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Jul 17 2010 09:52pm
Contents :

1 – Introduction
2 – Rings
3 – Amulets
4 – Jewels
5 – Small charms
6 – Grand charms
7 – Circlets
8 – Body armors
9 – Shields
10 – Gloves
11 – Weapons
12 – Staffmod section
13 – Automod section
14 - Credits


1 – Introduction

This is more a memento i use from times to times then a real guide.

Except for charms, i think few players are really interested in magic items, underestimating their potential.
JMoD or Sox-Life armors are an exception however, well known to be some of the powerfull items in the game, at least for some particular builds.

In this post, i've tried to list all the Magic items that can ever be usefull.
Some affix are "magic only" available, only those affix show some interest. Otherwise rare/crafted items are superior to magic items, since they can get 3 to 4-6 affix.

I won't discuss here of the use of those items. Since i tried to find some of them, and never succeeded (or so few times...), i wondered what exactly my odds are, and also if this could help to set a price when trying to buy some @ jsp (most of those items don't appear in price guides).

Terms :

CLvl = character level.
iLvl = internal Level of an item (mostly depends on where you find it).
QLvl = quality Level of an item (only depends on the item type).
aLvl = affix Level of an item, determine the higher level of affix that can spawn on that item.
ALvl = area Level.
MLvl = magic Level, available on Circlets and orbs for our purpose.

When a magic item spawns, its iLvl is determined by :

- monster drop : iLvl = ALvl / ALvl +2 (champion/fanatic/berserker/possessed/ghostly) / ALvl +3 (boss and minions) / MonsterLevel for super-uniques.
- chest drops : iLvl = Alvl
- gambled item : iLvl = CLvl - 5 / CLvl + 4
- vendor stuff : iLvl = CLvl + 5

When a magic item is rerolled, its iLvl is :

- same as before when 3 perfect gems are used,
- 30, if 3 flawless gems are used,
- 25, if 3 chipped gems are used.
When rerolled, magic items will lose their original properties (including, if any, staffmods/automods).

Once the iLvl is set, then the aLvl can be calculated as follow :

- if MLvl > 0 , then aLvl = max(iLvl,QLvl) + MLvl,
- else if ( max(iLvl,QLvl) < 99 - int(QLvl/2) ) then aLvl = max(iLvl,QLvl) - int(QLvl/2),
- else aLvl = 2*max(iLvl,QLvl) - 99.

Once the aLvl is set, all affix with level equal or under this aLvl can spawn on the Magic item.

A Magic item will have :

25% - preffix + suffix,
25% - only preffix,
50% - only suffix.

Magic items cannot be upgraded.

When given to Larzuk, a Magic item will receive :

50% - 1 sox,
50% - 2 sox.

Magic items can receive sox, under 2 restrictions :

- the item type restriction ( a Venomous Burnt Wand will ever get 1 sox to Larzuk, due to this restriction, a Jeweler's Mage Plate will only have 3 sox),
- the iLvl restriction :
ItemType iLvl1-25 iLvl26-40 iLvl41+
Circlet 1 2 3
Helm 2 2 3
Primal Helm / Pelt 2 3 3
Body Armor 3 4 6
Shield 3 3 4
Shrunken head 2 3 3
Auric Shield 3 4 4
Axe 4 5 6
Daggers / Claws 2 3 3
Polearm / Spear 3 4 6
Sword / Mace 3 4 6
Club / Hammer 3 4 6
Scepter 3 5 6
Staff 5 6 6
Wand 2 2 2
Bow/Xbow 3 4 6
Amazon Bow 3 4 5
Amazon Spear 3 4 6
Orb 2 3 3

This second restriction should never disturb you, unless you gamble a Jeweler's Diadem of Speed with CLvl 10... and it turns to be only 1 sox !

For most magic items listed below, i've calculated 2 frequencies :
- the first is the frequency when all affix are available (at highest iLvl),
- the second is the best frequency you can reach, with a particular iLvl.

I only pointed out LoD-items ; some Magic items can also be usefull to Classic players, but i won't talk about them.

Some figures seems extremely low, but consider i gave frequencies for perfect versions only.
For exemple, you'll have the same chances to find a +3sk/81life, a +3sk/99life and a +3sk/100life amulet. I only displayed the perfect +3/100.

