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Jun 17 2017 01:50pm
Can we leave this bullshit in PaRD and discuss the show itself?
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Jun 17 2017 02:09pm
@ Current - Only going to address a couple points

First off, I had no idea who the fuck zarna joshi was. I went and watched one of her videos, and holy shit do I want to stab every single person in her videos. In case it wasn't clear, I'm a liberal btw, but people like this make me sick.

All it is is good story-telling. People need to disassociate politics and personal beliefs from shows built for entertainment and just enjoy the fucking story without trying to find some double meaning behind every little thing.

And yes, of course HBO caters more to liberals, all intelligent forms of media do. The vast majority of Republicans are poor, uneducated, and uncultured. HBO creates shows that are fantastic because they're smart, because they're deep, and because they're capable of making us all think and they create discussions that go far beyond the normal level of speculation and water cooler talk that comes with bland and repetitive major network shows.

As far as the country leaning more one way or the other, it's pretty split right down the middle. You've got the insanely large majority of densely populated areas with high levels of income, education, and less conventional religions being primarily liberal. Then you've got the rest of the country, rural states etc.. where the average wages are lower, the average level of completed education is lower, the average ranking for public schools is lower and there's a high percentage of conventionally religious people. These states are your red states. It ends up being pretty close to 50/50, which is why a complete and utter moron can win the whitehouse with buzzwords, blatant lies, slander, and hate speech.

It's all irrelevant though. EVERYTHING should be fair game. No topic should be taboo, no amount of graphic sex or violence should be taboo and people just need to shut the fuck up and deal with it. People are whiny bitches and everyone getting so bent out of shape over every single tiny thing, whether it be the right refusing to watch a show like this because of the nudity and because of what they portray as liberal propaganda, or it be the left, who's irritated that there's strong men in this show and not only strong women, or who rally behind Danny only because they believe her to be on their side with their fucking hate speech.

It's all just such fucking bullshit and I'm sick of talking about it.

This post was edited by jadeoshbogosh on Jun 17 2017 02:10pm
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Jun 17 2017 03:08pm
Quote (Forg0tten @ Jun 17 2017 03:50pm)
Can we leave this bullshit in PaRD and discuss the show itself?


regarding jadeoshbogosh, i'm just going to respectfully disagree with the bulk of what you said. :P
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Jun 17 2017 03:27pm
Quote (jadeoshbogosh @ Jun 17 2017 02:09pm)
The vast majority of Republicans are poor, uneducated, and uncultured.
You've got the insanely large majority of densely populated areas with high levels of income, education, and less conventional religions being primarily liberal.
Then you've got the rest of the country, rural states etc.. where the average wages are lower, the average level of completed education is lower, the average ranking for public schools is lower and there's a high percentage of conventionally religious people.
These states are your red states. It ends up being pretty close to 50/50, which is why a complete and utter moron can win the whitehouse with buzzwords, blatant lies, slander, and hate speech.

Almost every source I look at disagrees lol

This post was edited by FroggyG on Jun 17 2017 03:44pm
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Jun 17 2017 03:37pm

I'm sure the gender studies students will find great wealth in their lifetime

This post was edited by FroggyG on Jun 17 2017 03:41pm
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Jun 17 2017 04:21pm
Quote (FroggyG @ Jun 17 2017 01:27pm)

These polls seem off, you're correct that household income was less of a factor in this election when determining party lines vs previous elections, but I thought the margins were still further apart than this. I'll do some research and get back to you on that.The education point still stands and in most states, college educated individuals voted Democrat by a wide margin. 538 did a nice piece on that if you're curious. I'd post it, but I'm on my phone.

Anyone who majors in gender studies is an idiot. I'm not sure what the purpose of that comment was. Just because some liberals are whiny, annoying, entitled little shits who have no grasp on reality, doesn't mean that all liberals are like this. Not all Republicans are in the KKK, not all of them are homophobic retards who couldn't pass the 10th grade. You can't take the lowest common denominator of the party and insinuate that they're the norm.

Generally education and income have a decent correlation, but that's no always the case.

This post was edited by jadeoshbogosh on Jun 17 2017 04:27pm
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Jun 17 2017 04:29pm
Quote (jadeoshbogosh @ Jun 17 2017 04:21pm)
These polls seem off, you're correct that household income was less of a factor in this election when determining party lines vs previous elections, but I thought the margins were still further apart than this. I'll do some research and get back to you on that.The education point still stands and in most states, college educated individuals voted Democrat by a wide margin. 538 did a nice piece on that if you're curious. I'd post it, but I'm on my phone.

The current wave of millennials don't understand how the world works. They want everyone to make everything equal but they can never tell you how to do it and can't back up anything with data.
That's why a lot of college students are on the left right now but they also lack intelligence and are naive.

This post was edited by FroggyG on Jun 17 2017 04:32pm
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Jun 17 2017 04:35pm
Quote (FroggyG @ Jun 17 2017 02:29pm)
The current wave of millennials don't understand how the world works. They want everyone to make everything equal but they can never tell you how to do it and can't back up anything with data.
That's why a lot of college students are on the left right now but they also lack intelligence.

It's not just young adults that went blue though, it's educated individuals across the board.

You're absolutely correct about the way some of this generation thinks and equality for everyone is not just naive idealism, it's completely unrealistic.

Ha, nice naievity edit, I obviously agree

This post was edited by jadeoshbogosh on Jun 17 2017 04:35pm
Jr Admin
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Jun 18 2017 12:31pm
Keep this topic Game Of Thrones related or it will be shut down
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Jun 21 2017 12:24pm
New GoT trailer is prettttty sick :o
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