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Jul 30 2021 07:02am
Quote (sum182_41 @ Jul 30 2021 08:47am)
If the US operated today as a true republic and real free-market capitalist society, and wasn’t plagued by crony-capitalism and unfettered corruption between the business class and political class, the two would operate independently of one another as they should. To turn a blind eye to collusion between the government, the media, and business interests, and conflating these issues as the result of free-market capitalism is simply incorrect.

The collusion between the government and oil/arms-industries is not capitalism. Capitalism empowers and provides more for the working class individual than any other economic system.

But this has fucking nothing to do with this thread and debating this in a Diablo 2 Resurrected forum is even more retarded than communism.

I don’t want to misinterpret your point so correct me if I’m wrong.
You don’t support government regulation of business, and you do not think business manipulation of government is a normal function of capitalism?
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Jul 30 2021 07:03am
Quote (sum182_41 @ Jul 30 2021 07:47am)
If the US operated today as a true republic and real free-market capitalist society, and wasn’t plagued by crony-capitalism and unfettered corruption between the business class and political class, the two would operate independently of one another as they should. To turn a blind eye to collusion between the government, the media, and business interests, and conflating these issues as the result of free-market capitalism is simply incorrect.

The collusion between the government and oil/arms-industries is not capitalism. Capitalism empowers and provides more for the working class individual than any other economic system.

But this has fucking nothing to do with this thread and debating this in a Diablo 2 Resurrected forum is even more retarded than communism.

I agree but our species is too greedy by nature. A fault of our kind. People will do what they can fuck over others...obviously not all, maybe not even most...but enough to get us in the state of affairs we are in today. It's sad and pathetic.
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Jul 30 2021 07:07am
Quote (mki @ Jul 29 2021 06:55pm)
Uh, I own a small publishing company and we are trying really hard to win the battles that we can actually win at our size point.

We work very hard to teach people things like how to properly eat BBQ ribs with out getting sauce all over your fingers and face like a barbarian.

I want to be really clear about this: If we can convince 10,000 people to use a knife and fork and instead of licking their fingers, which they've definitely rubbed all over their genitals and butt-hole, you know, that means that we're making a real impact in society.

There are only two types of people in the world:
1. Everyone else. And 2. Anti-buttlickers.

Anti-buttlickers are just the worst, they really are.

Hopefully your company "goes woke" and then "goes broke"
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Jul 30 2021 07:08am
Quote (Doggyfood @ Jul 30 2021 09:02am)
I don’t want to misinterpret your point so correct me if I’m wrong.
You don’t support government regulation of business, and you do not think business manipulation of government is a normal function of capitalism?

I’m saying free-market capitalism and a true republic, by definition, operate independently of one another, and conflating the negative impact of modern day corruption and collusion between the two is incorrect and is not an example of either.

This post was edited by sum182_41 on Jul 30 2021 07:10am
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Jul 30 2021 07:10am
Quote (sum182_41 @ Jul 30 2021 09:08am)
I’m saying the relationship between free-market capitalism and a true republic, by definition, operate independently of one another, and conflating the negative impact of modern day corruption and collusion between the two is incorrect and is not an example of either.

So concepts like worker safety and environmental impact should be left up to corporations and worker safety/fair compensation should be left up to union contracts?
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Jul 30 2021 07:12am
Quote (mki @ Jul 29 2021 06:55pm)
Uh, I own a small publishing company and we are trying really hard to win the battles that we can actually win at our size point.

We work very hard to teach people things like how to properly eat BBQ ribs with out getting sauce all over your fingers and face like a barbarian.

I want to be really clear about this: If we can convince 10,000 people to use a knife and fork and instead of licking their fingers, which they've definitely rubbed all over their genitals and butt-hole, you know, that means that we're making a real impact in society.

Theres something called washing your hands, learn about it.
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Jul 30 2021 07:22am
Quote (Doggyfood @ Jul 30 2021 09:10am)
So concepts like worker safety and environmental impact should be left up to corporations and worker safety/fair compensation should be left up to union contracts?

I’m not suggesting what should or shouldn’t be anything, I’m simply providing the definitions of these words as they exist in reality. My personal opinions on government workplace regulation and worker compensation are irrelevant.

Placing the blame for deaths in Iraq over oil and arms sales, resultant from corrupt government and business relations, on capitalism is incorrect and full of incongruity.
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Jul 30 2021 07:42am
Quote (sum182_41 @ Jul 29 2021 04:50pm)
You're rethinking buying it on ethical grounds? Do you also refuse to use products containing lithium batteries because of exploited child labour in lithium mining? Do you make your own textiles and footwear too?

The logical fallacies in this argument are astounding. One is something we can control and change, and actually pretty easily, and the other is something that will take decades of not centuries to solve while overpopulation is an issue in third world countries.

Just because someone cares about X, does not mean they don't care about Y. If we have this mentality, we'll never get fucking anything done, because we'll say "Well, I'm hungry, but so is the rest of the world, so I'll just not eat and die". No. Solve what problems you can rather than not solving any. This is literally the procrastinator's mentality.

