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Oct 26 2017 09:13am
Quote (excellence @ Oct 26 2017 08:46am)

The Steele dossier is not from a foreign adversary.
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Oct 26 2017 09:21am
Quote (Scaly @ Oct 26 2017 10:09am)
Possibly. Hate is the wrong word though... Look down on maybe? Laugh at? I dunno how to put the way I feel about Trump into a word. Scorn maybe? It's close but not quite.

I mean I think I get why a certain group find him charismatic but I don't. Neither do most of capitol hill or the rest of the world's leaders. Which, let's be honest, is what matters now he's in power. He's still playing to that ever-shrinking base of idiots that voted for him when he should be focused on doing the job they voted him in to do.

There's many right-wingers in America who wouldn't say Obama is charismatic... but of course he is. It's the same thing, they can't get past the ideological differences.

Also I think Brits really do look down on people who don't talk in an intellectual sort of way. I seem to recall you making fun of the Dallas sheriff for the way he talked, but to Americans it sounded normal.
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Oct 26 2017 09:26am
Quote (IceMage @ 26 Oct 2017 15:21)
There's many right-wingers in America who wouldn't say Obama is charismatic... but of course he is. It's the same thing, they can't get past the ideological differences.

Also I think Brits really do look down on people who don't talk in an intellectual sort of way. I seem to recall you making fun of the Dallas sheriff for the way he talked, but to Americans it sounded normal.

Also probably right
I am admittedly a bit of a snob and tend to look down on people who are uncultured, unintelligent or lack class.

Just saying - charisma is subjective.

This post was edited by Scaly on Oct 26 2017 09:26am
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Oct 26 2017 09:31am
Quote (IceMage @ Oct 26 2017 08:21am)
There's many right-wingers in America who wouldn't say Obama is charismatic... but of course he is. It's the same thing, they can't get past the ideological differences.

Also I think Brits really do look down on people who don't talk in an intellectual sort of way. I seem to recall you making fun of the Dallas sheriff for the way he talked, but to Americans it sounded normal.

Yes and no. I would say he was very charismatic in 2008 with his message of "change" which got a lot of people motivated to go out and vote for him, especially blacks. Throughout his presidency he was hardly viewed as charismatic on a global scale. Obama was more of the law professor type of guy rather than some Kennedy or Churchill type.

Quote (Scaly @ Oct 26 2017 08:26am)
Also probably right
I am admittedly a bit of a snob and tend to look down on people who are uncultured, unintelligent or lack class.

Just saying - charisma is subjective.

pot calling the kettle black
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Oct 26 2017 09:31am
Quote (IceMage @ 26 Oct 2017 16:21)
There's many right-wingers in America who wouldn't say Obama is charismatic... but of course he is. It's the same thing, they can't get past the ideological differences.

Also I think Brits really do look down on people who don't talk in an intellectual sort of way. I seem to recall you making fun of the Dallas sheriff for the way he talked, but to Americans it sounded normal.

i don't know, i hate putin for example - even more than i despise trump - but he is most definitely charismatic. trump, however, is just an unsophisticated, incompetent loudmouth - i get that his brash and (for a politician) unconventional way of communicating, as well as the message itself may have some appeal to certain people, but that doesn't make him charismatic imo. fascinating and weirdly entertaining without a doubt though, can't deny that...
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Oct 26 2017 09:33am
Quote (ofthevoid @ Oct 26 2017 10:31am)
Yes and no. I would say he was very charismatic in 2008 with his message of "change" which got a lot of people motivated to go out and vote for him, especially blacks. Throughout his presidency he was hardly viewed as charismatic on a global scale. Obama was more of the law professor type of guy rather than some Kennedy or Churchill type.

Well to Republicans he's uppity, to neutral observers he's charismatic.

Quote (fender @ Oct 26 2017 10:31am)
i don't know, i hate putin for example - even more than i despise trump - but he is most definitely charismatic. trump, however, is just an unsophisticated, incompetent loudmouth - i get that his brash and (for a politician) unconventional way of communicating, as well as the message itself may have some appeal to certain people, but that doesn't make him charismatic imo. fascinating and weirdly entertaining without a doubt though, can't deny that...

He can't give a speech like Goebbels could, that's for sure.
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Oct 26 2017 09:33am
Quote (Mastersam93 @ Oct 26 2017 11:13am)
The Steele dossier is not from a foreign adversary.

And it's probably FAKE.

I mean a "former" British agent. I guess there's no amount of money that could "buy" a former British agent. :/

All that aside, if you leave out Trump's personality, I do believe that he is actually doing good things.

1. No one wants WW III, but NK and Iran are serious problems that HAVE to be dealt with. Hopefully w/o war.
2. The US tax system is so far beyond broken, that it too needs to be dealt with.
3. Obamacare is a joke. The US govt. cannot pay subsidies to insurers, with un-appropriated funds. It can't pay any subsidies to insurers w/o causing the govt. to ...go broke.
4. By it's very design, Obamacare will do nothing but get more expensive...forever.
5. Immigration is a serious problem, not because of religion or skin color, but because the US can only support so many people. People need to stop ...breeding, everywhere. This is not just a local problem.
6. The other issue with immigration is that where the Islamic nations are concerned...there needs to be practically infallible...vetting.

In short...I feel that Trump is trying to do what he was hired for. I just wish he had ...a lot ...more polish.


Quote (fender @ Oct 26 2017 11:31am)
trump, however, is just an unsophisticated, incompetent loudmouth

True, I'm sorry to have to say. But NOT incompetent.

This post was edited by Ghot on Oct 26 2017 09:37am
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Oct 26 2017 09:38am
Quote (IceMage @ Oct 26 2017 08:33am)
Well to Republicans he's uppity, to neutral observers he's charismatic.

Every person that makes it to the highest office of the land is going to have some sort of charisma. Adjectives like charismatic are subjective because who are you comparing the person to?

Obama will not go down in history as one of the more charismatic leaders of the US.
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Oct 26 2017 09:45am
Quote (IceMage @ 26 Oct 2017 16:33)
He can't give a speech like Goebbels could, that's for sure.

interesting choice, but sure, whoever you want to compare him to...

i wouldn't restrict it to giving public speeches though, it's about his whole behaviour, the pettiness, the lack of class... bush wasn't a great speaker either and he certainly was a terrible president. he still had charisma though...

This post was edited by fender on Oct 26 2017 09:48am
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Oct 26 2017 10:52am
Quote (fender @ Oct 26 2017 11:45am)
interesting choice, but sure, whoever you want to compare him to...

i wouldn't restrict it to giving public speeches though, it's about his whole behaviour, the pettiness, the lack of class... bush wasn't a great speaker either and he certainly was a terrible president. he still had charisma though...

I vote for policy unlike Democrats
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