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Posts: 53,338
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Mar 15 2019 03:04pm
Quote (IceMage @ 15 Mar 2019 09:11)
You Trump people pick a narrative and stick with it. It's similar to Russiagate... Trumpists developed an opinion on it over two years ago, and regardless of every new revelation of Russian contacts that were denied at the beginning of this, you guys still think it's a witch hunt started to try to take down a candidate/president.

DOJ did not shut down the Clinton investigation... it went on for over a year, a bunch of resources were committed to it, and if you actually listen to the people involved, it's understandable why they chose not to charge. Sure, disagree with the decision, but stop believing in debunked conspiracy theories.

hillary’s useful tool of a stan is still at it 3 years gone and 3000 bottles of shitty Chardonnay to wash down the pain
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Mar 15 2019 05:00pm
Quote (Surfpunk @ Mar 14 2019 07:54am)
And fuck this spam shitposting.

Make your own fucking thread.

The constant posting of mildly amusing but usually unfunny memes, videos or other pictures that are completely random or unrelated to any discussions.

Malignant narcissists aren’t always intellectual masterminds – many of them are intellectually lazy. Rather than taking the time to carefully consider a different perspective, they generalize anything and everything you say, making blanket statements that don’t acknowledge the nuances in your argument or take into account the multiple perspectives you’ve paid homage to. Better yet, why not put a label on you that dismisses your perspective altogether?

Russiagate is a MONDO SHIT-POST along with other factors upon the entire judicial process not unlike a DDoS attack to use up internal resources preventing functionality.
It is an exercise to distract the public to boot. A red-herring to any meaningful discussions of more urgent legal matters affecting the nation. The deep state's crimes for instance.
Russiagate is something to convince you that the cabal is opposed to each other instead of the power structure that exists as a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-party_state

The people have the power. Not the stinking government.
This thread is absolutely correct locale for facing the indicated dilemma of engineered perception. Suchlike being "fabricated" per Russiagate.
As is any venue where Diversion Tactics are being made use of by shills. Observe OP a shill for the establishment! A thrall!

Given the present political climate more critical issues should be ALWAYS be cultivated in any areas of political discussion when Russiagate is stenched out.
Disposing of aforesaid discharge is a misfortune. A theft of our cerebral resources. Furthermore theft of the judicial process is theft of the nation.
The judicial process is out of action. Every day piles up costs without which the nation would otherwise be without.
Do you think the judicial process is "working as intended"?
Just how many times did you click the https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Chat_Gem ???
Does it still entertain you?
You are NPCs. This is instructional warfare and this is how the game is coded. "Now mash on your dopamine button and occult the truth." Does not compute.
You do not own this web site or threads contained here in. Even if you payed 15 fg for the red, Italic and bold font. Which you did not. Cheap ass.

Russia along with these fauxproceedings are being used as a scapegoat to distract from the more serious crimes like the Treasonous Actions of Political Offcials. As stated in thread previously.
Russagate is a deflection from treasonous deeds. https://tealswan.com/resources/articles/deflection-the-coping-mechanism-from-hell-r234/
It is a sad thing watching you retards fall victim to it. This is not a partisan issue. It's a crime against each person save for those criminals involved. The cost is the nation.
And you sit idly in amusement?

The people voted to drain the swamp. Many crossed party lines to cast ballots. The people wanted a change in course away from tyranny.
Instead they are getting political theater of the swamp's flying monkeys circus in place of that with no change in trajectory.


Deliberate into their point of view for a moment if you can. They have the emotional development of toddlers it shouldn't be hard:
"Hillary took camp-ai-gn money from Saudi A-rabia! --> So if we make it look like Trumpy got away with taking camp-ai-gn money from Rus-sia. Hillary won't get in trouble!
Yippee! Now we get at the cookie jar when they ain't looking! *flying monkey victory dance* THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE ALL OF THE DAMN FUCKING COOKIES .
Russagate = REEmasony protecting its golden child monarchy. REEmasonry = flying monkeys.
That's what all this is about. Not hillary vs trump. Still in the back of many peoples minds... Russia vs Saudi campaign contributions. "I KNOW JOO ARE BUT WHAT AM I?"
Rather it's the whole agenda of the cabal's collective raiding of the cookie jar which is Our National Inheritance.
Connect the dots. FFS. This leads to wide spread leaking of technologies, espionage, robbing the tax payer, etc.. etc..

