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Apr 13 2020 02:26pm
Quote (theCrossbones @ Apr 13 2020 04:14pm)
no there is no debating somebody that just cherry picks what they want. Its a waste of my time.
tRUmp supporter are clearly a cult. Most of them can't even criticize him for claiming the antibiotics cannot keep up with the smart virus. (paraphrase)
Look like ALL sorts of trump family BS all your focused on is Comey.. Just as I already knew.
I'm sure Comey broke the same rules going after HRC, were you on here bitching away? probably not.. You should petition investigation #28 on her.

Comey did not break the same rules, and yes i was on here bitching.. this thread is old, but that discussion is older.
edit: good chance a lot of that is mid-way through this thread. a lot of this wasn't substantiated until the IG's investigation into the handling of the mid-year investigation. a lot just wasn't even know until that report to even complain about.

Comey neglected to review "key" evidence in the Clinton investigation. they used fabricated evidence they knew to be false, paid for by Clinton, to get FISA warrants on members of the Trump campaign. as well as alter and exclude evidence to continue obtaining those warrants.
Comey helped to narrate fake investigations while squashing real ones. (so badly that they had to re-open the Clinton investigation "again" to fail to review the evidence "again")
to Ice's point. Comey also found "actual" criminal charges and gave immunity instead of indictments. (deleting emails after subpoenaed, erasing data from federally owned equipment) you'd think that deserves a bit of criticism though since the team failed to "and" admitted they did not look at evidence provided.

This post was edited by tagged4nothing on Apr 13 2020 02:39pm
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Apr 13 2020 02:39pm
Quote (tagged4nothing @ Apr 13 2020 01:26pm)
Comey did not break the same rules, and yes i was on here bitching.. this thread is old, but that discussion is older.

Comey neglected to review "key" evidence in the Clinton investigation. they used fabricated evidence they knew to be false, paid for by Clinton, to get FISA warrants on members of the Trump campaign. as well as alter and exclude evidence to continue obtaining those warrants.
Comey helped to narrate fake investigations while squashing real ones. (so badly that they had to re-open the Clinton investigation "again" to fail to review the evidence "again")
to Ice's point. Comey also found "actual" criminal charges and gave immunity instead of indictments. (deleting emails after subpoenaed, erasing data from federally owned equipment) you'd think that deserves a bit of criticism though since the team failed to "and" admitted they did not look at evidence provided.

I havent been a part of these discussion long enough to be part of the past.. However among friends etc.. I always say any official that is breaking the rules needs to be punished. HRC/TDS/Comey I don't care who it is.
Put ALL of them in jail, it would go a long way to making our political landscape better imo. Too many one sided arguments..
IE: Benghazi- 4 sad deaths.. 18 months of militant craziness trying to fry HRC
COVID: Meh how would trump know? *despide many warnings. He should be held responsible for not acting soon enough.
Both are different but they have one thing in common. Person in charge was warned.. and did nothing to protect American lives

This post was edited by theCrossbones on Apr 13 2020 02:39pm
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Apr 13 2020 02:48pm
Quote (theCrossbones @ Apr 13 2020 04:39pm)
I havent been a part of these discussion long enough to be part of the past.. However among friends etc.. I always say any official that is breaking the rules needs to be punished. HRC/TDS/Comey I don't care who it is.
Put ALL of them in jail, it would go a long way to making our political landscape better imo. Too many one sided arguments..
IE: Benghazi- 4 sad deaths.. 18 months of militant craziness trying to fry HRC
COVID: Meh how would trump know? *despide many warnings. He should be held responsible for not acting soon enough.
Both are different but they have one thing in common. Person in charge was warned.. and did nothing to protect American lives

Trump was literally called racist for closing travel as early as he did. he was called racist for putting together a task-force team.
China lied about how the virus was transmitted, they lied about when it started, they lied about number of infected. the WHO has defended China even throughout this bs.

Trump and everyone was given false information. he's also started counter-measures that have continued to address needs.
do you not remember Biden and Sanders both criticizing Trump for his racist travel and border closings?
you are trying to use hindsight and a blurred sense of the time-line to accuse Trump of things. while at the same time, refusing to acknowledge that maybe the lies spouted by Chinese Government and WHO could effect decisions made by other countries.

putting the blame on Trump, "imo" is ignoring literally everything that's been happening to focus on a couple sound-bites.
something to note, is that "left-MSM" has been accusing Trump of being an authoritarian leader, when right now they complain that he hasn't taken away enough rights or fast enough.