This post was edited by Flawed on Jul 30 2021 07:44am
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Jul 30 2021 08:10am
Quote (Flawed @ Jul 30 2021 09:42am)
The logical fallacies in this argument are astounding. One is something we can control and change, and actually pretty easily, and the other is something that will take decades of not centuries to solve while overpopulation is an issue in third world countries.

Just because someone cares about X, does not mean they don't care about Y. If we have this mentality, we'll never get fucking anything done, because we'll say "Well, I'm hungry, but so is the rest of the world, so I'll just not eat and die". No. Solve what problems you can rather than not solving any. This is literally the procrastinator's mentality.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to suggest that if we as a society focused on and were outraged by the real issues in the modern age, as opposed to wasting the majority our collective energy on far more trivial battles, we could actually work towards and make progress on the meat and potatoes issues.

I’m not suggesting ignoring X for Y, both deserve attention but the balance of that attention is off. Like I mentioned previously the compass of modern activism needs calibration.

A different example (and different meat and potatoes): 25,000 people die of hunger every day, 10,000 being children. We don’t even have a food shortage, we have a logistical issue getting food to places where this occurs, but instead advocating to lobby financial resources to work towards solving this we spend money and focus our energy on more trivial matters because those trivial matters are more important for us (modern society) to address for some reason. If we focused our attention collectively on the real issues we could do real good for humanity. That doesn’t mean we have to ignore less pressing issues, those issues just deserve a more appropriate level of attention.

Suggesting that we don’t have the ability to solve those problems because they’re harder and therefore our attention should be placed on easier battles I just don’t agree with. I was responding to OP as microcosm of the inappropriately focused activism that will allow the real issues to flourish for the next 100 years as opposed to the next 10. It’s not an indictment of OP specifically but the modern nature of western activism as a whole. My original argument was perhaps more crude but I think it’s abundantly clear what I meant.
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Jul 30 2021 08:18am
Quote (sum182_41 @ Jul 30 2021 10:10am)
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to suggest that if we as a society focused on and were outraged by the real issues in the modern age, as opposed to wasting the majority our collective energy on far more trivial battles, we could actually work towards and make progress on the meat and potatoes issues.

I’m not suggesting ignoring X for Y, both deserve attention but the balance of that attention is off. Like I mentioned previously the compass of modern activism needs calibration.

A different example (and different meat and potatoes): 25,000 people die of hunger every day, 10,000 being children. We don’t even have a food shortage, we have a logistical issue getting food to places where this occurs, but instead advocating to lobby financial resources to work towards solving this we spend money and focus our energy on more trivial matters because those trivial matters are more important for us (modern society) to address for some reason. If we focused our attention collectively on the real issues we could do real good for humanity. That doesn’t mean we have to ignore less pressing issues, those issues just deserve a more appropriate level of attention.

Suggesting that we don’t have the ability to solve those problems because they’re harder and therefore our attention should be placed on easier battles I just don’t agree with. I was responding to OP as microcosm of the inappropriately focused activism that will allow the real issues to flourish for the next 100 years as opposed to the next 10. It’s not an indictment of OP specifically but the modern nature of western activism as a whole. My original argument was perhaps more crude but I think it’s abundantly clear what I meant.

Let's be realists here - there are some issues that are so big, that people have been trying to change for tens if not hundreds of years, that have yet to be resolved. Whether there is no appetite by those in power, or otherwise, attempting to solve them whilst putting EVERYTHING else on the backburner is an awful idea.

World hunger could be solved by any one multi-billionaire, or by the US government just taking a SMALL break from its military budget. Neither of those things have happened in any meaningful way. Why? Because nobody can tell a billionaire what to do with their money, and nobody wants to tax billionaires appropriately, because then their country would lose their business. Why the US refuses to decrease its military budget? Nobody knows, but my guess is that because America's ENTIRE IDENTITY is military, guns, obesity, and pretending that they are free/the best.

Child & Slave Labour could realistically be solved with population control. These issues exist because some countries just promote and allow people to have tens of children...and there is nowhere for these kids to go, and the families cannot afford to feed these kids, so the kids need to get a job at a young age and work, or the parents are desperate to make money for these families. It's the same thing we see in the US. The economic groups that have the lowest incomes are the ones with the highest birth rates, which just pushes poverty higher, and starts these kids off on the wrong foot.

Look at that Greta Thunburg woman - everyone thought she'd be some catalyst for real change, and that she was going to be the push we needed on the climate disaster....and then she faded into the background.

People are apathetic and selfish. I think Andy Weir wrote people perfectly - "we (adapt/evolve) to the point that we need to and no further".

This is one of those issues that is realistic and actually quite simple to solve, comparatively. And who knows, these quick wins might turn people on to activism and actually trying to get something done.

This post was edited by Flawed on Jul 30 2021 08:18am
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