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Jun 29 2024 05:43pm
Quote (bogie160 @ Jun 30 2024 01:13am)
Is there an actual thesis in support of an eventual Ukrainian victory? I suppose if Russia impromptu collapses, but otherwise, as you pointed out, Russia can simply shelter in the multi-level defensive line they've constructed across occupied Ukraine. If NATO does become involved such that the front-line is collapsing, I expect we'll see tactical nuclear warfare for the first time in human history. The Russian government has gone all-in, at this point Putin is right to say that Russia cannot lose the war and continue to exist as a unified state.

Before or after Kim Jong nukes U.S cities?
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Jun 29 2024 05:55pm
What if NK nukes Ukraine after the latter destroys Kim's so called construction battalions Putin is about to send? Kim has literally nothing to lose. How would you react? Nuke him back? And get a fat Kim's warhead right up your capital? Doubt so. Putin will just lean back and watch.
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Jun 29 2024 07:21pm
The thing about what if so and so nukes so and so hypotheticals is-

Russia is winning the war right now. They are committed to a long term attrition with a slow grinding front line, and its working. China is winning the peace, dramatically extending their geopolitical presence, and both they and Russia are getting swathes of Africa. Iran is extending its grip in the mideast. Even North Korea is doing fine in this status quo. As long as the new axis powers are winning, they don't have a reason to pull out any nuclear options and shake up the world. You don't flip the table when you're got a winning hand.
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Jun 29 2024 07:31pm
Quote (bogie160 @ 30 Jun 2024 01:13)
Is there an actual thesis in support of an eventual Ukrainian victory? I suppose if Russia impromptu collapses, but otherwise, as you pointed out, Russia can simply shelter in the multi-level defensive line they've constructed across occupied Ukraine. If NATO does become involved such that the front-line is collapsing, I expect we'll see tactical nuclear warfare for the first time in human history. The Russian government has gone all-in, at this point Putin is right to say that Russia cannot lose the war and continue to exist as a unified state.

The outcome space for this conflict is trinary, not binary:
  • Ukrainian victory: fending off the Russians and gaining back at the very least a majority of the territory they lost since Feb 22.
  • Russian victory: either capturing all of Ukraine's territory to the east of the Dnieper, leaving the remainder of Ukraine a crippled rump state; OR successfully installing a Russia-friendly puppet regime in Kyiv again.
  • Varying degrees of stalemate: the conflict freezes somewhere in between the two aforementioned outcomes. For example, if the conflict froze along the current lines, and these lines eventually became enshrined in a peace treaty, then Ukraine would have retained its sovereignty, could eventually join the EU and forge some kind of ties with NATO (even if an outright membership isn't possible). On the flip side, Russia would have taken a significant chunk of Ukraine's territory, resources, population and industry, and gained strategic ground in terms of controlling Crimea and the Sea of Azov.

I disagree with the notion that a Russian victory is inevitable, but this does not mean that I consider an Ukrainian victory to be a likely outcome.

Quote (Goomshill @ 30 Jun 2024 00:40)
The non-breakout at Toretsk is an interesting case in this war that kind of illustrates the Russian strategy
Apparently there was a bungled troop rotation by the Ukrainian side, leaving a basically undefended hole in their line at the city of Toretsk. The report is that several Azov battalions were ordered to plug the gap and refused their orders. Which is certainly a big note, if true. But also notably Russia did not try to surge into the gap where they'd be exposed, instead taking the incremental small outer villages like they had been doing anyway. Now maybe they feared a trap or don't want a deep salient, but either way its clear Russia simply does not want rapid gains or breakouts or other decisive blows right now. Its clearly their strategy to grind down Ukraine in a war of attrition and they are committed to it.

If true, this indicates a change of strategy. Previously, the Russians brute forced their way into cities like Sieverodonetsk, Bakhmut and Avdiivka, and very recently tried some sort of blitz on Kharkiv. They got a bloody nose during that blitz, so it's plausible that they pivoted to a slower-paced, less greedy strategy.

This post was edited by Black XistenZ on Jun 29 2024 07:31pm
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Jun 29 2024 07:35pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Jun 29 2024 08:31pm)
If true, this indicates a change of strategy. Previously, the Russians brute forced their way into cities like Sieverodonetsk, Bakhmut and Avdiivka, and very recently tried some sort of blitz on Kharkiv. They got a bloody nose during that blitz, so it's plausible that they pivoted to a slower-paced, less greedy strategy.

This has been a theme repeated by a bunch of military armchair enthusiasts, Russia has been pretty committed to the slow creeping front strategy and isn't even attempting breakouts when the opportunities arise.
And if Azov really did just refuse to carry out orders en masse to enter that meat grinder, its another worrying fracture point that could presage what would happen if Ukraine starts imploding
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Jun 30 2024 06:32am
Quote (Goomshill @ Jun 30 2024 11:21am)
The thing about what if so and so nukes so and so hypotheticals is-

Russia is winning the war right now. They are committed to a long term attrition with a slow grinding front line, and its working. China is winning the peace, dramatically extending their geopolitical presence, and both they and Russia are getting swathes of Africa. Iran is extending its grip in the mideast. Even North Korea is doing fine in this status quo. As long as the new axis powers are winning, they don't have a reason to pull out any nuclear options and shake up the world. You don't flip the table when you're got a winning hand.

:lol: words of someone who not understand anything about world
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Jun 30 2024 09:27am
Quote (Fnall @ Jun 30 2024 02:32pm)
:lol: words of someone who not understand anything about world


He's saying that Kim benefits massively and he's right. Seems like you're the one who doesn't understand what's going on.

All Kim has to do is produce artillery munitions and send a bunch of his subjects to Ukraine.

In turn NK receives food, Russian tech and help with their space / satellite program and maybe even their nuclear program.

Taking into consideration how isolated they were this is a massive boost for the NK regime.
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Jun 30 2024 09:41am
Quote (Fnall @ Jun 30 2024 02:32pm)
:lol: words of someone who not understand anything about world

Hopefully, South Korea, which has 15-20 times bigger economy & production capacity, sci-fi technological advance, and is the 5th weapon seller in the world, doesn't exists and has no concerns about NK.

This post was edited by Meanwhile on Jun 30 2024 09:46am
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Jun 30 2024 10:49am
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Jun 30 2024 11:03am
Quote (Meanwhile @ Jun 30 2024 05:41pm)
Hopefully, South Korea, which has 15-20 times bigger economy & production capacity, sci-fi technological advance, and is the 5th weapon seller in the world, doesn't exists and has no concerns about NK.

All of that changes exactly nothing

In the North labor is some of the cheapest in the world and they can simply produce millions upon millions of artillery shells and the South can do nothing about it.

Kim can send his subjects to Ukraine and again, the South nor the West can do anything about it. What are you going to do, sanction the North?

/game over

This post was edited by Djunior on Jun 30 2024 11:04am
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