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Aug 16 2023 05:24pm
Quote (Octogenarian @ Aug 16 2023 02:16am)
Yes, I pvp since over 20 years and trade one a regular basis

not every1 is on the you know what like you are

This post was edited by Uncle_Baby_Billy on Aug 16 2023 05:25pm
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Aug 16 2023 05:25pm
Quote (ChocolateCoveredGummyBears @ Aug 16 2023 08:17am)
imagine believing d2 had no end-game

D2 endgame is just as dogwater as D4 endgame, you are just blinded by nostalgia

In B4 but D2 had better itemization and trading. Yeah but bots ruined that every season and it wasn't worth playing cause the game was BORING outside of making FG once you played it for a few years and almost found everything and played every build.

This post was edited by Uncle_Baby_Billy on Aug 16 2023 05:27pm
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Aug 16 2023 07:22pm
Quote (Uncle_Baby_Billy @ Aug 16 2023 04:25pm)
D2 endgame is just as dogwater as D4 endgame, you are just blinded by nostalgia

In B4 but D2 had better itemization and trading. Yeah but bots ruined that every season and it wasn't worth playing cause the game was BORING outside of making FG once you played it for a few years and almost found everything and played every build.

i just never viewed the bot issue through that kind of negativity lens. they were just part of the game and always existed. i want to say normalized, but not really. i don't try to let them ruin the experience
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Aug 17 2023 05:49am
Quote (Uncle_Baby_Billy @ Aug 17 2023 01:25am)
D2 endgame is just as dogwater as D4 endgame, you are just blinded by nostalgia

In B4 but D2 had better itemization and trading. Yeah but bots ruined that every season and it wasn't worth playing cause the game was BORING outside of making FG once you played it for a few years and almost found everything and played every build.

TBh i agree with u. D4 endgame should be way better, but if u compare it to d2.. Come on, i would like to see u guys farming 12309123 time a chaos/baal runs. The times changed, we got fucking old sadly.

Also its hard to say what talks about what. Cuz if we speak about EVERYTHING like items, rw's, builds, PvP etc and call it endmgae - yes, d2 is way better. But if we speak only about PvE i feel like Chaos/Ball runs sucks compared to even repetetive NM's but atleast i had fun trying to achieve higher tiers.

The part with bots is also hard, cuz tbh.. There's few people that could get 99 on their own, especially if botrun chaos/baal's wouldnt exist. And as most of people that did it are on this site it kinda fucks up overall view.

I think its not that much to change the game for better, but sadly some of the changes are kinda hard to make. Like Runes, RW's, more uniqeus (so it changes builds), crafting from some rare stuff found in dungs compared with pgems (cuz not they are just waste of time). MF and GF stats (would love to play some lower tierrs with soso but with changes for GOOD uniques/runes/higher lvl rares or a GF barb that takes a fucking 30-40k from a single elite :D

The most annoying thing is that i had really a lot of fun with d4, but on the other hand im really frustrated cuz i know that this game could be extremly good. Thats what pisses me off

This post was edited by Midashex on Aug 17 2023 05:51am
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Aug 17 2023 06:18am
Quote (Uncle_Baby_Billy @ Aug 16 2023 06:25pm)
D2 endgame is just as dogwater as D4 endgame, you are just blinded by nostalgia

In B4 but D2 had better itemization and trading. Yeah but bots ruined that every season and it wasn't worth playing cause the game was BORING outside of making FG once you played it for a few years and almost found everything and played every build.

D2 endgame has items to chase and torches and uber diablo

Way more than diablo 4
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Aug 17 2023 07:59am
D2's end game starts at level 60 and includes standard runs, terror zones, ubers, dclone, and pvp, as well as 39 levels of unnecessary, optional grinding.
D4's end game starts at level 100 and includes nightmare dungeons pvp and an overtuned boss who doesn't even drop anything. No optional level grinding, no further content, no further progression. Flat line.
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Aug 17 2023 08:16am
Quote (Vastet @ Aug 17 2023 09:59am)
D2's end game starts at level 60 and includes standard runs, terror zones, ubers, dclone, and pvp, as well as 39 levels of unnecessary, optional grinding.
D4's end game starts at level 100 and includes nightmare dungeons pvp and an overtuned boss who doesn't even drop anything. No optional level grinding, no further content, no further progression. Flat line.

It's that Chinese mobile game influence. Make early game so fucking boring to the point they'll pay to skip to end game or get there faster just for the end game to be the same shit.

Just nothing but failed projects and games the last 15 years

This post was edited by wing_fighter2 on Aug 17 2023 08:16am
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Aug 17 2023 08:24am
Quote (wing_fighter2 @ Aug 17 2023 04:16pm)
It's that Chinese mobile game influence. Make early game so fucking boring to the point they'll pay to skip to end game or get there faster just for the end game to be the same shit.

Just nothing but failed projects and games the last 15 years

cant blame them if people fall for it over and over :(

i mean yeah its morally wrong but at this point i really dont care anymore :wacko: every time i tried to inform people i was attacked, so fuck it ^_^
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Aug 19 2023 03:04pm
Quote (Vastet @ Aug 17 2023 06:59am)
D2's end game starts at level 60 and includes standard runs, terror zones, ubers, dclone, and pvp, as well as 39 levels of unnecessary, optional grinding.
D4's end game starts at level 100 and includes nightmare dungeons pvp and an overtuned boss who doesn't even drop anything. No optional level grinding, no further content, no further progression. Flat line.

LLD for d2 too! does d4 even have anything close to that?

"twinking out a low level character" is some of the most fun i've had in d2

This post was edited by ChocolateCoveredGummyBears on Aug 19 2023 03:04pm
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Aug 19 2023 04:46pm
Quote (Midashex @ 15 Aug 2023 17:29)
I dont give a fuck who are they and who they fuck. For me there could be literally 2 dogs (I mean real dogs) playing that game. But for for real how it’s possible that multi billion $ company realesed a video that shows 2 people extremely vulnerable to hate by main d4 audience who can’t even use CD”s and dies on wt1 and sounds like they have literally 0 knowledge about the game?
I wont say About my Real feelings About it cuz that would be a guaranteed ban, so i wrote above whats a logical fucking problem for me

its actually their strategy. Just like they do in Hollywood right now. Diversity hires became scape goats to be able to call for racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc. when the end product is bad and its heavily criticised by the public. Its a sad way to deflect their failure on their unsatisfied customers.
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