Taxation is Theft:
https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/112267/trump-largest-aid-package-israel/ JOHN MCSTAIN
The people voted for putting American interest first not this shit. Let the UK take care of their own colonly and deal with their drug cartels problems.
The United States should simply annex Mexico and be done with this shit.
Speaking of drug cartels. Drug addiction = Diversion Tactics
Guess who is behind this.
Who has a history of pushing addictive substances on populations as a means to control them? *Hints* opium,tobacco, alcohol !
DAH JOOS ? Or is it Anglos ? Both possibly?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco#History see:Popularization
The world's oldest brewery was discovered in 2018 in a prehistoric burial site in a cave near Haifa in Israel. Researchers have found residue of 13,000-year-old beer that they think might have been used for ritual feasts to honor the dead. The traces of a wheat-and-barley-based alcohol were found in stone mortars carved into the cave floor. It had been thought that beer-making originated in Babylon 5000 years ago[4]. This new discovery precedes that by 8000 years.

BABYLON. Look, we're connecting the dots!

Espionage leads to Theft of Technology which in turn leads to even more Espionage:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNk03iR5O4c TALPIOT PROGRAM
https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-firm-claims-to-find-critical-security-flaws-in-amd-chips/ (((hackers))) "Oy vey AMD chips are poison goyim! Give us sheckles for Istel chips!"
Obama Socialist. https://www.csis.org/analysis/president-obamas-second-order-cfius Or is it Obama Zionist?
Same end. Babylonian Money Magic.
https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/13/china-us-investment-788834 💩️

Definition: In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Conviction requires two witnesses or a confession in open court.[2]

Penalty: U.S. Code Title 18: Death,[8] or not less than 5 years' imprisonment and not more than life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (minimum fine of $10,000, if not sentenced to death). Any person convicted of treason against the United States will permanently lose the right to ever hold or run for public office anywhere in any capacity within the United States.[9][10]

Now ask.
Do you see any "participants" "levying war against the US" ? If so YOU are a witnesses? Get a fucking clue. Sheeple. Take to open courts. The "evidence" you need is all around you. Why do you need some talkingheads to do it for you?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes 💩️

Russiagate is about preserving the cabals global power. It's why Hillary stepped aside. The election of Trump threatened their control.
Not Trump himself who is plainly a flying monkey servant.
The last presidential election was a giant fuck you to the establishment from The People. For the cabal it was either political circus or swinging from a rope.

Don't ever vote rich people into power again if you want things to change. Those person got rich benefiting from the EXISTING conditions of society.
Be the change you want to see and run for office. Involve yourselves locally.
Help the worker just getting by. Not a person making empty promises to the workers to exploit them as a dictator. Not academicians. Not communists larping as humanitarians.
Campaign for the type of person who never gets a nomination under the conditions we have now if you want to see those conditions to change.
Put a empathic person in charge who works the hardest and gives the most back to society. Rather than to their "associates".

Do this instead of empowering assholes who bleed out the nation at each and every opportunity:

Source : US National Security and Foreign Direct Investment, Preview Chapter 2: The Exon-Florio Amendment
In 1983 President Ronald Reagan publicly announced, for the first
time by a US president, that the United States welcomed foreign invest-
ment, stating, “The United States believes that foreign investors should be
able to make the same kinds of investment, under the same conditions,
as nationals of the host country. Exceptions should be limited to areas of
legitimate national security concern or related interests.”

