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Dec 1 2010 10:47pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Dec 1 2010 09:32pm)
A lot of things since I first started on here.

From financial hardship, to losing my house because of a flood, to my dad dying, among other things.

But nonetheless, I am still trucking along in medical school, hitting the gym, and helping out with what little extra time I have on JSP

sorry to hear about your dad, and your house..keep your headup and stay strong man im sure everyone here including myself really appreciates the free advice you give out, god blees take care
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Dec 1 2010 11:05pm
Quote (IDUTCIH @ Dec 1 2010 11:26pm)
I recently made a order at BB and got a free superpump 250 with my order.

Can you tell me what it does, and is it okay to take at 17 years of age although the bottle recommends 18.

Edit ; It also says it increases vascularity is that true?

Superpump is very much like NO explode or Jack3d.

It is a pre-workout supplement which is MOSTLY caffeine and artificial sweetener.

Some of them also have creatine...but not nearly a proper dose or type.

They also have added arginine which is a valodialator...which doesn't do anything because the caffeine is vasoconstrictor.

Overall it's an overpriced product which is no more than a basic caffeine product
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Dec 1 2010 11:13pm
Quote (yCoRrUpT @ Dec 1 2010 11:57pm)
Never leave, you're one of the few valuable resources this forum has left.
On the supplements, how often and when should I be taking them?
Thanks for all the advice too, would donate again but been short of fg.

Hey there. Thanks =)

As for the supplements....take the Multivitamin in the morning with food and at night with food (most are either 2 pills a day or 6 pills a day...either way talk half in the AM and half in the PM w/ food)

as far as the fish oil goes...take 2 capsules with every food meal (that means any actual meal...not a shake). If that get's pricy for you, 2 capsules in the morning with breakfast will be OK - but not as good as 2 with each meal.
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Dec 1 2010 11:21pm
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Dec 2 2010 12:47am)
sorry to hear about your dad, and your house..keep your headup and stay strong man im sure everyone here including myself really appreciates the free advice you give out, god blees take care

Thanks a lot for the kind words.

I truly appreciate it and I am glad to be here =)
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Dec 1 2010 11:27pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 30 2010 12:29am)
Hey there. I have just the thing for you:


anabolic cutting diet


Cutting Workout Routine

hey, more questions for you =p.

now about this keto diet, is it a must that i comply to the workout routine strictly? , like if i miss a day or something what would happen? also you said HIIT is a must also, what does that mean really like, sprint for as long as i can and then moderate walk/jog and go back and forth? can u give me a detailed example of HIIT exercise. Moving on, could you recommend me a diet plan / workout plan that is a little more..well for the diet plan can you tell me one make up one for me that is just universal good health ? and to go with it a workout plan that will help me cut still fast but little more casual? thanks get back to me !
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Dec 2 2010 12:04am
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Dec 2 2010 01:27am)
hey, more questions for you =p.

now about this keto diet, is it a must that i comply to the workout routine strictly? , like if i miss a day or something what would happen? also you said HIIT is a must also, what does that mean really like, sprint for as long as i can and then moderate walk/jog and go back and forth? can u give me a detailed example of HIIT exercise. Moving on, could you recommend me a diet plan / workout plan that is a little more..well for the diet plan can you tell me one make up one for me that is just universal good health ? and to go with it a workout plan that will help me cut still fast but little more casual? thanks get back to me !


yes, you must comply to the exercise portion as well as the diet portion to see proper fat loss. If you skip days and so forth you will regret it!

as far as HIIT goes....it would be like this....2 minutes walking, 2 minutes jogging, 30 second full sprint, 2 minutes walking, 2 minutes jogging, 30 seconds full sprint and so forth.

If you want to cut...the anabolic cutting diet is the best.

If you want "overall good health" keto is actually EXTREMELY healthy for you. The human body was designed to eat meats and vegetables....processed grains are typically no good for the human body in terms of overall health and long term health.

See these for more sample diets and so forth:


Compilation 1


Compilation 2


Compilation 3

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Dec 2 2010 12:11am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Dec 1 2010 11:04pm)

yes, you must comply to the exercise portion as well as the diet portion to see proper fat loss. If you skip days and so forth you will regret it!

as far as HIIT goes....it would be like this....2 minutes walking, 2 minutes jogging, 30 second full sprint, 2 minutes walking, 2 minutes jogging, 30 seconds full sprint and so forth.