Some questions may find an answer :
" I found a Monarch of deflecting at Baal, is it worth rerolling to get a JMoD ? "
" Where are the best places to farm skillers ? "


2 – Rings QLvl=1

Fortuitous ring of Fortune : 40%mf
aLvl = 42
1 / 303,175
1 / 206,250 with iLvl 42-44

Normal end-act5 and Nightmare end-act1 / beginning-act2 are the best places to find those rings.
Gamble them with CLvl 47.

3 – Amulets QLvl=1

Bahamut’s amulet of life everlasting : 120mana 25pdr
aLvl = 45
1 / 13,000,320
1 / 8,931,120 with iLvl 45-47

Bahamut’s amulet of revivification : 120mana 15replenish
aLvl = 45
1 / 4,062,600
1 / 2,790,975 with iLvl 45-47

Bahamut’s amulet of the whale : 120mana 100life
aLvl = 50
1 / 21,667,200
1 / 15,408,800 with iLvl 50-54

Skill-tree(*1) amulet of the whale : +3sk 100life
aLvl = 60
1 / 1,444,480
1 / 1,259,093 with iLvl 60-70

Skill-tree(*1) amulet of the apprentice : +3sk 10fcr
aLvl = 60
1 / 36,112
1 / 31,477 with iLvl 60-70

Skill-tree(*1) amulet of luck : +3sk 35mf
aLvl = 60
1 / 541,680
1 / 472,160 with iLvl 60-70

Skill-tree(*1) amulet of atlas : +3sk 30str
aLvl = 71
1 / 722,240
1 / 637,867 with iLvl 71

(*1) Available +3skill-tree : all except Java / Bow / Combat(barb)


4 - Jewels QLvl=1

Since most of perfect magic jewels are dupped, the frequencies given below cannot help to set a price.

Vermilion jewel of carnage : +30max
aLvl = 58
1 / 86,262
1 / 81,112 with iLvl 58-63

Vermilion jewel of fervor : +15max 15ias
aLvl = 58
1 / 17,252
1 / 16,222 with iLvl 58-63

Ruby jewel of fervor : 40ed 15ias
aLvl = 66
1 / 34,505 with iLvl 66+

Ruby jewel of carnage : 40ed 15max
aLvl = 66
1 / 172,525 with iLvl 66+

Ruby jewel of hope : 40ed 20life
aLvl = 66
1 / 414,060 with iLvl 66+

Ruby jewel of daring : 40ed 9dext
aLvl = 66
1 / 138,020 with iLvl 66+

Ruby jewel of virility : 40ed 9str
aLvl = 66
1 / 103,515 with iLvl 66+

Ruby jewel of freedom : 40ed –15req
aLvl = 66
1 / 46,007 with iLvl 66+

Argent jewel of fervor : 100ar 15ias
aLvl = 44
1 / 138,020
1 / 100,300 with iLvl 44

Turquoise jewel of hope : 20mana 20life
aLvl = 45
1 / 414,060
1 / 325,740 with iLvl 45-46

Scintillating jewel of fervor : 15@ 15ias
aLvl = 39
1 / 69,010
1 / 42,180 with iLvl 39-40

Scintillating jewel of freeedom : 15@ -15req
aLvl = 34
1 / 92,013
1 / 38,760 with iLvl 34

Scintillating jewel of hope : 15@ 20life
aLvl = 45
1 / 828,120
1 / 651,480 with iLvl 45-46

Scintillating jewel of truth : 15@ 7fhr
aLvl = 44
1 / 69,010
1 / 50,150 with iLvl 44

Ruby/sapphire/ambergris jewel of fervor : 30fr/30cr/30lr 15ias
aLvl = 39
1 / 51,757
1 / 31,635 with iLvl 39-40

We can see here that some jewels worth be farmed in low level areas.

5 - Small charms QLvl=28

Steel sc of vita : 36ar 20life
aLvl = 57
1 / 125,235
1 / 102,375 with iLvl 71-76

Fine sc of vita : 3max 20ar 20life
aLvl = 47
1 / 344,396
1 / 249,356 with iLvl 61

Fine sc of inertia : 3max 20ar 3frw
aLvl = 35
1 / 68,879
1 / 30,715 with iLvl 49

Serpent’s sc of balance : 17mana 5fhr
aLvl = 48
1 / 10,436
1 / 8,206 with iLvl 62-70

Serpent’s sc of vita : 17mana 20life
aLvl = 48
1 / 52,181
1 / 41,031 with iLvl 62-70

