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Mar 17 2018 02:05pm


Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to Zealers
2. DR Setup; Resistance Setup
3. Breakpoints

4. Items
5. Charms
6. Stash Items

7. Stats
8. Skills

9. Peace Rune Word

10. Character Screen and Items

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 17 2018 02:34pm
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Mar 17 2018 02:05pm
1. Introduction to Zealers

Pure 49 Zealers are straightforward to make, with no real variance in Skills Placement, or items [unless you have a specific Eth Repl weapon that you need to build (your IAS) around]. This guide will will primarily focus on the staple weapon, Oath in Small Crescent base, which most players can readily acquire. Zealers (vs All) are not common, noting the inherrent lack of a ranged attack [ compared to say, a V/T ] or AOE damage [ Libby ] which means that Zealers are more often then not trading damage with their opponents. It is for this reason that it is far more difficult to duel vs multiple opponents at a time.

While Zeal was spoken of and used in previous patches it has at this point been relegated to a mere footnote in the history of Diablo 2. The stronger Paladin Builds, Libby & V/T, are cheaper to build (Skillers rather then small charms), more versatile (Ranged Attack, Cannot be blocked, Auto Targeting etc.) and are basically better all round characters with far fewer anti-characters. A Smiter does not require attack rating and auto hits. Thus, Zeal sits at the bottom of the paladin food chain. Having said all that, Zeal CAN work, it HAS good damage, and if you want to try something thats not mainstream, there are worse builds. Zealers have the inherrent quality that all MLD paladins possess - that is : Class specific shields that grant Mass Resistance or Damage [Spirit Shield/Zaka] and a very good 1 point wonder Movement | Attack skill [ Charge ] that does great damage vs everything.

(As the image will eventually break, a perfect Oath is (Approx) 257-406 Damage 1 handed.
Mods: 50ias, 30% CTC Level 30 Bone Spirit, 10 Energy, 15 Magic Absorb)

Touching on Charge - it takes skill to be in the right place at the right time, and this fundamental point will really determine your final level of success with this build. It is recommended that you have proficiency with Zealers (or even Smiters) @ HLD prior to stepping down to this @ MLD.

Quoting a HLD Zealer [ Camden ]: ...class disadvantage to most other chars... As such, to win, you must simply outwit and outplay your opponents the majority of the time. Thus, as a forewarning, don't be frustrated if you get your ass kicked a lot... Even though most consider (build) to be... "skilless" ... to play well they (are) no more simple than many other chars. Finally, with [ Shadow ] Bowa's prevalent, you will always be welcome in TvT with the increased Attack Speed and Damage Boost brought by Fanaticism, and the ability to Insta-Kill the opposing Bowa.

2. DR Setup, Resistance Setup

You will have 2 main setups; A Shaftstop Setup and a Peace Setup. Obviously vs Melee char's or characters that use physical attacks (Read: Amazons) you will want as much % Damage Reduction as you can get. Vs all elemental attacks you can swap out DR in favour of additional damage. In TvT you will almost always be wearing the DR setup.

3. Breakpoints

The only real breakpoint that matters is your Attack Speed breakpoint.

[10 speed ] Oath Small Crescent : With level 23 Fanaticism you need 83% IAS from gear. This is attained by : Oath [ 50ias ], Gloves [ 20ias ] and x1 15ias/30 ed Jewel
[0 speed weapons require 60ias with Level 22 Fanaticism ]
[-10 speed weapons require 40ias with Level 22 Fanaticism ]

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 17 2018 02:30pm
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Mar 17 2018 02:06pm

1. 450% ed Eth Repl with IAS Rare Charge | Zeal Weapon
2. Oath Small Crescent
2. Holy Shield on Switch

A better weapon then an Oath Small Crescent is almost impossible to find. A 450ed Naga 2 sox with base 30ias is probably the best possible [ while base damage is lower the added range makes up for this ].
A Note on Fools : 450%ED is preferred over fools mod, noting that @ MLD your opponents defence is usually quite low (with the Exception of Barb and Libby / VT's).
Using a FoH switch instead of a Holy Shield switch is simply not viable - the damage output is simply far too low.
A 2-hander on switch is generaly not worth it, noting the strength requirements eqautes to lost life, the lost mana from Spirit [which can have inherrent 65ed] is simply too much, you are losing block.

