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Posts: 2,285
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Jan 14 2011 12:20pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 14 2011 05:15am)
CKD is best, and don't worry about the glucose powering your brain - the brain (as you know) is made mostly of lipids. The best fuel for lipids is more lipids. Your body being in normal glycogen drive is used to glucose and uses it as fuel. Once you are in solid keto, you actually have MORE focus and MORE energy.

anabolic cutting diet

check out my CKD above

Posts: 2,285
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Jan 14 2011 12:23pm
And one last question:

Can I continue this mwf split that changes between 3, 4, and 5 sets every week? Or is 5 sets too high? (3x12 4x8 5x6 3x10 4x7 5x5)

Incline DB Press
Bench BB Press
V-Handle Pulldown
Decline DB Press
Barbell Row
Incline DB Flies
V-Handle Cable Row
Cable Crossover
DB Shrugs

Military Press
DB Curls
Barbell Rear Delt Raise
Concentration Curls
Lateral DB Raise
DB Hammer Curls

Leg Press
EZ Bar Skull Crushers
Single Leg Curl
Close Grip Bench
Seated Calf Raise
Tricep Rope Extension
Standing Calf Raise
Bench Dips
Hip Abd/Add
Posts: 21,752
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Jan 14 2011 12:46pm

I am looking to lose weight (hopefully fat) and I am wondering if you can comment on what I would like to do.

First off, I am 5'4"-5'5"ish 165lbs, medium build so I have a decent amount of muscle but id probably estimate my body fat to be around 17-20%.

Right now I am eating around 1300-1500 calories a day (pretty healthy foods) and just doing cardio.

I run about 3-4 miles a day in about 30-35 minutes usually.

I don't really like lifting to much, but after reading some of your posts I have tried to incorporate different things to fill out a little bit of my schedule.

M- 30 min cardio + light weighted abs - easy day
T- 35-40 min cardio + 5sets of flat bench +5sets of inc bench
W- 30 min cardio (fast) + heavy weighted abs
R- 40 min cardio (med) + sets of push ups, dips, and pull ups
F- 40 min cardio (med) + med weighted abs
S- 30 min cardio (light) + 5sets of flat bench +5sets of inc bench
S- 1hr cardio (med-fast)

I would really like to get down to about 145-148, I don't really have a time period, but of course the faster the better it would make me feel.

Let me know, and thanks in advance for the help!
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Jan 14 2011 02:39pm
Quote (vandel123 @ Jan 14 2011 10:42am)
Are you able to put be together a diet im 196 pounds currently with pretty much no fat on me and want to bulk more. i train 5 days a week at the gym chest/back/shoulders/arms/legs
and early feburary im going to be buy some enanthate and DBols to stack. im looking a good diet for best results well on them and to continue when im done em. money isnt a issue for grocers.

Hey man...I'm going to link you to 4 things. if these don't help I can make you something different...but I'd need more specifics

Hypertrophy Plan

Bulking Diet, workout, and supplement guide

Macro Guide

Supplement Guide

also do you still have the guide I made for you like 2 years ago?

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on Jan 14 2011 02:39pm
Posts: 14,696
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Jan 14 2011 02:40pm
Quote (gloryfield @ Jan 14 2011 02:23pm)
And one last question:

Can I continue this mwf split that changes between 3, 4, and 5 sets every week?  Or is 5 sets too high?  (3x12 4x8 5x6 3x10 4x7 5x5)

Incline DB Press
Bench BB Press
V-Handle Pulldown
Decline DB Press
Barbell Row
Incline DB Flies
V-Handle Cable Row
Cable Crossover
DB Shrugs

Military Press
DB Curls
Barbell Rear Delt Raise
Concentration Curls
Lateral DB Raise
DB Hammer Curls

Leg Press
EZ Bar Skull Crushers
Single Leg Curl
Close Grip Bench
Seated Calf Raise
Tricep Rope Extension
Standing Calf Raise
Bench Dips
Hip Abd/Add

that's fine, but you should really check this out instead

Cutting Workout Routine
Posts: 14,696
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Jan 14 2011 02:41pm
Quote (ahhabee @ Jan 14 2011 02:46pm)

I am looking to lose weight (hopefully fat) and I am wondering if you can comment on what I would like to do.

First off, I am 5'4"-5'5"ish 165lbs, medium build so I have a decent amount of muscle but id probably estimate my body fat to be around 17-20%.