Serpent’s sc of inertia : 17mana 3frw
aLvl = 48
1 / 10,436
1 / 8,206 with iLvl 62-70

Shimmering sc of balance : 5@ 5fhr
aLvl = 37
1 / 25,047
1 / 12,705 with iLvl 51-52

Shimmering sc of vita : 5@ 20life
aLvl = 47
1 / 125,235
1 / 90,675 with iLvl 61

Ruby/sapphire/amber sc of vita : 11fr/cr/lr 20life
aLvl = 47
1 / 41,745
1 / 30,225 with iLvl 61

Shocking sc of storms : 2-99 light damage
aLvl = 90
1 / 9,350,880 with iLvl 95+(*2)

Shocking sc of vita : 1-71 light damage 20life
aLvl = 90
1 / 1,168,860 with iLvl 95+(*2)

Pestilent sc of anthrax : 451psn
aLvl = 88
1 / 33,396
1 / 31,740 with iLvl 94(*3)

Pestilent sc of vita : 175psn 20life
aLvl = 88
1 / 41,745
1 / 39,675 with iLvl 94(*3)

(*2) iLvl 95+ means Nilhatak/Baal Hell drops only.
(*3) iLvl 94 means Diablo Hell drops only.

Nightmare act5 seems the best place to farm most of those small charms.


6 - Grand charms QLvl=1

Steel gc of vita : 132ar 45life
aLvl = 91
1 / 453,750 with iLvl 91+(*4)

Sharp gc of maiming : 14max 76ar
aLvl = 71
1 / 1,355,200
1 / 1,182,384 with iLvl 71-74

Sharp gc of vita : 10max 76ar 45life
aLvl = 91
1 / 3,388,000 with iLvl 91+(*4)

Serpent’s gc of balance : 59mana 12fhr
aLvl = 49
1 / 42,350
1 / 30,723 with iLvl 49

Serpent’s gc of vita : 59mana 45life
aLvl = 91
1 / 211,750 with iLvl 91+(*4)

Serpent’s gc of inertia : 59mana 7frw
aLvl = 49
1 / 42,350
1 / 30,723 with iLvl 49

Serpent’s gc of strength/dexterity : 59mana 6str/dext
aLvl = 49
1 / 84,700
1 / 61,446 with iLvl 49

Skiller gc of balance : +1sk-tree 12fhr
aLvl = 50
1 / 24,200
1 / 19,320 with iLvl 50-54

Skiller gc of vita : +1sk-tree 45life
aLvl = 91
1 / 121,000 with iLvl 91+(*4)

Skiller gc of strength/dexterity : +1sk-tree 6str/dext
aLvl = 50
1 / 48,400
1 / 38,640 with iLvl 50-54

(*4) ilvl 91+ means Diablo/Nilhatak/Baal Hell drops only.

Nightmare act4 is the best place to farm skillers, unless you only aim for a 45life/sk.


7 - Circlets

Circlet : QLvl 24 MLvl 3 max Sox 2
Coronet : QLvl 52 MLvl 8 max Sox 2
Tiara : QLvl 70 MLvl 13 max Sox 3
Diadem : QLvl 85 MLvl 18 max Sox 3

Bahamut circlet of Life everlasting : 120mana 25pdr 2sox
aLvl = 45
1 / 19,197,454
1 / 8,302,592 with Circlet iLvl 42-43

Bahamut circlet of the Whale : 120mana 100life 2sox
aLvl = 50
1 / 28,796,181
1 / 14,049,355 with Circlet iLvl 47

Artisan's/Jeweler's Tiara/Diadem of Life everlasting : 3sox 25pdr
aLvl = 45/55
1 / 237,985
1 / 201,901 with Tiara iLvl 76-

Artisan's/Jeweler's Tiara/Diadem of Speed : 3sox 30frw
aLvl = 45/55
1 / 18,090
1 / 15,347 with Tiara iLvl 76-

Artisan's/Jeweler's Tiara/Diadem of the Whale : 3sox 100life
aLvl = 50/55
1 / 356,977
1 / 302,851 with Tiara iLvl 76-

Artisan's/Jeweler's Tiara/Diadem of Nirvana : 3sox 30dext
aLvl = 72
1 / 123,951
1 / 105,157 with Tiara iLvl 76-

Artisan's/Jeweler's Tiara/Diadem of Atlas : 3sox 30str
aLvl = 71
1 / 125,696
1 / 106,638 with Tiara iLvl 76-

