Melee Ladder Rankings
#1 👑 NeilM - Banefire - Zealer
#2 🏆 imnaar - gnarly - Zealer
#3 🌟 Stevo - Stevo - Zealer
#4 Bluntzuko - Bluntz - Zealer
#5 1KC - Glocky - Zealer
#6 wendell - Hdin - Zealer
#7 FurryFisherman - Z-OG - Zealer
#8 GtMustang - omy - Conc barb
#9 Slownoma - Joints - Zealer
#10 brotherlyhippo1 - Big - Conc barb
#11 Liquidhaste - liquidhaste - Zealer
#12 Sporck - Bigbombo - Fury druid
#13 DrAxXxuS - DrAxXuS - Zealer
#14 emg - ezew - Fury druid
#15 BuiltToKill - BtK-Vindicator - Zealer
#16 Schmeden - CouncilMember - Zealer
#17 blowjay - anastasius - Conc barb
#18 pkoqlakai - Guts - Conc barb
#19 massive_mark - The_Voice - Conc barb
#20 Wendell - Ivy - Fury druid
#21 Lizar50 - Bane - Conc barb
Present and Pending Duels
#8 GtMustang - omy - Conc barb vs #10 brotherlyhippo1 - Big - Conc barb
#12 Sporck - Bigbombo - Fury druid vs #14 emg - ezew - Fury druid
#2 🏆 imnaar - gnarly - Zealer vs #3 🌟 Stevo - Stevo - Zealer
-Gm melee rules➜ GM Melee rules apply to all duels
see page 1 for rules.
➜ Characters allowed to play this ladder: Jab zon, fury druid, zeal pally, conc barb
➜ A challenge will be best 2/3 sets, first to 6 must win each set by 2 duels.
➜ You may change gear twice during a set and once between each set.
➜ Using a token mid-challenge is not allowed.
Challenge system➜ Want to be added to the ladder? Please post your JSP name/Character name/type of character.➜ You are allowed to challenge 1-2 ranks above you until you get to #3. At #3, you win both to get to #1.
➜ To issue a challenge you must pm your opponent, then post in thread.
➜ If you issue a challenge and win, you must wait 12 hours to issue another challenge. If you issue a challenge and lose you must wait 24 hours to issue another challenge, or 48 hours to rechallenge the same person.
➜ If you are challenged and win, you can issue a challenge immediately. If you are challenged and lose, you must wait 24 hours to issue a challenge.
➜ 5-Day Dodge rule NO EXCEPTIONS (AFK, No-reply, No-show = Auto-loss) 2 consecutive Dodges = Removed from ladder.
➜ If you cannot complete your challenge on time it is your responsibitly to PM your challenger to inform them and then post in thread asking for an extension. If you fail to do this dodge rule will be enforced.
➜ If neither of you post why it wasn't completed, its a dodge for the challenged individual. NO EXCEPTIONS.
➜ GM Melee rules apply to all duels. If you have any questions about the rules, post.
This post was edited by Stevo on Dec 30 2021 11:34am