Right now I am eating around 1300-1500 calories a day (pretty healthy foods) and just doing cardio.

I run about 3-4 miles a day in about 30-35 minutes usually.

I don't really like lifting to much, but after reading some of your posts I have tried to incorporate different things to fill out a little bit of my schedule.

M- 30 min cardio + light weighted abs    - easy day
T- 35-40 min cardio + 5sets of flat bench +5sets of inc bench
W- 30 min cardio (fast) + heavy weighted abs
R- 40 min cardio (med) + sets of push ups, dips, and pull ups
F- 40 min cardio (med) + med weighted abs
S- 30 min cardio (light) + 5sets of flat bench +5sets of inc bench
S- 1hr cardio (med-fast)

I would really like to get down to about 145-148, I don't really have a time period, but of course the faster the better it would make me feel.

Let me know, and thanks in advance for the help!

Hey there....let me direct you over to these:

anabolic cutting diet

Abs Workout Routine

Bodyweight exercises

Circuit Stations

Fat loss 15 tips

Posts: 5,242
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Jan 14 2011 02:44pm
hey raynor a girl i know wants a all cardio workout
ht: 5'4
she wants to lose 20 pounds
Posts: 3,494
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Jan 14 2011 02:47pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 14 2011 03:18am)
3x FWBs is NOT good for cutting. You will actually see negative progress compared to a real cutting routine.

Cutting Workout Routine

that is what you want to be following.

why do you want to do 3x FWB's?

oh ok just because my friend keeps telling me how FWB > everything and wont shut up about isolations ... >_< the 5 day split is to much so should i stay with the 3 day split
mon - chest/back
wed - shoulders/leg
fri - arms

Posts: 83,813
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Jan 14 2011 03:26pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 13 2011 03:21am)
The most common things to expect being a trainer and WORKING for a gym:

1. low pay for the first few months to establish new clientele
2. clients who expect to have their dream body overnight and if they don't achieve it, they blame you.
3. clients too stupid to understand even the most basic concepts even when you explain it
4. bosses who demand for you to do more even though you are doing as much as physically possible - nothing is ever enough
5. crazy hours eventually as you start getting enough reputation and a steady enough client base which start adding to stress
6. clients who start following directions and really seeing good progress which makes you feel good
7. a good amount of money starts rolling in after a few years of staying at the same place
8. you make a good name for yourself and management starts to understand that they want you to stick around
9. you can accept a promotion to manager of training and/or the corporate sector of training
10. you end up running the company

OK numbers 8,9, and 10 are a bit of a stretch and not common in all places lol...but certainly after you have a rich client base you do pretty well for yourself. It usually takes a while though. Don't give up. Bosses will always bitch and whine, clients will always fall off the horse or blame you for their shortfalls. Seriously less than 1% of your clients will actually see good progress and follow anything through. It is very rare to find someone motivated enough to stick with something as complex and life-changing as a full diet and exercise routine.

anyway, hope this helps

yes this helped alot thanks man if i got anymore questions i think i know where to go :)
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Jan 14 2011 10:07pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 16 2010 09:40pm)
INCIDENTALLY, a broken clock is still right twice a day. Everything you posted after your initial BS was correct and by that I mean the below ideas:

"- Fasting periods cause Catabolism (Causing 'Starvation Mode') and are bad for your body.
- Eating every 2-3 hours is the best way to gain mass, strength and "Stoking Metabolic Fire".
- Drinking 'Cold Water' can significantly increase your Fat Burning.
- Eating smaller meals will control hunger.
- The body can only intake 20-30g Protein per meal"

All of those are ABSOLUTELY correct...and I preach those all the time - the 20-30g of protein part is debatable and based on body mass, type of protein, necessity, type of diet (keto), etc.

Hey Raynor, please don't take the following question the wrong way, I am not trying to undermine your judgment or experience. I just been reading this http://www.leangains.com/2010/10/top-ten-fasting-myths-debunked.html

It says that eating 2 - 3 hours doesn't really stoke metabolic fire, and the body can absorb a lot more than 30 grams of protein at a time, and lot of other things that are seem to be diametrically opposed to what you said above, saying that its backed by scientific research papers as well as results from trainees. Whats your take on this? I still plan on following your diet plan as well as following your advices. So again, I'm not trying to raise a debate or anything, I'm just trying to understand these conflicting sources, and perhaps learn something along the way, so just take it as another question.

This post was edited by MegaVovaN on Jan 14 2011 10:15pm
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