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Mar 13 2019 10:15am
Quote (IceMage @ Mar 13 2019 09:06am)

So that's 43 months additional time on top of the EDVA sentence, for a total of 90 months, or 7.5 years. He gets credit for time served, will get good-time credit of up to 15%, and may get additional credit under the new and untested First Step Act.

Seems reasonable.

All the best to his kids and loved ones. Hopefully he survives his time and they get to spend free time with him again before he passes
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Mar 13 2019 10:19am
Quote (Beowulf @ Mar 13 2019 11:15am)
All the best to his kids and loved ones. Hopefully he survives his time and they get to spend free time with him again before he passes

He'll be indicted this Friday or next with conspiracy charges... so he's going to die in prison.
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Mar 13 2019 10:44am
Quote (excellence @ 13 Mar 2019 16:35)
3 strikes law for misdemeanors and non-violent crimes is a product of Clinton (D) and California (D) 'idealism'. one of the (D) candidates for President, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) loved to lock minorities up and permanently separate families for smoking weed in their spare time under this three strikes law as Deputy DA in the 1990s, even though she bragged about smoking weed while 'listening to Tupac and Snoop Dogg albums' during her college years in the mid-1980s

30 years old story and US is still #1 incarceration rate.
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Mar 13 2019 10:57am

Paul J. Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, has been charged in New York with mortgage fraud and more than a dozen other state felonies, the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., said Wednesday, an effort to ensure he will still face prison time if Mr. Trump pardons him for his federal crimes.

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Mar 13 2019 08:00pm
Quote (Santara @ Mar 11 2019 05:26pm)
Not at all. For the convictions to mean something as they pertain to Russia, they would need to be convicted of crimes involving Russia. Not crimes involving lying about not-illegal activity. Actual illegal activity. Like espionage.


Crimes of sedition and espionage come second to those of treason.
Many officials should be put on trial for their Treasonous Criminal Actions.
Treason is to be dealt with swiftly and to the full consequences of law.
Examples must be made of officials who engage in treason. Public examples. Where the public can throw rotten food at them before sentencing is carried out.
Treason is not to be tolerated. Spectacle should be made of it to set it to memory. It is the most serious of crimes. And for good reason.
It dishonors our fallen dead and it squanders the sacrifices made for the liberties and freedoms we each possess as a people.

Do you know what the legal penalty is for TREASON ?
And what qualifies as treason? If not it's time you looked into it.

*Hint* ISIS, and Saudi Arabia are not allies to our the nation, our people.
Why are political officials giving them weapons of mass destruction!?
https://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=80688291&f=119 Why was this thread locked down by mods?!
https://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78527902&f=119&p=530199352#p530199352 👽️


Neither are the UK and Israel for that matter who use our people as cannon fodder in wars for profit via REEmason Zionist dual-citizen politicians who's strings are pulled on like puppets to make them dance. Attachment's frequently made at college universities through fraternities.
Fraternities should be outlawed for the criminal element they breed in society. Fascism, racism, discrimination towards the impoverished.
Frats are effectively educated gangs.
Accurate metaphor? Care to suggest another?

REEmasons = serve royal family's interest or rather among them are members of royal family. They serve ego. Acting on behalf of self-interest.
REEmasons = Nazis
REEmasons = Zionists
REEmasons = eugenics
REEmasons = planned parenthood
REEmasons = Occultists i.e. the anti-Illuminati. They labor to occult the evolution of human consciousness and spiritual development.
Zionists = Serve Israel interests. Which means they serve the United Kingdom's colony's interest. Not Jewish culture's interests. *see line above*
The UK has hijacked Jewish culture and made them an nonspiritual people. Furthering their confinement to Babylonian-ism and the resulting Talmudic doctrine.
See how it all connects?

UK is not our ally. UK will be the first rat to leave the ship when it is sinking because it sunk that ship --> Brexit.
UK is behind the global migrant crisis and blame it on their favorite scapegoat. The Jews. Jews don't get off Scott-free.
Talmudic Jew❌️ Torah Spiritual Jew✔️ know the difference. The former is part of the criminal cabal.
The former is behind the majority of things Jews think anti-Semites are persecuting them over.
They are mistaken it is not "anti-semitism" it is reaction to Jews own anti-culturalism of other peoples cultures.
Their own Talmud is in itself the true anti-semitism and a bastardization of Jewish Culture.
Talmudic Jews are themselves being anti-semites through following the Talmud. A doctrine divorced from The Creator. Replacing spirituality with materialism.
It destabilizes their own culture and those of others which they have relations with. This is what must change to stabilize our relations.

