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Poll > Toeshank's Fpk Guide (nec/barb/druid/trap) > D2:R
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Apr 1 2022 01:50pm
Will add more each day typed this up in a hour
Will upload real 4v4 videos of each class soon
If you have anything to add please pm me it on discord i will add it if i deem it worthy
All help is appreciated
Ty <3

Hey everyone my name is jess aka TOESHANK. I've been FPKing for over 15 years,
Here's a simple guide explaining FPK what classes are allowed what items you should be using and what your job is.

Twitch Channel - https://www.twitch.tv/toeshank for live action and help !

Table Of Contents
1. Introduction
2. FPK Necro Guide
3. FPK Trap Guide
4. FPK Barb Guide
5. FPK Druid Guide

FPK is a 4v4 Team base dueling league the only classes allowed are Trapper/ Bvc / Necro / Druid BLOCK IS BANNED IN FPK
This is a higher level of game play id advise practicing among friends before entering a real top tier FPK game.
The reason why FPK was created was to ignore insane matchups that nobody enjoys for instance Necro Vs ES Blizz Sorc
This is not balanced one bit
FPK is here to make it more balanced when you've reached a certain level. This will not apply for new players

2. FPK Necro Guide (Support 4v4)

Stay alive and amp
Necromancer is a very tricky class to play in FPK at a top level. One mistake and your life could be over due to no WSG in D2R. your job is to STAY ALIVE the whole time. You must make sure the WHOLE enemy team is AMP'd. You must take in consideration of the trappers fade which makes
amp disappears n 10 seconds, So you must REAMP the sin every 8-12 Seconds make this a habit. Your other goal is to BONEPRISON any target that is getting mindblasted by your
sin. If you see an enemy barb rush your sin you should be holding BP so he does ZERO damage a top tier necro has the whole team ampd and bpd 24/7 pure map control When you see your enemy barb getting mindblasted by your sin your objective is to boneprison him 1-2 times so your team mates can jump him after 1-2 BP's you may spear him
(A lot of necros will BP Before amp please make sure the barb is AMP'd before you even THINK about Bping him!)
Keep in mind that teeth is your bestfriend swirl + teeth = MEGA STUN. If you see a sin mindblasting your team mate tele 1.7 screens away from her and cast teeth it will proc her CLAWBLOCK and allow your team mate to get out!

Budget Build 125/86/115 FRW
Helmet: 2 Necro 30 FRW 20 FCR 1os Cham'd
Amulet: 2 Necro 20 FCR
Weapon: 8 Spear White rune word
Weapon: CTA or Hoto (A lot of people use hoto on swap for AMP on go extra radius)
Armor: Enigma (I like dusk shroud)
Shields: 35 Fcr 8 ABSORB Spirit Monarch
Belt: Tgods
Boots: Aldurs
Gloves: Trangs
Ring 1: 10 fcr 15+ Str 20 + LR 20 + FR Resistance
Ring 2: nature peace (For oaksage)

Grand charms: 7x 30 + Lifers + 2x 12 FHR
Small charms: 2x 5FHR/RES Scs
Small charms: Life/Res Scs Make sure you're 75 CR and 85 LR.
Torch: 20/14 +
Anni: 20/14 +

Expensive Build: 125/86/115 FRW
Helmet: 2/30/20 2Socket Lo cham'd circlet
Amulet: 2/20 STR Life
Weapon: 8/6 White
Weapon: Cta or Hoto
Armor: 775 15 ED Dusk enigma (No Dura NN 1.2M Repair)
Shields: 15 ED 35/8 Spirit monarchs
Belt: Perfect Dungos
Ring 1: 10 fcr 20 str 40 life 30 lr 30 fr (Mana is bonus goodluck tho)
Ring 2: 20% Wisp

Grand charms: 8x 40-45 Lifers/ 1x 12 FHR
Small charms: 2x 5FHR 5 RES
Small charms: 8x 19/5s

Amp: 1
Golem: 1
Golem mastery: 1
Summon resist: 1
Bone armor: 1
Teeth: 20
Bone Spirit: 20
Bone Spear: 20
Bone Prison: 20
Rest into bone wall

3. Trapper Guide (Support 4v4)

Trapper is a very important class in FPK the team with the better sin will win (usually). A trappers job is to stun, people make the mistake and hold mindblast on a single target when you have zero team mates around and take damage.
A true trapper will mindblast the target once and go back to his team. People dont understand that your goal is to keep the whole team swirld at all times as your pinning down the barb. The moment that enemy sin mindblasts your team mate
you should mindblast her 1-3 Times so your team mate can get out. Your first goal is to mindblast the barb pin him down let your necro BP him and the druid stomps as a glorious BvB happens. When the barb is dead rotate to the next open opponet
for a nice clean mindblast, Normally the druid comes next get rid of the pure damage chars after that necro or sin is free game who ever you can catch with your team.

