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Sep 28 2017 06:42pm
after this last maintenance, i'm sure a lot of you will be curious as to what is really happening around them.
if you don't know, many deleted characters from diablo 2 were rolled back into existence. seemingly, a lot of these characters were rolled back far enough that they are re-stocked with old gear that they have long since sold/xfere'd/deleted.
this means quite a few "copies" of items now exist.

now let me tell you why this is so scary. first, please do keep in mind that there is no difference between original and copy. they are both original, they are both copies.

example: you purchased an item. doesn't matter how you paid for it, the big thing is that you now have an "item". it has been 8 months since you've purchased this item and have had no issues.
you might now start having an issue. it is possible that the person that sold you this item, had his account rolled back. now both of you have the same item.

blizz has a few protocols for identifying and erasing copies. the most known being a "clash" in-game. this works as blizz does a check with each save/exit.
however, this is not the only protocol. there are lesser known server checks that will clash items in games sharing the same server number. this means, you can be clashed at any time, anywhere. the "item" you bought 8 months ago, now has a possibility of having a copy in existence.
i've also heard a game can hop along different servers if it's up for a long period of time. i have not tested this myself, but if this is true. it would mean you are doing more random clashes in longer existing games.

trade carefully. if you care about other people you've traded with at all, get rid of any items you sold to someone and got back from this. you could very well end up clashing the other out of existence.

good luck everyone. i'd suggest not going "all-in" on items right now.
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Sep 28 2017 06:46pm
I think d2jsp admins should shut down all Diablo 2 trade sections and point all d2jsp traders to the Blizzard forums to share their grievances until this arrogant new dev team realizes their flaws. Seriously this bullshit has gone on long enough.
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Sep 28 2017 06:48pm
Quote (Mewi @ Sep 28 2017 07:46pm)
I think d2jsp admins should shut down all Diablo 2 trade sections and point all d2jsp traders to the Blizzard forums to share their grievances until this arrogant new dev team realizes their flaws. Seriously this bullshit has gone on long enough.

umm isnt d2jsp against tos, so.... i fail to see how that would actually help anything aside from getting us all banned XD
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Sep 28 2017 06:49pm
Quote (skyeye @ Sep 28 2017 07:48pm)
umm isnt d2jsp against tos, so.... i fail to see how that would actually help anything aside from getting us all banned XD

Who knows about that, but my point wasn't to be like "we are d2jsp hear us roar" more like, we are "Diablo 2 players and you are fucking us over"
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Sep 28 2017 06:52pm
there's nothing that can really be done. the only thing to save us would be a "complete rollback" to before the maint.
i've recalled a lot of errors in maint over these years. honestly if they did do a rollback, somehow i'd almost bet it wouldn't go as planned and there could be a similar or larger issue.
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Sep 28 2017 07:35pm
Quote (tagged4nothing @ 28 Sep 2017 20:52)
there's nothing that can really be done. the only thing to save us would be a "complete rollback" to before the maint.
i've recalled a lot of errors in maint over these years. honestly if they did do a rollback, somehow i'd almost bet it wouldn't go as planned and there could be a similar or larger issue.

Or make absolutely everything perm.
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Sep 28 2017 07:45pm
Quote (Gasdrinker @ Sep 28 2017 08:35pm)
Or make absolutely everything perm.

this would require quite an overhaul i'd imagine. this maint was about saving money and paying for less servers. i wouldn't expect them dumping money into programming this mess.
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Sep 28 2017 07:50pm
If i buy Unid gear, will it be more safe ?
does it get a new ID once its identified ?
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Sep 28 2017 07:56pm
Quote (Darknightzz @ 29 Sep 2017 02:50)
If i buy Unid gear, will it be more safe ?
does it get a new ID once its identified ?

no, and unid gear is probably rollbacked, so only shitty stats... the identify it, get the good stuff, rollback the bad stuff, thats how it works

best regards
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Sep 28 2017 08:17pm
Quote (Darknightzz @ Sep 28 2017 08:50pm)
If i buy Unid gear, will it be more safe ?
does it get a new ID once its identified ?

this is a good question.
truly, i don't know the answer to this question. i'll look around and see what i can find.
seems the quote was for d3, not d2. old forums are seemingly in debate, but still it seems a long time ago that items dropped with already established stats. i'll keep looking

This post was edited by tagged4nothing on Sep 28 2017 08:29pm
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