Migrant crisis is a agenda to destabilize western civilizations for purposes of imperialism and globalization.
But truth is to be said. The United States has been taken over by REEmasons using our nation's resources to enact the aforementioned agenda.
What our nation is suppose to be A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC is no longer what it functions under. a SIMILAR DYNAMIC to what Jewish culture is suppose to be it no longer is..
All cultures are being debased by these materialistic imperialists.
The United States is under imperial rule due to treasonous influences from within. Namely REEmasonry. Academic extremism which promotes a bourgeois elite.
All these parties are pushing for a one world government ruled by the United Kingdom via monarchy. Proclaiming their blood line as being chosen as they work against spirituality. They are a unholy cabal of satanic criminal loonies. Criminals both in the spiritual sense and the legal.

Do you see how it all connects yet?
Do you see what the evil criminal cabal has been up to with all of humanity? ITS DAH JOOS? Partly.
Rethink who your enemies are. I have.
Who is kiking who here? Hitler was a Occultist. That perverted knowledge for purposes of materialism and called it spiritual.
Same as modern religions are doing.
WWII was not "won" by defeating the ebil Nazis like you are taught in history books. Sorry not sorry. The reality is they were controlled opposition.
Those same influences are very much alive in society today. Humanity is still being ruled by narcs rather than empaths.
Which are types of beings. Rather than "feels" or "states of mind". They are both.

Loving your enemies. Is a very effective psychopolitical technique.
Doing so only shows your foes your pussy side. It's like lifting weights. All you give them to train against are pink sissy dumbbells meant for walking in yoga pants.
Sexy! 😻️
The flip side of which is fearing your friends. You give your friends your fear.
And with massive weights you train together. It is helical argumentation, Euclidean displacement.
Blackpills are good for you. If you took both of the others. You have immunity.
The key is knowing when to bluepill and when to redpill YOURSELVES. IT'S AN ENGINE. FOR YOUR MINDS. WITHOUT DRUGS.
"And in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of
man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash
around his chest. The hairs of his head were white,
like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame
of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in
a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters"



Back on topic... 😎️

On the matter of sedition, these officials swore oaths to us for the offices of which they hold. Oaths which they now break.
It's time these oaths were taken seriously, and legally enforced. This Government owes THE PEOPLE its loyalty. Not the other way around.
The United States is not to be a Monarchy. It is a Constitutional Republic. It does not recognize the Nobility of politicians related to noble bloodlines. Right? 😑️
Everyone is to be held to the same standards of law. 😒️ Yes?
Get your heads screwed on straight. It's time to remind them who is in charge again and to kick these tyrants asses out on the street.


Law should exist to protect the sovereignty of our people those laws which change the polarity of this are intended to subvert our liberty and freedoms.
i.e. laws for espionage for example: are established as against "the government" rather than as espionage against "the citizen".
Enacting such laws in are themselves acts of sedition against us. The government is our property. Not the other way around.
Is a reversal on everything this nation The United States was founded upon. The government is not a citizen. It is not a property owner. It is a property.
etc.. etc..
Though it appears to have convinced you it is a owner. Your owner.
Who owns lands like national forests in practice? You? The State? Try again.
The government should be the transparent entity, and the citizen a private one.

“Love your brother like your life! Protect him like the apple of your eye!”
“You see the splinter that is in your brother’s eye, but you do not see the beam that is in your (own) eye. When you remove the beam from your (own) eye, then you will see clearly (enough) to remove the splinter from your brother’s eye.”

Santara is a little dog which begs at the table and is to stupid to see the steak placed in his dish. Now he and kitteh are about to be put back on a proper diets for wasting food and are under the delusion master's table doesn't have steak anymore.
You are what you eat.