Average Defence per Build @ 49:

Amazon - Bowa - Average Defence : 900
Necro - PNB - Average Defence : 900
Druid - Windy - Average Defence : 900
Druid - Fissure - Average Defence : 900
Assa - Trapper - Average Defence : 900
Amazon - Java - Average Defence: 1000
Sorc - ESFB - Average Defence : 1300
Druid - Rabies - Average Defence : 1500
Sorc - Es Light - Average Defence : 1500
Sorc - Vita Blizz - Average Defence : 2000
Sorc - Vita Light - Average Defence : 2000
Barb - WW - small charms - *Average Defence : 4000
Pala - Zeal - Average Defence : 4000
Barb - WW - BO Skillers - *Average Defence : 8000
Pala - Libby - Average Defence : 11000
Pala - V/T - Average Defence : 12250

1. Shaftstop [ vs Melee ]
2. Peace [ vs Casters ]

Note: As you don't use skillers, you will have approx 50% less defence then a skillers orientated Pala. Thus if you have ZB Shaft or ZB Zaka, I would advocate putting these items there.

1. Gores [ Try to always wear ]
2. Infernostride [ vs ESFB ]
3. Hotspurs [ if allowed, vs ESFB ]

Gores would ideally be worn at all times noting Zeal has multiple attacks all of which can proc the mods (the same applies to GUlli).

1. 20ias 9 str 15 dex 40 mana 30 Cold/Fire Res

Any 20ias Gloves will do, we are however looking for perfection. Strongly recommend trying to get Mana on gloves, really useful in longer duels.

1. 2 Offensive Skills 60 life 10 repl 90 mana 20 all res/15 dex|str
2. 1 Paladin Skills 60 life 10 repl 90 mana 20 all res/15 dex|str
3. 3 Offensive Skills / 100 Life

You need a minimum of +1 Offensive Aura's in order to attain level 23 Fanaticism

1. Ravenfrost 250/50
2. 12x ar 15 str 15 dex 30 life 90 mana 30 Cold res [ repl is good here as well ]

1. Spirit Sacred Targe perfect ED/AR
2. Spirit Sacred Targe perfect Res [ use this when you need the added resistance ]
3. Zaka on switch with the Holy Shield weapon

The Damage boost on the ED/AR Spirit ST far outweighs the lost resistances when compared to a Resistance based Spirit ST. Try to always wear this shield.

1. Guillaume's Face
1. String of Ears [ Try to use this always
2. Thundergods
3. Craft 24fhr 10 Open Wounds 80 life 9 str 30 Cold Res
3. Immortal King Belt
4. Rare 24fhr 60 life 15 str Dual Res

2. Charms

x40 3/20/20
x12 20/17 in stash

3. Stash Items

Peace Runeword
x12 20/17's* (optional)
enough 20/11 cold res charms to attain sufficient cold stack
IK Belt (optional)
Thundergods Belt
Rare Belt (optional)
Craft belt (optional)
2nd Gulli socketed ias/30ed (for when you use Peace)[/S]

*A Note on Mana : Fast Duels do not require mass mana [ say, vs an amazon ] but in longer duels [ say vs a sorc ] or in TvT you will probably want more mana, which is why you have the 20/17's in stash.

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 17 2018 02:31pm
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Mar 17 2018 02:07pm

Str - Enough to wear gear [ for me thats 91 Strength ]
Dex - Enough for max block [ for me thats 98 Dexterity ]
Vit - Rest here
Energy - None


Only 2 options here, Vigor or not Vigor
[ Allways ] Max Fanaticism*
Max Sacrifice
1 Point Medi
1 Point Charge
Optional Vigor
All remaining skill points in Zeal

*While people will vary in how they make their Zealer the simple fact is that Maxing Fanaticism results in the maximum possible damage boost.
We also gain more damge via maxing sacrifice before attributing points to our primary skill, Zeal.
Also this is not HLD so the skill, Defiance, forms no part in our build

DR Setup

Rare Ring
Ias Gloves
Spirit Ed/AR
Shaft ias/ed
Oath SC
Gulli stat jewel

Vs Caster Setup

Gores or +Max Fire resistance Boots if vs Fire
Thundergods / other dependant on element and strength requirements
Rare Ring
Ias Gloves
Spirit ED/AR or Spirit Resi, dependant on resistances
Oath SC
Gulli ias/ed

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 17 2018 02:36pm
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Mar 17 2018 02:08pm
Peace Runeword

Also known as the 25% chance to do Double Damage option. Noting that we are a zealer, this is the ultimate armor vs casters.