This post was edited by tagged4nothing on Apr 13 2020 02:52pm
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Apr 13 2020 02:52pm
Quote (tagged4nothing @ Apr 13 2020 03:48pm)
Trump was literally called racist for closing travel as early as he did. he was called racist for putting together a task-force team.

Somebody being "called racist" isn't a meaningful metric for anything. Anybody can call anybody racist for any reason, and in a country of 300+ million you're always going to get called racist by somebody.

So instead of saying "Trump got called racist blah blah blah" try to cite the specific group or person who called him racist and tell us why that person is a problem.

If you do a little bit more leg work then your points will be a lot more effective.

This post was edited by Thor123422 on Apr 13 2020 02:52pm
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Apr 13 2020 02:54pm
Quote (tagged4nothing @ Apr 13 2020 01:48pm)
Trump was literally called racist for closing travel as early as he did. he was called racist for putting together a task-force team.
China lied about how the virus was transmitted, they lied about when it started, they lied about number of infected. the WHO has defended China even throughout this bs.

Trump and everyone was given false information. he's also started counter-measures that have continued to address needs.
do you not remember Biden and Sanders both criticizing Trump for his racist travel and border closings?
you are trying to use hindsight and a blurred sense of the time-line to accuse Trump of things. while at the same time, refusing to acknowledge that maybe the lies spouted by Chinese Government and WHO could effect decisions made by other countries.

putting the blame on Trump, imo is ignoring literally everything that's been happening to focus on a couple sound-bites.

cherry picking again.. I care about what China did as far as the relationship goes.. I still say trump should of listened to the people warning him.
If i use your logic I could say HRC asked the R congress to allocate more funds they said NO. I'm not trying to deflect for my bro.
I don't care what Bernie and Biden said, they aren't the Pres.
I did not think there was anything wrong with the travel bans when it came to the virus
Warnings ignored --Trump
Task force gutted--Trump
1 month delayed actions--Trump

This post was edited by theCrossbones on Apr 13 2020 02:55pm
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Apr 13 2020 03:08pm
Quote (theCrossbones @ Apr 13 2020 04:54pm)
cherry picking again.. I care about what China did as far as the relationship goes.. I still say trump should of listened to the people warning him.
If i use your logic I could say HRC asked the R congress to allocate more funds they said NO. I'm not trying to deflect for my bro.
I don't care what Bernie and Biden said, they aren't the Pres.
I did not think there was anything wrong with the travel bans when it came to the virus
Warnings ignored --Trump
Task force gutted--Trump
1 month delayed actions--Trump

who gave these warnings, and what warnings?
the "task-force" wasn't gutted. you are thinking of a specific team, the responsibilities were still being addressed under a different bogus team-name. something which i just covered in another thread. i'll copy/pasta the post.

KRISTEN WELKER, NBC NEWS: Dr. Fauci said earlier this week that the lag in testing was in fact a failing. Do you take responsibility for that and when can you guarantee that every single American who needs a test will be able to have a test? What's the date of that?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Yeah. No, I don't take responsibility at all because we were given a set of circumstances and we were given rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time. It wasn't meant for this kind of an event with the kind of numbers that were talking about. And what we've done is redesigned it very quickly with the help of the people behind me and we are now in a very, very strong shape.

I think we'll be announcing, as I said Sunday night and this will start very quickly and we will have the ability to do in the millions over a very, very quick period of time. So no. And what we have done and we are going to be leaving a very indelible print for the future in case something like this happens again. But it was a--and that's not the fault of anybody. And frankly, the old system worked very well for smaller numbers, much smaller numbers, but not for these kind of numbers. Tony, maybe you'd like to say something.

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, CHIEF OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH: So just to reiterate what I said to many of you multiple times, it's the descent (PH) of a system. The system was not designed--for what it was designed for it worked very well. The CDC designed a good system. If you want to get the kind of blanket testing and availability that anybody can get it or you could even do surveillance to find out what the penetrance is, you have to embrace the private sector. And this is exactly what you're seeing because you can't do it without it. When I said that, I meant the system was not designed for what we need. Now looking forward, the system will take care of it.

on to "firing the response team"

Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer abruptly departed from his post leading the global health security team on the National Security Council in May 2018 amid a reorganization of the council by then-National Security Advisor John Bolton, and Ziemer’s team was disbanded. Tom Bossert, whom the Washington Post reported “had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks,” had been fired one month prior.

