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Jun 26 2024 12:56am
Quote (Meanwhile @ 25 Jun 2024 23:18)
Specifically, the court alleged that Shoigu and Gerasimov were responsible for missile strikes on Ukraine's electricity infrastructure from at least October 10, 2022, until at least March 9, 2023.

"During this time-frame, a large number of strikes against numerous electric power plants and sub-stations were carried out by the Russian armed forces in multiple locations in Ukraine," the court statement said.


So this is where they spent the munition Prigozhin was asking for.

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Jun 26 2024 12:58am
Quote (Djunior @ 25 Jun 2024 20:50)
Excuses for targeting civilians with cluster warheads SMH

"Target civilians"? The official narrative is that all missiles were intercepted and the casualties on the beach resulted from debris, rather than from the warhead going off as planned. Technically, we have no idea what the actual target of this missile was. Considering the abundance of military facilities in Sewastopol, it seems unlikely that Ukraine would fire one of its few and valuable American high-tech missiles at a fucking beach...

This post was edited by Black XistenZ on Jun 26 2024 12:59am
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Jun 26 2024 01:04am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Jun 26 2024 01:58am)
"Target civilians"? The official narrative is that all missiles were intercepted and the casualties on the beach resulted from debris, rather than from the warhead going off as planned. Technically, we have no idea what the actual target of this missile was. Considering the abundance of military facilities in Sewastopol, it seems unlikely that Ukraine would fire one of its few and valuable American high-tech missiles at a fucking beach...

This. Theres more recent and wide angle footage that clearly shows both bomblets and debris falling across a super wide area. Its a cluster bomb missile that got intercepted and some bombs fell on civilians, some dudded, most was just pieces of metal. Russian authorities spelled it out early on since they knew they had intercepted the missile

Now theres still the geopolitical ramifications and culpabilty of long range american missiles being fired by what are no doubt american operators among ukrainian forces, that are killing russian civilians by the fact of their firing if not their intent. If the situation was reversed we'd be calling it pearl harbor 2.0
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Jun 26 2024 01:23am
Quote (Djunior @ Jun 25 2024 07:50pm)
Excuses for targeting civilians with cluster warheads SMH

I didn't think you could sink any lower after defending Ukrainian attacks on Belgorod's civilian population but here we are

What if Russia started directly targeting Ukrainian civilians with cluster munitions in broad daylight?

Do you realize that could happen and that Russia has more of everything including cluster ammo?

Are you claiming that Russia is showing restraint?

Another flip flop. Please stop taking the gaslight pills.
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Jun 26 2024 01:42am
Quote (Prox1m1ty @ 26 Jun 2024 09:23)
Are you claiming that Russia is showing restraint?

Another flip flop. Please stop taking the gaslight pills.

Yes, massive restraint. Russians don’t want to fight this war the way it should be fought - they are going against their best interests.

Nobody was nuked yet despite clear crossing of all possible nuclear red lines (striking Russian territory and infrastructure, striking Russian NUCLEAR deterrence capabilities with NATO provided tech, shelling of Energodar nuclear plant). Bankova still exists. North Sea infrastructure still operational. Hound Point in Scotland still operational. Ukrainian power was properly damaged only in 2024.
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Jun 26 2024 02:01am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Jun 26 2024 08:58am)
"Target civilians"? The official narrative is that all missiles were intercepted and the casualties on the beach resulted from debris, rather than from the warhead going off as planned. Technically, we have no idea what the actual target of this missile was. Considering the abundance of military facilities in Sewastopol, it seems unlikely that Ukraine would fire one of its few and valuable American high-tech missiles at a fucking beach...

The US supplied missiles were equipped with cluster munitions and Sevastopol is a city of 400K people. Recently Ukraine has attacked civilians in Belgorod using cluster munitions. That's another fact right there.

Another facts is that the Ukrainian spokes person (I posted above) calls the people in Crimea civilian occupiers which clearly points out that no one fucking cares about civilians in Crimea. It's the same double standards on display again, crying out loud when Ukrainian civilians die and not giving a shit about civilians in Crimea or Gaza or anywhere else where the West is involved.

Lastly The Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) prohibits under any circumstances the use, development, production, acquisition, stockpiling and transfer of cluster munitions, as well as the assistance or encouragement of anyone to engage in prohibited activities. No one cares anymore after US president Joe Biden publicly announced to supply Ukraine with cluster munitions.

Using cluster munitions on a city of 400K while you know that Russia has a whole lot of Electronic Warfare countermeasures in Crimea is extremely reckless to say the least. There's no guarantee the missile will hit it's intended target not even taking into account the other air defense systems.