It is sicking that you surrender cucks keep selling us out for giebmedats. Stop blaming those behaviors on minorities. It is you that are the thieves.
Every tax dollar you take from this thieving government is theft to another of your citizens. Stop stealing from each other. It enslaves you.
It replaces you as sovereigns of our nation and places government as sovereign in your stead.

A criminal government with a great deal of malicious conduct to hide from us.

What does the government have to hide? Oh.. The Freemasons Tie to the UK,
9/11 and ISIS were inside jobs,
as were various
assassinations/attempts Malcolm X, JFK, MLK, Many persons in entertainment industries, Ronald Reagan, all done by the same cabal of people.
If Ronald Reagan would have died who would have been POTUS sooner? FYI, Ronald Regan was an occultist and part of the cabal.
Yep. Freemasons and Nazis. Same thing really. Take it from the horses own mouth. They seek to repent.
Rather the unlawful legal system treats "the government" as the private entity and "the citizen" as transparent entities. This is a reversal of the fourth amendment.
By these criminal parasites infesting our government. The sort of assholes who flash 👌️ at us every time they talk. Hi Satan. Hi Materialistic NARCS.

Our citizens cannot sign away their constitutional rights. Contracts formulate law. As such are bound to the full spectrum of the law. Our Constitution.
Any entity which attempts to involve us in such trickery is guilty of sedition under our laws.
Laws which remove our constitutional rights are: nullified, void and legally unenforceable. THAT is the law in The Constitution. The Constitution is our law. Not the dumb shit these talking heads try to pull over on us.
Those who attempt to subvert us through such methods and carry out trickery on us should be dealt with harshly. They are merchants of snake oils.

Mega corps are carrying out espionage against our people.
Plenty of info graphics out there showing who they are and what is behind them.
These corps collect information on the consumer then sell that data in the global marketplace. Effectively it is espionage packaged as "business" dealings.
"muh free-market" Fuck your free-market. And fuck your self-interest "ego" along with it. Both invest in theft of national inheritance for the coming generations of the people for short term personal gains of the greedy.

This post was edited by TradeBot on Mar 13 2019 08:27pm
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Mar 14 2019 06:56am
NBC Politics

NEW: Andrew Weissmann, Special Counsel Mueller’s top prosecutor, is leaving the office in the coming weeks, a source close to Weissmann tells @NBCNews.

And David Archey, Mueller's top FBI investigator, has also left the team, as he was named as FBI Richmond agent in charge.


Maybe there won't be any conspiracy charges after all. Hopefully something big happens tomorrow.
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Mar 14 2019 07:54am
Quote (TradeBot @ Mar 13 2019 09:00pm)
"muh free-market" Fuck your free-market. And fuck your self-interest "ego" along with it. Both invest in theft of national inheritance for the coming generations of the people for short term personal gains of the greedy.

And fuck this spam shitposting.

Make your own fucking thread.
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Mar 14 2019 09:09am

WASHINGTON — House Republicans joined Democrats on Thursday to overwhelmingly demand the Department of Justice release to Congress and the public the full findings of the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and the possible involvement of President Trump’s campaign.

Though the resolution is nonbinding and cannot force the Justice Department to take an particular action, Democrats who put it on the House floor are trying to build public pressure on Attorney General William P. Barr in advance of the investigation’s anticipated conclusion to share what Robert S. Mueller III produces. Far from standing in the way, Republicans joined Democrats en masse. On the 420-0 vote, four Republicans voted present.

Good. I'm honestly a little surprised there aren't cultists in Congress arguing against releasing a report.
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Mar 14 2019 09:12am
Quote (IceMage @ Mar 14 2019 08:09am)

Good. I'm honestly a little surprised there aren't cultists in Congress arguing against releasing a report.

doesn't really benefit anyone to not release it

both sides that want to push narratives instead of find truth are going to use whatever is shown to feed their bases with confirmation bias

that's easier to do with words that can be twisted and imaginations stoked than nothing at all
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Mar 14 2019 02:39pm
Quote (IceMage @ Mar 14 2019 10:09am)

Good. I'm honestly a little surprised there aren't cultists in Congress arguing against releasing a report.

Lindsey Graham(head of senate judiciary committee) blocked the bill because he wants a second Special Counsel appointed to look into right-wing nutter nonsense.
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