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Poll > 1.11b Wake Of Fire / Whirlwind Hybrid Assassin > A different approach to the hybrid sin
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Apr 9 2007 04:26pm
Quote (AnagrA @ Mon, Apr 9 2007, 06:06pm)
I vouch for:

Stats > more in Vita = better

> Max Venom > this is the way u kill usualy!
( but here is another thing: if somebody is lucky enough to have Psn reduce on Amu > 75% u are lost as Venom has 4 sec. )
> Fade > DR / res Sure!
> Try to get same claw tipe > Grater Talon or Runics ( more requirements ) < best speed claw ( x2 u dont have to fix IaS diferences )

my rebuild has
maxed venom
less str
2.9k life (less but i live still, less cause i deleted the 4 bo cta when xfering >.<)
same claws (too lazy to buy new claws and/or circ or other gear)
sorb rings

that ias and fcr is slow, but it totally owns with it in a hell duel game vs a caster. so it would be very godly with better gear, eh?

also part of-

chars that i need to lay down traps faster i use bos, and i those same chars i dont need to res

the chars i need to res for, i will end up ww'ing them to death, or wwing and poisoning, and then lay a few trpaps to finish

the world goes round perfectly, or almost XD

parts of new guide-

I might miss some things, so if you wish read all the replies and someone might tell me I'm missing something and I'll post it somewhere in this thread

If you need to learn basic information, such as what assassin skills can do, runewords, items, etc, go here http://www.battle.net/diablo2exp/

Table of Contents
-Stat Placement
-Skill Placement
-Gear and Equipment
-Overall tactics
-Tactics to specific builds
-My Hybrid (WatchMeGetOwned)


-opeing statement
-Abbreviations/words to know
This is a different approach to the default ww/ls hybrid. This build allows the player to melee more as the traps do not generally kill as fast as the lightning sentry does. This build has many upsides and downsides in comparison to a typical hybrid sin-

-Wake of Fire (wof) has a wider attack range, thus allowing you to hit your target easier even if they run, or allowing you to hit multiple targets in the line of fire.
-Very good against casters just as an ls hybrid is
-You get more chances to Melee as the traps do not kill as fast
-Hybrid sins are typically seen as LS, wof will be a surprise
-Wof stuns very nicely
-Wof can have a magnificantly awesome pattern if stacked or spread out correctly (most of the time you'll just throw them out and when they walk by its cool t watch)
-Claws will be relatively cheaper, as of this moment I am writing this people turn to Ls claws more.
-Wake of Fire has a higher minimum damage than lightning sentry

-Generally weak aginst melees, these include smiters, whirlwin barbarians/sins, and etc, as in comparison to ls sins, the traps can take out the melees from afar and do decent damage
-Lower maximum damage
-Claws may be harder to find (rarity)

Abbreviations/words to know- (in text the abbreviation may not be in all capital lettering)
AR - Attack Rating
BM - dueling term, means bad mannered
BoS - Burst of speed
Bs - (In this guide) Bladeshield
CBF - Cannot be frozen
Circ - Cirlet
CTB - Chance to block
Df/Dflight - Dragon Flight
DR - Damage Reduced
FCR - faster cast rate
FHR - Faster hit recovery
IAS - increased attack speed
Kb - Knockback
GM - Dueling term, means Good Mannered
MB - Mind Blasyt
Nigma - Enigma
LS - Lightning sentry
Sorb - absorb gear
Tele - teleport
WoF - Wake of Fire
WW - Whirlwind

Stat Placement
This section varies upon what gear you can get, how patient you are, and what side gear you want to use

Strength-Base as possible, deatils about this in the Gear and Equipents section
Dexterity-Keep as base as possible, you may need to put a few here to use the higher claws
Vitality-Everything else here
Mana-Base, if you really feel you want some, then put some here. Take note this is a build that will use Mana Potions
(I only feel it's Bad mannered for an es sorc to use mana potions. if you feel negative about mana potions, bmanas or more energy from your gear is an option)

Skill Placement
This section also varies upon what gearyou have, what skills you get from your claws, and how much of what you want/need

Main Skills-

Maximum Wake of Fire (main skill)
Maximum Wake of Inferno (synergy)
Maximum Fire Blast (syngery)

Maximum Venom (Extra Claw Damage)

At Least one physical point in Weapon Block (gives you a fighting chance to block- I suggest you dump points into this afterwards maxing everything )

