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Poll > Why Did(nt) You Get Vaccinated?
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Sep 10 2021 04:06pm
Quote (thundercock @ Sep 10 2021 05:54pm)
For everyone. We should be forcing everyone to get the vaccine and then force them to get COVID in order to maximize immunity.

80% of the deaths are of those above 60 years of age. There should be different strategies for both groups and the strategies should also take into account the second and third biggest factor, hypertension and obesity.
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Sep 10 2021 04:08pm
Quote (EndlessSky @ Sep 10 2021 03:06pm)
80% of the deaths are of those above 60 years of age. There should be different strategies for both groups and the strategies should also take into account the second and third biggest factor, hypertension and obesity.

We're not talking about death though, we're talking about maximizing the effectiveness of the immune system.
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Sep 10 2021 04:15pm
Quote (thundercock @ 10 Sep 2021 14:40)
Getting the virus + vaccine = Trump immunity which is the best immunity. Believe me.

Ask anyone. Everyone's talking about it.

And most data indicates this is correct if specifically referring to the mRNA shots.

That being said, the slightly improved immunity from both in no way mitigates or even acknowledge potential mid-long term side effects of the experimental vaccination method. :)
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Sep 10 2021 04:18pm
Quote (InsaneBobb @ Sep 10 2021 03:15pm)
Ask anyone. Everyone's talking about it.

And most data indicates this is correct if specifically referring to the mRNA shots.

That being said, the slightly improved immunity from both in no way mitigates or even acknowledge potential mid-long term side effects of the experimental vaccination method. :)

We don't have mid-long side effects from COVID so it doesn't really matter.
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Sep 10 2021 04:21pm
Quote (thundercock @ 10 Sep 2021 15:18)
We don't have mid-long side effects from COVID so it doesn't really matter.

Those who've already had covid will have to wait and see what (if any) mid/long term side effects we'll see from it. And a good percentage of those of us who've had it had no option, there was no vaccine. :)

Your "gotcha" is kind of stupid on it's face, tbh. BTW, anyone ever tell you there's a chickenpox vaccine? As in, been a while now since "chickenpox parties" were a thing?

Guess what, the vaccine can still lead to shingles. Unless 100% of the strain is dead when you take it, it can still lead to the dormancy that leads to shingles later in life. Fun thing, eh?
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Sep 10 2021 04:24pm
Quote (InsaneBobb @ Sep 10 2021 04:47pm)
And this is the exact point I was making regarding spreading the virus. When the CDC and WHO claim that vaccines are 88% effective in preventing the symptoms (Covid-19), and help reduce the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, what they're saying is, vaccines don't prevent the spread. Their lack of any data or even numbers regarding how much it may or may not "reduce" the spread of the virus is even worse. As for all we know, it's a 1% reduction.

Likewise, natural immunity has the same impact of providing immunity, but again, has the same questions regarding spread of the actual virus. Thus, this leads to the rather logical conclusion that whether or not anyone else gets the vaccine may or may not "limit the spread" of the virus. What it will do is help to protect THEM from developing the symptoms aka "Covid-19".

Thus we get back to bodily autonomy. If you get vaccinated, you're unlikely to develop the Covid-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but you may still spread the virus. If you catch the virus and fight it off (whether you develop full Covid-19 or not), you're unlikely to develop the symptoms if you become a carrier again, but you may still spread the virus.

Thus, the ultimate conclusion? Everyone who wants to be protected from the virus needs the vaccine, or to catch the virus. Meaning, you cannot blame "the unvaccinated" if you get sick. You're vaccinated. As it stands, it's more likely that you become an unknowing carrier/spreader, and make the unvaccinated sick than that they make you sick.

And... This is the justification being used for our new and improved (outdoor included!) mask mandates.

See? Science!

Hospitals became strained literally every flu season every year since I was born. You're speaking nonsense. They work on a high capacity business model. Any abrupt surge of patients strains a hospital.

If what your saying is true then restricting entry to restaurants, offices and government buildings to only vaccinated people will not make those environments any more safer for the at risk population than if they let unvaccinated people enter? Why do you think the medical community is pushing for these vaccine mandates if it makes no difference?

This post was edited by duffman316 on Sep 10 2021 04:25pm
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Sep 10 2021 04:47pm
Quote (thundercock @ Sep 10 2021 05:54pm)
For everyone. We should be forcing everyone to get the vaccine and then force them to get COVID in order to maximize immunity.

Fauci Jr.
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Sep 10 2021 04:50pm
Quote (InsaneBobb @ Sep 10 2021 03:21pm)
Those who've already had covid will have to wait and see what (if any) mid/long term side effects we'll see from it. And a good percentage of those of us who've had it had no option, there was no vaccine. :)

Your "gotcha" is kind of stupid on it's face, tbh. BTW, anyone ever tell you there's a chickenpox vaccine? As in, been a while now since "chickenpox parties" were a thing?

Guess what, the vaccine can still lead to shingles. Unless 100% of the strain is dead when you take it, it can still lead to the dormancy that leads to shingles later in life. Fun thing, eh?

The point is, unless there is some sort of indication that long-term side effects are even probable, we really shouldn't worry about it. Imagine if we applied that principle to all other aspects in life. Why would you want to live a life of fear?
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Sep 10 2021 04:51pm
Quote (duffman316 @ 10 Sep 2021 15:24)
If what your saying is true then restricting entry to restaurants, offices and government buildings to only vaccinated people will not make those environments any more safer for the at risk population than if they let unvaccinated people enter? Why do you think the medical community is pushing for these vaccine mandates if it makes no difference?

And that's the $3 Trillion dollar question, isn't it?

I think I'm done here.
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Sep 10 2021 04:55pm
Quote (InsaneBobb @ Sep 10 2021 06:51pm)
And that's the $3 Trillion dollar question, isn't it?

I think I'm done here.

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