If this was a Russian cluster munitions attack on a major Ukrainian city in broad daylight and civilians were struck the entire Western press would never stop talking about it and neither would the usual suspects here in PARD.

Ukraine and the US are responsible for the civilian deaths but as per usual no one cares and it will have no consequences for them other then that Russia might retaliate. Imagine we see direct cluster munition strikes on Ukrainian civilian targets.

Quote (Prox1m1ty @ Jun 26 2024 09:23am)
Are you claiming that Russia is showing restraint?
Another flip flop. Please stop taking the gaslight pills.

Nice strawman. Show me where I said that. And then building on your own strawman. Pathetic

Read my reply to BX for a dose of Western double standards and flip flopping ;)

This post was edited by Djunior on Jun 26 2024 02:14am
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Jun 26 2024 02:37am
Quote (Malopox @ Jun 26 2024 08:42am)
Yes, massive restraint. Russians don’t want to fight this war the way it should be fought - they are going against their best interests.

Nobody was nuked yet despite clear crossing of all possible nuclear red lines (striking Russian territory and infrastructure, striking Russian NUCLEAR deterrence capabilities with NATO provided tech, shelling of Energodar nuclear plant). Bankova still exists. North Sea infrastructure still operational. Hound Point in Scotland still operational. Ukrainian power was properly damaged only in 2024.

Not nuking anyone is not a form of military restraint. Its a realisation that if Putin did use a nuke then all conventional Russian assets in Ukraine would be obliterated by the week end.

What your describing is Russia declaring war on interestingly enough Scotland, which is the UK, which is part of NATO.
You know exactly what that entails.

Not declaring war on NATO is also not an example of restraint.

In terms of attacking Ukraines civilian infrastructure and even residential buildings, which was the scope of this discussion before you fallaciously expanded the parameters to world war three; Russia has shown little or any restraint.

As evidenced by its daily use of all kinetic arsenal at its disposal to murder civilians and destroy infrastructure.

The only pathetic irony here is that since the boot is on the other foot and Russian civilians ended up in the firing line that now you have some kind of moralist epipheny.

You care as little for Russian civilians as you've shown you do for Ukrainian civilians for 2.5 years.

Stings a bit more now does it not? Actions have consequences.

This post was edited by Prox1m1ty on Jun 26 2024 02:37am
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Jun 26 2024 02:53am
Quote (Prox1m1ty @ Jun 26 2024 10:37am)
Not nuking anyone is not a form of military restraint. Its a realisation that if Putin did use a nuke then all conventional Russian assets in Ukraine would be obliterated by the week end.

What your describing is Russia declaring war on interestingly enough Scotland, which is the UK, which is part of NATO.
You know exactly what that entails.

Not declaring war on NATO is also not an example of restraint.

In terms of attacking Ukraines civilian infrastructure and even residential buildings, which was the scope of this discussion before you fallaciously expanded the parameters to world war three; Russia has shown little or any restraint.

As evidenced by its daily use of all kinetic arsenal at its disposal to murder civilians and destroy infrastructure.

The only pathetic irony here is that since the boot is on the other foot and Russian civilians ended up in the firing line that now you have some kind of moralist epipheny.

You care as little for Russian civilians as you've shown you do for Ukrainian civilians for 2.5 years.

Stings a bit more now does it not? Actions have consequences.

Actions have consequences, should've thought about that back in 2008

And I wouldn't even mention nukes since the only country in the world to have used nukes (on civilian targets!!!) is the country you're so desperately shilling for

Now that's gonna sting a bit I imagine

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Jun 26 2024 05:32am
Quote (Meanwhile @ Jun 25 2024 02:35pm)
Months ago already

Ukraine offers guidance and support for citizens leaving Crimea amid escalating tensions

There's no room for russian tourists in Ukraine.
Even if Ukraine does not target civilians the russian central-orc-power will obviously try to spread the conflict/explosions directly onto civilians (life doesn't worth much in orc land)... Why ?

Because they will have something to fill up the headlines instead of talking about the Terrorist Attack in Dagestan ...


The vast majority of Russians in Crimea were born and raised there. They represent a majority of the population. This sort of language is quasi-genocidal.
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Jun 26 2024 07:10am
Quote (bogie160 @ Jun 26 2024 01:32pm)
The vast majority of Russians in Crimea were born and raised there. They represent a majority of the population. This sort of language is quasi-genocidal.

This is unrelated statement and false accusations, Russian governement is deliberately putting people at risk and shot legit missiles just above their head, end of story.

European court: Evidence Russia comitted 'multiple' human rights violations in Crimea


Constantly defending war criminals is not healthy.
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