The "basic" Peace setup [ Used vs Assa, Nec, Sorc and Pure Rabies ] :

Peace Runeword
Thundergods or IK Belt or Craft OW Belt
Gulli 15ias/30ed

The issue we have with Peace is that we lose the IAS/ED from the Shaftstop. While there is room in stash for a 2nd Gulli (the optimal choise; and again, IAS/ED) we are left with Str issues. Here we return to the fundamental point - we are vs casters, so we can switch out String of Ears.
The best possible belt (unless vs Assa/Light sorc) to my mind would be a 24fhr 10 Open Wounds 9 str 80 life 30 fire res belt. Since I have ever only seen 1 such belt in the last 10 years, the alternatives are a Rare belt 24fhr 15 str 60 life + Fire Res or, simply, Thundergods or IK belt.

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 17 2018 02:34pm
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Mar 17 2018 02:09pm
Character Screen

Your Character should now look like this:

DR: 1800 Life | 400+ Mana | 5.1K Charge + 6100ar | 5.5K Zeal + 6700ar | 3.6K Defence | 75 All Res | 85% IAS | Level 23 Fana | 45DR
Caster: 1800 Life | 400+ Mana (+ability to stack from Stash) | 5.1K Charge + 6100ar + Peace | 5.5K Zeal + 6700ar + Peace | 3.6K Defence | 75 All res (ability to Inc Max Res from Boots in stash) | 85% ias | Level 23 Fana


My Items [ again will post, noting the images will eventually expire ] :
Boots : Gores, Inferno Stride, Hotsprs
Ring: Raven 20dex 250ar
Belt: String 15/15, Thundergods, IK Belt, Thundergods belt, 24fhr 72 life 10 OW 28 Fire res
Ring: Rare 118ar 14 str 14 dex 75 mana 27 Fire Res
Gloves: 20ias 9 str 13 dex 38 mana 29 light res, with a 2nd pair in stash: 20ias 9 str 15 dex 22 Light Res 22 Fire Res
Shield: Spirit ST 61%ed 121ar 89 mana (trying to upgrade)
Armor: Shaft ias/30ed
Weapon: Oath Small Crescent
Weapon: +4 Holy Shield stick
Amulet: 1 Pala 11 str 59 life 10 repl 85 mana

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 17 2018 02:35pm
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Mar 17 2018 02:10pm
I purposely left out a strategy section noting fundamentally its all about your ability to utlilise Charge to be in the right place at the right time, and not to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you can do this, everything else becomes so much easier.

Finally, thanks to the the HLD Guides which provided some insights (in order):

Dark-Souls HLD Zealot Guide: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=32187727&f=87
Mr Bruce Wayne's HLD Zealot Guide: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=6206209
BigJays HLD Zealot Guide: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=5178774

A link to the LLD versions:

Weaj's LLD Zealot guide : http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=43688682&f=143

and the 18 versions:

Elusive's 18 Zealot Guide: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=6039104&f=143
Riox's 18 Zealot Guide: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=72827972
Hellskin's 18 Zealot Guide: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=4159113

In terms of HLD there are alot of setup options noting Shaft is not the only source of DR. However as Storm shield is not available @ 49, we really are limited in terms of Item choices.

Thanks as well to the assistance provided here: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78235949&f=143 which was a forerunner to this Guide.

major correction - 0 speed weapons need 60IAS and not 50IAS as noted above. [ It is an option therefore to use Jewel + Frostburns rather then rare Gloves, noting the Mana boost is not insignificant ]
minor correction - under the Peacesection - the Belt should read Craft 10OW belt (i.e. 24fhr 10 ow 80 life +Adds)

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 17 2018 02:14pm
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Mar 17 2018 02:11pm
Reposted with corrections from here: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78297592&f=143
Original topic : http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78235949&f=143

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 17 2018 02:24pm
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Mar 18 2018 04:31pm
super excited to build this and hold down left click soon
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Mar 18 2018 05:44pm
Great guide! Need to give this one a try after seeing legion ^^

Well done fer
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