Quote (ferdia @ Jul 12 2023 11:48am)
Apologies, that information was also in the article but i snipped it.
Another Scott Ritter video. I invite people to watch the first 90 seconds and pay attention to the time frame.
That dude is too one sided, just like McGreggor. The moderator doesn't ask any critical questions at all. He is using hindsight as argument. Typical US media reporting, if you ask me.
My PoV:
USA gambled and thought Russia would be scared away by sanctions etc. Russia actually invaded and went for Kiev. Then the US + friends thought, if we can't have Ukraine in Nato, let's demilitarize Russia ( let Russia bleed until the last Ukrainian).
That plan backfired as well. European Nato partners were demilitarized instead AND Russian army is getting real time combat experience in modern warfare, something no Nato army does. We need 5years at least to refill everything.
It's high time to drop Ukraine. That Nato summit was the start. The other more telling part is what is being sent to Ukraine. Cluster shells are actually inferior to normal ones ( think of it as poison or bleeding damage in D2 instead of outright damage). With the weapons being delivered Ukraine can't win. The only option left is Nato intervention, not going to happen in 1000 years.
Also, the real US aim has always been placing American fleet with an American base in Sewastopol to make Russia land locked. That's why the US lost interest in Ukraine as soon as retaking Crimea became impossible.