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Poll > Dating A Woman With A Kid
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Oct 20 2020 05:51pm
Found a girl me and her flirting with each other quite a bit. She wants me to take her out on a date. She told me she has a kid. Would that be a deal breaker for you?
She only has 1 kid. The kid is less than a year old and the dad is not in the picture

This post was edited by ChuckNorris_89 on Oct 20 2020 05:54pm
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Oct 20 2020 11:14pm
That's probably more of a personal opinion overall. It really depends on how much you like the girl / or if you think she's worth it.

Also have to consider if you're comfortable potentially taking care of and supporting that kid to an extent if you two become serious. Have a friend in a similar situation and he's practically that kids daddy now (they've been seeing each other for a while and moved in w/ each other), but the girl is worth it to him so he is okay with it and treats the kid like his own.

If that aligns with who you are and what you are willing to do for this girl, I'd say it shouldn't be a deal breaker. But it's really a case by case situation depending on you and your view of this girl, tbh

This post was edited by Red Sox on Oct 20 2020 11:14pm
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Oct 21 2020 02:34am
I'd lengthen the "dating" part before going to the "relationship" part. The decision to formalize things from dating to a relationship is a bigger step because the implications and responsibilities are far greater.
But that's how I'd handle it. It would not be a dealbreaker, but it would require a lot more convincing before I'd give it a shot. It would also depend if she plans on producing more because I intend to have a few of my own :p
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Oct 22 2020 05:04am
If you had to post here to seek clarification, you do not have the resolve for this kind of relationship. You will run into issues that you are not ready.

From my opinion I think a man should be financial independent, mature, and really got it together, in order to really get into that kind of relationship. Because in long term, you’ll be consider as a father figure to the child.

But if you just want date her for fun, please don’t waste her time. She has enough on her plate.
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Nov 30 2020 01:33am
Mothers are into more freaky shit.
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Dec 1 2020 03:11pm
So long as she isn't trying to get you to meet and know the kid quickly then I'd say go for it.
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Dec 3 2020 07:17pm
if i were single
which i am not
it would not bother me at 34 years old
i would not have dated a woman with a kid while i was in my 20's
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Dec 4 2020 01:48am
Do you like her? Are the assets up to par? Is she a freak in the sheets? Does she love swallowing? Is she banging looking?
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Dec 4 2020 04:03pm
If I was unattractive and had no other options then yes probably.

Fact is. You're gonna get attached to the kid. If she decides to end the relationship, for whatever reason, It will be double as hard cause you're going to miss the kid aswell.

Why is the dad not in the picture after 1 year? Unless she widowed she probably a slut (red flag 1) or has poor judge of character (red flag 2)

Think with your head and not with your dick. Unless you don't have other options there is not much to gain really.
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Dec 8 2020 08:41am
a kid? no, not a deal breaker. in fact i kind of like dads.
a newborn? yes. her first kid and shes doing it solo, i cant imagine shes really ready for a new thing on top of you being a potential rebound from the baby daddy who MAY still be around or be coming back around.
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