In February 2003, President
Bush added the DHS to CFIUS, shifting the committee’s balance of power
significantly in favor of agencies prioritizing security over economic pol-
icy considerations.

https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Executive_Order_12803 April 30, 1992 George H. W. Bush

Quote ( Benjamin Franklin)
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

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Mar 15 2019 05:54pm
Quote (TradeBot @ Mar 15 2019 06:00pm)

From your own fucking link:

Shit Posting
1: The failure to make a constructive post
2: The inability to add useful information to a forum
3: Worthless overly offensive generally racists posts written in a manner which aggravates others.

4: Nrom
"A rain of shit posting shall fall on this new section"

Like I said, make your own fucking thread.
Posts: 48,844
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Mar 15 2019 06:50pm
Quote (excellence @ Mar 15 2019 04:04pm)
hillary’s useful tool of a stan is still at it 3 years gone and 3000 bottles of shitty Chardonnay to wash down the pain

Reported for spam. Don't clog the thread with your boring shtick.
Posts: 57,901
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Mar 15 2019 06:53pm
Quote (IceMage @ Mar 15 2019 07:50pm)
Reported for spam. Don't clog the thread with your boring shtick.

Forgot /reported btw

Quote (excellence @ Mar 15 2019 04:04pm)
hillary’s useful tool of a stan is still at it 3 years gone and 3000 bottles of shitty Chardonnay to wash down the pain

If you buy it by the box it's easier to stockpile.

This post was edited by Skinned on Mar 15 2019 06:54pm
Posts: 34,226
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Mar 15 2019 07:30pm
Quote (IceMage @ Mar 15 2019 10:58am)
I don't have a conspiratorial view of government. Republicans do. They see suspect behavior(IRS, Benghazi, Clinton email), then Congress and/or DOJ investigates, and if the findings absolve the people involved of criminal wrongdoing, you guys just stick your heads in the sand.

First, it was Obama's political hacks at DOJ who rigged the investigation and declined to charge. Now that Trump's appointees are at DOJ, you have to make up some fictional deep state that won't pursue the righteous prosecution of Hillary. It's honestly a little sad... even smart Republicans have become extremely detached from reality.

E - Speaking of DOJ treating the powerful with kid gloves... why hasn't the president been interviewed by the Special Counsel? He golfs every weekend... he should be able to sit down for 4 hours with Mueller. What about interviewing his kids? They were a part of the campaign.

A subordinate has no right to investigate his superior.
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Mar 15 2019 07:30pm
Quote (bogie160 @ Mar 15 2019 08:30pm)
A subordinate has no right to investigate his superior.

If the president does it then it isn't illegal. Ok Nixon. Lol.
Posts: 34,226
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Mar 15 2019 07:39pm
Quote (Skinned @ Mar 15 2019 08:30pm)
If the president does it then it isn't illegal. Ok Nixon. Lol.

Trump made decisions he is legally empowered to make; he's being questioned as to the motive behind said decisions.

Mueller is a lowly prosecutor, a biblical tax collector who performs a necessary but inglorious, sordid function. It's enough that he dreams of being something more, but please, know your place.

Posts: 48,844
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Mar 15 2019 07:40pm
Quote (bogie160 @ Mar 15 2019 08:30pm)
A subordinate has no right to investigate his superior.

Posts: 57,901
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Mar 15 2019 07:41pm
Quote (bogie160 @ Mar 15 2019 08:39pm)
Trump made decisions he is legally empowered to make; he's being questioned as to the motive behind said decisions.

Mueller is a lowly prosecutor, a biblical tax collector who performs a necessary but inglorious, sordid function. It's enough that he dreams of being something more, but please, know your place.

Depends on the evidence, bro. And I don't think this will take down Trump, just put a shade over everything he does. So does hiding his taxes even though it isn't illegal.

Quote (IceMage @ Mar 15 2019 08:40pm)

He is an admitted authoritarian. To debate him start from the position that man should be submissive by nature at least some other man. But even the sovereign has to submit to The Law.

This post was edited by Skinned on Mar 15 2019 07:43pm
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