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Feb 15 2024 01:30pm
Quote (Snyft2 @ Jan 28 2024 06:35pm)
well i hate being the one dropping black pills, but okay i guess someone has to.. it all started on my first practice job interview, where we (a group of 30ish people) got the common question "why do you consider yourself a good addition to our team". i ofc didnt have anything prepared so i started talking random shit like how im a team player and community matters a lot to me and all that stuff no one believes anymore. for the record, i did believe it when i said it back then. anyways, only one person answered that question correctly. the correct answer was "because i will bring you money". the guy went full krusty krab and the interviewer was like, you are in :mellow:

so yeah, unless its a family run business, it all comes down to money. if someone needs proof, ggg sold itself to tencent :mellow: so no matter how personable the CEO of a company might be, he is there for the money. chris wilson is a good example. now i might just be resistant to that stuff because im working a job where people are expected to lie so i can see right through his bullshit and dont even consider him personable, but i seriously dont get why that guy has a cult following :unsure: calling him christ wilson and all that is borderline retarded. whenever you see a superficially charismatic CEO, thats a massive red flag for a cluster B disorder of some kind. again if someone needs proof, remember when chris went full narcissistic rage and banned that matth guy for verbal abuse of a level i dont even report <_<

so heres examples that we are all acquainted with:

- d2 and the jsp and botting problems.the problem with jsp was that it gave unfair advantage. but everyone used it. blizz couldnt just go "wow we gonna ban rmt" because that would mean banning everyone and taking a massive money cut, so jsp was allowed. botting was also a problem, but, again, everyone was doing it. banning 90% of the community meant a massive cut, so blizz was hesitant to do this too. basically a company thinks like "fuck the community, we will ban something if that decision gains us more money than it loses"

- jsp and its own botting problem.jsp was a bot site with trade as a minor perk at the beginning, but the trade worked so well that i bet the decision was made something in the lines of "we will lose like 5~10% income if just go as a legit trading site, but we will gain much more than that". but like a politician who did a nude photoshoot 30 years before her career skyrocketed, jsp is now trying to hide its past, and now even mentioning bots on jsp is problematic

- now lets apply this to poe. in the beginning a high percentage of poe players were og d2 players, meaning most used jsp. ggg was fine with it back then if you guys remember. the few that cried were rightfully ignored. not because of the community, but because poe was just another obscure arpg from a company no one had heard about, a company which couldnt afford to lose the majority of the players back then. then, as the normies got into it, more and more just used discord and the % of jsp users went down low enough that the gain by appeasing the non-jsp community was higher than the loss of the jsp community :wacko: so now they can afford to openly talk about us as the villains, they dont need us anymore ^_^
now discord is in the same position as jsp once was. too many people are using it and ggg cant afford to meddle. does ggg itself (ab)use it? could be. id say no, but only because they dont need to :unsure: same as with jsp banning botting, being clean at this moment seems like the better option as the net gain doesnt seem to be worth the risk. personally i would guess ggg is now thinking along the lines of "how can we offer the same or better services on our own site and replace discord?" and that PR shit of theirs was just to buy them time. you know, eliminate the middleman and all that!

tldr af but hopefully worth reading :cry: and yes, long live jsp and especially my jsp brothers :wub:


Quote (DaTz @ Jan 30 2024 03:42pm)
This page has more words than the Harry Potter books :mellow:

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Feb 19 2024 11:50am
Quote (iPez @ Jan 31 2024 02:46pm)
I am Jenebu

No me junbaue
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Feb 20 2024 01:37am
I am not saying ggg devs were involved in rtm, but i AM saying for the first 3 years of the game a site was selling mirror items for real money.. and the names of the items were not hidden..
So if GGG gave a damn about rmt and were not involved in it all they had to do was ban the owners of the original items, and they never did.

This post was edited by Plaguefear on Feb 20 2024 01:37am
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