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Nov 18 2021 09:19am
Quote (TiStuff @ Nov 18 2021 01:18am)
Who gave the order for vote counting to stop on Nov 3, 2020? 11.03.21

Make up your mind.

Quote (TiStuff @ Nov 18 2021 07:55am)
surveillance cameras showed they kept counting lol fkn lol in your face even the "fact checkers" say they kept counting HAHAHAHA GOOBERS. you havent explained chit you just keep making excuses. i show your excuse to be false and then you make another one rinse repeat. thats why fraud lefties can be ignored six fuking swing states all at the same time not even the least bit suspicious what a bunch of leftie frauds.

u Q nut

If they kept counting, then why are you accusing them of stopping the count? lol In your face. Goober. You have not explained chit. You keep making excuses. etc


This post was edited by said_aouita on Nov 18 2021 09:22am
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Nov 18 2021 11:38am
Ya'll ready for the war on christmas?
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Nov 18 2021 01:22pm
Quote (said_aouita @ Nov 18 2021 07:19am)
Make up your mind.

If they kept counting, then why are you accusing them of stopping the count? lol In your face. Goober. You have not explained chit. You keep making excuses. etc


hahahahah we going to do this again. I never made the claim that they quit counting. its the fraud lefties that made that claim when they "closed" the polls and that is how it was reported in the news. BHAAAHAHA dam funny when the fact checkers fall for the same self wham-O mind trick and "debunk it" saying they did keep counting.

i try to explain another way

leftie cheating frauds closed the polls with excuses (they said they were going to quit counting) and will reopen in the morning. they were lying and their is proof they lied.
the news media just reported what the leftie frauds at the polls told them.

BHAAAHAHA now cornball "fake checkers" get the narrative wrong thinking they need to "flunkie check" the claim by the fraud leftie poll people thinking its the claim of the right people. when its just how it was reported on the news because that is what was told to the news people lol
they inadvertently dumped on the leftie frauds at the polls.
thats the biggest part of the problem, they didnt stop counting, they counted in secret. fraud lefties brainwash themselves that it was the cleanest election ever lol funny but sad.

it shows what a bunch of azz hats the fake fact checkers are .............

Quote (toyake @ Nov 18 2021 09:38am)
Ya'll ready for the war on christmas?

uggg end times is shaping up to be a bich.
so far here not much is happening. governor has kinda disappeared but he has extended his "emergency powers" so covidiot land can be around the corner at any time.
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Nov 18 2021 01:38pm
Quote (T_R_E_V_O_R @ Nov 18 2021 06:21am)
nothing can trigger me as long as i'm wearing my mask

wearing a mask means you are already triggered.
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Nov 18 2021 04:24pm
Quote (TiStuff @ Nov 18 2021 01:18am)
Who gave the order for vote counting to stop on Nov 3, 2020? 11.03.21

Quote (TiStuff @ Nov 18 2021 02:22pm)
I never made the claim that they quit counting. .

Every time you ask 'Who gave the order for vote counting to stop on Nov 3, 2020?' you are claiming they quit counting.

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Nov 18 2021 04:32pm
Quote (said_aouita @ Nov 18 2021 02:24pm)
Every time you ask 'Who gave the order for vote counting to stop on Nov 3, 2020?' you are claiming they quit counting.

thats the title the content creator gave to the video and its a good question

what would it take? who has the authority/power to "shut down" those states? thats alot of pull

This post was edited by TiStuff on Nov 18 2021 04:35pm
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Nov 18 2021 05:52pm
Quote (TiStuff @ Nov 18 2021 05:32pm)
thats the title the content creator gave to the video and its a good question

what would it take? who has the authority/power to "shut down" those states? thats alot of pull

Maybe some day you Q nuts will have some actual proof of a fraudulent election and how Biden cheated to win. Everyone should remember that Trump barely beat Hillary to win his one term.
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Nov 18 2021 05:55pm
Quote (said_aouita @ Nov 18 2021 03:52pm)
Maybe some day you Q nuts will have some actual proof of a fraudulent election and how Biden cheated to win. Everyone should remember that Trump barely beat Hillary to win his one term.

if it was legit the polls would of stayed open and the vote counted in the poll watchers face ...........but they didnt

and your the one thats a Q nut

This post was edited by TiStuff on Nov 18 2021 05:56pm
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Nov 18 2021 06:44pm
Asian guy and girl assaulted brutally for being Asian, with Asian hate slurs hurled at them. All the attackers were black, but the news SUPER CONVENIENTLY left that out. Pisses me off to no end watching violence after violence gets a pass if the attacker is black. It’s actually racist to make excuses. It proves you hold different people to different standards, literally and only based on race. Shot makes me sick. The left is actually full of radical extremists who will sell out society for internet points from people who don’t care about them. This is 100% leftists fault for encouraging violence year after year.
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Nov 18 2021 07:16pm
Quote (toyake @ Nov 18 2021 12:38pm)
Ya'll ready for the war on christmas?

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