Artisan's/Jeweler's Tiara/Diadem of the Magus : 3sox 20fcr
aLvl = 45/55
1 / 18,464
1 / 15,665 with Tiara iLvl 76-

Artisan's/Jeweler's Tiara/Diadem of Luck : 3sox 35mf
aLvl = 45/55
1 / 257,436
1 / 218,402 with Tiara iLvl 76-

Skill-tree(*5) Circlet of the Magus : +3skill-tree / 20fcr / 2sox
aLvl = 60
1 / 74,473
1 / 52,491 with Circlet iLvl 57-64 / Coronet iLvl 59-

Skill-tree(*5) Circlet of the Whale : +3skill-tree / 100life / 2sox
aLvl = 60
1 / 1,439,809
1 / 1,014,824 with Circlet iLvl 57-64 / Coronet iLvl 59-

Class-Skill Circlet of Life everlasting : +2Class-skill / 25pdr / 2sox
aLvl = 90
1 / 319,958 with Circlet iLvl 87+ / Coronet iLvl 82+ / Tiara iLvl 77+ / any Diadem

(*5) Available +3skill-tree : all except Java / Bow / War Cry / Mastery


8 - Body armors

Only 4sox (jeweler's) armors worth mentioning.
Body armors that allow 4sox are :

Gothic Plate QLvl 32 iLvl 71 -> aLvl 55
Full plate mail QLvl 37 iLvl 70 -> aLvl 55
Ancient armor QLvl 40 iLvl 75 -> aLvl 55

Embossed Plate QLvl 58 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55
Chaos armor QLvl 61 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55
Ornate Plate QLvl 64 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55

Dusk shroud QLvl 65 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55
Wyrmhide QLvl 67 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55
Scarab Husk QLvl 68 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55
Wire Fleece QLvl 70 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55
Diamond mail QLvl 72 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55
Loricated mail QLvl 73 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55
Great Hauberk QLvl 75 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55
Boneweave QLvl 62 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55
Balrog Skin QLvl 76 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55
Archon plate QLvl 84 any iLvl -> aLvl 69+
Kraken Shell QLvl 81 any iLvl -> aLvl 63+
Hellforged plate QLvl 78 any iLvl -> aLvl 57+
Lacquered Plate QLvl 82 any iLvl -> aLvl 65+
Shadow Plate QLvl 83 any iLvl -> aLvl 67+
Sacred armor QLvl 85 any iLvl -> aLvl 71+

Jeweler’s armor of amicae : 4sox 15pdr
aLvl = 55
1 / 142,080
1 / 132,480 with aLvl 55-59

Jeweler’s armor of the whale : 4sox 100life
aLvl = 55
1 / 473,600
1 / 441,600 with aLvl 55-59

Jeweler’s armor of stability : 4sox 24fhr
aLvl = 55
1 / 17,760
1 / 16,560 with aLvl 55-59

As we can see, the frequencies are so closed (due to the high aLvl of "Jeweler's" preffix)
that it isn't really worth worrying about iLvl and QLvl of the armors, trying to get the correct aLvl that will avoid higher aLvl affix
(namely : "of Precision" 10-15dext, aLvl 60
"of Regeneration" 3-5 replenish, aLvl 70
"of the Titan" 16-20 str, aLvl 74 ).

If going for shopping 4sox-life armors, you can use Anya in Hell (for fast reroll with Red portal) and CLvl 70,
this will allow iLvl 75 Ancient armors (and 2.2% upgraded Archon Plate).
Or try at Larzuk or Halbu (both Hell) : slower reroll but more stuff on each window-trade (including Gothic plate).

It's impossible to buy the first elite armors at vendors (due to a Hell-upgrade replacing first normal armor when looking for them at Charsi, Gheed...).
Gambling magic Dusk shroud is possible though, but extremely expensive in gold (since few gambled Quilted will turn to be Dusk).
Rerolling costs a lot of perfect gems too, but you can try to reroll an Archon Plate with flawless gems
(iLvl 30 won't prevent Jeweler's preffix to spawn, don't use chipped gems since iLvl 25 will lead to 3 max Sox restriction).
Just checking monster drops is probably the best way to find a 4sox-life dusk.
Only be sure that iLvl is 77+ to get a chance : all places in Hell act 3-4-5 are eligible, most in act2, Hole & Pit level1-2, Tower level 3+, Underground passage Level2, ...


