms+wriggles ward) he cna free push all day
Posts: 534
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Aug 5 2012 12:04am
Game 24: Nunu jungle.. It didn't really fit too well with out team comp, it was nice during lane phase but team fights didn't shape out well. Also this game has intense flame war, and the obvious blame jungler because you lose lane :(

Game 25: Ahri mid, Laning phase went well and was able to roam a bit. Bot lane and jungle had issues which caused bot to feed. Missed a few key skillshots, but team insisted on 100% dedicating to a fight when I used ult, which in some cases deadly.. Dfg burst was nice but had 0 followup from my team. I strongly believe draven is a worthless ad carry. Even those who get ridiculously fed seem useless compared to graves / corki.

Game 26: Ad Corki. Laning phase was dumb.. Nunu had 50 ap at start and maxed snowball on top of ezreals harass. Team fights were brutal team had 0 focus. Most of time I was able to blowup xin or zyra but nocturne / irelia were too squishy and died instantly to the aoe..

Posts: 534
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Gold: 53.30
Aug 5 2012 12:05am
Game 27: Ad tristana. Wanted to test the waters, and Had an amazing 13-14 minutes. Soraka and I would win small 2v2 skirmishes, but it got to a point where tf and mumu camped bottom. Zyra didn't understand the concept of keeping tf pushed and then when he ult'd she came bot just to kill 4-5 minions after we died. Tristana works well if the support is somewhat decent.

Game 28: Janna support. Was a normal game. Every lane won which was nice and surprising. But graves didn't really use janna to his advantage and let cait harass him. Nevertheless a win is a win.

Game 29: Awful game. We had such a great chance of winning till ziggs started flaming everybody and then the report ____ came out and it was gg. Amumu jungle is so tough to do well with if your team doesn't back you.

Posts: 534
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Gold: 53.30
Aug 5 2012 12:05am
Game 30: Another Ahri mid. Laning vs ziggs wasn't painful. But Shyvana eventually snowball'd every lane including mid. Cho always seemed to be in the right place at the right time. Plus I didn't really finish any items, was going health but then decided to go mr. :/

Game 31: Literally had .2 seconds to pick a jungler because of the pregame spam of I want this and I want that. Game started off SOOO well, then people started getting hooked by blitz and slowly our lead diminished. Wasn't really sure how to build Gp.

Game 32: Riven top. Our bot lane flamed entire game, almost causing us to lose. Lee sin did excellent ganking top vs yorick and got my lane a great lead. From there on it was just hoping for ashe to land arrows for us to engage on. ( Which didn't happen often).. Would appreciate tips on how this team comp could engage other than the obvious Gragas / ashe ult..

Posts: 534
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Gold: 53.30
Aug 5 2012 12:06am
Game 33: Karth mid.. I was doing good on keeping cs up, until team fights broke out and I started forgetting to cs :/ They didn't build Mr so being a fed karth paid off.

Game 34: :wallbash: This game was so easily won... Then lux had to rage and afk farm, not ordinary afk farm, the kind that involved her going bot pushing to tower and backing. While enemy takes baron.. Their vayne was so bad, but just got fed + our ezreal.. Had 1 bad engage where I ult'd blind, which caused so much trash talking.. Starting to hate this elo.. GG

Game 35: Anivia mid.. My bird gameplay is awful, the aa anitmation caused me to easily miss 50-60 cs.. In the end, I had some clutch wall + stun follow'd up by kennan. Lots more practice though to be even a decent articuno.

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Aug 5 2012 12:40pm
Dam lol you dropped. :(
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Aug 5 2012 12:45pm
The tilt is stronk
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Aug 5 2012 12:45pm
After that start, I had assumed you were going straight to plat.

Imagine my dismay when you land right around me, while my placement matches ended 6/4
Posts: 534
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Gold: 53.30
Aug 6 2012 11:39pm
Game 36: Ap janna. I didn't realize till I bought boots and went to mid, that we had a karthus.. I was afk after choosing champ. Thought I made it clear that I was ap janna, but apparently not.. So I did the jerk move and told him to support or we can 2 man mid.. Which didn't turn out so well. I accept my elo loss and move on

Game 37: Dont have picture nor do I remember what I played.. Kinda of odd I forgot this one :( sorry ~~~ Whatever it was I lost which is probably why I didn't ss

Game 38: Singed top.. Very new to singed, not sure how to build or even play him. Laning phase was so-so.. Win Zhao so strong, but he lacked mr early on.. Team fights we got wrecked, our team had 0 idea how to position, and Im not sure how to teamfight with singed..Tried peeling one fight and going after their carry the next.. Neither worked out well.

Game 39: Volibear jungle.. I dont have the right runes to voli jungle and I know that now its awful without em. Clearing time was slow, and my ganks were pitiful. This team won without me, I ended up just split pushing like shen and letting them carry me.

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