102 FCR 86 FHR

Budget Build:
Helmet: Cham'd griffons
Amulet: 2 Sin 17 + Fcr
Claw 1: 2 sin 40 ias 3 ls - 15 ias 15 all res jewel GT
Claw 2: 2 sin 3 ls 2socket - 2x 7 FHR 15 all res jewel GT
SwaP: Hoto (For 174 Mindblast)
Armor: Enigma (I like dusk shroud)
Shields: Spirit monarch
Belt: Arach
Boots: 2/25 Sdancers
Gloves: Trangs
Ring 1: Fcr/Str/Life/Mana
Ring 2: Fcr/Str/Life/Mana

Grand charms: 3x 12 FHR Trap gcs - 6x 30 + Trap Lifers
Small charms: 2x 5 FHR 17 Mana Scs
Small charms: 8x Life Mana Scs
20/14 + Torch
20/14 + Anni

Expensive Build:
Helmet: Perfect Cham'd Griffons
Amulet: 2/20 STR Life
Claw 1: 2 sin 40 ias 3 ls 2os GT (15/15'd (7 fhr 4 rep 25 + FR Jewel)
Claw 2: 2 sin 3 ls 3mb 2os gt (2x 7FHR 4 rep 25 + LR jewel)
SwaP: Hoto for 174
Armor: Enigma (I like dusk shroud)
Shields: 35 Fcr 8 ABSORB Spirit Monarch
Belt: Arach
Boots: 2/25 Sdancers
Gloves: Trangs
Ring 1: 10 fcr STR 9 Rep Mana Res Ring
Ring 2: 10 fcr STR 9 Rep Mana Res Ring

1 Wake of fire (optional)
1 Shadow master
1 Venom
1 Dragon talon
20 Mindblast
20 Lighting Sentry
20 Death Sentry
20 Charged bolt Sentry
Rest into shockweb

4. FPK Barb (Damage 4v4)

Your goal on barb in FPK is to sit beside your sin and wait for a mindblast lock the moment she mindblasts someone get in there and try to get a whirl off , if u go in at the wrong time you will die just because your sin mindblasts someone once that doesnt mean go in and give er you will get bp'd mb'd stomped by druid bvb'd RIP.
Look for clusters of people like Trap and nec beside eachother go on a nice angle and get a whirl off on both !
Your other goal is to leap enemies off your team mates like the druid ontop of your necro this doesnt mean when the duels start hold leap for 30 seconds like alot of people have been doing

Cheap build (40 fcr/48 FHR)
Helmet: Arreats Cham'd
Amulet: Highlords
Weapon: 34 IAS / 380 + GriefZ
Weapon: BeastZ
Swap: Dual hoto
Armor: Enigma
Belt: Tgods
Boots: Gores
Gloves: Trangs

Small Charms:
4x 5 FHR LR Scs
3 MD / 10 + AR / 15 + Life Scs

Budget Build (37 fcr/48 fhr)
Helmet: 2/20 Visio Cham'd
Amulet: Highlords
Weapon: 34 IAS / 400 + GriefZ
Weapon: 260 + / 38 + Beastz
Swap: Dual hoto
Armor: Enigma
Belt: Tgods
Boots: Up'd gores
Gloves: Steel Rends
Ring 2: FCR AR STR DEX MANA RING (If you get LR on a ring u can use 5 fhr 17 mana scs instead of RES)

Small charms:
10x 5 FHR 5 RES Scs
1x 451
1x 3/20 3-6 Cold damage SC
4x 20/17s (If ur using 10x 5/5s)
Rest 3/15+/20 Scs

Expensive build (63/48)