Other skills- (Try to get these skills from your claws, as much of them as possible, if you cant get them then you'll have to put skill points in them manually)
Mind Blast (must have, either from claws or skill placement-You should put extra points into here if not into Venom or Weapon Block)
Venom (must have, either from claws or skill placement-You should put extra points into here if not into Venom or MindBlast)
Fade (must have, either from claws or skill placement-used against elemental casters)
Burst of Speed (must have, either from claws or skill placement-used against some melees, or non elemental casters)
Blade Shield (very useful for those who come near you, or these can do some damage as you teleport on your opponent)
Dragon Talon (very useful to some casters, or if you need to clear blood moor and dont want to burn mana- this skill does not have any prerequisites, best to put one point into this and get other skills on claws)
Dragon Flight (very useful to do damage as you teleport onto your opponent)
Lightning Sentry (I thought we were making a WoF hybrid!? Well, this allows you to set up "fake" traps to make people think they are avoiding death by avoiding the ls, but they can be running into death with the Wof being places in another area which they might run to. Do not waste a point into this, i just got this by chance. It only works the first few times. Otherwise dont get it unless its like on the only good claw ft)
Shadow Warrior/Master (these can cast mindblast and use martial arts, very helpful)

items the same

and then..

Overall tactics

Alrighty. This section will tell you basic stuff, that you probably will find in other hybrid guides. but who cares, these are in my own words and.. yeah

Bo, bc, and prebuff.

Stand outside and wait for your opponent to come directly to you.
You can walk a little and get you on their map for them to chase you.
Lay out traps in their direction as far as you can click
At first sight, lay out a mindblast, and LOCK! then you have two choices-
Trap kill-once your traps die tap from your mindblast hotkey to wof and back. This will ensure they are stunned and damaged.
Melee kill-any time you want, while clicking and holding  mindblast, hit the tele hotkey and while still holding the right mouse, once you see the teleport start casting, switch to your ww hotkey and ww.  (also you can dflight to your opponent and then ww, doing a bit more dmg)
You can tele away or keep wwing. If the traps are still up just ww as they get stunned by the traps. otherwise tele away and repeat

Mindblast lock- just click and hold. you can lock up to two screens away
mindblast can be negated by other players by-
charging away
ww-ing away
keep trying to tele and eventually finding a time to cast it and tele
zons dodging it

You have super mana pots and use them. Also if you wish and have them on your realm you could use bugged manas small charms, but I like playing with legit items.

-If you midnblast lock, and your opponent gets away, but you stil have a lock on them, tap back and forth from wof to mindblast to throw traps on them and stun them.

-If someone teles on you, just ww away. thus saving you some life and doing some damage

-Wof is VERY hard to see! Check this out. This is a simulation what of a battle field would look like after 10+ minutes of dueling.
I have places wof traps around the screen, try to find all 5


Cant find them?


-if you get ls from your claws or put one point into it. you can fake people into thinking by running away from the ls they can live.
lay out ls on lets say the left side of you, or just between u and your opponent, and then lay wof's to the empty spots around you.
Heres a diagram-

LEARN YOUR HOTKEYS! here are mine, but you should customize your own to your ease

F1-Battle commands
F2-Battle orders
F4-Blade shield
F5-Shadow Master
R-Dragon Flight
A-Wake of Fire
F-Dragon Talon
Z-lightning sentry
X-Blade fury
V-Burst of speed
F12-Town Portal

My left click is always WW, I reset it to ww after each time I die. Although I don't do it, you can put dragon flight on left click. Only use if you can whirlwind effectively with left click.

This is a summary of a duel-
A - Right click, hold - pause - D - Right click, hold - R - Q - Rightclick hold - E - Tele into Town - Enter - O - W - N - E - D - Enter

Also known as-
wake of fire, lay them out, wait for opponent to come, mindblast, click hold, dragon flight, ww and they die, i tele into town and type "owned" (actualy I dont, im a good sport bangin.gif)

Basic Whirlwind Techniques

Why not just whirlwind back and forth?
-In a triangle you have your opponent almost trapped. Even if they walk away you have one more hit than what you would with a sweeping whirlwind.