It’s thus true that the Trump administration axed the executive branch team responsible for coordinating a response to a pandemic and did not replace it, eliminating Ziemer’s position and reassigning others, although Bolton was the executive at the top of the National Security Council chain of command at the time.

it's your claim, as well as others, that Trump has failed us for not filling this position. the positions are bogus and being done by other positions with other bogus names instead. the responsibilities were still being addressed, as i can show you now.
When I joined the National Security Council staff in 2018, I inherited a strong and skilled staff in the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate. This team of national experts together drafted the National Biodefense Strategy of 2018 and an accompanying national security presidential memorandum to implement it; an executive order to modernize influenza vaccines; and coordinated the United States’ response to the Ebola epidemic in Congo, which was ultimately defeated in 2020.

It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, congressional oversight committees and members of the Obama administration itself all agreed the NSC was too large and too operationally focused (a departure from its traditional role coordinating executive branch activity). As The Post reported in 2015, from the Clinton administration to the Obama administration’s second term, the NSC’s staff “had quadrupled in size, to nearly 400 people.” That is why Trump began streamlining the NSC staff in 2017.


edit: just an extra.
don't you find it odd that he's even able to get warnings if he "dissolved the team in charge of it"?

This post was edited by tagged4nothing on Apr 13 2020 03:13pm
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Apr 13 2020 03:56pm
Quote (tagged4nothing @ Apr 13 2020 02:08pm)
who gave these warnings, and what warnings?
the "task-force" wasn't gutted. you are thinking of a specific team, the responsibilities were still being addressed under a different bogus team-name. something which i just covered in another thread. i'll copy/pasta the post.


on to "firing the response team"

it's your claim, as well as others, that Trump has failed us for not filling this position. the positions are bogus and being done by other positions with other bogus names instead. the responsibilities were still being addressed, as i can show you now.


edit: just an extra.
don't you find it odd that he's even able to get warnings if he "dissolved the team in charge of it"?

Snopes labels it as TRUE don't know if you didn't read or agreeing.
RealClearPolitics (RCP) is a conservative political news site an,<-- of course the will label in favor of cult leader.
On Jan. 18, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar
On Jan. 27, White House aides met with then-acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to try to get senior officials to take the virus threat more seriously
On Jan. 29, economic adviser Peter Navarro warned the White House in a memo addressed to the National Security Council that COVID-19 could take more than half a million American lives and cause nearly $6 trillion in economic damage.
On Jan. 30, Azar warned Trump in a subsequent call that the virus could become a pandemic and that China should be criticized for its lack of transparency, per the Times. Trump dismissed Azar as alarmist and rejected the idea of criticizing China.
Jan. 30, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global health emergency. WHO has only done so five times since gaining that power in 2005.
On Feb. 5, senators urged the administration in a briefing to take the virus more seriously and asked if additional funds were necessary. The administration made no requests at the time for emergency funding.
On Feb. 14, a memo was drafted by health officials in coordination with the National Security Council that recommended the targeted use of "quarantine and isolation measures," per the Times. Officials planned to present Trump with the memo when he returned from India on Feb. 25, but the meeting was canceled.
On Feb. 21, the White House coronavirus task force conducted a mock exercise of the pandemic. The group concluded that the U.S. would need to implement aggressive social distancing, even if it caused mass disruption to the economy and American lives, per the Times.
On Feb. 23, Navarro doubled down on his warnings in another memo, this time addressed to the president, stating that up to 2 million Americans could die of the virus.
On Feb. 25, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Nancy Messonnier publicly warned of the virus threat and said "we need to be preparing for significant disruption in our lives.” Trump reportedly called Azar fuming that Messonnier had scared people unnecessarily and caused the stock market to plummet, per the Times.
Anthony Fauci said on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday that "no one is going to deny" that more lives could have been saved if the Trump administration had implemented social distancing guidelines earlier on.

