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May 15 2024 02:57pm
Quote (Neptunus @ 15 May 2024 23:45)
I need more context to judge that. Having been visiting PaRD less and less. I would say trolling belongs to the "bullshit" category though.

Funny how the name changed from discussion to debate, btw. I would've preferred "dialogue".

Whatever, dude. I said "presumably" and it ended up to be a pro-Ukrainian instead of Ukrainian nationalist however his name says it all.

This post was edited by Norlander on May 15 2024 02:59pm
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May 16 2024 01:06am
Quote (Malopox @ May 15 2024 06:12pm)

16 December 2013

Over 3 weeks after the Maidan started.
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May 16 2024 01:07am
Quote (Norlander @ May 15 2024 02:33pm)
Pro-Russian Slovakian Prime Minister got shot presumably by Ukrainian terrorist in the middle of Europe. Soon in your local town.

Same presumably Ukrainians that destroyed NS2 and shot up the theatre in Moscow?
Same ones that crashed the container ship into a bridge in the US?

Presumably a load of bollocks comrade.
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May 16 2024 03:20am
Quote (Norlander @ 15 May 2024 22:57)
Whatever, dude. I said "presumably" and it ended up to be a pro-Ukrainian instead of Ukrainian nationalist however his name says it all.

According to the video the perpetrator himself recorded before the attack, his motivation was deep disagreement with Fico on domestic policy, particularly what the perp saw as Fico fostering corruption and eliminating press freedom.
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May 16 2024 04:31am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ May 16 2024 11:20am)
According to the video the perpetrator himself recorded before the attack, his motivation was deep disagreement with Fico on domestic policy, particularly what the perp saw as Fico fostering corruption and eliminating press freedom.

Which is true btw., he the Netanjahu from Slowakia. As soon as he retires, he might find himself in jail.
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May 16 2024 07:04am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ May 16 2024 04:20am)
According to the video the perpetrator himself recorded before the attack, his motivation was deep disagreement with Fico on domestic policy, particularly what the perp saw as Fico fostering corruption and eliminating press freedom.

Its been a case study in modern propaganda to see this unfold in real time. The pro/anti Ukrainian sides and greater culture war both immediately tried to claim the assassin was from the opposite side and tie it to Ukraine. The front page of Reddit runs a big article claiming the gunman was a pro-Russian linked to a neo-Nazi group, while the Slovak media points out he's a member of the leftist opposition to Fico and founded his own explicitly anti-neo-nazi / anti-violence literature club (?). Meanwhile he has been trying to state his own motives and its gotten the tiniest fraction of coverage;

>"I disagree with the government's policies... The media outlets are being shut down. Why is RTVS under attack? Why was Mazak fired?"


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May 16 2024 07:11am
The assassin Juraj Cintula was also politically engaged before the assassination of the prime minister.

He also came to the place where Robert Fico's cabinet was meeting in Dolna Krupa.
This happened on 4/24. A handful of protesters, including Cintula, shouted words like "Long live Ukraine", "Traitors" or "Enough of Fica". They also had banners in support of RTVS.

Source: tvnoviny.sk

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May 16 2024 08:14am
Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin hailed the erosion of US petrodollar hegemony today, with prepared remarks noting 90% of Russia-China trade is conducted in Ruble/RMB, calling de-dollarization inevitable;
“A powerful impetus to expand our trade flows was given by our timely joint decision to ensure that transactions are conducted in national currencies. As of today, 90% of all payments are made in rubles and yuan,” the Russian president said.
The Russian president has said that while Moscow has never sought the “dedollarization” of the national or international economy, this process is “inevitable.” Putin has particularly rebuked Washington for using its currency as a “tool of combat,” which he said is undermining global confidence.

I'm curious, at what point do the proponents of the Ukraine proxy war admit its been a catastrophe for US national interests?
At what point will people fess up and mea culpa like they did for Iraq and Afghanistan, and for a lesser account Syria and Yemen and Libya

The writing is on Belshazzar's wall, and I could always explain why this was such an unforced error even before it began but now we're just being thumped over the head with our failure. Russia is winning the war, the world is aligned against us, we're losing our leverage. And its not like the Ukrainians are better off for it lmao
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May 16 2024 10:32am
Quote (Goomshill @ May 16 2024 03:14pm)
Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin hailed the erosion of US petrodollar hegemony today, with prepared remarks noting 90% of Russia-China trade is conducted in Ruble/RMB, calling de-dollarization inevitable;

I'm curious, at what point do the proponents of the Ukraine proxy war admit its been a catastrophe for US national interests?
At what point will people fess up and mea culpa like they did for Iraq and Afghanistan, and for a lesser account Syria and Yemen and Libya

The writing is on Belshazzar's wall, and I could always explain why this was such an unforced error even before it began but now we're just being thumped over the head with our failure. Russia is winning the war, the world is aligned against us, we're losing our leverage. And its not like the Ukrainians are better off for it lmao

At the point the de-dollarization is actually a reality. Its not. So not now, or soon.
Global trade benefits from transparent and stable currency. The Chinese and Russians heavily, heavily manipulate their currencies and with authoritarian cults of personality come unpredictable outcomes and potentials.
That ain't attractive for third parties.

Ukraine still exists because of their will to fight. Otherwise the whole region becomes the Russian federation.
Its not really our place and certainly not yours, to decide if Ukrainians are better off. Its up to them.

This post was edited by Prox1m1ty on May 16 2024 10:33am
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May 16 2024 11:12am
Quote (Goomshill @ May 16 2024 08:14am)
Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin hailed the erosion of US petrodollar hegemony today, with prepared remarks noting 90% of Russia-China trade is conducted in Ruble/RMB, calling de-dollarization inevitable;

I'm curious, at what point do the proponents of the Ukraine proxy war admit its been a catastrophe for US national interests?
At what point will people fess up and mea culpa like they did for Iraq and Afghanistan, and for a lesser account Syria and Yemen and Libya

The writing is on Belshazzar's wall, and I could always explain why this was such an unforced error even before it began but now we're just being thumped over the head with our failure. Russia is winning the war, the world is aligned against us, we're losing our leverage. And its not like the Ukrainians are better off for it lmao

im a laymen to be sure, but isn't a lot of this due to the increased % of US reserves released to be used domestically, rather than importing foreign oil?

im not even as concerned with China's massive leap in oil refineries. its just a signal of their domestic industrialization and increased number of cars.

in short why is the USA, which has massive oil reserves and refinery capabilities (as of now still slightly ahead of china), buying oil from foreign producers seen as a good thing? isnt petro independence a good thing to strive for in an increasingly pretro-lessened world? or does it somehow serve the US's interests to buy foreign shipped in oil, hold oil in reserves, and then sell to the world once we more fully implement electric vehicles?
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