Helmet: 2 Barb 20 fcr 100 + AR 20 Dex 2os circlet (Cham Lo'd)
Amulet: Highlords
Weapon: Perfect GriefZ
Weapon: Perfect BeastZ
Swap: Dual hoto
Armor: Enigma
Belt: Arach
Boots: Upd Gores
Gloves: Trangs
Ring 1: 10 fcr 120 ar 20 str 40 life 90 mana 30 LR Ring
Ring 2: Wisp

Small charms:
6x 5 FHR 5 RES
4x 5 FHR 17 Mana Scs
1x 451
1x 3/20 3-6 Cold Dmg sc
4x 36/20s
Rest 3 20 20s

1 Increased Stamina
1 Increased Speed
1 Iron Skin
1 Natural Resistance
1 Warcry
16 Leap
20 Whirlwind
20 Battle orders
20 Axe mastery
Rest into shout

FPK Druid (damage)
A good druid makes the team if you have a power house druid and a decent sin you will most likely win. Your goal is to stomp anything that your sin has mindblasted SAFELY
also important to stay alive - you see a lot of beginner druids go ahead of their sin and get caught right away and die
the good ones will typically stay out of range of the other team's trapper and watch for knockback mechanic of MB from their sin
When your enemy barb is in boneprison stomp him nado kill him get out.
Always keep your eyes opened for swirls ontop of Druid/Nec head if you see that and have a lock simply hit your volcano hotkey it will stun them in place and line up a easy kill!

Budget Gear:
Helmet: 2/30/20 Lo'd Diadem
Amulet: 2/18 Amulet
Weapon: Hoto
Shield: Spirit monarch
Armor: Enigma
Belt: Arach
Boots: Aldur boots
Gloves: Trangs
Ring 1: 10 fcr STR Life Ring
Ring 2: Wisp

Grand charms:
3x 12 FHR Eles
6x 30 + Lifers

Small charms:
2x 5/5s
Rest Life res scs get 85 LR and 75 CR

Expensive Gear:
Helmet: 2/30/20 2os Cham Lo'd Diadem
Amulet: 2 druid 20 fcr Str Life
Weapon: Hoto
Shield: Spirit monarch
Armor: Enigma
Belt: Arach
Boots: Aldur boots
Gloves: Trangs
Ring 1: 10 fcr str life mana res ring
Ring 2: Wisp

Grand charms:
3x 12 FHR Eles
6x 40-45 Lifers

Small charms:
2x 5/5s
8x 19/5s

1 Volcano
1 Bear
20 Nado
20 Hurricane
20 Cyclone
20 twister
Rest into oak
damage > life

Some FPK 1v1 PvP Videos:

Trap Vs Necro

Necro Vs Druid
Druid Vs Necro

Barb Vs Necro

Druid Game play

This is my first guide ever i typed it up with a cast on please bear with me i wil update it and add new videos.

If you have ANY Questions you can post here or contact me

Discord - TOESHANK#6559

This post was edited by TOESHANK on Apr 1 2022 02:44pm
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Apr 1 2022 01:54pm
Nice guide
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Apr 1 2022 01:54pm
nice guide
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Apr 1 2022 01:58pm
From BnP, to D2, to Twitch. You do more for the gaming community than people give you credit for.

Great guide buddy.
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Apr 1 2022 02:01pm
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Apr 1 2022 02:02pm
Nice guide baud.

Sticky this ish

This post was edited by Dracco on Apr 1 2022 02:03pm
Posts: 24,901
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Apr 1 2022 02:02pm
I've seen some c/c trappers with Lo in their helm, can you comment on whether that is the move or not?
Posts: 3,511
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Apr 1 2022 02:08pm
GG Guide
This needs sticky!!
Posts: 157,464
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Apr 1 2022 02:10pm
Quote (Underz @ Apr 1 2022 04:02pm)
I've seen some c/c trappers with Lo in their helm, can you comment on whether that is the move or not?

can confirm

pls sticky
Posts: 1,703
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Apr 1 2022 02:10pm
GFG guide baud. Plz sticky

Quote (Underz @ Apr 1 2022 04:02pm)
I've seen some c/c trappers with Lo in their helm, can you comment on whether that is the move or not?


This post was edited by BluStalker on Apr 1 2022 02:10pm
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