Some better explanations of techniques can be found here (these are not written by me and all credit shuld be given to Xepo and The Rain for these guides in these links
http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?showtopic=6253291 thanks to Xepo
Important information at this URL- Scroll down and you should see a picture with the word "corners" in it. This shows where to lay your traps to get the most length.

http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?showtopic=6576498 thanks to The Rain
Important Information at this URL- Scroll down and theres a gif on how to "traplock" It is a simple namelock with mindblast once, tap trap hotkey, tap back to mindblast, tele, and then a whirlwind.

This post was edited by xIcedShardx on Apr 9 2007 04:30pm
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Apr 9 2007 04:33pm
Quote (AnagrA @ Mon, Apr 9 2007, 09:46pm)
Well I never attack like a suicidal to have such "BIG" suprise like u say would be WOF!
When I go to fight u, I already have equiped Tgods so with small DMG u will heal me...
If i discover WoF, I retreat to Stash equip Hotspurs ( & prepeare a Dwarf in Inventory / I always keep few slots for Rings )
& I come to eat u tongue.gif / dealing u as any hybrid... > your hybrid = dead! ( I play Baba... )

Nice guide, nice effort / I love that somebody used animations and keyboard setup like this / GZ

( PS. in decent duels u declare style, if dirty I can go any time to stash to refine my equip )

roooofl crap

so you rely abs on winning hahaha fucking sad.

you need hots + dwarf vs some firetrapperHYBRID hahaha fuuuucking sad.
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Apr 9 2007 06:39pm
Absorb is just a metter of defence, protection... is not about relying...
In this case we should ask: U rely on more vita on winning...

better constitution + better defence + better damage + strategy = better chance to win
( trhis is formulae for succesful character PvP or PvM)
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Apr 9 2007 06:52pm
very nice guide, except id use trangs only for pre-buff, then switch to 20 ias gloves with other stats.
u will get 20 fcr from arach, and 20 from ur visionary/resist/20fcr/sin circlet.
here u will get hte next fcr break point with 1 fcr ring.
and u will get an additional 20 ias from a highlords amulet smile.gif
i dunno.

IMO on this kind of sin.... my main dueling char is a wof/ww sin.
my opinion is that they are VERY costly for what you end up getting, and not recommended for poor people.
if u want a cheap pvp char, dont use this.
they are very hard to get used too
however their fun playing style is rewarding smile.gif

smiters are very diffacult, they are the worst, except for thoes with not maxed fire resist.
40 fire resist dies very quickly, 75 is increadibly hard to kill.

also, a tip, bo and then put widowmaker on in switch.
u can set traps, and fire some arrows, and do some damage.. along with the poison damage (that goes through es)
widowmaker alone can take out sorces, expecially es sorces, easy.
even more fun with bos.
then when sorce comes over, switch to claws, put on fade. (by now sorce will alraedy be low on life due to arrows/traps)
then dragon flight and ww, and its all over smile.gif

good guide though, ill look over it more therowlly later.
i need to pay more attention to bps
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Apr 9 2007 06:54pm
Quote (AnagrA @ Tue, Apr 10 2007, 12:39am)
Absorb is just a metter of defence, protection... is not about relying...
In this case we should ask: U rely on more vita on winning...

better constitution + better defence + better damage + strategy = better chance to win
( trhis is formulae for succesful character PvP or PvM)

rofl idiot.

why would you want to waste ar/stats for sad dwarf when you can easily sweep of pure firetrappers with out them.

Even hots are over shoot.

i wonder why arent you using risingsun hahah??

Ps your formulae is fucking horse shit cumming out of dogs ass.

pvp formula = connection>>gear>>skill
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Apr 9 2007 06:57pm
Quote (dcjsp @ Mon, Apr 9 2007, 08:52pm)
very nice guide, except id use trangs only for pre-buff, then switch to 20 ias gloves with other stats.
u will get 20 fcr from arach, and 20 from ur visionary/resist/20fcr/sin circlet.
here u will get hte next fcr break point with 1 fcr ring.
and u will get an additional 20 ias from a highlords amulet smile.gif
i dunno.

