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Jun 29 2024 01:32pm
Quote (Meanwhile @ Jun 29 2024 08:31pm)
Their culture has been destroyed -- or twisted -- by the regime but they arent the only ones, the same happened with China, North Korea... Thus (imho) US or UK arent the best examples with consumerism many other western countries kept a decent level of culture & art creation.

You don't think the US or UK have art creation? lol
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Jun 29 2024 02:30pm

"29 Jun 2024
Russian attacks across Ukraine killed at least 12 people, including four children, as fighting intensifies during a series of offensives into several regions of the war-battered country."

For some context, this is almost a daily occurrence for Ukraine. So when the part time moralists like Malopox wants to shed their crocodile tears for civilians in occupied Crimea, don't fall for their bullshit.
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Jun 29 2024 02:31pm
Quote (Prox1m1ty @ Jun 29 2024 09:32pm)
You don't think the US or UK have art creation? lol

In the 60's it was golden age. Today you can still go watch Batman & Abraham Lincoln vs Dracula & Thanos. If you really want so lool
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Jun 29 2024 02:35pm
Quote (Meanwhile @ Jun 29 2024 09:31pm)
In the 60's it was golden age. Today you can still go watch Batman & Abraham Lincoln vs Dracula & Thanos. If you really want so lool

I mean, the majority of the most successful musicians worldwide are British or American. Current era.

This post was edited by Prox1m1ty on Jun 29 2024 02:35pm
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Jun 29 2024 02:46pm
Quote (Prox1m1ty @ Jun 29 2024 10:35pm)
I mean, the majority of the most successful musicians worldwide are British or American. Current era.

Ofc it would be a shame to bitch on the Beatles. Consumerism happened and it was followed by a golden era for few decades,then Culture itself started to be a product.
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Jun 29 2024 03:01pm
Quote (Meanwhile @ Jun 29 2024 09:46pm)
Ofc it would be a shame to bitch on the Beatles. Consumerism happened and it was followed by a golden era for few decades,then Culture itself started to be a product.

Not really seeing your angle at all. Culture in the West is no less diminished than any other culture. Certainly not by consumerism, if anything its by mass migration diluting the traditional culture.
As evidenced by non Western countries with high levels of consumerism and lower migration also maintaining their traditional culture.

As for Arts, just take music alone. The top 10 music markets by value are all Western nations except for China. 9 Western, 1 not. The outliers being Korea/Japan but for all intents and purposes, both Japan and Korea are Western democracies situated in the east.

This post was edited by Prox1m1ty on Jun 29 2024 03:02pm
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Jun 29 2024 04:09pm
Quote (Prox1m1ty @ Jun 29 2024 11:01pm)
Not really seeing your angle at all. Culture in the West is no less diminished than any other culture. Certainly not by consumerism, if anything its by mass migration diluting the traditional culture.
As evidenced by non Western countries with high levels of consumerism and lower migration also maintaining their traditional culture.

As for Arts, just take music alone. The top 10 music markets by value are all Western nations except for China. 9 Western, 1 not. The outliers being Korea/Japan but for all intents and purposes, both Japan and Korea are Western democracies situated in the east.

Common goods were the first ones to go, no major harm, on the contrary. unfortunately, after few decades, markets control, marketing technics, and big businesses evolved up to apply their rules to the whole culture and habits.
This is why general knowledge & education at school are to vastly important: to give back people their freedom. Consumerism and societal collapse are flirting dangerously.