If you want to cut...the anabolic cutting diet is the best.

If you want "overall good health" keto is actually EXTREMELY healthy for you. The human body was designed to eat meats and vegetables....processed grains are typically no good for the human body in terms of overall health and long term health.

See these for more sample diets and so forth:


Compilation 1


Compilation 2


Compilation 3

alright cool thanks, so if i did the keto diet what happens when i get to the desired weight loss /cut ? what would happen if i were to eat healthy other foods or something ? would i gain the fat back or something ( even if im still eating healthy ? ) a
and is their any ab workouts i dont think i saw any in the workouts with keto diet? and ermmmmmmmm yea thats it so far !
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Dec 2 2010 12:07pm
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Dec 2 2010 02:11am)
alright cool thanks, so if i did the keto diet what happens when i get to the desired weight loss /cut ? what would happen if i were to eat healthy other foods or something ? would i gain the fat back or something ( even if im still eating healthy ? ) a
and is their any ab workouts i dont think i saw any in the workouts with keto diet? and ermmmmmmmm yea thats it so far !

After you reach your Body Fat %...you will go on a maintenance diet which I can provide you when that time comes.

Also for ab workouts...


Abs Workout Routine
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Dec 3 2010 12:51am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 28 2008 02:30pm)



I am wanting to turn my diet around and start to excercise to lose weight, cause im kinda getting too far over sad.gif

So I was wondering if you could give me some tips on how to start losing weight and what kinda foods I should eat, I've never done this before so I have no idea for myself.


Hey There!

I'd be glad to help you. I'm happy to see that you're trying to make a positive change for your body. However, let me tell you right now, it will NOT be easy...and after a few days or weeks of training you will feel like you want to quit. I'm warning you in advance, DO NOT QUIT! You must stay true to the diet and exercise and if you do, you will thank me years from now when you look like a greek god! haha

with that said and done, lets get to business. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible as I don't want to make it difficult to read.

Diet -

Eat frequently (every 2-3 hours) smaller meals/snacks. Make sure to consume plenty of lean protein and HDL (good) fats...with NO SIMPLE Sugars/Carbohydrates (white flour, white rice, sugary foods/drinks)  and only a small amount of complex carbohydrates (whole grains and vegetables) consumed during the first 3 meals.

Sample meal plan is as follows, with all meals seperated 2-3 hours each -

Breakfast (eat within the first 15 minutes of waking up!) - 1/2 cup oatmeal (splenda/xylitol and cinnamon can be used to sweeten it, 3 scrambled eggs, ice water (drink ice water to raise your metabolism)
Meal 2  - 1 can of tuna fish with 6 whole grain crackers or 1 slice of whole grain bread and ice water (you can use mustard and low fat mayo on the tuna as well as veggies)
Meal 3 - Salad with grilled chicken (use 100% extra virgin olive oil and vinegar as the dressing, all veggies and chicken, no croutons or cheese)
Meal 4 - 40 gram Protein Shake (drink this right before workout) [make sure to get a good protein shake like Optimum Nutrition 100% natural whey from bodybuilding.com]
Meal 5 - 40 gram Protein shake (drink this right after workout)
Meal 6 - 1 cup 2% milk cottage cheese with mixed nuts and cinnamon (really tasty)

There you go...that's the sample meal plan, you can feel free to change it up to fit your needs but you need to retain some primary directives which I will list below.

1. Only drink ice water, plain coffee/tea (caffeine is good), or diet soda (no sugar).
2. During first 3 meals you can eat complex carbs (brown rice, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals like oatmeal or shredded wheat etc) no more carbs after the 3 meals.
3. Make sure to only eat lean meats! (chicken, turkey, tuna, eggs, lean beef, and fish)
4. READ THE LABELS OF FOOD YOU EAT! Make sure you aren't eating foods loaded with sugar or carbohydrates...or processed foods with lots of sodium, WATCH THE SODIUM! No more than 2,000 mg sodium per day TOTAL.
6. If you eat at a restaurant, make sure to order food that is custom made to your diet (IE: grilled chicken and broccoli, Bison Burger with no bun, Grilled Fish w/ veggies, etc)
7. NO DESSERTS! If you have a huge sweet tooth, try to drink diet soda and check out protein bars made with no sugar (two great kinds of protein bars are the Labrada Lean Body Gold Cookie Twist, and the Zero Impact Pumpkin Supreme...if you wanted to eat these they replace one of your 6 meals).