The one and only time I'm going to waste my time.. again with the cherry picking.
Go ahead and do more gymnastics.. Just admit he fucked up the beginning of this.
It's obvious and a waste of time to keep talking in circles.
to your point about getting the waring.. HE DID NOTHING except travel restrictions.
The response had a plan laid out.. if they followed it we would be better off FACT

This post was edited by theCrossbones on Apr 13 2020 03:58pm
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Apr 13 2020 04:23pm
Quote (theCrossbones @ Apr 13 2020 05:56pm)
Snopes labels it as TRUE don't know if you didn't read or agreeing.
RealClearPolitics (RCP) is a conservative political news site an,<-- of course the will label in favor of cult leader.
On Jan. 18, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar
On Jan. 27, White House aides met with then-acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to try to get senior officials to take the virus threat more seriously
On Jan. 29, economic adviser Peter Navarro warned the White House in a memo addressed to the National Security Council that COVID-19 could take more than half a million American lives and cause nearly $6 trillion in economic damage.
On Jan. 30, Azar warned Trump in a subsequent call that the virus could become a pandemic and that China should be criticized for its lack of transparency, per the Times. Trump dismissed Azar as alarmist and rejected the idea of criticizing China.
Jan. 30, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global health emergency. WHO has only done so five times since gaining that power in 2005.
On Feb. 5, senators urged the administration in a briefing to take the virus more seriously and asked if additional funds were necessary. The administration made no requests at the time for emergency funding.
On Feb. 14, a memo was drafted by health officials in coordination with the National Security Council that recommended the targeted use of "quarantine and isolation measures," per the Times. Officials planned to present Trump with the memo when he returned from India on Feb. 25, but the meeting was canceled.
On Feb. 21, the White House coronavirus task force conducted a mock exercise of the pandemic. The group concluded that the U.S. would need to implement aggressive social distancing, even if it caused mass disruption to the economy and American lives, per the Times.
On Feb. 23, Navarro doubled down on his warnings in another memo, this time addressed to the president, stating that up to 2 million Americans could die of the virus.
On Feb. 25, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Nancy Messonnier publicly warned of the virus threat and said "we need to be preparing for significant disruption in our lives.” Trump reportedly called Azar fuming that Messonnier had scared people unnecessarily and caused the stock market to plummet, per the Times.
Anthony Fauci said on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday that "no one is going to deny" that more lives could have been saved if the Trump administration had implemented social distancing guidelines earlier on.

The one and only time I'm going to waste my time.. again with the cherry picking.
Go ahead and do more gymnastics.. Just admit he fucked up the beginning of this.
It's obvious and a waste of time to keep talking in circles.

no, i just left out the part of that post that i pointed out how manipulative snopes was. it was part of what lead to the links that followed. (it's a fair point-out since you were missing context, but it's obviously contradicting to what actually happened)

look up to Jan 30th.
On Jan. 30, Azar warned Trump in a subsequent call that the virus could become a pandemic and that China should be criticized for its lack of transparency, per the Times. Trump dismissed Azar as alarmist and rejected the idea of criticizing China

this helps to back up my claim that the false numbers released by the CCP, had effect on countries decisions world-wide. (one most helpful, would have been to know that the virus could lay dormant for an avg of 2 weeks and still infect people. that creates a huge "lag" in information gathered.)

now for everything after this, your examples are again using hind-sight and i'll explain. these people are suggesting the "virus is serious", and they were obviously right. but what recommendations are they making?
Trump has already closed travel with numerous countries at this point, he left and continues to leave a lot of decisions to the State leaders.

all of this leading to Feb. 25th: when everyone used hind-sight to ask a question of Fauci, which is fine, but...
On Feb. 25, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Nancy Messonnier publicly warned of the virus threat and said "we need to be preparing for significant disruption in our lives.” Trump reportedly called Azar fuming that Messonnier had scared people unnecessarily and caused the stock market to plummet, per the Times.
Anthony Fauci said on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday that "no one is going to deny" that more lives could have been saved if the Trump administration had implemented social distancing guidelines earlier on.

these "social-distancing measures" have completely shut down our economy. we did this to "flatten the curve" so our hospitals weren't overwhelmed at 1 time. if you haven't noticed... the line is flattening and our system is not overwhelmed (as a whole, there are exceptions, but even NY is generally able to take the up-keep).
all of this is using hind-sight to say "we could have saved more lives". we are in a very possible situation to lose many more lives than that through continued "extreme measures" currently in place. (even ignoring future consequences, everything is built on hind-sight when Trump was given contradicting evidence and suggestions from within our government and other countries governments)

---adding off-topic: it's a bit hot in the room today.

This post was edited by tagged4nothing on Apr 13 2020 04:32pm
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Apr 16 2020 04:46pm
In other Russiagate related news...

Judge denies Roger Stone a new trial. The cult propaganda works in the minds of cultists. It doesn't work on pandemics, and it doesn't work on judges. :thumbsup:
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