9 - Shields

Only 4sox (jeweler's) shields worth mentioning.
Shields that allow 4sox are :

Monarch QLvl 72 iLvl 77 -> aLvl 55
Ward QLvl 84 any iLvl -> aLvl 69+
Aegis QLvl 79 any iLvl -> aLvl 59+

Jeweler’s shield of deflecting : 4sox 30fbr 20block
aLvl = 55
1 / 15,322
1 / 14,220 with aLvl 55-58

Jeweler’s shield of the colossus : 4sox 60life
aLvl = 75
1 / 612,880 with aLvl 75+

Jeweler’s shield of equilibrium : 4sox 17fhr
aLvl = 55
1 / 22,983
1 / 21,330 with aLvl 55-58

Jeweler’s shield of amicae : 4sox 15pdr
aLvl = 55
1 / 183,864
1 / 170,640 with aLvl 55-58

Jeweler’s shield of simplicity : 4sox –30req
aLvl = 55
1 / 45,966
1 / 42,660 with aLvl 55-58

Same for body-armors, very few differences between optimal chances and max iLvl chances.
Monarch cannot be bought at vendors, only gambled, dropped by monsters/chests or rerolled.
As stated before, aLvl 55-58 Monarch (iLvl 77-78) give the best chance to turn into JMoD when rerolled (don't use a Monarch droped by Baal !).
Ward can be bought in Hell at Anya with the best/fastest chances.

10 - Gloves

Lancer's gloves of alacrity : +3java 20ias
aLvl = 60
1 / 12,635
1 / 11,305 with aLvl 60-62

Nothing special to say here, if looking to buy such Gauntlets at Anya, just use a CLvl 68+ (CLvl 68-70 will give the best chances).

11 - Weapons

Echoing weapon(*6) of Atlas : +3Warcries / 30str / 2sox
aLvl = 71
1 / 2,523,200
1 / 2,405,360 with aLvl 71-75 Hammer

Echoing weapon(*7) of Life Tap : +3Warcries / 60charges of Level 6 Life tap / 2sox
aLvl = 60
1 / 711,336
1 / 671,072 with aLvl 60

Echoing weapon(*8) of Enchantment : +3Warcries / 10charges of Level 1 Enchant / 2sox
aLvl = 60
1 / 756,960
1 / 604,800 with aLvl 60 Axe

(*6) Clubs, Hammers
(*7) Kris, Blade + exceptionnal/elite upgrades
(*8) Clubs, Maces, Hammers, Axes, Swords, and (*7)


12 - Staffmods section

Staffmods are +1/+2/+3 bonuses to specific skills, available only for a specific class.

They spawn on :
Primal helms (barbarian only)
Orbs/staves (sorceress only)
Scepters (paladin only)
Pelts (druid only)
Claws(*9) (assassin only)
Wands/shrunken heads (necromancer only)

(*9) Only Hand Scythe, Greater Claws, Greater Talons, Scissors Quhab and all Elite claws.

When rolling a magic item, chances to get staffmods (when available) are :
31% -- no staffmod
40% -- 1 staffmod
20% -- 2 staffmods
9% -- 3 staffmods

For each class, skills are divided into 6 groups of 5 skills each.
According to iLvl, a specific start-group is chosen.
iLvl 1-11 : 1st group
iLvl 12-18 : 2nd group
iLvl 19-24 : 3rd group
iLvl 25-36 : 4th group
iLvl 37+ : 5th group

Then for each staffmod, 2 rolls are made.
The first roll will pick up a group from start-group - 2 to start-group +1.
11% : start-group - 2
20% : start-group - 1
50% : start-group
19% : start-group + 1
The second will randomly choose a skill in the picked up group.
This second roll will be done again if the chosen skill has already been chosen, or cannot spawn due to specific restriction.

When a skill is chosen, a bonus of +1, +2 or +3 may occur :
60% : +1
30% : +2
10% : +3

Notice that Orbs have MLvl = 1.

Volcanic Orb of the magus : +3fire / 20fcr / +3fireball / +3fire mastery / 2sox
Powered Orb of the magus : +3light / 20fcr / +3Lightning / +3Light mastery / 2sox

aLvl = 60
1 / 688,982,578 with iLvl 37+ and aLvl 60+
1 / 532,200,173 with iLvl 37+ and aLvl 60
Fireball/Lightning are in Group3, masteries in Group6.

