Quote (b0vice @ Jun 6 2022 08:08pm)
Do you guys find more success with 9x traps or 9x shadows when playing hybrid sin?
I’m using 9x trap but I have to dump more points into fade because of it to reach 50% dr
Running 9x shadow has always been the most efficient and best
Hybrids use the folllwing shadow skills:
Weapon block
Shadow master
Claw mastery
Mind blast
Cloak of shadows
That’s 7 skills.
Hybrids use the following trap skills:
Lightning sentry
(Blade sentry but just gets duration bonus mainly)
I’ll take 63 skills over 9 skills.
Not to mention trap is even less of a priority in 2.4 as trap lock is basically gone. Making traps do significantly less damage.
Your extra 20 skills from the removal of death sentry synergy to lightning sentry in 2.4 should be split between claw mastery, fade, venom, weapon block.
You also how only need 1 point mind blast. Again, given trap lock is trash now.
2.4 made hybrids much less balanced between trap and WW like they have been on legacy. Making them much more reliant on WW, and thus needing much more defensive capabilities similar to a ghost, because of less reliance on trap lock. Thus making shadow skills more valuable and higher weapon block and fade more critical.