IMO on this kind of sin.... my main dueling char is a wof/ww sin.
my opinion is that they are VERY costly for what you end up getting, and not recommended for poor people.
if u want a cheap pvp char, dont use this.
they are very hard to get used too
however their fun playing style is rewarding smile.gif

smiters are very diffacult, they are the worst, except for thoes with not maxed fire resist.
40 fire resist dies very quickly, 75 is increadibly hard to kill.

also, a tip, bo and then put widowmaker on in switch.
u can set traps, and fire some arrows, and do some damage.. along with the poison damage (that goes through es)
widowmaker alone can take out sorces, expecially es sorces, easy.
even more fun with bos.
then when sorce comes over, switch to claws, put on fade. (by now sorce will alraedy be low on life due to arrows/traps)
then dragon flight and ww, and its all over smile.gif

good guide though, ill look over it more therowlly later.
i need to pay more attention to bps

thank you, mind if i quote it in my new guide (maybe coming out in a month-ish)

woot just downloaded an onscreen recorder.
ill record and give a url to a youtube vid of me with a duel with someone
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Apr 9 2007 06:59pm
Quote (xIcedShardx @ Tue, Apr 10 2007, 12:57am)
Quote (dcjsp @ Mon, Apr 9 2007, 08:52pm)
very nice guide, except id use trangs only for pre-buff, then switch to 20 ias gloves with other stats.
u will get 20 fcr from arach, and 20 from ur visionary/resist/20fcr/sin circlet.
here u will get hte next fcr break point with 1 fcr ring.
and u will get an additional 20 ias from a highlords amulet smile.gif
i dunno.

IMO on this kind of sin.... my main dueling char is a wof/ww sin.
my opinion is that they are VERY costly for what you end up getting, and not recommended for poor people.
if u want a cheap pvp char, dont use this.
they are very hard to get used too
however their fun playing style is rewarding smile.gif

smiters are very diffacult, they are the worst, except for thoes with not maxed fire resist.
40 fire resist dies very quickly, 75 is increadibly hard to kill.

also, a tip, bo and then put widowmaker on in switch.
u can set traps, and fire some arrows, and do some damage.. along with the poison damage (that goes through es)
widowmaker alone can take out sorces, expecially es sorces, easy.
even more fun with bos.
then when sorce comes over, switch to claws, put on fade. (by now sorce will alraedy be low on life due to arrows/traps)
then dragon flight and ww, and its all over smile.gif

good guide though, ill look over it more therowlly later.
i need to pay more attention to bps

thank you, mind if i quote it in my new guide (maybe coming out in a month-ish)

woot just downloaded an onscreen recorder.
ill record and give a url to a youtube vid of me with a duel with someone

but remember the switch+fade cast wont work vs enyone nonretarded.
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Apr 9 2007 07:17pm
lol i cant get a vid, the vid file is too big

i wish sum1 could record me dueling in a duel. just to show

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Apr 9 2007 07:50pm
Quote (dcjsp @ Tue, Apr 10 2007, 12:52am)
very nice guide, except id use trangs only for pre-buff, then switch to 20 ias gloves with other stats.
u will get 20 fcr from arach, and 20 from ur visionary/resist/20fcr/sin circlet.
here u will get hte next fcr break point with 1 fcr ring.
and u will get an additional 20 ias from a highlords amulet smile.gif
i dunno.

If u change Trangs for other Gloves u loose +25% Poisen Damage
because this bonus is aplied when u cast Venom ( prebuf ) & another time when u deal the damege!
so 25% Poisen is infact 50% ! ( Check here: http://xepolite.technocow.nl/FAQ/index.php?p=venomwork )

If u use 2 x Grater Talon u need a total of 45 Ias for 9 Fps Trap Speed ( your offhand claw is not checked for speed )
So Chaos has 35 Ias + 15 ias in helm is enough! ( or a Fools GT with 30 Ias & Chaos in offhand if u like )

U dont need to loose +2 Assa on Amu & extra damage, Fcr and Cold res from Trangs!
But u must use 2 x -30 Base Speed Claws ( Grater Talon or Runics )
These are best options possible!

With this setup u have:
Trap Laying Speed: 9 Fps / Prim. & Sec Claw WW Hitchecks: Every 4th Frame

Check here Ias Calculator & Venom Info + more assa faqs if not convinced:
( xepolites assa guide )

This post was edited by AnagrA on Apr 9 2007 08:12pm
Posts: 2,642
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Apr 9 2007 08:16pm
I sincerely, purely and honestly just love this guide. It is in fact the ONLY guide where I've ever read every single word on all six pages. Responses, updates and everything.

I've got a firetrap wwsin, but I never thought about WOF. I thought about dmg with Wake of Inferno. Stupid me tongue.gif And I also use 2 sock Coa. I might just remake my sin! biggrin.gif Again! biggrin.gif

Just to show my appreciation I will donate some fg's to you =D

- Ixnay
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