Some other good foods I didn't list are: 2% Milk and cheese, Beans, Shrimp and Shellfish, Peanut Butter (100% natural no sugar added), Salsa (use on eggs, very tasty), etc.

Ok now to go with your lovely diet, here's some good ideas for exercise

First of all, join a gym...it is WELL WORTH the money. if you can not join a gym, go to my post here: which explains a great workout routine from home - http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?showtopic=21269614&view=findpost&p=121866700

If you do decide to join a gym...or work out at home...the best policy is the following -

Work out for 1-2 hours a day (minimum of one hour) doing the following muscle groups and exercise ideals -

Monday - Chest/Back : Start with 15 minutes of cardio (treadmill, bike, or power walking) - don't go too fast or too hard, you don't want to lose your breath, just get warmed up. Then hit chest and back for a total of 20 sets (10 sets of each muscle group)

Tuesday - Cardio and Abs : Do 45 minutes of cardio (teadmill, bike, power walking, swimming, etc) and do 100-200 reps of good ab work (crunches, situps, leg raises, etc)

Wednesday - Shoulders and Legs -  Start with 15 minutes of cardio warmup then do 20 sets total (10 sets of each muslce group)

Thursday - Cardio and Abs : Do 45 minutes of cardio (teadmill, bike, power walking, swimming, etc) and do 100-200 reps of good ab work (crunches, situps, leg raises, etc)

Friday - ARMS!!!  - Start with 15 minutes of cardio warmup then do 20 sets total, 10 biceps and 10 triceps.

Saturday - Cardio and Abs : Do 45 minutes of cardio (teadmill, bike, power walking, swimming, etc) and do 100-200 reps of good ab work (crunches, situps, leg raises, etc)

Sunday - REST!! Take a break!

Also make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

Also, try to get some supplements - they really help -

1. Get Multivitamins (NOW! Adam)
2. Jet Fuel or Atrophex (good fat burners)
3. Protein Powder (Optimum Nutrition 100% natural Whey)

Ok Hope this helps! If you like the guide I made you and the time I took to do it for you, please feel free to donate heart.gif

PM me if you need anything else! Good Luck and Be Safe!


hey again, this plan looks something that i would more likely be intereseted in, instead of the keto diet/workout plan you gave me. Do you think this would be ok for me to use for cutting ? my stats again are....206lbs , 6'0, 20 or so %bf i think.

If you could customize this plan to something for me that would be better that would be great, also if you could tell me which exercises to do that are the best ones for cutting. The main reason im not feeling the keto plan is i dont feel comfortable doing HIIT in the gym, and working out 5x a week for the lifting is do able, i just dont really feel comfortable yet goign alone and what not....also im tight on money, so aside from protein powder for shakes i wont be taking supplements to speed up the process of cutting (unlesss you can recommend a not so expensive one that will last long and what i do with it ) Also if you could tell me some really good food choices that would help, i know green tea helps lose weight. and hmmm, if im cutting how many protein shakes should i drink through out the day and when. THANKS !
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Dec 3 2010 03:53am
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Dec 3 2010 02:51am)
hey again, this plan looks something that i would more likely be intereseted in, instead of the keto diet/workout plan you gave me. Do you think this would be ok for me to use for cutting ? my stats again are....206lbs , 6'0, 20 or so %bf i think.

If you could customize this plan to something for me that would be better that would be great, also if you could tell me which exercises to do that are the best ones for cutting. The main reason im not feeling the keto plan is i dont feel comfortable doing HIIT in the gym, and working out 5x a week for the lifting is do able, i just dont really feel comfortable yet goign alone and what not....also im tight on money, so aside from protein powder for shakes i wont be taking supplements to speed up the process of cutting (unlesss you can recommend a not so expensive one that will last long and what i do with it ) Also if you could tell me some really good food choices that would help, i know green tea helps lose weight. and hmmm, if im cutting how many protein shakes should i drink through out the day and when. THANKS !

Yes, you can use that plan. It just isn't as effective as anabolic cutting and keto.

You can stick to good WHOLE foods...avoid processed foods, avoid anything with wheat gluten, and avoid anything with excess sodium or sugar.

You can have up to 3 protein shakes a day and 3 full food meals per day.

Shakes are best had pre-workout, post-workout and either before bed or when you first wake up.
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