Glacial Orb of the magus : +3cold / 20fcr / +3blizzard / +3Cold mastery / 2sox
aLvl = 60
1 / 151,576,167 with iLvl 37+ and aLvl 60+
1 / 117,084,038 with iLvl 37+ and aLvl 60
Blizzard is in Group5, mastery in Group6.

Rose branded Scepter of the apprentice : +3PC / 10fcr / +3Blessed Hammer / +3Concentration / 2sox
aLvl = 60
1 / 1,381,185,085 with iLvl 25-36 and aLvl 60+ (*10)
Both BH and Conc are in Group4.

Echoing Primal helm of the Whale : +3WC 100life +3BO 2sox
aLvl = 60
1 / 56,032,990 with iLvl 37+ and aLvl 60+
1 / 53,905,155 with iLvl 37+ and aLvl 60-67
BO is in Group5.

Venomous Shrunken Head of Deflecting : +3PB / 30-20block / +3BoneSpear / 2sox
aLvl = 60
1 / 3,428,041 with iLvl 25-36 and aLvl 60+
1 / 3,360,825 with iLvl 25-36 and aLvl 60-74 (*11)
BS is in Group4.

Gaean Pelt of the Colossus : +3Ele / 60life / +3tornado / +3hurricane / 2sox
aLvl = 75
1 / 13,867,861,142 with iLvl 37+ and aLvl 75+
Tornado is in Group5, Hurricane in Group6.

Shadow Claws : +3Shadow +3Fade 2sox
aLvl = 60
1 / 131,134 with iLvl 25-36 and aLvl 60+
1 / 128,247 with iLvl 25-36 and aLvl 61 (aLvl 60 is impossible to get)
Fade is in Group4.

(*10) find any Magic Caduceus, reroll it with 3 chipped gems : you'll get an iLvl 25 Caduceus with 1-2 sox and best chances to have +6BH/+3Conc.
You can reroll it as much as you want ! Same with 3 flawless gems (iLvl 30).
(*11) Bloodlord skull is the interesting item here : it has 32%base block, and QLvl 85.
Hence, rerolled with 3 chipped/flawless gems, it gives the highest chance for +6BS / 30-20block.


13 - Automods section

Automods are bonus that automatically spawn on specific items : paladin shields (@res or %ed/ar), amazon bows/spears/javelins (+1/+2/+3 to skill-tree).

Jeweler's Sacred Targe of Deflecting : 30-20block / 4sox / 45@
aLvl = 55
1 / 1,357,070
1 / 1,262,800 with iLvl 77-78

Lancer's Javelin of Quickness : +6Java / 40ias
aLvl = 60
1 / 402,854
1 / 380,851 with aLvl 60

Maiden Javelin : iLvl 71 aLvl 60
Ceremonial Jav. : iLvl 77 aLvl 60
Matriarchal Jav. : iLvl 80 aLvl 61

14 - Credits

Thanks to all of you ;)

Item statistics :

Frequency calculations :

Staffmods :

Automods :

About shopping :

Some general tips :

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Jul 24 2010 02:48am
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Jul 24 2010 04:03am
Quote (feanur @ Jul 24 2010 08:48am)

great topic/guide 9.8/10!
magic item>

i track this!
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Jul 24 2010 11:16am
Quote (Tommyvv @ Jul 24 2010 11:03am)
great topic/guide 9.8/10!
magic item>

i track this!

Thank you sir !

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Jul 24 2010 11:18am
Tracked, will read later when the drugs wear off :mellow:
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Jul 24 2010 08:32pm
Quote (Seksi84 @ Jul 24 2010 06:18pm)
Tracked, will read later when the drugs wear off :mellow:

enjoy ;)

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Jul 25 2010 05:52pm
Back! To be honest I didn't know much of this. But all in all, really nice work :thumbsup:
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Jul 25 2010 05:56pm
em.... tl:dr all

but it looks good I am track for later
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Jul 26 2010 02:53am
Quote (Seksi84 @ Jul 26 2010 12:52am)
Back! To be honest I didn't know much of this. But all in all, really nice work :thumbsup:


Quote (haloneya @ Jul 26 2010 12:56am)
em.... tl:dr all

but it looks good I am track for later

ty ;)
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Jul 26 2010 02:59am
Well, tbh most of this can be found in Eywa's guides and Arreat summit but still, it's nice to have it all in one place.
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