This post was edited by Meanwhile on Jun 29 2024 04:10pm
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Jun 29 2024 04:22pm
Just to keep it on-topic :)

‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription

The autumn cannot arrive soon enough for Dmytro, when his handlers have promised to get him out of Ukraine.
For the past month, the 31-year-old photographer from Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, has been holed up in his flat, rarely stepping outside, to avoid being conscripted into the army. “I want to leave the country. My mind can’t take being trapped here any more,” Dmytro said.
Since the start of the war, thousands of Ukrainian men have illegally crossed the Ukrainian border to dodge conscription, despite a nationwide ban prohibiting men between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving.
Attempts to flee the country are expected to increase after Ukraine’s recent adoption of new sweeping mobilisation measures, which allow the military to call up more soldiers and impose stricter penalties for draft evasion.
“I never thought about leaving until the mobilisation laws were introduced. But I can’t stay in my flat forever,” Dmytro said.
Through friends who had already fled, Dmytro obtained contacts and approached individuals online promising to facilitate his escape for a hefty fee, starting from €8,000 (£6,800).
“I am not made for war. I can’t kill people, even if they are Russians. I won’t last long on the front … I want to build a family and see the world. I am not ready to die,” he said.
Dmytro was unsure if he could trust the handlers, who had recently raised their prices to meet the growing demand, but said he saw no other options.
More than two years into Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion, Ukraine’s armed forces are desperately short of soldiers.
Since the start of the war, hundreds of thousands of ordinary Ukrainians have volunteered to serve at the front, helping to maintain the country’s independence and repel the initial attack.
Many of those initial soldiers are dead, wounded or simply exhausted, leaving the military to recruit among a more reluctant pool of men.
To fill the ranks, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, last April signed a controversial law that lowered the mobilisation age from 27 to 25. Under the new guidelines, draft evaders can lose their driving licence, have their bank accounts frozen and property seized.
Even before the latest mobilisation drive, more than 20,000 men are believed to have fled the country to avoid service, some of them swimming and drowning in attempting to cross Ukraine’s border into Romania.
In April, Andriy Demchenko, the head of the Ukrainian state border guard service, reported that at least 30 Ukrainian men had died attempting to cross, though the real number is probably much higher, as some bodies are very unlikely ever to be recovered.
As mobilisation officers roam the cities to draft men of military age, many such as Dmytro have hatched plans to leave, fearing they will not survive long on the frontlines.


While overall support for the country’s troops remain high and polls show that there is still a considerable number of men willing to be mobilised, Ukraine’s conscription drive risks dividing Ukrainian society, already plagued by war fatigue.
Many Ukrainian soldiers at the front, or those who have returned after being injured, criticise draft dodging, arguing that the practice weakens their country’s war effort as Russian forces make advances across multiple fronts.

Source: The Guardian


This post was edited by Norlander on Jun 29 2024 04:23pm
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Jun 29 2024 04:40pm
The non-breakout at Toretsk is an interesting case in this war that kind of illustrates the Russian strategy
Apparently there was a bungled troop rotation by the Ukrainian side, leaving a basically undefended hole in their line at the city of Toretsk. The report is that several Azov battalions were ordered to plug the gap and refused their orders. Which is certainly a big note, if true. But also notably Russia did not try to surge into the gap where they'd be exposed, instead taking the incremental small outer villages like they had been doing anyway. Now maybe they feared a trap or don't want a deep salient, but either way its clear Russia simply does not want rapid gains or breakouts or other decisive blows right now. Its clearly their strategy to grind down Ukraine in a war of attrition and they are committed to it.
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Jun 29 2024 05:13pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Jun 29 2024 11:27am)
A very unbalanced article. Yes, the longer this war goes on, the harder it will become for Russia to recruit. I've been stressing this point for a long time, unlike the "a Russian victory is inevitable"-faction here in this thread. Nonetheless, the article completely ignores that Ukraine is faced with the exact same issue.

Is there an actual thesis in support of an eventual Ukrainian victory? I suppose if Russia impromptu collapses, but otherwise, as you pointed out, Russia can simply shelter in the multi-level defensive line they've constructed across occupied Ukraine. If NATO does become involved such that the front-line is collapsing, I expect we'll see tactical nuclear warfare for the first time in human history. The Russian government has gone all-in, at this point Putin is right to say that Russia cannot lose the war and continue to exist as a unified state.
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